Segunda-feira, 4 de Maio de 2020

Fear in Trusting God


Fear in Trusting God 

By Lisa Renee

May 4th, 2020


Q. “I am inspired by your transparent information and you are one of the only spiritual leaders that speaks on satanic ritual abuse of children. Unfortunately, I have witnessed the unspeakable evil things done to them and it makes me so upset that I question how could God allow it. It makes me question if God won’t help them, how would he help me? It makes me resist God at some level and fear to trust.”
A. This is a very good question and I think that it starts in the beginning of our journey. It takes some time to understand our own relationship with God and to feel that and experience that directly. I know that this is a very common question that many people on planet Earth ask themselves and others. Many atheists will say “if there was a God this situation wouldn’t be happening”. That is why in ES I’m always talking about the importance of understanding our true hidden history and the fact that we are in a war over consciousness. This planet is essentially a prison planet. There are many basic assumptions about the history of humanity that are unknown to the general public, which make it a lot easier to think that we’ve just been abandoned here on this planet, and there is no benevolent or loving force that is here to help in such dire matters.
Once we understand the larger context, the Guardian context of understanding the quality of consciousness that we have access to on the earth, what we can embody and experience in our consciousness, is made available through an architecture, it is through a manifestation blueprint. We are essentially existing in a fallen system with damaged manifestation blueprints. The damage that has been incurred is not only in the time space matrixes and within the blended reality with AI systems, but is also compounded with understanding that this reality has been invaded by nonhuman forces. Those that have exploited the weaknesses of this architectural damage, as well as exploit the immature level of human consciousness that is existing at this point in the timeline. Because if we understand where we are as a species on planet earth, the consciousness here is very young and undeveloped. Essentially, there are extradimensional bullies that are very proficient at warfare with extremely advanced technological weaponry that is being used as a form of mind control, as a form of subjugation of the consciousness that exists here.
By intentionally erasing the identities here on this planet, we’ve all been mind-wiped, we’ve been given a false history and we’ve been given a false identity. Then one can see the set up here more accurately, it is quite dire in terms of how challenging it is for all of us, as human beings. Without our handbook, without having access to that information of where we actually come from and how there has been a small group, a domineering group that decided to take planet Earth for its own purposes, we are blinded. Whether it was for the farming, for gaining resources, for energy management, for stealing the consciousness energy here, that’s essentially what we’re dealing with now. We have been enduring this in the last 26,000 year cycle after the Luciferian Rebellion, undergoing a very dark age.
The dark eon was upon us for 26,000 years, we have come to the end of that cycle and now we are traversing in the in between zone. We’re existing in the space of no-time. We haven’t quite started the new eon, we are in a transition phase where we are undergoing the ascension cycle, but simultaneously, we are also in a war over this planet. This is something that has been described as the war over timelines because the timelines are directly related to the operation of the planetary architecture. He or she who controls the architecture also controls time. When we talk about AI and superimposed overlays of alien implants and various levels of the corruption that have occurred in the planet itself, many of us that have been listening to the ES material or our body of work for a time, understood that our planetary logos was invaded. Essentially, the brain and head of this planet was taken over and it was turned into an AI machine that could be controlled by those off planet and those that exist in the in between spaces. To create essentially a farm down here and that is what we are evolving out of right now.
We talk about the spiritual freedom and liberation of this planet, the liberation of consciousness, this is what we’re living through right now. Many of us that were indigo or starseeded came from other galaxies, came from other planetary systems, came from other universes entirely. We answered the clarion call and we came here to help and experience the end of the dark aeon. We’re working in that field of reference supporting the ascension cycle, and not only are we working for the Ascension cycle, we’re doing recon, we are taking inventory. Because the issue is someone is accountable to the architecture, these forces will be held accountable to what has happened here to enslave consciousness. It’s also relative to our lifespan being very short, we have 70 odd years down here in this particular body, in which also was a genetic modification made by the invaders to limit our life span. By the time we are old enough to get some maturity and awareness, the body has to drop, and what has been happening down here is then starting the ongoing recycling of the reincarnation process.
This is now the time of the reveal in the clarion call of that which returned the original architects to the earth, the ancient builder races that are the Christic consciousness that exists beyond this universe. Who are basically responsible for the cosmic order, let’s say in this segment of creation, and are returning back to embody on this planet in order to lead the Ascension hosting into the support of the consciousness liberation process. This is a long-term plan, because obviously when you look at the diversity in the state of consciousness today, most people still don’t understand that this reality is energetic, an electromagnetic spectrum of frequency. That consciousness energy is intelligent and we are eternal beings that are a part of this electromagnetic energy, this field of intelligent consciousness. We still have many brothers and sisters on this earth that are asleep to that fact. It is going to take some time in terms of reeducation and support for the entire planetary body to undergo evolution to another paradigm.
In looking at and understanding our hidden history, which has involved several wars such as the electric wars, one can begin to understand the damage that has been incurred in this reality. Once you start to experience this, and I think because I’m an architect and obviously feel what has happened in the consciousness of this earth, it is very clear to me that this invasion has nothing to do with God. Because God didn’t do this, people did. It is the forces that were masking themselves as gods, the advanced extraterrestrial extra dimensional races who decided they would play God. Beings like Yahweh or Thoth or Jehovah, these are Annunaki entities that decided they were superior and elite and they would be worshiped as gods by the earth inhabitants. Unfortunately, many of the people on this planet do not know that they are worshiping an alien God. But that is the setup, the negative alien agenda was to set up organized religion for this very purpose. Revelations was basically the Armageddon software that they installed to torment the human race, they were putting predictive programming in the planetary brain even 2000 years ago. Bringing this predictive programming forward because everybody was waiting for the end of the Ascension cycle in 2012, when the Galactic gates opened and the neutron window opened, because this brought in an opening access into this reality.
Another thing to understand is that this reality was closed off. It was under quarantine from the damage and it was also covered with frequency fences from these particular negative alien forces that were preventing any kind of outside interaction with our spiritual links, that blocked communication with true family members. We could get in but we couldn’t get out. There are starseeds that came here to support and do recon work while this was happening, but the gates were closed and had to wait until the end of this 2012 period in order to open the links of communication with our true family. In understanding how recent this has actually been, at least from the ES Guardian host context, this body of work and of course of my own direct experience, because basically my walk-in, my direct contact didn’t happen until 2000.
This was to prepare 12 years later for the 2012 opening where all of this ascension information needed to be synthesized, integrated and understood. Because I was essentially a sleeper for the Christ consciousness forces, not knowing who I was either. We came down here without understanding our true identity here. So, through the contact at the end of the cycle, all of the entities whether they are Luciferian, whether they are Satanic, whether they are Christic, these are the various lineages that are contacting their people. Whatever genetic material, whether it’s the Christ consciousness 12 strand DNA or the reversal 10 Black Sun DNA or it’s the Belial DNA.
Essentially everyone is attempting to contact their preferred lineages down here. Helping people to prepare for an understanding of what is happening on the earth and as we know, some of these forces are completely against and are resisting the Ascension. They don’t want to rehabilitate, they don’t want to leave their territory because they consider this planet and the inhabitants on it as property. Again, this has nothing to do with God. What has happened here in the last 26,000 years is basically dark forces run amuck with silent weapons of mind control being directed to the inhabitants of this planet to get them to be conditioned to the alien gods. They have downloaded their brains to us, they have downloaded their egoic structure. They’re trying to terraform this planet and basically genetically modified human bodies so that they can use this DNA, the Christic model. Because this body is from an original 12 strand DNA model. They are essentially hijacking Christic architecture, Christic bodies, Christic forms for their own purposes.
This is a part of the revelation of waking up to this unsavory history and determining our own orientation, our own role on this planet at this time. Feeling our purpose in terms of our incarnational purpose and why we came to this planet, and to be aligned to that in order to fulfill what we call the heroic probability of our incarnation. The reason why we came to this planet was to help through the ascension. Now obviously this is that difficult area, I’m not here to tell anybody what to think. I’m just offering information with the hope that it empowers each individual to determine their own direct relationship with God, define their own relationship with their spirit and to determine what their purpose, their divine blueprint is. Why they incarnated on this planet at this particular time and to align with that purpose now, because that’s what gives us meaning and fulfillment throughout this difficult process.
So, understanding the Satanic ritual abuse and knowing what its main purposes are, is knowing the Satanists and these entities cannot generate co-creative consciousness on their own, so they hijack ours. One of the ways they feed upon us is this horrifying method of satanic ritual abuse, which is human blood sacrifice with a propensity of their desire towards children. The children of planet Earth are targeted for multitudes of reasons, but in understanding they want children because of the purity of the source that they get from sacrificing children. Their blood, their body parts and the soul energy that comes with it, especially those under 12 and under 6.
There is a very well-organized pedophilia ring and Satanic ritual abuse ring and cannibalism ring, that is actually being dismantled over the last couple years. Thank you God. But coming to that end times scenario and also recognizing that when human beings refuse to look at what is directly in front of them because it’s too painful, or does it fit in with their belief system, which they have been mind-controlled by these alien races to believe in this false nature of reality. You can see the conundrum with that because our co-creative consciousness is being usurped, is being superimposed upon. They use us to manifest our own genocide, what we see in the outer scape today.
That means that each person has to begin to find their power within and stop giving their power to the external authorities or to these control narratives which are largely false. Because this is what keeps it in power, this is what keeps it running. As you mentioned, I have been talking about SRA and child sexual abuse and child sacrifice for a great many years, to mostly deaf ears because nobody wants to hear it, nobody wants to listen to it. I’m finally pleased that after so many years of this that more people are waking up to the reality that this indeed exists on our planet and is a main causal factor of widespread global slavery.
Because my feeling is the slavery that is in place has always been there. We are told we are free and if we believe we are free, we promote our own genocide, and now we can see that’s changing in the outer scape. More people can see the slavery that was always there. They are now just taking it to the next level in the outer levels. Recognizing that the powers that be here have had a new world order or one world order agenda for the endgame strategy, and we’re seeing that play out right now. But this has been in play since the Luciferian covenant, since basically the Luciferian rebellion even. This was always their projected timeline in terms of the timeline wars, that at the end of the 2012 cycle they would rollout this agenda.
We can see that it’s in play now and the issue is we are in the final conflict stages, there is a battle that is being waged for the consciousness of this planet. It is essentially between Christ forces and anti-Christ forces, when you understand what the Christos actually is, it’s not a planetary Christ it is a cosmic order. It goes way beyond our universe and those that decided they would imprison this planet as their own territory and enslave the inhabitants here. As a part of their consciousness enslavement breeding program, so that they could use this system as a source of energetic food, but also steal resources and other things that they get from planet Earth.
I feel that knowing our true history of where we came from in our galactic history and also why many of us came to this prison planet to assist in the Ascension cycle, helps with context. Why we came to the earth to get the people out of here. It’s understanding that it happens through us. God consciousness is not a person, it is an intelligent energy. I think it’s very challenging as some people have their own idea of God as sort of a personification or personage. God isn’t a personage, God works through us. Essentially the Christ architecture, the Christos Kryst-Krystallah architecture is the embodiment of the God source, this is the sacred architecture that allows God to embody.
Everything on this planet, understanding it was made through God source and it is existing within the God body. But the intelligence of source could not be fully embodied at that level of consciousness here on planet Earth. It’s just happening now. That’s a part of the liberation of the human race, the liberation of the species of this planet which is a part of understanding this dark eon moving to a light eon. That we are living through that transition right now. There is an incredible quantum leap in consciousness that can be experienced by being here in matter at this particular time. Even though obviously when we start to open up this, I want to say open Pandora’s box, to go down the rabbit hole with the negative alien agenda it can be very difficult for people, to attempt to really integrate and understand that information and indeed it takes time.
I have found with myself the more intimate and deep and stable my relationship with God is, the easier it is to see the unpleasant truth. Until it was fully embodied within me and I feel God with me 24/7 all of the time, could I truly understand the nature of this reality. Until that process actually happens, you go through a healthy process of asking these questions about God. Because I think this really is the reason why we’re here, is to understand what is the purpose of life, what is the divine plan for this particular creation, what is our unique and individual role with creation? I’ve often said our two most important relationships, especially now, are understanding ourselves as the true contents of our consciousness and heart and developing that very intimate relationship with self and a very intimate relationship with God.
We cannot know God until we know ourselves. It’s like understanding that the universe doesn’t recognize you until you recognize your true self. You have to know who you are inside, you have to feel your heart and explore the contents of your consciousness to truly know who you are. This takes some time and certainly we’re in a very challenging time right now. I’m really not surprised by what I see in the outer scape because this has been in the architecture for a long time. For those of us that do grid work or understand the nature of reality in looking at timelines, this has always been there. The war over the timelines is essentially through those that are attempting to steer this planet towards the Armageddon scenario that brings on the one world order, a totalitarian and dystopian nightmare. However, they choose events or cataclysms for trigger points, and here they’re using pestilence programming, which is also part of the Armageddon software, to attempt to roll out the one world order.
But the issue with this is understanding we have to accept this in order for it to manifest. This is the challenge that we’re in, there are still many people that are believing the lies and the deceptions and the gas lighting of the Controllers. Many of us that have been on the ascension path when we were in those deeper moments we asked, what is it going to take for people to actually look at what’s in front of them and be able to see it in an accurate assessment? Instead of believing the gas lighting, believing the lies, believing the deceptions. I think there are many people waking up to this now thank goodness, but it’s been a long hard row, in going through and in seeing that all of these pieces have been put in place over the years in order to finally get to this point.
Because the two major timelines that they’re fighting for are the ascension which opens up into the disclosure movement, and the one world order which they’re trying to put in place right now. We can see that the war over disclosure is the war over information that I provide and many others provide that are on the ascension or disclosure path. That information is considered unapproved, they do not want unapproved topics given to the public that would stimulate critical or independent thinking. Therefore, those of us that steward or present this type of material are under heavy shadow banning, psychic attack, and all attempts to redirect this information from the public so that they do not have access to it. What is it going to take? Numbers.
It’s going to take more of us coming together and becoming organized, coming into unified cooperation and being willing to stand with each other. Most people don’t recognize how organized the Satanists and Luciferians are, they are extremely well-funded and they are extremely organized, while the spiritual communities are not. How many times have you seen people in consciousness or truther community who can barely have a conversation with each other with opposing viewpoints, without getting angry, hostile and accusing. People have to get the negative ego under control and be able to come to this level of unified cooperation for the sake of humanity. Where I don’t have to agree with you, but we can have a respectful and compassionate interaction with each other, as we explore our alternatives at this time. I can’t stress that enough.
Here in ES community, this is why we so emphasize negative ego clearing and impulse control, studying victim victimizer archetypes, understanding how this works as a type of psychic attack that separates people, so that we can become much stronger together as a unit. Because as long as we’re operating from negative ego, the negative ego destroys everything. Our spiritual communities are going to need to become a lot more savvy and understand that yes, there is a war raging right now, it’s a consciousness war. We need to step up and get our house in order. We need to start really taking care of our own and be able to go to this next level to create a mental, emotional, and spiritual strength in order to be more successful with our body of work.
I’m sorry about the fear involved in building trust with God, as I know that is very common in the earlier stages of awakening, because we have to build trust with ourselves, in order to build trust in our relationship with God. But rest assured, I hopefully can be an example to you that you know over time as you develop an extremely intimate and deep relationship with yourself, really knowing who you are inside, then you can feel God within your heart. As you develop your relationship with God, you will come to find out that this atrocity has nothing to do with God, we are in a fallen system that is controlled in a blended reality with a partial phantom matrix. These entities have used this phantom matrix in order to exert a tremendous amount of control over this planet. Therefore, we’re looking at the consequences of that abuse from these entities that have had that control on the earth during the dark age.
But the good news from an architectural level is understanding that the architecture is changing. I’m seeing a lot of the battery packs, the consciousness that they were yielding in terms of Loosh is dwindling, a lot of this is changing now. They do not have access to the things that they used to have access to and this is very good. Understanding the strategy is starving them out and it starts with us, we can’t give them food. Because how do we become a dark portal puppet? When we are angry, when we are lacking impulse control and we just go with the control narrative that they’re feeding us. We are feeding it, we are giving our consciousness energy to these alien structures that are designed to harm and enslave us.
It starts within ourselves, it starts with educating ourselves to really understand what we’re looking at in the outer scape and refuse to participate with it. That is the start and we need a lot more people, even in the New Age and in the ascension communities that still don’t understand that we’re in a spiritual war right now. Maybe more people are starting to wake up. But I have been talking about this a long time and I have to tell you, it’s made me very unpopular in the consciousness spaces because nobody wants to deal with this reality. And the bottom line is, we are going to have to and were facing it right now. It’s our come to Jesus moment. We are going to have to see it for what it really is and we’re going to have to face it and deal with the consequences of it.
I do hope that that is helpful in understanding and knowing that this is most likely a temporary stage in the early awakening process. Continue to develop your compassion, your love, your heart, which will reveal your direct relationship with God. To ask the question who am I, what is my divine purpose on this planet, why am I here? Keep exploring that. It’s time for guts on the table and it takes some time in order to really develop maturity and competency and confidence in this process of awakening. It just takes time. But thank you so much for sharing your concerns and question, it’s very difficult for a great many people.

Lisa Renee


Compiled by from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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