Quinta-feira, 14 de Maio de 2020
By AarayA from Sirius
The Sirian Messenger.
Through Dinnho Beduzupo..
Translation from Portuguese: May 14, 2020.
Beloved Souls, Greetings!
For this Now we return to your benevolent appreciation, with immense joy and love. We carry a message of good hope and faith in humanity that continues to awaken from a long period of conscientious lethargy, and all of this is magical whenever it reaches the mass that the Earth brothers have reached. [smile]
The lineage of the Gaian Man is relatively new for the parameters of understanding the little blue planet. But there are older lineages that are really committed to contributing so that everything that the Planetary Transition offers them, is really handed over to those who are entitled, and it is no longer necessary for separatist and segregating ideas and theories to be fed in the name of anyone.
We still see today the “Density Workers” motivated now to give them very specific guidelines on the rules of conduct of the Terrans who try to follow the step-by-step of this phase of existential (re) discoveries.
They sign on behalf of great avatars, impersonate beings of unblemished morals and ability to serve others, and all this was foreseen by the most attentive among you, as it is configured as an ancient practice, however, being always resurrected by gloomy minions.
They forget, however, that which makes the planet itself configure itself as a unique nursery of sparks, of stellar souls, closely watched by JATA itself (The Creative Source, The Smile of Heaven, God): Love.
Every form of existing consciousness, within this planetary quadrant as well as beyond, starts from this same principle so that it can maintain itself and effectively progress in its species - because only Love is the direction for the bosom of the Father of All. But they, the "forgotten who they are", continue to offer you more of what each of you is predisposed to access, within the interests and addictions that you assumed as parts of yourself, one day, blindly and mechanically.
The result of this is what is seen between you: dual and, more often still, aggressive ideas and feelings, hostile in dealing with how the other behaves and reads the universe around you. And absolutely none of this could come from us, nothing!
Our guidelines are based on bases of Unconditional Love and Justice - justice that the understanding of ordinary man is not in an evolutionary framework to understand, much less accept. And for this same reason, it seems to them especially more functional to follow what someone tells them by saying things that any mind without any commitment to high morals or the minimum practical sense of harmonic coexistence would offer.
Through these practices of little or no light, addictive invigilators follow, intoxicated by the venous energy of revanchist words and intentions, even encouraging aggression, and all of this is going on very naturally, without ever being. All of this occurs because the time of his so-called “separation from the wheat from the chaff” continues at a great pace evolutionarily speaking, and similar ones will be grouped together in favor of their worldly conquests and interests, or of something higher still of subtle perception for humanity.
It is the moment for those who try hard to pass themselves off as Light, to reevaluate their actions while they still have some fragments of their linear time. Because the said separation is really only a magnetic quality away, that is, it is only necessary that there is a minimum spark of Love and (self) commitment to themselves so that the whole collective can at last glimpse a little of what may be in their lives times of legitimate Peace and Prosperity.
There is no need for any of this, of all these devices, of so much effort in trying to resist the Good News to enter into the real sense of their existences, when a Server of Light activates in Love and service for others. And what is done in the opposite direction to this renewed condition only serves to make even more of their concept of time frequent them * to a height of all things with very few possibilities. And believe me, you really won't want any of this! [smile]
Both the Silver Fleet and the Diamond Fleet, among countless others, are occupying the key points of Gaia and some other civilizations across the Universe trying to protect them from themselves, from their excesses, from their fascinating and thoughtless passions, which only densify them more. and more, each time they depart from their original sense of progressing and serving.
Without the benevolent conduct of our work lovingly carried out by Sananda, they might have cost a little more the very conscience of which they are proud to embrace the new that is now emerging for the little stars of Stars.
Therefore, it is desirable that they review very well what they accept as legitimate and what they propagate as “our” truths. Because if, on the one hand, this current pandemic coordinates for them to wear masks, let everyone know that even they have their phase of duration, and similar to those used by supporters of the stupid opponents of the Good News, they will also fall continuously and progressively. Let no one be deceived about this, because it will be so, because it is so!
Most beloved family, if it seems to you that it is little to defend yourself against the density of these channeled pseudo-orientations full of “absolute truths” and superficial findings, it is necessary to say that from there we can do nothing more for you. These are essentially choices, and their free will remains untouchable in the eyes of the Creator and thus, by direct consequence, their angels, archangels, mentors, elementals, diverse collectives and, of course, their galactic family.
In their exceptional defense, we are still looking to access them through their dreams, but we advise them to guard against exposing them to third parties. So, if you remember something in that sense or don't save anything for your conscious mind *, don't be so shaken; just watch what qualities of feeling you get, because this is the key to the answers you seek, and that is individual.
We ended this message, your SYRIUS FRATERNITY represented here by AarayA, with the always welcome collaboration of our commander Ashtar Sheran, who offered to come and punctuate about the matrix information - these old “new era” little lies - in the name of restoration anchoring in your Sacred Higher I Am.
Much gratitude for the affection of your attention! [smiles]
Heia Sun! (Let there be light!)
AarayA of Sirius
Dinnho Beduzupo
CHANNEL NOTE: I admit that I stopped following some sources where the involvement with the money was striking. If it were a discreet thing, preferably apart from publicity work, ok. But not. It is claimed that everything is about “charging” to help others, and despite understanding the needs of an essentially material atmosphere, I think there is always another way to “support”… For all this I invoke the memory of the master Francisco Cândido Xavier, who has always worked with humility in modest occupations and who even psychographed books that would become a world reference, never benefited financially from it, donating everything to the most needy. God knows the trials I go through, and how grateful I am for everything. This is called targeting; what is mine * is not on Earth.
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tags: aaraya,
dinnho beduzupo,
sirian messenger,
sirius fraternity,
sirius' aaraya,
the matrix