Our Vision for today comes to you from our new friend, Baku. We truly appreciate it and intend that you do too. Thanks so much, Baku!
I see a world where our politicians are, each one, striving to tell the truth and will not participate in slander, mudslinging, or anything that would or could cause harm or hurt to another person, even if it would be true......... either to those involved politically or not involved in politics.
I see a government where old fashioned values and trust have been restored....where all the parties work together for the good "of the people" regardless of party affiliation, structure or dynamics. I envision a government where each individual fulfills his or her office without thought of greed, aggrandizement, self-absorbancy, filling their pockets with others' money and instead are keeping faithful watch over the duties of their office and their promises and pledges to their fellow citizens of this planet..............instead of watching the Perks file and seeing what they can get for themselves.
I see a government that respects the "workers" and all those who struggle to pay the taxes, fees, fines, penalties etc that have become such a burden to free people.............While some of these monies are necessary....I see a time when unfair or dubious monies collected are returned to the people....and any monies collected are only under a democratic vote and a majority rules guideline.
I see a time when faith and trust in our government is restored to the extent that our young people are given qualified heros and people of honor to look up too..............and they, our children, and grandchildren, themselves would choose to follow on a path where they can truly be a blessing and fulfill their duties toward democracy and their constituency, when they enter the arena of politics. And I see a day when we can stand tall and proud when we tell someone that our child, grandchild....niece, nephew etc. has decided to enter into politics to make this a better world to live in. I see a time when this is not a dream.....but a reality....where all people and all races are living together in Peace and Harmony....