Quinta-feira, 30 de Janeiro de 2020

Toda a vida deve ser honrada.

A Raça Felina.

Canalização de Galaxygirl.

a 27 de janeiro de 2020.

Traduzido a 29 de janeiro de 2020



Nós somos a raça felina.

Somos guerreiros, somos fortes. Nós estamos guardando seu mundo, trabalhando na superfície dele e dentro dele, limpando, limpando, destruindo tudo o que não é da luz. Nós somos rápidos. Nós somos fortes. Nós gostamos de nossas formas felinas. É uma grande honra estar dentro de nossos vasos, assim como é uma tremenda honra estar encarnado como humano em Gaia ascendente. Vocês estão aqui para emprestar sua luz. Estamos aqui para emprestar nosso poder, nossa proteção. Vocês podem nos chamar. Vocês podem trabalhar conosco. Estamos trabalhando com vocês em seu estado astral, provavelmente quando nos associamos, abrindo caminho para que ainda haja mais luz.

Nós somos a raça felina.

Nossos corações se dedicam aos reinos animais afetados pelos incêndios mais recentes na Austrália. Os animais precisam ser protegidos. As formas de vida de Gaia devem ser mantidas com reverência e respeito. Toda a vida deve ser honrada. Aqueles que estão inescrupulosamente no comando têm apenas eles mesmos e sua própria sobrevivência em mente. Isso está sendo remediado enquanto falamos através deste. Fazemos parte de muitas missões secretas de operações negras. As galácticas estão acordadas e conscientes, patrulhando seu planeta, assim como estamos na sua superfície fazendo o mesmo. E ainda as lutas sombrias. A escuridão faz o que faz, resiste à luz, até que a luz a reivindique. Isso está acontecendo.

Nós somos a raça felina.

O que você gostaria de saber sobre nós Galaxygirl? Você está satisfeita com o progresso atual da ascensão planetária? Não é do nosso interesse, como soldados, ficar satisfeitos com o progresso ou ficar descontentes. Simplesmente lutamos até que o objetivo seja alcançado. Estamos alcançando esse objetivo. Existe algo que nós, como trabalhadores da luz, precisamos fazer agora para estar seguros? Vocês têm muitas ofertas para protegê-los.

Abra-se a essa colaboração protetora, abençoe seu ambiente com paz, abençoe seus corpos com perfeita saúde e faça sua luz brilhar. Isso é tudo o que precisa ser feito. O medo não serve a vocês. Vocês trabalham com os reinos animais? Sim, pois estamos servindo para protegê-los e também oferecer transporte interdimensional para o oásis oculto em Gaia, onde os animais estão se curando, transformando-se em formas mais fortes.

Não tenham medo dessas mudanças na terra. Muita coisa está mudando.

Vocês viaram aqui para testemunhar a mudança de uma era e emprestar sua luz. Brilhem, humanos. Outros estão assistindo. Tudo está sendo gravado. Portanto, lutem bravamente, amem ferozmente, protejam rapidamente as crianças, os animais, o planeta. Sejam bons administradores dos recursos. Muitos estão assistindo. Sejam respeitosos com Gaia e com ela própria. Muitos estão vendo. Liderai fortemente. Muitos estão observando vocês liderar o processo de transição, pois sua vibração é a chave para esse sucesso. Qual é a sua altura? Temos 9 a 14 pés de altura, fêmeas, machos.

Você tem um relacionamento especial com os felinos de Gaia? Nós vemos os animais como nossos irmãos e irmãs. Gatos gaianos se parecem conosco geneticamente. Muitos de nós colocamos um aspecto de nós mesmos dentro de um gato doméstico, para que possamos aterrar ainda mais as energias na casa de um trabalhador da luz, para servir nessa capacidade. Outros são walk-ins (entrantes) híbridos como este é o gato. Somos capazes de compartilhar espaço dentro de um ser com os outros, para que possamos oferecer nossa luz e perspectiva de outra maneira. Somos multidimensionais como vocês, humanos.

Alguns de vocês estão ou já estiveram nessas formas felinas antes. Vocês encontrarão a vibração da nossa família. Outros não, e pararam de ler porque não ressoam. Chega por enquanto. Somos chamados em outro lugar. 

Paz. Fiquem em força. Guardem a luz dentro de vós e brilhem bem.

Nós somos a raça felina.

Nós nos vamos agora.



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:36
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Thought-Provoking TED Talk Shows What Power Our Words Actually Have

Sherrie Hurd.


Posted January 29th, 2020.


We speak, sometimes without even paying close attention to the words we say. Our words are sometimes babbling, and not really any form of instruction or description at all. After viewing a TED talk about language, I started to look differently at the way I formed my words.
Lera Boroditsky delves into the why we speak, how we speak, and the differences in cultural languages. This TED talk brings innovative ideas to wrap your brain around, but you will have to listen with your entire being to understand.
What happens when we talk?
Basically, we force air out of our mouths in different ways and the hisses, puffs and such travel through the air to others. When they enter the ears of other people, they hit the eardrum and are translated into thoughts. Because of language, we can transmit thoughts across vast distances.
There are around 7 thousand languages that are spoken all around the world. Each language works in a different manner. They aren’t just different numbers, letters or exclamations, and they also have different structures. They also come from different ways of thinking as well. So, we might ask ourselves, “do bilingual people have more than one way of thinking?”
Structures of language
One example of different structures of language comes from an aboriginal tribe in Australia. Instead of saying things like “Your left foot”, they would say, “your southeast foot”.
Also, instead of saying ‘hello’ when greeted, these natives ask you which way you are going. You may reply with “I am headed southeast.” Although this may sound incredibly strange, these aboriginal people are much better adapted to directions than many of us are. This is established with simple language.
Age progression and language
People of different languages think about time differently as well. If you looked at photographs of the aging progression of someone, and the youngest photo was on the left, English speakers would look from left to right. Other cultures may glance at the photos in the opposite direction.
As for the aboriginal people, they would order the photos in different ways according to their facing direction. So, to them, time is not locked within us, it is locked within the landscape…from east to west. Reminds you of the suns travel across the sky during a day, doesn’t it?
Understanding photos in language
If you saw a photo of a group of animals, as an English speaker, you would count them to know the number, right? Well, it isn’t the same with others. For those who weren’t taught the linguistic trick of counting with numbers, this might be difficult. After all, not everyone has the number “6” or “3”, so when matched with other photos of the same number of animals, they might not understand the point.
Language and color
For many people, there are numerous words for colors and shades of colors. For others, there are few names. On the other hand, in English when we say the overall color “blue”, Russian speakers have two separate words for light blues (goluboy) and dark blues (siniy). Because of this linguistic difference, Russians recognize and differentiate between light and dark blue much faster than English speakers.
Feminine and masculine
In some languages, nouns have genders. For instance, Spanish speakers see the sun as masculine and the moon as feminine. It’s the opposite for German speakers, with the moon being the masculine form and the sun feminine. This means that those who use masculine and feminine forms also use masculine and feminine descriptions when talking about them. If a bridge is considered masculine, then it might be called “strong or sturdy”…masculine words.
Languages and events
An event, such as an accident, is described differently according to different languages. If someone leans over and bumps a table, knocking over a lamp, an English speaker might say, “She broke the lamp”, while Spanish speakers may simply say, “the lamp broke”. According to Spanish people, accidents shouldn’t be correlated with someone doing something bad. English people remember who did it. Spanish people remember their intention.
The effects of language
Words are powerful, and now you can see how they have various effects from one culture to the other. They can have big effects, as they can decide how time works, they can have deep effects as they show the differences in how we understand quantity.
Language can govern how fast we differentiate between colors and how we perceive objects in our lives. And finally, words can shape how we feel about and how we handle situations and events. This includes blame and punishment, both decided by language.
So, you see, language isn’t just about speaking carelessly and understanding that there are various dialects. It’s about how we perceive these various languages. Unfortunately, we lose a different language about every week, and soon there will be a great reduction in the various cultural dialects. You have to ask yourself, what does this mean for the world.
I guess we have to wait and see.’


Sherrie Hurd



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:57
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A Vision for Relationships


The Vision Alignment Project


We see a world where people enter into loving relationships because they are intending to help and support each other in fulfilling whatever the other's dreams are; where all of the Old Ways that incurred obedience and obligation have gone away; where none need consult the blessings of any government in order to pledge their love or separate from one another; and where all men and women retain their personal freedom within the relationship.

We see a world where laws are not a consideration at all because we have evolved to the point where we are living in a loving world; where everyone is expressing their love freely; and where we understand that relationships may or may not last for the whole of one's life. Accordingly, we see a world where people who choose to go on with their lives alone, without the other, are free to do so. We do this because we have learned that sharing, letting go of our attachment, and giving freely of all things is how people who truly care for one another relate.


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


Tanks to  

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:54
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Schizotypal Personality Disorder Symptoms and How to Spot Them

Janey Davies.


January 29th, 2020.

schizotypal personality disorder symptoms.
We all have our little idiosyncrasies. However, when somebody starts to withdraw from society, speak, think, act and dress in an odd way, it is possible they are showing the symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder.
Before we start, it is worth mentioning that schizotypal personality disorder may share similar symptoms to other disorders. For example, schizophrenia and schizoid personality disorder. However, they are not the same. So how do you characterise the signs of this disorder?
Three Main Schizotypal Personality Disorder Symptoms
The symptoms can be broken down into three main groups:
  1. A limited capacity to form and maintain close relationships
  2. A distorted way of perceiving or thinking about events
  3. Exhibiting off-putting eccentric behaviour
However, to be diagnosed as having a schizotypal personality disorder, you have to suffer from at least 5 of the following symptoms:
  • Problems maintaining relationships outside of the family
  • Lives a hermit or loner lifestyle
  • Detached, isolated from society
  • Suffers from persistent social anxiety that does not decrease with familiarity
  • Social anxiety is connected to paranoia
  • Flat affect or emotions or inappropriate emotional reaction
  • Odd speech style, i.e. rambling incoherently, unusual way of talking
  • Off-putting odd and eccentric behaviour, beliefs, mannerisms or thinking
  • Dresses in a peculiar way, wearing outlandish, ill-matched or unkempt clothes
  • Misinterprets events, believes something that is meaningless has a direct impact on them
  • Paranoid and suspicious about those around them, questions loyalty
  • Magical thinking, superstitious, has a belief in clairvoyance and telepathy and the paranormal
  • Allows these beliefs to influence their thinking and judgment
  • Feels that they can influence events (ideas of reference)
  • An odd thinking style, for example, stereotypical, black and white thinking, vague, over-elaborates, metaphorical or circumstantial
  • Believes they can sense an absent person’s presence
These Symptoms in More Detail
Inability to form relationships
The major problem someone with this disorder faces is an inability to form close relationships. However, it is not surprising that the schizotypal person has problems with relationships. Consider the other presenting factors in this disorder.
For example, the odd speech and thinking, misinterpreting events and dressing in an eccentric manner. These all contribute to problems forming relationships. But are their problems due to theirdiscomfort managing these symptoms or the discomfort of others around them? Experts are not sure. I suspect it is a combination of the two.
Social Isolation
What experts do know is that a person suffering from schizotypal personality disorder feels anxious in social situations. It is likely, therefore, that alongside all the other social and personal deficits, they prefer their own company. This leads to a hermit or loner lifestyle.
As a result, this has a knock-on effect on relationships. They feel uncomfortable in social situations. Of course, this doesn’t help with forming close relationships. However, the main reason for this anxiety is paranoia and suspicion regarding other people’s behaviour towards them. Not the fact they feel shy and awkward in social situations.
Odd behaviour
There are many symptoms of odd behaviour that show up in schizotypal personality disorder. For example, a flat affect in speech is common. Others around them will think they are cold and aloofbecause of this.
Likewise, speaking inappropriately or showing the wrong emotion at the wrong time. A little like giggling at a funeral. The way they speak is also odd. They might use a lot of metaphors to converse, speak with a lot of useless nonsense or ramble on with too much detail.
Their dress will be mismatched or outlandish. They’ll think nothing of wearing pyjamas to the theatre or a ball gown to the supermarket. They might be dishevelled or dirty. They won’t care about personal hygiene, preferring to spend their time researching the important things like alien invasions and the end of the world.
Ideas of reference
People with a schizotypal personality disorder will often believe that meaningless events hold great significance, especially for them. It is as if they are being given clues and signs to interpret and only they can solve them. This is similar to ‘magical thinking’ where people believe that their thoughts, ideas, wishes or actions have the power to influence outside events.
I remember working in an office years ago and a guy I had worked only a few times with came up to me and asked if I had left an elastic band on his desk. I didn’t understand the question. He said the band was in the shape of a love heart and that he understood what I was trying to tell him.
Superstition is another symptom of schizotypal personality, alongside a preoccupation with the paranormal. People who suffer from this disorder are obsessed with clairvoyants, magic, numbers, the universe, and the unknown; anything that cannot be easily explained.
They may also hold odd beliefs; ones that do not conform to societal rules. But they won’t care what others think.
Odd thinking style
People with this disorder think differently to us. They might use black and white thinking, or perceive time and space in different terms (perpetual aberration). They also suffer from a concentration on physical symptoms, such as pain or fatigue (somatic symptoms), which then causes them great emotional distress.
They are often paranoid and believe in conspiracy theories, particularly relating outlandish tales about themselves. For example, they might suppose that an innocent phone call by a relative is talking about them to the CIA.
Who Is Likely to Suffer from Schizotypal Personality Disorder?
Just under 4% of the world’s population suffers from this disorder. There is a slightly higher occurrence in men (4.2%) than women (3.7%). You are more likely to suffer from this disorder if you are a black woman, have a low income, are divorced, separated or widowed.
With adjustments made for variables, the schizotypal disorder is shown to be significantly associated with other disorders. This includes narcissistic personality disorder, bipolar disorder and PTSD. Conversely, there are lower occurrences in Asian men.
What Are the Causes of This Disorder?
Experts believe a combination of factors contributes to a cause of this disorder:
  • Biology
  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Biology
Research shows that mothers exposed to influenza during their 6th-month gestation pregnancy term have higher associations with schizotypal traits in males.
Early studies show that diagnoses of this disorder are higher when some form of schizo-disorder runs in the family.
Episodes of stress, psychological trauma or acute anxiety lead to higher incidences of people suffering from this disorder.
Diagnosing and Treating Schizotypal Personality Disorder
There are no blood or genetic tests that can diagnose this disorder. In fact, someone who has several of the symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder should seek a proper diagnosis from a trained mental health practitioner. Psychologists and psychiatrists have the expertise to diagnose this rather tricky mental health disorder.
The problem with treating this kind of disorder is that usually, the person suffering from it does not seek treatment themselves. Therefore, it is up to the family or friends of the sufferer to help the person get treatment.
Treatment of schizotypal personality disorder can be a combination of psychotherapy to understand what is happening and medication to calm the symptoms. For severe cases, treatment may not be effective. Therefore, the only way forward is to assist people suffering to live a satisfying and productive life on their own.
Final Thoughts
Decades ago, anyone who appeared different would be locked up regardless of what was wrong with them. Nowadays, we are learning more and more about the human brain and mental disorders. This is allowing experts to help those who are suffering to improve their living standards, which can only be a step in the right direction for everyone.

  1. www.mayoclinic.org
  2. pdfs.semanticscholar.org
  3. www.health.harvard.edu
  4. www.webmd.com


Janey Davies


About the Author: Janey Davies.
Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for Shoppersbase.com, she also writes for AvecAgnes.co.uk, Ewawigs.com and has contributed to inside3DP.com. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:50
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Quinta-feira, 30 de Janeiro de 2020

The Tree of the Golden Light Mushaba Message: 01-29-2020

Mushaba Platinum Light
Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba





Dr. Wise and Dr. Fu Man Lu: January 26, 2020
Dr. Wise:
We come to you to share with you issues concerning health and wellness. We come as one voice however; we will each have our say. I am Dr. Wise. I am the one; the entity that spoke through the one famed in your world as Edgar Casey the “Sleeping Prophet”. I worked with Edgar for a very long time giving him health directives that helped so, so many people of earth during his time. Since then, the issues of health has taken on an entirely new level of concerns that far outweighs many former health problems people experienced back during Edgar Casey’s time. The soil has been compromised so that means the foods you eat from meats to vegetables and fruits have been compromised. This is why you are seeing so many illnesses new and old becoming very prevalent in the world. You see young people as young as infants born with diseases and defects. People are dying very, very young and this is not normal. The body has undergone so many metamorphosis to be able to adapt to the new way of living in this toxic world. Otherwise, everyone would have died off a long time ago. We look around in your world at the many, many natural and medical remedies available to humanity. Some are very good, some are ok and some are just downright criminal if you will, for they do nothing and only cause you more suffering and loss of money. There is a great deal that is being ignored when it comes to the health and wellness of the body. Diet alone cannot do it. Supplements alone cannot do it. Alternative therapies alone cannot do it and modern medicine alone cannot do it. Maybe a combination of some or all will help greatly in your health concerns. The problem that is rampant is that so many people wait far too long before they decide to take positive action with their health. They either are really sick or facing death before they get truly serious. Not enough precautions taking place, preventive health measures.

There is so much available in your world and it is overwhelming to sift through all the information that is available. Then you find that a lot of the products particularly on the natural alternative side of health, do not always meet the proper potency and frequencies for the body. A lot of them are weak and you have to constantly use them forever seems like just to try and stay up with your health. There aren’t too many that truly want to cure you, to totally heal you, but want to keep you coming and keep getting richer and richer. Unfortunately, this is also true of alternative practices as well. There are things in the world that are truly exceptional and wonderful in how they work with your natural processes of your body and your body rhythm. Before I step aside and give credence to Dr. Fu Man Lu who is a very incredible herbalist from the old days of ancient China and has cured, not helped to get better, but cured many, many maladies of the world. Here are some things to look for in choosing proper health care for yourself and others.

1. Be sure that any natural herbs and remedies are not only 100% clean of impurities but has a high concentration of potency that will do the job. Far too many are just not a high enough concentration and they don’t work or if they do, it takes your body a very long time of use to get to the level of concentration needed.

2. Be sure that whatever you take works with your bodies healing mechanism and your body rhythm. There is a great deal of deceit these days. Products are labeled 100% pure or 100% organic when that is not true. It’s your laws that allow this deceit to run rampant. All you need is a very small percentage of organic or pure ingredients and they can use the words 100%. This is just unacceptable. Do your research and talk with those of integrity and are not just trying to sell you something to make money.

3. Exercise and diet are important to your health. It can be taking short to long walks at varying paces. It can be some simple exercises and stretching. Your diet needs to consist of good food not processed foods but you know that already.

We will make recommendations at the end of this that can be of good help to everyone, for all of you on earth basically lack this very important health component. Many of you may have heard of it already. The problem with most of this kind of product is that they are very weak and do not do what they are supposed to do or advertised to do. The product we will recommend will do the job it is suppose to do. Dr. Lu and I have thoroughly checked out the products vibrationally and energetically. It passes our heavy in-depth scrutiny. It’s a good product.

Now let me introduce you to Dr. Fu Man Lu my colleague that I admire very much!

Dr. Fu Man Lu:

I give my greetings of love and health to you all of humanity. I am Dr. Fu Man Lu. I at one time resided on your earth in ancient China long ago. I have been a teacher and practitioner of herbal medicines and natural cures since I was a young child. I had a gift some would say that I was born with. As a child I would offer my advice to many sick people who would fully recover from their ailments by following my recommendations. I never sought fame and glory for my work but I only sought to heal and teach others how to heal themselves with what nature has provided for our bodies to remain in a state of perfect health. The body was not made to die ravaged with disease and illnesses. It was made by nature, by your God Given right to last in good health as long as you desired to remain on earth. Getting old and decrepit was not a part of the agreement with earth and the body. However, humans have found a way to usurp nature in kits unlimited potential to keep the body young and healthy. It introduced toxins and many other very bad conditions to the earth and therefore to the body as well. You know that the body is from earth so if you poison the earth you poison the body and if you poison the body you poison the earth.

When one takes various herbs and supplements for your health, you must be careful that the frequency matches that of the body’s frequency otherwise you cause a caustic reaction. I find it interesting that you call your herbal remedies “supplements”. This means that you are trying to supplement what is natural in your body. Herbs and natural herbal remedies “ARE NOT SUPPLEMENTS” but are a natural component to your body’s health processes. This year you are now living in of your 2020, make up your mind and decide to take your total health into your own hands. Give your body the frequencies it needs. There actually exist secrets of longevity through herbs, herbal remedies and elixirs. For instance, you have heard of Panax Ginseng correct? It is perhaps the best known herb among Chinese medicine in the world. Its job is to increase stamina and your energy levels. It has miraculous properties of restoring health. The word Panax comes from the word panacea meaning Cure All! It enhances body functions and the immune system to help adapt to the negative effects of physical and environmental stress among other things related. It decreases fatigue and improves one’s reaction time. It also help the body to fight off infection, protects the live and the heart, normalize cholesterol, improve memory, regulate blood sugar levels and improve cognitive functions and the function of hormones.

Natural Pain Relief Has a Role in Longevity

“Pain, especially chronic pain, is the number one reason why people shun exercise. However, exercise is critical to one’s health, wellbeing and longevity.  Your health plan should include exercise and treatments to resolve the underlying cause of the pain”.

Speaking of pain, here is something that can be used for underlying causes of pain.

Salicin is a compound found in aspirin. Aspirin was originally discovered in and extracted from a particular bark called White Willow bark.  White willow bark contains Salicin. It has pain relieving properties, and is also a anticoagulant, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots and thickening of the blood that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.  Major advantages of using white willow bark over the pharmaceutical aspirin; is that it does not cause gastric upset and erode the stomach lining.

Before I get to my final recommendation, I want to address the problem of hearing loss especially in elderly people.

Why does hearing wane as some people age?  It’s because the blood supply to the auditory nerve diminishes, and neural conductivity to the brain declines.  Eastern medicine has long used acupuncture to increase blood flow to the auditory region and normalize conduction, which can alleviate tinnitus (ringing in the ears) as well as hearing loss. However, even without acupuncture you can take steps to improve your hearing on your own.  Daily cardiovascular exercise will boost hearing function by increasing circulation overall.  The supplements niacin, or vitamin B3, helps dilate capillaries, promoting blood flow to the tiny blood vessels in the inner ear that feed the nerve.  Another B vitamin, choline, is essential for the body to produce a key neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.  If you want to find this in your foods then good sources of niacin and choline include legumes and beans, especially soy beans, wheat germ, whole grains, avocado, brewer’s yeast, peanuts, leafy greens, and fish.

Now to our final recommendation that you may have heard of! It is called: Glutathione- (https://robkellermd.com/?a_aid=10513) Link to this product!

We asked that this information be provided below for its no need of us rehashing what has been thoroughly done. However, we would like to make a comment below:

This information is important in so many ways to your health. The problem with this particular product is that most of them that are available are far inferior to the one we are recommending. Many of them only increase your glutathione levels by 35% or less while this one increases your glutathione levels to 200%! We have checked this product very thoroughly as we indicated and we feel that it is very good and will make a marked difference in your health for it is a root vital product. What we mean by this term is that it is a vital part of your root foundation to health and well being and you should not do without it.

We thank you!
Dr Wise and Dr. Fu Man Lu:
Here is the information: Glutathione!
Your Best Defense against Aging, Cellular damage and Disease
“That is the most important antioxidant in your body and why,
in a sense, it creates FEAR in the hearts, so to speak, of free radicals.”
Glutathione is a tripeptide (3-amino acid protein-like structure) composed of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine.
Imagine a single item that could thoroughly clean your home, wash your
clothes, purify the air you breathe, protect you against tainted food, and
defend you and your family from a criminal attack.
While such an amazing entity doesn’t exist in stores, it can be found in
every cell of your body. It’s a tripeptide named glutathione (pronounced
glue-ta-thigh-own) and it is arguably the body’s most powerful antioxidant.
It was discovered more than a century ago, but still languishes in the
shadows of mainstream medicine.
Glutathione functions as an antioxidant and an antitoxin, protecting
us from the ravages of our increasingly toxic environment and our own
foibles. In addition, it is a protector of our immune defense system and
a promoter of efficient blood flow and production, yet it is not even
mentioned in major clinical textbooks.
While some of us have been dependent on glutathione to detoxify the
effects of “one too many,” your family physician has probably never heard
about its remarkable abilities.
*In medicine and science, as in life, we are all ‘prisoners of our training' and
tend to dismiss things we haven’t learned and/or don’t understand rather
than embracing them as opportunities to expand our knowledge.
Glutathione is found in every cell of the body. It is particularly concentrated
in the liver (detoxifier) and spleen (immune defense system) but the highest
amount of glutathione is found in the skin (the largest organ in the body).
Glutathione reaches concentrations that are thousands of times that of the
commonly advertised vitamins such as C, E, and/or A.
It has multiple functions that include, among others:
Ferrying (transporting) proteins between cells and among the
compartments of a cell Effectively detoxifying heavy metals, pesticides, food preservatives and
environmental pollutants among others (Phase II Detoxification) after
the liver initially detoxifies them (Phase I Detoxification) by changing
them into FREE RADICALS.
Activating the immune (defense) systems’ Delta Forces (first responders)
to attack the invader and protecting it from self-annihilation (free radical
generation). Regenerating a wide variety of other antioxidants.
Glutathione’s major function, however, is as the MASTER ANTIOXIDANT
In fact, glutathione is:
• The most concentrated and important intracellular (inside the cell) thiol
• Low molecular weight
• Sulfhydryl-containing (primed to neutralize free radicals)
• Peptide (small protein)
• Found in all mammalian cells
• The most important free-radical trap (antioxidant) in humans


Link to this messagehttps://mushabahealth.org/product/glutathione/ 


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  • Nancy Tate <nancytreegold@gmail.com>


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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:56
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They're Coming From All Sides! Accelerate to Attack Speed!


Earlier in the week, I shared with you the mainstream media hate I got over my coronavirus patent research.



It started with Buzzfeed, and quickly spread to Snopes, Rolling Stone, and even out to CBS, Vice, and international news like the BBC throughout the week.
They were NOT happy about people dissecting their propaganda and how much it went viral on social media.
I've been collecting data about the manufacturers who are rushing coronavirus vaccines to the public. Lo and behold, each one of the is connected through one or two degrees of separation with institutes funded by and partnered with the Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and even the FDA and CDC.
I did a livestream video yesterday examining the connections, talking about some of the fake news hit pieces, and also looking at who and where this may have been bioengineered. An indictment was just unsealed with allegations that a top Harvard scientist may have been training people at a virology institute in WUHAN China, the same place where this outbreak is occurring!
Then yesterday, Will Sommer from the Daily Beast reported on my discussion of chlorine dioxide, aka "MMS", and false reports that I'm "promoting a deadly drinking bleach" began flying around everywhere. Other outlets like Business Insider and again Rolling Stone shared it, it ended up on Kathy Griffin's feed (gross), and I was even getting messaged that people were hearing their DJ's discuss it on their local radio stations.
Amazing how fake news can fly when you have the media complex behind you.
Big Pharma and their media lackeys ain't happy with what I've been saying this week
Responses will be forthcoming. It's been an intense with week the Kobe news, Q drops, peach mint hoax and media attacks all over the place.
I'll be working on an explanation video for MMS that I'll drop on my Bitchute channel later in the week (that subject matter is probably a little too sensitive for YouTube right now). You'll get notified when I drop it.
I'll also be working on more YouTube videos throughout the weekend, updating on the coronavirus, my thoughts on Kobe, free energy, tips on red pilling, and more.
Jordan Sather


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:45
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These Progressing Worlds are often Changed.


Is the Trinity Teacher

Received by Chris Maurus.

Asheville, NC, USA, November 3, 2019.

Akashic Construct - 11:11 Spirit Guardians

Posted, Janua
ry 29, 2020.

Teacher Uteah: “Citizens of a world that are at the threshold of Light and Life (an enlightened age) have one thing in common that unifies them regardless of their nation, culture, or beliefs. These progressing worlds are often changed from a state of slow growth, to an accelerated growth by a single uniting factor, and this ‘Change Agent’ first comes from within and not by some outside influence or any political leadership. The Universal Father (The Creator) Himself is integral to this catalytic transformation — it is inherent in His Fragmented nature — the Indwelling Spirit — the Thought Adjusters. 

“Many of you look out into your world and see this slow but steady rate of change through the progressive thoughts of individuals and groups that are concerned for the environment, human rights, and the development of inclusive spiritual movements — all connected globally through your Internet, and this is a real phenomena — it is a ‘ramp-up’ to enlightenment that comes from within these receptive individuals that are receiving guidance from their Thought Adjusters. 

“This growing awareness is a precursor for a sudden change in the energies and circuits that the Thought Adjusters use to communicate with their Human hosts. In concert with the Will of the Creator Son of that local universe and the Universal Father, there is an agreement that global contact be made in the minds of all peoples to move them across this threshold which closes the door of the past behind them — they will have been forever changed after such an event as actually receiving contact from within and knowing that they are the children of a loving and merciful Creator. 

“I AM not here to confirm any revelation, but to state what has occurred on other worlds entering Light and Life — that the relationship with the Thought Adjuster is the one most influential factor for planetary change that begins at the moment this Inner Light turns on in the minds of all citizens of an elected planet. This is not to say that some souls will experience this and then deny it happened, but that the planetary consciousness as a majority will come to an understanding with it and begin living their lives much differently in terms of what is of value to them going forward. 

“The result of this unifying event becomes the bridge to the healing of the nations to find solutions to political, economic, and social problems that once divided and blocked real progress. The movement of the Universal Father (via the Thought Adjusters) on the worlds of time are one of the most spectacular events to be witnessed in the universe. Blessed are those souls that already have a relationship with their Indwelling Presence of the Father within, for they shall become the teachers that lead others to the knowledge and understandings that shall be sought out as a world seeks for answers to the greater questions about life and their potential futures. 

“I and all other celestial and ascendant mansion world teachers have been speaking to you about the importance of understanding and having a relationship with your Thought Adjusters. Most of these lessons speak to this in one way or another and this most important concept was and is the central theme and gateway to all enlightenment. It has been a part of your curriculum from the beginning because the teachers all know that this is the single most important relationship to foster. There can be no ascension of a soul without this vital and most intimate of relationships with the Indwelling Spirit of the Father — the Thought Adjuster — for it is your soul’s reason for being. 

“I admonish you to seek for Equilibrium with your Indwelling Spirit — to acknowledge this Divine Presence and to work as partners together while you live upon the Earth. 

“Here to support your willingness to understand, 
“I AM Uteah."


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 00:11
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Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

January 29, 2020


day 18.



Currently there is an intensity and urgency being felt as inner changes and transformations are coming to a head. The more we remain disengaged from our soul the more we stand in own way. Old fears and insecurities no longer have a place. We can no longer be held back by the past and as a result we are being offered the resolution of many long standing issues.

As the inner aspects of your soul become more evident you will find that dormant emotions and unresolved issues are coming up to be internally reconciled. Continue to consciously work with the incoming energies and release any remaining attachments, fears and concerns. Make peace with the past and do not allow your doubts to prevent you from moving forward. Explore the unknown, venture into the places you have been hesitate to examine. What in your life is needing to be released? What is ready to be let go of?

Much Love

Kate Spreckley




This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






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Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



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publicado por achama às 00:04
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In An Instant

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

Posted January 29, 2020



One of the most truly beautiful things of your existence is change.  

You have the power to change anything in your life in an instant…if you give yourself the permission to do so.  

Rather than seeing a never-ending stream of challenges, give yourself the gift of creating new thoughts, feelings and actions that encourage and foster positive outcomes.  

You are always worth it! 



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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel
publicado por achama às 23:59
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Quarta-feira, 29 de Janeiro de 2020

Remember This When You Forget How ‘Powerful’ You Are

By Alanna Ketler, 

Staff Writer 

Collective Evolution.


January 27, 2020


In Brief

    The Facts:

We all feel down at some point in our lives. Sometimes just a simple reminder of our true essence can bring everything into perspective, like the 28 quotes below.

    Reflect On:

Sometimes we simply need to change our perspective. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Easier said than done, but what action steps are you taking to feel better?

We all feel down at some point in our lives, and some of us more than others. Sometimes we feel defeated, depressed, and unworthy. If you are anything like me, you may have spent a lot of time feeling broken, ashamed, and guilty, too. These are some of the most difficult emotions to feel about yourself.

This was at a time in my life, where, although I had woken up to a conscious understanding, and had learned about many spiritual concepts — how to overcome challenging experiences, the idea that everything happens for a reason, etc. — for the life of me, I could not implement this knowledge and understanding into my life. I felt as though there was actually something wrong with me, that maybe my mind worked differently, or maybe something in me was blocking me from progressing. I was trapped, and I felt truly broken. I compared myself to others around me and just thought they had it easier. I was stuck in this victim mentality.

There were, however, a few pieces of writing and wisdom that I had collected over the years that truly helped me through these hard times. A simple reminder of how powerful we truly are really touched me because, deep down, despite these low feelings, I knew that like everyone else, I was a part of source — everything that is, God, whatever you want to call it. Yes, I realized that I just I said am God, but it’s okay because so are you!

Sometimes just a simple reminder of our true essence can bring everything into perspective. I hope that you can find some solace in the following quotes when you are going through tough times, and don’t forget, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”

1 “I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” — Hafiz

2 “Within you is the light of a thousand suns.” – Robert Adams

3 “A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. When you wake up, take a second to realize what a privilege it is to be alive and be healthy. The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I assure you it will start feeling like one. Time spent appreciating is time worth living.” — Anonymous

4 “You’re so hard on yourself. Take a moment, sit back, marvel at your life;

  • At the grief that softened you
  • At the heartache that wizened you,
  • At the suffering that strengthened you.
  • Despite everything,
  • You still grow.
  • Be proud of this.” — Unknown
5 “There is no reason to doubt yourself. If you know what your intentions are you will always give yourself guidance, and if you momentarily seem to get off track, which isn’t really even possible –then you will always allow yourself to know that there is something you will learn from it in a positive way and know that you haven’t really left the track at all. You have simply expanded the track wider.” – Bashar

6 “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life. Because you become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey

7 “Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving and progressing.” – Mandy Hale

8 “We are travellers on a cosmic journey, stardust swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share this is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” – Paulo Coelho

9 “Tear off the mask. Your face is glorious.” – Rumi

10 “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”

11 “We are all made of stars.”– Moby

12 “Don’t worry, don’t be afraid ever, because this is just a ride.” – Bill Hicks

13 “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

14 “But without the darkness, we’d never see the stars.” —Anonymous

15 “Do not feel lonely, the entire Universe is inside you.” – Rumi

16 “A lot of the pain that we are dealing with are really only thoughts.” — Anonymous

17 “Never compare your journey with anyone else’s. Your journey is YOUR journey, it’s not a competition.” — Anonymous

18 “You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it.” — Anonymous

19 “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.” – Eckhart Tolle

20 “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” –Eckhart Tolle

21 “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love, and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you, the world is transformed.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

22 “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman

23“You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” –Louise Hay

24 “Until you feel broken you don’t know what you’re made of. It gives you the ability to build yourself all over again, but stronger than ever.” – Melissa Molomo

25 “The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” – Romans 8:18

26 “Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you stronger.” – Pravinee Hurbungs

27 “When you face difficult times, know that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They’re sent to promote, increase and strengthen you.” – Joel Osteen

28 “Life has a way of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or having everything happen at once.” – Paulo Coelho


Alanna Ketler


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:11
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Magic Happens

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

Posted January 28, 2020



You talk of attaining bliss, striving for the goal of BEingness and fighting to find the quiet within like it is your employment. 

The Universe has never made things that hard. 

All you have to do is breathe, that is it, that is all. 

Just breathe and magic happens.



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel
publicado por achama às 23:36
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Blue Dawn ~COBRA Report



Posted January 20, 2020 by Edward Morgan.


Age of Aquarius meditation was very successful and we have reached the critical mass, albeit barely. Around 150,000 people were actively participating:
This was just enough to push us over the energy threshold into the next phase of the Compression Breakthrough, the bubble rising subphase of the nucleation phase (number III in the diagram):
This subphase will see an exponential growth of Bubbles of Heaven within quarantine Earth. Bubbles of Heaven are pure luminous undistorted space time continuum anomaly-free emanations of the Source into 11th dimensional brane world space time continuum.
This practically means that there will be more and more Light present on the surface of the planet, this Light will grow exponentially faster and faster until it explodes into the Compression Breakthrough. We have now officially entered into the last phase before the Event.
As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all plasma toplet bomb layers, except the last one, were removed.
All Chimera that were living in physical spider bodes in underground bases have been successfully removed.
There is still a small group of plasma Chimera spiders and they are in the last stage of removal.
The physical Chimera group is very small, yet still quite strong although it has suffered a significant loss of power in the days around Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
There is a small main Chimera group still present in DARPA and the previous director of DARPA Steven Walker has just resigned, effectively on January 10th, the day of the Lunar eclipse just preceding our activation:
Steven Walker was instrumental in development of ZION control matrix network:
This DARPA Chimera group extends some of its influence into this place:
Which has just announced a very troubling progress in development of quantum network technologies:
There is a second even smaller Chimera group present in the US Space Command and it is interesting to note that the new chief of US Space Command took his position just two days after our activation:
The purpose of US Space Command is not disclosure, as some erroneously believe, it was created as a Chimera defense force against Galactic Confederation which is taking over sublunar space and now also Near Earth orbital space:
As the Galactic Confederation fleet approaches closer to the surface as weeks and months go by, there will be more and more contact established. Therefore it is very relieving to see that more and more people understand that Prime Directive (non-intervention principle) is a lie and a construct of Archon mind programming:
Another sign that we are close to the breakthrough is the dimming of Betelgeuse:
Betelgeuse is a star in Orion constellation and its dimming is a sign of the end of duality, as triangulation of Orion is nearing its completion.
Betelgeuse is expected to become a supernova within the next 100,000 years and its current dimming is a sign that it may already be entering the supernova phase.
A gravitational wave in the region of Betelgeuse, a first potential sign of supernova explosion, has been detected just two days after our activation:
If you have a chance to go outside on a clear starry night, you will see that Orion does not look familiar, as the upper left star is much fainter than it usually was. This is Betelgeuse.
The light curve of Betelgeuse is regularly updated here:
The energies around Age of Aquarius activation were so strong that one aspect of planetary kundalini was activated and many volcanoes worldwide were releasing ash into the atmosphere to release the pent up pressure:
Tael volcano in Philippines actually erupted DURING the activation itself, the eruption starting 7 minutes before the scheduled beginning of mediation:
The level 2 alert was issued 19 minutes after the start of our meditation, just in the moment when most people were concluding the suggested 20 minutes of meditation:
The alert level was raised to level 4 one hour and half later, and right now it still stays there.
This release of volcanic activity is actually a good thing, as it dissipates a lot of pressure that was held in the planetary energy grid and thus prevents potential more deadly earthquakes ad cataclysmic events.
To answer the question many people are asking, the deeper story behind the assassination of Soleimani is regime change in Iran in order to preserve the petrodollar system:
Iran owns the second printing press for US dollars, and US Treasury and the Fed hate competition when they create money out of thin air:
Gradual meltdown of the financial system is not an option anymore, when the crash happens it will be sudden and brutal.
Now the whole financial system got addicted to easy Fed liquidity injections and if the Fed would stop financing repo operations, the system would crash immediately:
Sources are stating that behind the scenes, the Fed is also assisting with liquidity to keep European and Chinese banks and financial institutions afloat, to prevent the collapse:
Extremely strong cosmic energies now entering quarantine Earth will finally begin to remove trillions upon trillions of Reptilian entities that still exist on plasma and etheric planes as the last remnant of 1996 invasion. Many of those entities are entering broken human auras and are strongly influencing human behavior.
The vast majority of those entities will be removed in coming weeks and months, which will be a big relief for humanity.
Some of those entities were and still are controlling people who infiltrated my teams. A very precise and efficient protocol was activated by the Resistance last summer to remove compromised people from my network and this process is now mainly complete.
A new and much purer infrastructure is hereby being been activated and is now ready to assist in our mission to bring in the Age of Aquarius.
The new official Cobra facebook page, named Age of Aquarius, is here:
The previous Cobra facebook group (Cobra Etheric Liberation), recently hijacked and currently renamed to “Working together for Gaia’s – etheric – and physical – liberation now”, has no connection with Resistance Movement whatsoever and if you have ever joined that group in hope of contributing to our mission, now it is a good time to leave if you feel so guided.
Our official Youtube channel is here:
This Youtube channel will post main videos for potential future meditations / activations.
I am also in constant communication with the creators of this amazing website, which is constantly posting updated mass meditations that are needed in ever changing planetary situation:
The official Sisterhood of the Rose page is here:
Prepare For Change is a global organization that was created at Cobra conference in Laguna Beach in 2013 with the purpose of preparing the surface population for the coming changes. Their official website is here:
They have asked me to tell that a fake, imposter site, named “Prepare For Change Leadership” has nothing to do with the real Prepare For Change organization.
It is interesting to note that similar things that were happening to me behind the scenes were also happening to Corey Goode and David Wilcock, as you can hear in their interviews:
Needless to say, the following weeks and months will be very exciting and definitely not boring, as we delve deeper into the energies of the coming Age of Aquarius.
The Blue Dawn, the dawn of the new era, is here.
And for the end of Age of Aquarius activation report…when the Blue comes…in the flash of the moment…all that is Done will be Undone:
Victory of the Light! 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:28
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Absence of Devastation

Saint Germain, OWS and Shoshanna.

Channeled by James McConnell.

January 12th, 2020. 

I am Saint Germain.   I come to be with you in auspicious time, in these auspicious moments that you have arrived at.
For all is happening exactly as it has been foretold for eons of time.  Not to the point of catastrophes and devastation which would lead to the ascension of man.  But the absence of this devastation.
To the calling of all to come forth, all of you, the already awakened ones that are the forerunners, all of you now, to come forth and to share your heritage with each other and with all of those around you that are open to it, that will listen to you, that will welcome your thoughts, your ideas, your ideal.  Certainly not all will.  They are not meant to.
But you are here to anchor the light and to share the light.  To share your love.  To open up within yourselves everything that makes you who you are as a creative force, and a creative source within each and every one of you.
And that creative source within you is now creating the New Golden Age, this Age of Aquarius.  We are not creating it, the Galactics are not creating it–you are.  You are the creator and the created.
You speak of the Solar Flash and The Event, how it is coming, and how it is to become a part of the expression here on this planet, and to raise the consciousness everywhere.  But I tell you now, as Saint Germain, in many respects it is already here.  It has already arrived.  Not the full blast, you might say, but many of the precursors, those waves, those events that you have been told about before have been coming, building to the grand event, building to the grand Solar Flash.  The Solar Flash that you can now be able to withstand.
The Solar Flash that will help all of mankind reach deep down into themselves and realize, just as you have, who you are.  Yes, certainly there will be those who will shy away from the Light, who are blinded by the Light.  But even many of them will recognize that they are a part of the Light, just as much as all of you are.  It is the Light that is your salvation.  It is the Light that continues to pull you on.
It is the Light within each and every one of you that brings the creative force within you forward.  To begin to use more and more your imagination, your imaging process, your visualization skills, to create this new Age of Aquarius.  And create it in any way that you want.  It is your universe, both within you and outside of you.  It is your creation.
Up until recently, the collective consciousness of man has believed that the creation process was outside of themselves, not within.  Even though Yeshua told those that were gathered with him the kingdom of heaven is within.  Many did not believe it nor understand it.  But those of you now are beginning to more and more fully understand just what that meant, what he meant by that, the kingdom of heaven is within.
The creation source of your being is within.  You have the power within you to create outside of yourself, create whatever it is you want.  For you have the power of thousands of suns within you, if you would only come to believe and fully acknowledge that power within you.
Many things are changing, and more are about to change.  Your financial system is coming very close, coming to the threshold, you might say, of a major shift, where all across the planet will come more and more to be equal.  Balance, that is so sought after by so many of you, will be realized.
Many of those who have sought to hold the evolution of man back will now realize their folly and their futility of being able to do so.  As if they could hold the power of those thousands of suns back.  And, of course, they cannot.  They will realize, and will be taken into custody as the times are right for it.
Those of you that have been waiting for the many ships to begin to show themselves, that is also coming closer and closer.
Allow the truth to come forward.  Know that it cannot be held back much longer.  For the truth is everything.  The truth is the creative process.  And the creative process brings the truth forward.
Be patient just a little while longer within your sense of time.  But know that your sense of time is also changing and shifting, and will continue to do so until you come to the point when your sense of time becomes no time.  Continue to allow for the process to continue to move both through you and outside of you.  For as it moves through you, it continues to create the world around you.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame to burn and purge within each and every one of you all of the old programming that still may be present within you, still may be held within your lower chakra centers.
But each and every day see those centers purged out by the Violet Flame, so that eventually there is no more programming left, and the past is forgotten, and the present moment becomes your all.
ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.
Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here, and we are ready to go.
You can unmute our phones now, and we are ready for your questions if you have any.
Guest:   Thank you, One Who Serves.  I have a question that was mailed to James.  It is a three-part question.  The first part is:   As far as the physical body, what, if anything, do we need to prepare so we can withstand the Solar Flash?  And he is requesting information about food, or water preparation, and things of this nature.
OWS:   We will take that first part first, here.  Even though this has been given many times, here, about the need for preparation, this is one of the reasons why this group and the one that took over started the ‘Prepare for Change’ is exactly that:  preparing for these changes.
Now how do you prepare for them?  Well, you prepare first of all, within yourself, of course.  That is the first step.  Preparing everything within yourself to allow for the evolutionary process to continue through you, to be able to withstand, handle the energies, the many energies that are coming in.  This is the first part of the preparation.
The second in terms of your physical body, there is need for preparation there as well.  Eat well.  Drink lots of water, lots of fluids.  Exercise as you can.  Find yourself in nature as you can.  All of these things that have been given.
Does it help to have a supply of water, a supply of food, and all of these things?  Well certainly.  If anything were to happen and you were to be without power for two, three weeks, something of this nature, would it not be wise to have these supplies at hand?  So that is what you would call your common sense, here, to be able to have these things prepared and ready for you.  Not to the point of preparing for survival as some have done, surviving for the Stone Age to occur again.  That is not going to happen.  Will it be for two or three weeks or so?  Possibly.  Not even that is determined at this point yet.  But it would not hurt to do this.
Shoshanna, do you have anything to add to this first part?
Shoshanna   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):   We can share just briefly, here.  We can share a perspective, and here is what we have to say:
The mind and the body are one.  That which the mind contemplates, the body assimilates.  So at a deeper level, that which you think about, you bring about.  So you must be very, very careful of what you are thinking about, as it will manifest in this age of great vibration.  So that is what we have to say about that.
OWS:   Yes.  And you must realize, as Shoshanna is saying here, you must realize that as your vibrations continue to increase, your ability to manifest increases also greatly.  So manifest the creation that you want, not the creation that you do not want.  That will become more and more important.  Your attraction process, here, becomes even more important as your vibrations increase.
Shoshanna:   And we will add to that.  The creation that you wish to manifest will be what you are thinking about.  So, when you say, “do not manifest the creation you do not want,” if you use the negative idea in your mind. That will show up.
OWS:   Yes.   The second part of your question?
Guest:   Yes.  He is asking what types of events will occur during and immediately after the Solar Flash?
OWS:   Certainly we cannot say exactly as things are going to be, because no one knows yet at this point.  We have access to past times where these solar flashes have happened, or the ascension process has happened on other planets and other systems, so this is a blueprint, you might say, to follow.
But, it is based on the collective consciousness of man here on the Earth at this time, and throughout the entire Solar System even, as to how exactly everything will occur as a result of this grand Solar Flash, here.  So to say exactly what will happen cannot be given.
But we can say that there will be many processes that will occur as a result of this, and even prior to this.
You can look at your financial system as a major shift that will occur as a result of this.
You can look at disclosure, of all of those of the Galactics coming forward and the Earth becoming a part of the Galactic Federation of Planets:  this is coming.  Now is that going to be overnight?  Certainly not.  It will be a process.  But it is as a result of this Grand Event that is here now also, and coming as well.   Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?
Shoshanna:   We can add an aspect to this.  We must inform all that wish to know these things, that there are no assurances, there are no predictions.  There must only be trust and faith, and an understanding of who you are in this process.  That is germane, and the most important thing to focus on who you are, and your trust level, and your faith level.
We will tell you that do not look for a prediction, do not look for an assurance, as these things are programmed.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.   And the third part of the question?
Guest:   Yes, thank you.  The last part is at the ascension, what he terms ‘graduation,’ will there be a lot of celestial music or things that we will be hearing?  Thank you.
OWS:   The Event, or the Solar Flash, is not considered the graduation, as you are saying.  In fact, there is no graduation, here.  You are looking at it in terms of your three-dimensional understanding from your school times, and things of this nature.  There is no graduation.
There are initiations, or movements of consciousness.  That is what it will be.  And these movements of consciousness are based on the individual.  So everyone is different.  How they will be affected by these energies, and by this Grand Solar Flash, and by The Event.
So you cannot say directly how everyone will be affected by this.  Whether or not there will be music in the skies, or a grand flash of light, or colors, or what of this nature, that also cannot be given yet at this point, because it is not yet fully known.
But we can tell you that everyone across the planet at the same moment—not in the moment necessarily, but in those moments, will feel something.  There will be something there for everyone.
And to the extent that those of you that considered yourselves to be the awakened ones, you will certainly feel a grand, blissful feeling come over you as you have never felt before.  We can almost certainly promise you that.  Okay?   Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We do not have anything to add.
OWS:   Very good.   And that is our answer for this question.   Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest:   I will jump in and give everyone else a chance to think (laughs).  I am here with my elderly mother.  It gets to be a little frustrating because I’m being the one here with her, and it sort of falls on my shoulders to try to assist her with her needs.  And she is not really interested to change her clothes, or take a shower or bath, and sometimes she doesn’t even want to take her vitamins or what-not.  How can I be fifth-dimensional about this?  Sometimes we get into back-and-forth over this, because it’s like, “you need to take a bath, you need to put on new clothes, you need to this or that.”  And she is very stubborn and she does not want to be told what to do ever.  So I am kind of stuck.  On the other hand, in the 3-D world if you just let that lie, that’s really not a good thing either.  So any thoughts or ideas for me on this?
OWS:   You have an old saying, here:  “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”  So when you are in the third dimension, or when you are operating within that realm with the one you are speaking of here, then you need to work at that level with her and assist her and guide her in what her needs are at that point.  When you are in a space where you are not at that level, you can then be practicing as you are saying in the higher dimensional frequencies and find yourself there more and more.  You may find yourself having to go back and forth, just as many are doing at this point, and that is certainly okay.
Again, remember, everything is being orchestrated, so there is purpose for what you are doing now, and part of your mission at this point, you might say.  Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We would ask this one if this elderly one is mentally sound.
Guest:   She has been tested.  I can’t say with assurity.  She may be moving on a track not to be, but she certainly has her will intact and her stubbornness intact to not want to be told to do, or anything like that.  We do have some concerns in that direction as far as Alzheimer’s setting in, or something like that.
Shoshanna:   Well, you feel that she completely understands her response to you.
Guest:   Yeah.  She says crazy things.  She was very, very highly intelligent person, but now she will say things like, “there is really no need to take a bath or a shower, or change my clothes, what difference does it make, if you’re in them for the day, and then the night too, and then the day, and the next night?  Oh well, might as well wait another day, because it’s not going to make any more difference.”
Shoshanna:   That is her perspective, you see, and it is not yours.  We will tell you that a human being can live in the same clothes weeks on end if they choose.  It is your perspective that this is a bad thing for her.  e will tell you what our perspective is, is to allow her her choices, to a certain extent.  If it is injuring her in some way or compromising her health in some way, then you must coax her.  But at this point, she wishes to be allowed autonomy and independence, because she feels like she is losing it.  This highly intelligent individual, that has had her autonomy has had her independence for her entire life, does not wish to acquiesce to yours.  You must find a compromise.   Namaste.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   Very good.   Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest:   I have a question.  I apologize if this has been asked before.  I just probably didn’t hear the answer, I don’t know.  I was wondering how it was going on dismantling the AI out in that planet in Andromeda?
OWS:   As was given previously at another time, here, following that event, there was much that occurred as a result of your activities in working with this process in your last Advance.  So there has been great movement, here, we will say, to bring this to a quicker close or, what is the word we are looking for, here?
Shoshanna:   Conclusion.
OWS:   Conclusion, yes!   Quicker conclusion.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   Yes.  Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest:   I have a question.  I am finding that my mind is very silent, like no more thinking of things, like that “human” mind that loops and goes, and thinks, and talks to myself.  I sit down, and it’s just silent.  I wanted to know what is going on with me?
OWS:   We have one word for you here:  halleluiah!  Halleluiah!  That is wonderful.  That is wonderful that you can shut down the cluttered mind and allow for the Higher Self to begin to communicate more directly with you.  That is what is required.  You must shut down the chatter.  And when you do, these types of things can open up to you.  Your guides can begin to speak to you.  You can receive energies.  It does not have to be in a channeling-type of situation as has been happening through this one, James, and through the JoAnna, here, but it can be to bring energies through, to have more sense of connectedness to others around you.  All of these types of things can open up as a result of shutting down the chatter, the constant ‘chatter box’ within your mind.  Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   You wish to ask another question?
Guest:   I was just going to say the energies that you were saying, is that like what feels like heat or different feelings?  I can almost feel like it is moving around me and through me.  Is that what you are talking about?
OWS:   Yes.  We can say this is part of it.  It can be.  It is different for everyone, of course.  What you are experiencing are various symptoms of this that are opening up, we will say, levels within you, or avenues of expression within you that were not open to you before.
Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   We can share a perspective, if we may?
Guest:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   You must understand that a quiet mind is a powerful mind.  A quiet mind is a creative mind.  You are blessed with a quiet mind as you are coming into your power.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.  Wonderful.  Very good.
Guest:   Namaste.
OWS:   Would there be any other questions here now before we release channel?
Guest:   I have a question.
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   I have asked this before, and if you can’t give any more information, I understand.  But I am still struggling with smoking addiction.  I had the flu a couple of weeks ago and am having a really hard time recovering with some respiratory issues because of the cigarettes.  I am just wondering if there is anything else you can tell me about this addiction, and what else might help me to stop.
Shoshanna:   We can share on this.   May we share?
Guest:   Please.
OWS:   One Who Serves, may we share?
OWS:   Oh please, yes.
Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, all that you speak, the terms that you speak in, are extremely negative.  We apologize for our directness.
You must begin say things differently if you wish to have a breakthrough in this issue.  When we say we are addicted, whether you believe this or not, you reinforce addiction.  You must see it differently.  If you wish to gain your power over this health issue, you must begin to see yourself in a different way.  This is very difficult, as many are programmed to believe in this third-dimensional idea of addiction, and this third-dimensional idea of pain and suffering through the body.  You believe these things, and you reinforce them.  We are simply trying very hard to help you see that you are creating this for yourself through your own words and your own thoughts.  When you change them (and it is a slow process for many), you will see difference happening right before you if you begin to change your story and change the way you see yourself.   Namaste.
OWS:   And we would add here technique-wise what may be helpful, as we are looking at this situation more closely, we see a programming that is happening within your Fifth Chakra Center, your Will Center.  That Will Center is blocking the energies from coming up, in terms of your Kundalini energy.  And the programming, or the memories, are deep within this Fifth Chakra Center.
What would be helpful is to go into that Fifth Chakra Center.  You can do this yourself, or you can do it with someone else helping you, guiding you.  But move into that, and you will find a doorway that is there.  A doorway that is closed to you.  As you attempt to open that door, there will be a great deal of darkness at first.  You must penetrate through that darkness.  And once you are able to do that, you will come to the light beyond, and that will help to relieve, at a spiritual level here, not your physical level, but at a spiritual mental level within you, to assist you in opening up your will power.  Your will power is very low here in this area.  You see?
Guest:   Yes.  That was very helpful.  It gives me something to work on and to use, so thank you.
OWS:   Hypnosis would be very helpful to you if you are able to find the right one to do this, and to be able to be open to the hypnosis suggestion, here, to be able to be hypnotized.
Guest:   I have tried hypnosis many, many, many times over the years, and finally was told that I am just…maybe I don’t have the right person, but they just could not hypnotize me.
OWS:  You don’t have the right one.  What we are saying here is to go into that Fifth Chakra Center.  It has to be someone that knows about this type of thing.
Guest:  Is this something I can do on my own if I can’t find somebody to help me?
OWS:   You can do it on your own.  You can also, if you wish, and we are throwing this out here, The James is not aware of this but he will be now, and that is he would be able to assist in this process if you wish, here.  Can do it even over the phone, here, as we find it.  This is a possibility.
Guest:   Okay.  That is very, very helpful.  Thank you so much.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   I would like to offer a suggestion, please.  May I?
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   The Emotion Code.  I would like to offer that to the one who just asked about these what were called ‘addictions.’  This is very powerful, and there is a lot of free information on how to use it on YouTube.  That’s all.  Thank you.
OWS:   We would say, then, for the two of you to connect in your e-mail process and see if there is a way to make this so.
Guest:   Okay.
OWS:   Always keep in mind, though, there are so many tools that are out there, and all of the tools are not meant for everyone.
Shoshanna:   We are all here to help each other, and when there is one that wishes to share a method that has helped her, it is always appropriate to explore.  And as One Who Serves is saying, it may not work for you, but it is always worth exploring.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   Indeed.
OWS:   We need to release channel here now.  Before we do, Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to end with here?
Shoshanna:   We are going to clarify something that all that are listening to this call may have already come to this conclusion:   it is extremely important that we begin to see ourselves in each moment as the creator of our reality.
That the illusion that we find ourselves in, which includes our environment, our relationships, our condition of our health, our physical, mental and emotional conditions that we find ourselves in, is all a creation of ourselves, that we have created these things.
The good news is you can create something else if you find yourself in a situation that is unpleasant, you must recognize that it is a program that you have set up for yourself to learn something, and if you learn what it is that you need to learn for the reason you have set up the program, you will go past it.  This is extremely important to understand the power that you have.   Namaste.
OWS:  Very good.   And we close with this that The James and JoAnna spoke earlier of a course, a six-week course that they would want to start, here.  They think it was their idea.  It was not their idea.  We sent it to them to put out in front of you to ascertain whether or not this would be something that would be helpful to you.  We put it out there to you.
It is up to you if you wish to follow through.  If you do, we will assist in setting up this process as a course of leaning.  A course of rather even not so much learning, more remembering.  Remembering the tools that are needed to prepare for the Grand Event that is coming and, of course, your ascension process.  Okay?  It is up to you.
Shoshanna:   And, we might add, that the focus will be on using those tools, rather than knowing them, but using them.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes, certainly.
Shanti.  Pease be with you.  Be the one.
James McConnell 

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Rothschilds kicked out of Russia and Japan as world revolution unfolds

Benjamin Fulford 

Report Sample 






A world revolution is unfolding with historical events taking place in Africa, China, France, Japan, Russia, and elsewhere as the old planetary control grid continues to collapse, multiple sources agree.
Let’s start with the revolution that was announced in Russia last week.  Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized, which is why half the government was fired, FSB sources tell us.  Here’s what our FSB sources have to say on the subject:
“It was supposed to start back in November 2019 when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was killed at FSB headquarters, but due to the presence in the country of a huge number of the richest Jews in the world (the Rothschilds, Sheldon Adelson, etc.), this operation was postponed.
“Then at the end of December, half of our money was given to one structure, which organized this sudden ‘departure’ of Jewish Premier Medvedev.  This structure will oversee various ministries and all new ministers will be appointed under its supervision.
“On January 16th, President [Herman] Gref of Federal Central Bank Sberbank got so drunk with grief that he was taken to the Odintsovo Hospital suffering from acute alcohol poisoning.  That is why he suddenly cancelled his speech at the Gaidar Forum.”

On January 18th, Gref told Tass News, “We should brace for the collapse of the existing world order.  It will be very painful.”

The FSB sources also report that when Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian central bank, was fired last week, all cellphones of central bank employees were confiscated and a huge stash of documents was seized.
One other thing they reported to us was that Yevgeny Zinichev, “the head of the Ministry of Emergencies, will become the head of the FSB, but this will also not be for long.”

The P3 Freemasons, who report a lot of very weird stuff, tell us the Medvedev who was removed was actually an “an alien.”
Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France is also under siege.  He was forced to flee for his life from a theater last week amid rioting that has gone on now for over a year.  A new French revolution is coming, French resistance sources promise.
Equally dramatic, if less public, events were going on in Japan last week.  A first cousin of former Emperor Hirohito tells us the Bank of Japan has been …


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Letters to the Editor

January 16, 2020
Letter from Russia


The following letter arrived in my email from Russia.  Here is the machine-translated version, and below that is the original Russian version.

I’m Ilya Vladimirovich Konnov, 09/18/1980, that on the territory of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Sverdlovsk region in the colony No. 53 illegal acts occur, namely:
I want to inform the following that convicted Sergeyev Artemy Mikhailovich (commandant of the residential zone) serving his sentence in correctional colony No. 53 of Verkhoturye, Sverdlovsk region, and convicted Martynov Grigory Olegovich (manager of the detachment) serving his sentence in the same colony entered into a criminal conspiracy with operatives Dmitry Kudirovym Vladimirov and Justice Maxim Valeryevich, who provide all kinds of assistance in fraudulent schemes of these convicts instead of suppressing unlawful acts, for money citizenship!
One of the episodes of this criminal group, Sergeev A.M., together with Martynov G.O., having a criminal intent for extortion against convicted Shuganov Alexander, created unbearable conditions for him to keep workers Kudymov and the Court through operas, as a result of which they threatened physical harm to Shuganov, received a money transfer from Shuganov’s sister in the amount of 245,000 rubles after they received the money, they continued to extort from him another 100? 000r after which the sister Shuganova appealed to the GUFSIN in the Sverdlovsk region with a statement.
On December 25, 2019, the task force arrived at IK No. 53 to conduct an audit.  During the audit, the facts of receipt of funds by Sergeyev and Martynov were confirmed.  Further, inspectors from the GUFSIN asked Shuganov’s sister not to write further to Moscow, promising to transfer Shuganov to SG2 in the Sverdlovsk Region, explaining his decision so as not to spoil the statistics before the new year.  Further, to divert Sergeyev’s eyes, they put him in a punishment cell for 7 days, after which he embroidered and continued to extort money from the convicts.
The second episode of extortion consists in extorting from a convict Ulomsky 200? 000 tr. but that would not work as janitors in the colony, where Martynov regularly humiliates and beat him.  There is a confident opinion that the administration of EC No. 53 actively covers the actions of Sergeyev and Martynov, because no one was punished.  Also, Sergeyev and Martynov have cell phones with Internet access that it is reliably known that they use them to carry out fraudulent schemes under the pretext of bank employees to transfer money from strangers.
One of the episodes was controlled by General Fedorov Alexander Ivanovich from the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Sverdlovsk Region, but the leadership of IK53 deliberately hides what is happening in the colony, receiving money for this from the prisoners through Sergeyev and Martynov.  On the basis of the above, I ask you to instruct a comprehensive audit of IK№53, to prosecute Sergeyev, Martynov, and the colony’s employees who committed and covered these crimes, to conduct an audit of the IFRS (Polygraph) against all these persons for reliable information and confirmation of these facts.
A copy of this appeal will be sent to the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Media, for an objective and comprehensive investigation.
I ask to provide the answer to e-mail konnov80@protonmail.com
Digital Signature: I47SUhZqnCu398WmSdIjisAEv7VXY9sXFtCGoYS5nnQoCbuvEpeauovP4HJu5SG3LQPe

Я Коннов Илья Владимирович 18.09.1980 что на территории УФСИН По Свердловской области в колонии №53 происходят противоправные действя а именно:
Хочу сообщить следующие что осужденный Сергеев Артемий Михайлович (комендант жилой зоны) отбывающий наказание в исправительной колонии №53 г. Верхотурье Свердловской области и осужденный Мартыновым Григорием Олеговичем (завхоз отряда) отбывающий наказание в той же колонии вошли в преступный сговор с оперативными работниками Кудымовым Дмитрием Владимировичем и Правосудом Максимом Валерьевичем которые оказывают всяческое содействие в мошеннических схемах данных осужденных вместо пресечения противоправных действий, за денежное вознаграждение! Один из эпизодов данной преступной группы: Сергеев А.М. совместно с Мартыновым Г.О. имея преступный умысел на вымогательство в отношении осужденного Шуганова Александра создали ему невыносимые условия содержания через опер работников Кудымова и Правосуда в последствие чего угрожая физической расправой Шуганову, получили от сестры Шуганова денежный перевод в размере 245?000 рублей после того как деньги были получены они продолжали вымогать с него еще 100?000р после чего сестра Шуганова обратилась в ГУФСИН по Свердловской области с заявлением. 25 декабря 2019 в ИК №53 приехала опергруппа для проведения проверки. В ходе проверки были подтверждены факты получение денежных средств Сергеевым и Мартыновым. Далее проверяющие из ГУФСИН попросили сестру Шуганова дальше не писать в Москву обещая перевести Шуганова в ИК2 Свердловской области, объясняя свое решение что бы перед новым годом не портить статистику. Дальше для отвода глаз Сергеева посадили в ШИЗО на 7 суток после чего он вышил и продолжил заниматься вымоганием денег у осужденных. Второй эпизод вымогательства заключается в вымогательстве у осужденного Уломского 200?000 т.р. зато что бы не работать уборщиков в колонии, где его Мартынов регулярно унижает и избивает. Уверенно складывается мнение что администрация ИК №53 активно прикрывает действия Сергеева и Мартынова, потому что наказание никто не понес. Так же у Сергеева и Мартынова имеются сотовые телефоны с выходом в интернет достоверно известно, что они используют их для совершения мошеннических схем под предлогом работников банков для перевода денежных средств чужих людей. Один из эпизодов был на контроле у Генерала Федорова Александра Ивановича из ГУФСИН по Свердловской области, но руководство ИК53 намеренно скрывает происходящие в колонии получая за это деньги получены преступным путем от заключенных через Сергеева и Мартынова. На основание вышенаписанного прошу Вас поручить провести комплексную проверку ИК№53 , привлечь к уголовной ответственности по данным фактам Сергеева , Мартынова и сотрудников колонии которые допустили и покрывали эти преступления, в отношение всех указанных лиц провести проверку на ИПФО (Полиграф) на предмет получения достоверной информации и подтверждения данных фактов. Копия данного обращения будет направлена в Администрацию президента, МВД, ФСБ, ФСИН РОССИИ, Генеральную прокуратуру и в Средства массовой информации, для проведения объективного и всестороннего расследования!
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Цифровая подпись:

January 12, 2020

Letter about Flight PS752

Hi Ben,
I want to wish you a Happy New Year!  I hope 2020 brings a clear vision of peace for the world, though I’m afraid we’re not off to a very good start!
I just watched your January 9th interview with Robert David Steele.  I wanted to comment on the Ukrainian airliner that was brought down over Tehran the other night.
When it happened so soon after the missile launches at U.S. bases in Iraq, people on Twitter, especially Americans, immediately jumped to the conclusion that the downing of the plane was a military operation to stop some Cabal leaders from escaping Iran.  Many were asserting that the 63 Canadian passengers were in fact Iranian spies.
This upset me, as I was hearing reports from local news concerning the people who had died in the crash, including a grade 10 high school student here in the Greater Toronto Area.  Nowadays people don’t trust the media and have seen “crisis actors” for other false flag events.
So I started digging on the people featured in this CTV article:
What I can tell you is that I confirmed quite a few of them.  I looked up the family doctors who were working in British Columbia on college websites, the obstetrician in Edmonton, and the dentist in Halifax, and they all had established practices.  I also confirmed two tenured professors at the University of Alberta, a secretary working for the Teachers Secondary School Federation (through a friend who said she’d been there at least 5 years), and as well was able to confirm a PhD student in Computer Sciences at the University of Toronto.  There was such a variety of professions listed amongst the victims that I highly doubt they were all a bunch of Iranian spies/double agents.
Which leaves me with these difficult questions:
1.  Did the Iranians accidentally shoot down a passenger plane because someone was jumpy?  There were lots of commercial flights in the air over Tehran that night, both Iranian and International.  They were taking the normal flight routes you would expect.
2.  There have been credible reports from people with contacts in Iran that the President of Iran has been rounding up supporters of Soleimani since his death.  Some had said that Soleimani was becoming a loose cannon, with all his terrorist factions that he was backing to advance his own agenda in the Middle Eastern region.  So the theory is that the Iranian president worked out a secret deal with the U.S. military to take out Soleimani, and that the 15 missiles shot at U.S. bases in Iraq were simply a show in order for the Iranian government to save face with its people.  Soleimani had many supporters, but there were also many people in Iran that feared and despised him.  Therefore the President couldn’t make it look like he was involved in Soleimani’s death.
Next, in regards to the Ukrainian airliner…
Were there terrorist/cabal targets on the plane that the U.S. military and Iranian government wanted taken out as well?  Did they decide it was okay to “sacrifice” a bunch of Canadian citizens on board as collateral damage, including children and babies?!  I’d hate to think they could be that coldblooded just to achieve a military agenda.
3.  This fellow on Twitter found some anomalies in the flight pattern information, including a tail number that had been changed.  Some people feel the pictures of the crash scene seem staged.  All I can tell you is that there are real people in the Iranian community in Toronto who seem quite distraught about the death of their loved ones.  There are principals of local schools and colleges making announcements of the names of students that were killed.
I find it hard to believe that these 63 Canadians, including a wedding party from Edmonton, agreed to participate in faking their deaths and hiding out in Iran.  One was a mother and 10-year-old daughter who were visiting their grandparents, and the husband remains behind in Canada.
The other possibility I was wondering about is that maybe there were cabal/terrorists escaping Iran, and they found a way to trick the Iranian military into shooting down the wrong plane, allowing them to escape in the process.  It’s been said that in order to shoot the plane down, they would have had to track it right from departure and takeoff, and this commercial plane had been delayed from takeoff for 1 hour for some unspecified reason.  Did the evil elite use it as a decoy by changing the tail number on the programmed flight log, etc.?
Anyway, it’s been very upsetting.  It reminds me a lot of when Korean Airlines Flight 007 was shot down by the Russians in 1983.  I was attending a Korean Zen Buddhist temple in Toronto, and I remember how devastated so many people were who had lost relatives, and they were doing many funeral services.
In a way, I’d prefer to think it was an accidental shoot-down of the plane, rather than a cold-hearted calculated military operation to take out a few Cabal leaders.
I would appreciate your insights, and just thought I’d fill you in with my research “on the ground,” so to speak.
All the best, and good luck with your negotiations for world peace!
—MB of Mississauga

Hi M,
To be honest, I do not know what happened with the airliner, but my best guess is Trump ordered it shut down in order to blame the Iranians and distract from the huge mistake he made in ordering the death of General Soleimani.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:28
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Quarta-feira, 22 de Janeiro de 2020

A Vision for Discernment


The Vision Alignment Project


We see a world where all peoples in all lands have fully developed their capacity to discern; where each and everyone of us is easily able to spot what the innermost motivations of others are; and where we are strong enough and wise enough to act upon what we know to be true.

We see a world where all secrets, deceptions, orchestrations, and hidden agendas have come to light because we know when something doesn't feel right and true to us; we know when it won't give us the results we're seeking.

Accordingly, with our discerning senses forged and sharpened, we have created a wondrous new world for ourselves because we can no longer be fooled by anyone, anywhere, anytime.


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


Tanks to  

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:39
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