Terça-feira, 28 de Janeiro de 2020

Rothschilds kicked out of Russia and Japan as world revolution unfolds

Benjamin Fulford 

Report Sample 






A world revolution is unfolding with historical events taking place in Africa, China, France, Japan, Russia, and elsewhere as the old planetary control grid continues to collapse, multiple sources agree.
Let’s start with the revolution that was announced in Russia last week.  Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized, which is why half the government was fired, FSB sources tell us.  Here’s what our FSB sources have to say on the subject:
“It was supposed to start back in November 2019 when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was killed at FSB headquarters, but due to the presence in the country of a huge number of the richest Jews in the world (the Rothschilds, Sheldon Adelson, etc.), this operation was postponed.
“Then at the end of December, half of our money was given to one structure, which organized this sudden ‘departure’ of Jewish Premier Medvedev.  This structure will oversee various ministries and all new ministers will be appointed under its supervision.
“On January 16th, President [Herman] Gref of Federal Central Bank Sberbank got so drunk with grief that he was taken to the Odintsovo Hospital suffering from acute alcohol poisoning.  That is why he suddenly cancelled his speech at the Gaidar Forum.”

On January 18th, Gref told Tass News, “We should brace for the collapse of the existing world order.  It will be very painful.”

The FSB sources also report that when Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian central bank, was fired last week, all cellphones of central bank employees were confiscated and a huge stash of documents was seized.
One other thing they reported to us was that Yevgeny Zinichev, “the head of the Ministry of Emergencies, will become the head of the FSB, but this will also not be for long.”

The P3 Freemasons, who report a lot of very weird stuff, tell us the Medvedev who was removed was actually an “an alien.”
Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France is also under siege.  He was forced to flee for his life from a theater last week amid rioting that has gone on now for over a year.  A new French revolution is coming, French resistance sources promise.
Equally dramatic, if less public, events were going on in Japan last week.  A first cousin of former Emperor Hirohito tells us the Bank of Japan has been …


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Letters to the Editor

January 16, 2020
Letter from Russia


The following letter arrived in my email from Russia.  Here is the machine-translated version, and below that is the original Russian version.

I’m Ilya Vladimirovich Konnov, 09/18/1980, that on the territory of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Sverdlovsk region in the colony No. 53 illegal acts occur, namely:
I want to inform the following that convicted Sergeyev Artemy Mikhailovich (commandant of the residential zone) serving his sentence in correctional colony No. 53 of Verkhoturye, Sverdlovsk region, and convicted Martynov Grigory Olegovich (manager of the detachment) serving his sentence in the same colony entered into a criminal conspiracy with operatives Dmitry Kudirovym Vladimirov and Justice Maxim Valeryevich, who provide all kinds of assistance in fraudulent schemes of these convicts instead of suppressing unlawful acts, for money citizenship!
One of the episodes of this criminal group, Sergeev A.M., together with Martynov G.O., having a criminal intent for extortion against convicted Shuganov Alexander, created unbearable conditions for him to keep workers Kudymov and the Court through operas, as a result of which they threatened physical harm to Shuganov, received a money transfer from Shuganov’s sister in the amount of 245,000 rubles after they received the money, they continued to extort from him another 100? 000r after which the sister Shuganova appealed to the GUFSIN in the Sverdlovsk region with a statement.
On December 25, 2019, the task force arrived at IK No. 53 to conduct an audit.  During the audit, the facts of receipt of funds by Sergeyev and Martynov were confirmed.  Further, inspectors from the GUFSIN asked Shuganov’s sister not to write further to Moscow, promising to transfer Shuganov to SG2 in the Sverdlovsk Region, explaining his decision so as not to spoil the statistics before the new year.  Further, to divert Sergeyev’s eyes, they put him in a punishment cell for 7 days, after which he embroidered and continued to extort money from the convicts.
The second episode of extortion consists in extorting from a convict Ulomsky 200? 000 tr. but that would not work as janitors in the colony, where Martynov regularly humiliates and beat him.  There is a confident opinion that the administration of EC No. 53 actively covers the actions of Sergeyev and Martynov, because no one was punished.  Also, Sergeyev and Martynov have cell phones with Internet access that it is reliably known that they use them to carry out fraudulent schemes under the pretext of bank employees to transfer money from strangers.
One of the episodes was controlled by General Fedorov Alexander Ivanovich from the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Sverdlovsk Region, but the leadership of IK53 deliberately hides what is happening in the colony, receiving money for this from the prisoners through Sergeyev and Martynov.  On the basis of the above, I ask you to instruct a comprehensive audit of IK№53, to prosecute Sergeyev, Martynov, and the colony’s employees who committed and covered these crimes, to conduct an audit of the IFRS (Polygraph) against all these persons for reliable information and confirmation of these facts.
A copy of this appeal will be sent to the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Media, for an objective and comprehensive investigation.
I ask to provide the answer to e-mail konnov80@protonmail.com
Digital Signature: I47SUhZqnCu398WmSdIjisAEv7VXY9sXFtCGoYS5nnQoCbuvEpeauovP4HJu5SG3LQPe

Я Коннов Илья Владимирович 18.09.1980 что на территории УФСИН По Свердловской области в колонии №53 происходят противоправные действя а именно:
Хочу сообщить следующие что осужденный Сергеев Артемий Михайлович (комендант жилой зоны) отбывающий наказание в исправительной колонии №53 г. Верхотурье Свердловской области и осужденный Мартыновым Григорием Олеговичем (завхоз отряда) отбывающий наказание в той же колонии вошли в преступный сговор с оперативными работниками Кудымовым Дмитрием Владимировичем и Правосудом Максимом Валерьевичем которые оказывают всяческое содействие в мошеннических схемах данных осужденных вместо пресечения противоправных действий, за денежное вознаграждение! Один из эпизодов данной преступной группы: Сергеев А.М. совместно с Мартыновым Г.О. имея преступный умысел на вымогательство в отношении осужденного Шуганова Александра создали ему невыносимые условия содержания через опер работников Кудымова и Правосуда в последствие чего угрожая физической расправой Шуганову, получили от сестры Шуганова денежный перевод в размере 245?000 рублей после того как деньги были получены они продолжали вымогать с него еще 100?000р после чего сестра Шуганова обратилась в ГУФСИН по Свердловской области с заявлением. 25 декабря 2019 в ИК №53 приехала опергруппа для проведения проверки. В ходе проверки были подтверждены факты получение денежных средств Сергеевым и Мартыновым. Далее проверяющие из ГУФСИН попросили сестру Шуганова дальше не писать в Москву обещая перевести Шуганова в ИК2 Свердловской области, объясняя свое решение что бы перед новым годом не портить статистику. Дальше для отвода глаз Сергеева посадили в ШИЗО на 7 суток после чего он вышил и продолжил заниматься вымоганием денег у осужденных. Второй эпизод вымогательства заключается в вымогательстве у осужденного Уломского 200?000 т.р. зато что бы не работать уборщиков в колонии, где его Мартынов регулярно унижает и избивает. Уверенно складывается мнение что администрация ИК №53 активно прикрывает действия Сергеева и Мартынова, потому что наказание никто не понес. Так же у Сергеева и Мартынова имеются сотовые телефоны с выходом в интернет достоверно известно, что они используют их для совершения мошеннических схем под предлогом работников банков для перевода денежных средств чужих людей. Один из эпизодов был на контроле у Генерала Федорова Александра Ивановича из ГУФСИН по Свердловской области, но руководство ИК53 намеренно скрывает происходящие в колонии получая за это деньги получены преступным путем от заключенных через Сергеева и Мартынова. На основание вышенаписанного прошу Вас поручить провести комплексную проверку ИК№53 , привлечь к уголовной ответственности по данным фактам Сергеева , Мартынова и сотрудников колонии которые допустили и покрывали эти преступления, в отношение всех указанных лиц провести проверку на ИПФО (Полиграф) на предмет получения достоверной информации и подтверждения данных фактов. Копия данного обращения будет направлена в Администрацию президента, МВД, ФСБ, ФСИН РОССИИ, Генеральную прокуратуру и в Средства массовой информации, для проведения объективного и всестороннего расследования!
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Цифровая подпись:

January 12, 2020

Letter about Flight PS752

Hi Ben,
I want to wish you a Happy New Year!  I hope 2020 brings a clear vision of peace for the world, though I’m afraid we’re not off to a very good start!
I just watched your January 9th interview with Robert David Steele.  I wanted to comment on the Ukrainian airliner that was brought down over Tehran the other night.
When it happened so soon after the missile launches at U.S. bases in Iraq, people on Twitter, especially Americans, immediately jumped to the conclusion that the downing of the plane was a military operation to stop some Cabal leaders from escaping Iran.  Many were asserting that the 63 Canadian passengers were in fact Iranian spies.
This upset me, as I was hearing reports from local news concerning the people who had died in the crash, including a grade 10 high school student here in the Greater Toronto Area.  Nowadays people don’t trust the media and have seen “crisis actors” for other false flag events.
So I started digging on the people featured in this CTV article:
What I can tell you is that I confirmed quite a few of them.  I looked up the family doctors who were working in British Columbia on college websites, the obstetrician in Edmonton, and the dentist in Halifax, and they all had established practices.  I also confirmed two tenured professors at the University of Alberta, a secretary working for the Teachers Secondary School Federation (through a friend who said she’d been there at least 5 years), and as well was able to confirm a PhD student in Computer Sciences at the University of Toronto.  There was such a variety of professions listed amongst the victims that I highly doubt they were all a bunch of Iranian spies/double agents.
Which leaves me with these difficult questions:
1.  Did the Iranians accidentally shoot down a passenger plane because someone was jumpy?  There were lots of commercial flights in the air over Tehran that night, both Iranian and International.  They were taking the normal flight routes you would expect.
2.  There have been credible reports from people with contacts in Iran that the President of Iran has been rounding up supporters of Soleimani since his death.  Some had said that Soleimani was becoming a loose cannon, with all his terrorist factions that he was backing to advance his own agenda in the Middle Eastern region.  So the theory is that the Iranian president worked out a secret deal with the U.S. military to take out Soleimani, and that the 15 missiles shot at U.S. bases in Iraq were simply a show in order for the Iranian government to save face with its people.  Soleimani had many supporters, but there were also many people in Iran that feared and despised him.  Therefore the President couldn’t make it look like he was involved in Soleimani’s death.
Next, in regards to the Ukrainian airliner…
Were there terrorist/cabal targets on the plane that the U.S. military and Iranian government wanted taken out as well?  Did they decide it was okay to “sacrifice” a bunch of Canadian citizens on board as collateral damage, including children and babies?!  I’d hate to think they could be that coldblooded just to achieve a military agenda.
3.  This fellow on Twitter found some anomalies in the flight pattern information, including a tail number that had been changed.  Some people feel the pictures of the crash scene seem staged.  All I can tell you is that there are real people in the Iranian community in Toronto who seem quite distraught about the death of their loved ones.  There are principals of local schools and colleges making announcements of the names of students that were killed.
I find it hard to believe that these 63 Canadians, including a wedding party from Edmonton, agreed to participate in faking their deaths and hiding out in Iran.  One was a mother and 10-year-old daughter who were visiting their grandparents, and the husband remains behind in Canada.
The other possibility I was wondering about is that maybe there were cabal/terrorists escaping Iran, and they found a way to trick the Iranian military into shooting down the wrong plane, allowing them to escape in the process.  It’s been said that in order to shoot the plane down, they would have had to track it right from departure and takeoff, and this commercial plane had been delayed from takeoff for 1 hour for some unspecified reason.  Did the evil elite use it as a decoy by changing the tail number on the programmed flight log, etc.?
Anyway, it’s been very upsetting.  It reminds me a lot of when Korean Airlines Flight 007 was shot down by the Russians in 1983.  I was attending a Korean Zen Buddhist temple in Toronto, and I remember how devastated so many people were who had lost relatives, and they were doing many funeral services.
In a way, I’d prefer to think it was an accidental shoot-down of the plane, rather than a cold-hearted calculated military operation to take out a few Cabal leaders.
I would appreciate your insights, and just thought I’d fill you in with my research “on the ground,” so to speak.
All the best, and good luck with your negotiations for world peace!
—MB of Mississauga

Hi M,
To be honest, I do not know what happened with the airliner, but my best guess is Trump ordered it shut down in order to blame the Iranians and distract from the huge mistake he made in ordering the death of General Soleimani.


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