Quarta-feira, 20 de Maio de 2020
By AarayA from Sirius
The Sirian Messenger.
Through Dinnho Beduzupo.
Translation from Portuguese: May 20, 2020.
Beloved Souls, Greetings!
It is not relevant what you call the movement caused by the system that coordinates and feeds your pillars in terms of centralizing power and spreading fear. Nothing changes the fact that it is real and acts powerfully on the nations of his planet, and it will always reorganize itself in an attempt to keep things as they are - standardized, stagnant, average.
At least, it was that way until another time; maybe some of you still have some difficulty in identifying, but a lot has changed in recent times, and this is not just a matter of chance! [smile]
So much is said about the New Earth, and so little objective idea is made of it - if only because of the freedom of minds from the lack of imagination and fear strategically implanted among the dear Terrans! In any case, the fact is that new actions provoked reactions to the height, and the energy of Gaia is already differentiated, and for the better, despite those without Faith, without confidence in their own power as well as in the Supreme Intelligence of JATA (The Creative Source, God).
Servants of Light had to face their own demands as part of their own purification process. There was suffering. There was pain. There was doubt. There was loneliness. However, there was also solidarity, fraternity, expressions of affection, respect and love. There was an effective engagement in practical actions in favor of the collective, as rarely seen in so little of humanity. And all of this was and is part of what will bring about in Man the changes that they need for the New Man to co-create the New Earth.
Obviously, the matrix, the system, does not want, more beloved Terrans, that things change even more in order to confront their interests so intrinsically rooted in the ego of the invigilating Servants of Light, through their vices and dark interests. Therefore, it is natural for it - the system - to move in defense of its interests, even if it means dropping pieces of its big game in favor of itself.
It is important to say objectively: the system does not care about human lives.
It feeds on everything that its mentors and guides of light have always tried to teach them to deal with discipline and engagement; and we speak here of fear, of segregation, of separatism, of violence, of everything that evokes the darker side of the ignorance of being. And all this is easily identified in the actions of Man, whose energy is associated with Matrix interests, as he will always be on the side of financial interests above legitimately humanitarian causes.
The vibrational scale of the New Earth that is established in this Now, will exalt the most striking characteristics of all of you. For this reason, the last strongest movements in favor of duality are yet to come, although around your 5 (five) earth years things have become especially denser among you, with glaring ideological postures, falling into physical aggression in some cases. This is all from the purge phase, that is, it must be so due to the high demand involved in the process.
Humanity has seen movements in favor of and against the coordinates of the bodies responsible for monitoring global health regarding this pandemic. People are already starting to confront each other about all of this, in a very similar way to what happened in their most recent elections, that is, with more passion than with common sense. And due to this direct effect, wear and tear of relationships have kept them away from each other, even in family social cells including. Because the system is strengthened when you divide, objectively so.
You fall, like pieces of a huge domino, knocking each other down, mechanically, whenever common sense is relegated to the background. But, when their own leaders fail to lead them through the paths of open and respectful, empathic and aggregating dialogue, what do the sleeping morals, the conscientious lethargics do if they don't follow the herd? This is the legitimate end of days, beautiful!
The adherents of these denser and more violent stances will no longer remain in Gaia - and they know it. They know and do not care, because for their interests what the reverberating energy of the rising planet means, they do not arouse any interest either, if they will no longer be able to maintain the privileged patterns on which they depend to coexist as they are used to. Some groups will resist the Good News here and there, but they already see that from that last experience of the Gaian Man positively activated due to the effects of the pandemic, with less and less resources they will be able to count on to maintain themselves according to their intimate and petty interests.
The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!
Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither he - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.
What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]
The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!
Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither it - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.
What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]
Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)
AarayA of Sirius
Dinnho Beduzupo
CHANNEL NOTE: Despite all the problems caused by everything that is involved in our purification process, I still stick to the best examples and stories of those who roll up their sleeves and surrender in favor of social well-being. Everything that is heavy, dense exists, already existed before, so I see no logic to exalt any of this. New Earth asks for the New Man that we can all always be, if we stop resisting and really allow ourselves to. Expanded free will.
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tags: aaraya,
dinnho beduzupo,
new earth,
sirian messenger,
sirius fraternity,
sirius' aaraya,