The greatest truths can be discovered through the process of integration.
My dear children value every moment of your time within a physical body, integrate your divine soul and sacred energies into your physical body and reality as this is your true purpose on the Earth. You must love yourself to eliminate these boundaries. As you open to the energy of your soul and embody love the restrictions of your physical body and reality will disperse. This does not mean that your body will disappear but that it will rise in energy vibration, allowing you to exist with greater integration and vastness in a physical body. When you connect with your inner divine energies you are able to reach out and share your love and light with those around you, increasing your expansive energy and unity of your light with other aspects of the Creator’s light. With this progression, you will gradually learn to become integrated with every aspect of the Creator’s soul, becoming the Creator and the beauty of the mighty soul of the Creator on the Earth, and throughout the universe.
‘I invite the divinity of my being to connect with all aspects of your being, physical body and reality now. I expand my divine energies into my entire being and into the world around me. I share my love and light openly and generously with those around me. The expansion of my light magnifies and amplifies manifesting unity with all aspects of the Creator’s light. With this progression I can see, sense, and acknowledge my natural integration with every aspect of the Creator’s soul. I acknowledge and explore myself now as the beauty of the Creator incarnate on the Earth. It is through integration I ascend, recognising the truth of the Creator within my being and the world around me. Thank you and so it is. ‘
Integration is to ascend and to become enlightened. When you expand your soul and integrate it with the aspects of the Creator’s soul you become sensitive and aware of everything that occurs on the Earth and the inner planes. Your awareness and sensitivity expand to across the Earth because you are integrated with all. You can assist and guide many from the spiritual planes because you are an aspect of every soul incarnation on the Earth and in existence on the spiritual planes. This, my dear children, is the way that we can be by your side every day guiding you forth. We are ascended masters, divine light beings of the Creator and an aspect of your soul. When you invoke our guidance and advice, we can assist you with ease. The process and practice of integration is one that brings forth major ascension shifts and awakening. Integration is essential now on the Earth as it will not only open your inner divine world to you, your spiritual skills, abilities and enlightenment will be revealed. Integration with the Creator and your soul, expanding these energies into your reality and the world will enable you to strengthen your energies, balance your being, awakening your inner enlightenment, become aware of the truth within and around you, as well as, grounding you into a new way of being.
Integration is to accept the presence of divinity within your being and to emanate it into your being and world. Evaluating your connection and oneness with all souls, therefore becoming the truth of the Creator incarnate upon the Earth.
Time and your physical body are your only restrictions on the Earth, but they aid you in discovering the sacred jewel and golden droplet of enlightenment you are. Once this is understood then you can accept yourself as a vast and expansive energy of the Creator that is integrated with every living soul not just on the Earth but in spirit form as well.
This comprehension allows you to realise there is an aspect of your soul within every person that you meet and greet. You are one with the Earth and the universe. You are the Creator in manifestation on the Earth, and let it be. This comprehension is now grounding fully into the Earth, allow it to awaken and become active within your own being.
I share with you the bounty of love that stems from my soul. I honour the divine within you; I respect and love you unconditionally. May you now honour the divine within your soul and love yourself unconditionally.
Allow the waves of Krishna’s energy to immerse your being.