Sábado, 23 de Maio de 2020

Why Do They Keep Warning About a “Second Wave” of Covid-19?

Why Do They Keep Warning About a “Second Wave” of Covid-19?


Posted May 22, 2020 by Edward Morgan.

Is it just me, or do things feel a bit eerie right now? It’s now been over six weeks since the Covid-19 agenda launched into full force, and it’s beginning to feel like we’re stuck in first gear.
The agenda began with a flurry of activity and fear-mongering. Within a few hours on that fateful early-March day, everything around us began to collapse.
Major sporting events were canceled right before, or right after, they began. Festivals that were planned for mid- to late-summer began announcing that they wouldn’t move forward.
Workplaces began to shut down with little-to-no warning.
The news, in a seemingly pre-scripted way, began announcing a state of panic in America and throughout the world.
No doubt, countless millions of people thought that death was at their doorstep
Immediately, the idea of social distancing, flattening the curve, constant handwashing and “a new normal” was propagandized on the public in a very elementary school way.
The “good citizens” of the world gobbled up these instructions then, with a strange reaction, started to buy every roll of toilet paper in sight.
Doesn’t all of this feel like a distant memory at this point?
Now, here we all sit; waiting to see what happens next.
While the media and national experts continue to report on the inflated Covid-19 death numbers, our food supply chains begin to break down, countless people walk around with ridiculous masks, and the entertainment world tries to normalize our new life in isolation, we can’t help but feel like none of this made any sense from the very beginning.
The vast majority of us still don’t know anyone who’s gotten sick (let alone died) because of a coronavirus infection.
Yet, all we seem to hear about in the news these days is that a “second wave” of the outbreak is coming; even though, if you never paid attention to the media, you wouldn’t know that a first wave happened.
What is the agenda behind the second wave propaganda and what is it going to look like?

The second wave is already baked into the cake

Before any of this began, the powers-that-be were already planning on planting the fear of a second wave of outbreaks. If you think back, even to early March, the “experts” were already beating that drum.
It’s important to pay attention to the details of Event 201, the exercise in October of 2019 that planned out every detail of this plandemic. In it, you’ll notice how many times a second wave was discussed, and how it will be used to quell public protest and dissent.
The plandemic planners knew from the beginning that people would begin to grow tired of being stuck at home with their freedoms stripped and few options of living a normal life remaining. They also knew of the public skepticism that would ensue after a few weeks of lockdowns; when the real world began showing people that there really isn’t a pandemic killing their friends and loved ones.
To continue controlling the people and prepare us for a mandatory experimental vaccine, they surmised, they must continue to instill fear of the unknown.
The virus is unpredictable, they say. It could mutate into almost anything.
Even cats can get coronavirus, they now tell us.

The second wave will be blamed on freedom seekers and lockdown protestors

Make no mistake; the powers behind the greatest deception in the history of the world want this to be a political issue. They want citizens fighting among each other while they carry out their agenda for a totalitarian New World Order, where privacy and personal freedoms are a thing of the past.
The state of Georgia, which recently eased lockdown restrictions, will be at the forefront of controversy when a “second wave” of infections gets announced.
How dare they ease restrictions so early?
The media will also point the finger at freedom-loving Texas and any other states that “open too early.”
But the majority of the blame for a perceived second wave will be placed squarely on protestors and people questioning the narrative or severity of the pandemic.
We see it happening already when we turn on the news. How can these crazy people go in public without permission, let alone without masks, demanding their freedoms be given back?
This is an obvious ploy to demonize truth-seekers and cause the brainwashed masses to target hate toward people who are trying to demonstrate the ridiculousness of what’s being done. 

Immune systems are underworked due to lockdowns

Part of what will be painted as the second wave of coronavirus will be the fact that people will, indeed, get sick. After all, most of us have been cooped up in our homes for weeks on end already.
Our immune systems aren’t getting the workout they need in order to fight off the external contagions that normal life presents us with.
When any sickness can be blamed on coronavirus, the vast majority of people with coronavirus showing no symptoms, and no accurate testing in existence to conclusively show who does or doesn’t have the virus, it sets the table for any random symptoms to be pinned on Covid-19.
After a limited “release” of people back into some semblance of a public life, the brainwashed masses will panic the moment they feel any symptoms of common illnesses. They’ll run and get tested, and the rigged false positives will “prove” that society isn’t yet safe for human consumption.
This will allow the population control agenda to continue, while the clamoring for a vaccine that will allow life to get back to “normal” will go to new levels.
Remember, a biometric experimental vaccine for the entire population, that links us all to the new 5G surveillance network, is the end game of this entire agenda. 

5G and Spanish flu comparisons

This is the scariest scenario of the second wave alarm bells; because it’s a very real and possible scenario.
The dangers of 60mm microwave radiation from 5G are real. It’s already been shown that 5G 60mm waves directly impact oxygen molecules, thus making it difficult, if not impossible, for oxygen to bond with the hemoglobin in our blood.
If we can’t get oxygen into our blood, we’ll suffocate and die. If this begins to happen in mass after 5G begins to go live throughout the country, all fingers will point to coronavirus as the cause.
But it will be a lie.
Radiation in the air has been a part of our lives since the 1918 Spanish flu. In fact, the Spanish flu outbreak began when the first AM radio waves were introduced into the environment.
Was that a coincidence? Probably not.
If you study the details of the Spanish flu, you’ll learn that the outbreaks began in 1918, with additional waves and outbreaks continuing through 1920. This was the exact timeframe that AM radio towers were being built and engaged in order to blanket the entire country with AM radio radiation.
At the time, people had never been subjected to over-the-air radiation going through their bodies every moment of the day. Although this type of radiation was (and is) far less potent than what 5G will present, people’s systems at the time couldn’t fight off the new contagion.
Because of this, many died.
Today, it’s interesting that the vast majority of reported Covid-19 deaths have happened in places such as New York City, where 5G has already gone live. It’s also no coincidence that the people dying haven’t been able to get the oxygen they require to stay alive.
Be very aware of this threat when the media talks about the coming second wave of Covid-19 outbreaks.
It could very well be planned. They already know what’s coming with the dangers of 5G.
How long will the “waves” continue?
Simply stated, expect the waves to last until there’s a vaccine available and everybody in the world takes it. That is the end game of this agenda, and they aren’t hiding it.
What we’re experiencing right now is what’s known as Pavlovian psychological conditioning, to prepare us to accept the vaccine as the cure to what ails the world.
A second wave of “outbreaks” establishes a pattern in our conditioning, while a third wave will confirm it in the minds of the masses.
By the time we get to that point, most people will have already accepted this new reality as “the new normal.”
Many people are already feeling nervous about going back to life as we knew it. Even those of us who know that the entire pandemic is an orchestrated lie might feel uneasy about going back into a world under the current state of conditions it’s in.
But remember, a pandemic is not a reason to take away fundamental, God-given human rights. This principle must be rejected on all fronts, no matter how long the powers-that-be drag this charade out. 

Resist on all fronts

Keep in mind that anything you do to resist will be used against you. But do it anyway.
Our future and the future of our children depends on it.
The narrative moving forward will be that anybody who’s against the mainstream belief system about the pandemic are hardcore, right-wing, gun-toting extremists.
Pay no attention to this.
Have one-on-one conversations with people whenever possible, far away from any technology. Get away from anything that can be monitored; because you are being monitored.
Face-to-face conversations are the most important ones you can have. That’s exactly why they’re being limited and made almost impossible in many areas.
It’s time to leave the left/right debate and arguments in the past. Swallow the politicization of the situation.
Speak truth from love and do what you can to wake up as many people as possible to the reality of what’s happening.
Do not allow this to become the new normal.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 22:43
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Sexta-feira, 22 de Maio de 2020

Trump says coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary: ‘Not everyone is going to want to get it’.

Trump says coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary: ‘Not everyone is going to want to get it’.


May 21, 2020 by Edward Morgan.

The new vaccine will be for those ‘who want to get it,’ President Trump said Friday.
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 19, 2020 – President Trump has stated that a future coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary.
On Friday, the president introduced “Operation Warp Speed,” an ambitious Manhattan Project-style initiative to fast-track the development and distribution of a coronavirus vaccine by January 2021, tapping experts and resources in science, medicine, the military, and the private sector.
Experts have warned that the plan raises serious ethical and safety questions which are of grave importance not only to pro-life citizens, but to everyone.
However, President Trump did allay concerns about a mandatory vaccine on Friday, saying that the new vaccine would be for those “who want to get it,” adding, “Not everyone is going to want to get it.”
After he had previously introduced the idea of mobilizing the military to help deploy the new vaccine, some were concerned that this hinted that the drug would be forcibly administered. One website asked, “what will you do when they come to your door, and tell you it’s mandatory?”
Anxiety about possible medical strong-arming by the military easily piggy-backed on top of wide speculation that legislation introduced in Congress earlier this month, known as the TRACE Act – the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone Act” –  would result in massive assaults by government agents against the constitutional rights of Americans.
Memes quickly cropped up on social media alleging that government officials could enter homes to forcibly test individuals and remove those who test positive – including children – and place them in government-sanctioned quarantine centers.
Heavy-handed measures put in place by many governors and mayors hoping to stem the spread of the coronavirus by instituting lockdowns and using police to arrest citizens who engage in what are normally benign daily activities have certainly given cause to Americans to be on high alert.
Apprehension about the possible curtailing of basic freedoms in response to the pandemic is well founded: Some cities have encouraged residents to snitch on their neighbors suspected of skirting lockdown orders. Citizens across the country have witnessed lone surfers and joggersmoms taking their kids to playgrounds, Christians sitting in their cars in church parking lots, and peaceful pro-life abortion protesters being ticketed or arrested and hauled off by police, despite practicing common sense physical distancing.
Regardless of the President’s assurances, the public remains gravely concerned. In just one week, nearly 440,000 people have signed a LifeSiteNews petition addressed to world leaders opposing a mandatory coronavirus vaccination.
And while none of the experts LifeSiteNews has spoken to in recent days have expressed concern about forced vaccinations for U.S. citizens, there is still cause for concern in some jurisdictions, such as Canada.
When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked by reporters April 28 whether a coronavirus would be mandatory, he said, “As to what sort of vaccination protocols will be in place, we still have a fair bit of time to reflect on that in order to get it right.”

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=
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Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 19:52
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Quinta-feira, 21 de Maio de 2020

Rise Above the Fear.

Rise Above the Fear.


Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

May 21th, 2020 .




I am Sanat Kumara, it's been a while since my last message, which I delivered to humanity, it was at the beginning of Coronavirus.

Today, I am glad to be here and I would like to share my wisdom with all of you. It has been rocky, fearful and unexpected times for you dear ones. I understand, that a lot things happened and changed for you. The Coronavirus was brought on humanity for a reason to create chaos, bring fear, and to eliminate the human population. As you see right now, the Dark Forces plan didn't work too well. They wanted to destroy and kill most of the people on Earth and of course to attack and destroy your well being by bringing uncertainty to your life and making you fearful and uncertain. The Negative Forces are losing their battle, because their plans keep failing, and all this propaganda by their media, who are trying to scare everyone is also not working, they are loosing and they will continue to lose.

The human race started with fear, because they couldn't understand, why suddenly they were loosing their jobs, got closed and locked in their homes. All of the countries on the planet where told to stay home because of this Coronavirus. The virus, which was superficially created and let out into to the world, as Ashtar of Galactic Federation Commander mentioned to you already, so you know the details, how everything was done on purpose to scare you to death, so you would follow the orders of your governments. Your government leaders were exposed and they could not hide their true agenda, if you had any doubts before and were wondering, if they were ever on your side and really tried to help you, now you can see clearly that they are not on your side, they never were and never will be. All of the government ever wants for you is to be constantly in fear, so they can control you, it's all about power and control over you and nothing else.

How do you deal with that, you know very well how, it's very simple, not to listen to what they say and follow your own discernment, what makes sense to you on how you want to live your life and not the way they tell you to live. You know that your governments have been lying to you for thousands and thousands of years, telling you lie after lie. They never cared about you to give you, what you deserve and what is your right. Your right is to be free, live abundantly and in peace. Instead you got stress and more stress and your always worried about how your going to pay your bills, while working hard and being unsatisfied with your job. These times are coming to an end and each day brings you closer and closer to the real date, to the date when you will be completely free, and there will be no more control from your governments or anybody else.

In the meantime, what you can do, just don't let fear take over you, don't trust your mass media or your government leaders, just meditate. I know you heard from many Ascended Masters to meditate, yes, to meditate, to raise your energies and vibration, to maintain your energies, because if you don't, it's hard to stay in this 3D reality in a high vibration, so not to let anything bother you or cause you to be fearful. We, all of us the Ascended Masters, Galactic Federation, Prime Creator and etc. have been working very hard to help you with your Ascension to bring this process to the end to the final destination, so please help us by doing simple things, what I mentioned by having faith in yourselves and us, and by meditating.

I am glad to be here, because I can tell you my message and let you know that I have been always on your side, and I am doing what I can to help you to move to The New Age, The Golden Age and close this chapter of enslavement in your life behind you. Also, I would like to ask you please don't get vaccinated by your doctors, because they are going to put poison in your vaccination. Don't trust your government, they have been lying to you for so long, why would they suddenly now do something good for you, it's only going to be benefit them. Especially these doctors who come on TV and preach about how wonderful they are, and that they want to save you and help you. They are not looking for your best interest that's for sure, they have their own agenda, which is to destroy humanity and nothing else. Humans have been nothing, but subjects for the Dark Ones to experiment on all their fear tactics, they have been exploiting, torturing and killing human beings.

The good news are that some abused children have been rescued and brought out of the tunnels in different parts of world to the light and are being taken care of by trying to bring them back to life, healing them and ensuring them that their nightmare is over and that it will never repeat again.

I am aware that these times have been very difficult for you. I am asking you please, don't give up, just keep going and be strong, believing that these bad times, what you had will end and the light will shine through the darkness, and everything and everybody will be restored to the light and healed from all this misery that humanity has experienced for so many years, I don't even want to mention how many years because you know yourselves it has been too long. I want you to reach the destination where you will be happy, in peace, creating what you love and living long lives, not how you live now. You leave your physical body in a very early age, for us, it's like your a baby and your leaving your body so soon. We all live long lives, this is how it's been created by Prime Creator, that our bodies and our souls never die. It only happens here and on other similar planets, where life has been cut short and taken away sooner than it's suppose to. We live forever, there is no such thing as death.

I am really happy that these rough times and Dark Ones control over human civilization are ending, and I am happy to be part of this process, that I can be here and deliver through this channel my message, because this message represents all of us. All of us on the other side, you call that beyond the veil, but this veil is getting thinner and thinner. Information for you and everyone else is coming in more and more, soon all of your memories will be restored, and you will remember all of your lives, and who you were then and who you are now. You got stuck here and lost all your memories, and didn't really know that you have been living long lives here on planet Earth, in the galaxy and other galaxies. Everything was taken away from you, the Negative Ones erased everything from your consciousness and kept you in the dark, because they didn't want you know who you are. You are a spiritual being like us and you have amazing and magical powers, and you don't need to be living like a slave.

A lot of you got awaken in different parts of the world since this lockdown happen. You starting to questioning, why I need to be sitting home, is the virus really there or not, are people really dying, and how many are dying from the virus and how many are not. The information has been delivered to you not truthfully, it was manipulated, and the news gave what they wanted to give you, so in reality nobody knows for sure how many people really died from the Coronavirus, and how many people died from something else. Every person who died, they were counting as from the Coronavirus, no matter what symptoms they had, so please understand, you can't expect the truth from your government and your news media, who have been misleading humanity for so long.

I am looking forward to when you will start speaking the truth yourselves and start saying, I had enough of this, I am not putting up with it anymore. You will say, I know what my rights are and I know that I have the right to be free, prosperous and be happy. I am happy that awaking is taking place across globally, more and more people are getting awake and questioning daily, why things are the way they are in this world. It's the greatest and the most rewarding times for human civilization.

When you will cross that line and will be in 5D and you won't need to live anymore in 3D, then you will see, understand and appreciate even more your freedom in this new reality, where you will be happy and nothing will bother you, make you sad or put you in despair. You will be creating for the good of your civilization in unity and not in separation.

I am so happy to share this message with all of you today and I promise you, I will be coming more often.

I am Sanat Kumara and thank you for listening to me.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:24
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Quarta-feira, 20 de Maio de 2020

Dragon Endgame.

Dragon Endgame.

The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light

The Portal, By Cobra.

May 19, 2020.

In January 2019, the Chimera group realized they will be defeated, so they issued a distress call for assistance across the Galaxy and received no response. Realizing that and being aware of powerful Age of Aquarius planetary configurations of 2020, they have instructed the Black nobility families and the Jesuits to activate the endgame New World Order plans in January 2020.
Many of the negative scenarios were prevented by the Light Forces, but one slipped through and that was the coronavirus scenario. Before their final defeat, the dark forces were determined to create as much chaos and suffering as possible. Exactly 24 years later, this is the repeat of the Great Forgetting of 1996, which also happened just before the scheduled breakthrough:
On the physical plane, the coronavirus plandemic has consolidated the power of the Black Nobility families and their minions:
It has given some advantage in the nanotechnology war between the Light and the dark forces to Chimera-controlled DARPA:
Nanotechnology available to the military was far more advanced than most people know, even almost two decades ago:
Advanced nanotechnology, developed by the Chimera, is diminishing the efficiency of the Pleiadian stardust technology which is removing the coronavirus. This is the reason the Pleiadian stardust technology is only 75% effective in removing the virus. Certain breakthroughs are expected in this area in the coming few months, and if they do materialize, the Pleiadians will be able to remove the coronavirus completely.
Also, the Chimera is backing Elon Musk and his Starlink satellites project, to reinforce the quarantine Earth electromagnetic fence:
Also, some HAARP technologies are still not completely removed and are still posing a threat to trigger a premature polar shift:
On a more positive note, the Chimera has almost completely lost the war with the Light forces regarding advanced quantum exotic weapons. Also, practically all plasma primary anomaly has been removed, which is extremely good news.
The Solar System beyond lunar orbit is being actively activated into a multidimensional Ascension portal with many positive cosmic races being present within the Solar System with their Living Light motherships. The last remnants of the dark Draco fleet there are being chased down.
In sublunar space, however, the situation is quite different. Draco fleet of cloaked ships is still holding a degree of control of the region, although that control is being challenged by the Light Force fleets even close to the planetary surface, which is being widely reported:
If Pleiadian or other positive fleet would fully decloak in sublunar space, it would be instantly vaporized by the Draco fleet, with one part of Draco fleet going down with them.
The Draco still keep a part of their scalar electromagnetic fence technology on the etheric plane close to the planetary surface, and there are still some huge Chimera spiders on the etheric plane just inside lunar orbit, making entry of Confederation fleet into sublunar space difficult. All plasma Chimera spiders have been successfully removed a few months ago, and there are some etheric spiders left, and they will be easier to clear:
Since both Chimera and Draco know the Galactic Confederation forces will reach the surface of the planet soon, they want to protect USAF secret space programs they control, under the umbrella of US Space Force, as their last line of defense against the Galactic Confederation:
On the surface of the planet, the Positive Military and the Red and Blue Dragons are conducting operations behind the scenes to prepare for the Event. However, they are not yet completely connected to reliable extraterrestrial intel sources, so therefore their understanding of the extent of Draco/Chimera control of the planet (especially on the non-physical planes) is limited, and their intel sometimes not completely reliable. One such example would be the plan for mass arrests in April 2020 by the Positive Military.
Dragon sources from mainland China have communicated that after our meditation on April 4th, the Light forces are on a final critical offensive on all levels to achieve the liberation. They are expecting some big moves culminating in November 2020 at the time of US elections.
The leaders of Chinese positive secret societies are called the Red and the Blue (Azure):
They originate from Antarian Fleet which won some decisive battles against the dark during the Galactic wars. Their origin is the Antares star system, which is a binary star system of red supergiant Antares A and blue main sequence star Antares B:
Many of their subordinates within the Red and the Blue belong to the positive faction of Draconian race, the so-called Thuban Dracos, which they now incarnate in human bodies and are positioned deep within Chinese government (Red) and within Taoist spiritual groups (Blue):
Quoting Dragon sources about the Blue:
“The Dragon Gate Society (lóngménpài 龙门派) of the Complete Reality School (全真派) of Taoism incorporates elements of Tibetean, Mongolian shamanism, Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism into a comprehensive form of Taoism. The Dragon Gate society is an offshoot of the Northern school of the Complete Reality Taoism. Its spiritual descent is traced to the thirteenth-century master Qiu Chang-chun, Chang-chun means "Eternal Spring". The master of Eternal Spring was one of the sages who advised and supported Genghis Khan to preserve the ancient civilization of China during the dark Mongol invasion. Genghis Khan appointed Chang-chun overseer of all spiritual traditions culture and knowledge in China, and the Dragon Gate sect thus played a critical role in the preservation of the China Tartary knowledge and acted as Guardians of knowledge and wisdom for China ever since, and now after 2009 are extending this to the entire world during this critical present time of threat and the evolution of humankind.”
Quoting Fulford about the Red:
"When the Manchus invaded China in 1644, the Ming army became an underground society aimed at overthrowing the Qing (Manchu) and restoring the Ming. They supported the Boxer Rebellion but were put down by imperialist powers. Later, with the help of overseas Chinese and the Japanese imperial family, the society managed to overthrow the last Emperor and install Sun Yat Sen in his place. They last appear in the history books as the Green Gang and the Red Gang that fiercely fought the Communists in Shanghai in the 1940's. They were defeated by the Communists in 1949 and once again became an underground organization. Since 1949 they have steadily increased their influence throughout China and the rest of the world. They have members at the very highest levels of the Chinese government but they are by nature anti NWO, and are not an official Chinese government organization."
The Red are now active in Taiwan and to a degree also in Japan through this organization:
Taiwan will have a very important role in the Event which can not be disclosed yet.
A very indirect hint:
Another Dragon source from mainland China has communicated that their threat to reveal the Chinese secret space program if the virus is not removed from China has borne results, as we now usually have less than 10 new confirmed coronavirus cases in mainland China daily.
They have suggested that their Western counterparts should take a similar approach and should seriously consider leaking classified intel about Western secret space programs.
Cloning laboratories could also be revealed:
And the use of nuclear explosions to create a negative anomaly portal on Jupiter by NASA:
The toroidal shape of the Universe should also be officially discovered soon:
And the second law of thermodynamics finally disproven:
A source that must not be named has communicated that Paris is a Goddess vortex which must be fully reactivated as soon as possible and that White Nobility families from Paris who still have access to Goddess mysteries from ancien regime need to reconsider taking more active role in the reactivation of the Paris vortex.
The main message of the Light Forces for the surface population now is that people need to connect to their Soul, release their dependency from digital media, be honest and sincere with themselves, connect to what is beautiful, pure and true, develop nobility of character and release judgement and denial.
Light Forces have observed that many people react with unnecessary harshness, selfishness and are overly judgemental. Due to extremely negative conditions on the surface of the planet this is understandable to a degree, but those kinds of people are not only making life worse for other people, they are also making it worse for themselves, based on their flawed understanding of Nash equilibrium:
Also, many people have been programmed through trauma based mind control in the past, and many of those programs are triggered as we are getting closer and closer to the Event.
Some of those people were put as sleeper agents to infiltrate all positive groups on the surface of the planet.
One such example is the main organizer of some of my conferences in Hungary, who together with his wife has turned against me. He is actively engaging in a smear campaign against me by posting lies and fake news about me, fabricating evidence, doctoring emails and was actively turning people against our meditation on April 4th. Their actions since summer 2019 have directly caused the collapse of the Hungarian Goddess Vortex and have opened the door for the dark to infiltrate Lightworker community in that country. Their actions have managed to negatively influence the flow of Ascension timeline in the beginning of 2020 to some degree, and because they have been actively involved in a smear campaign against our meditation, they are indirectly held accountable by the Light Forces to a certain degree for some of coronavirus deaths in that country which could have otherwise been prevented. They are an example of key people who can greatly influence the planetary situation, for better or for worse, and I am hoping I can give more positive example of key people influencing key situations in the future:
As the number of negative etheric and astral entities on the surface of the planet decreases in the coming months, more and more Light will be present and more people will have a tendency to exhibit a more positive behavior.
Victory of the Light!

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 04:43
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Area 51 Destroyed As Secret War Intensifies

Area 51 Destroyed As Secret War Intensifies

Benjamin Fulford Full Report.


Posted May 20, 2020



The battle for Planet Earth is entering a dangerous phase as at least three factions desperately fight for domination. This onslaught is now showing not only biblical but even otherworldly dimensions.
The biblical aspect includes the occupation of the main holy sites of Islam by unknown forces. The otherworldly aspect includes an attack on area 51 and a downed UFO in Brazil. All this is happening while the Covid-19 scamdemic is being fought over by factions who just want to control humanity versus factions that want to kill most of us off.
Let us start with the otherworldly part of this battle. Here the U.S. government started openly recruiting staff for off-world work. The ad can be seen here:

The release of this recruitment advert was followed by the murder of Air Force Col. Thomas Falzarano, who commanded the service’s 21st Space Wing.

Then immediately afterward, there was a huge attack on the infamous Area 51 “UFO base.”  The seismograph of the 6.5 magnitude quake that hit the base shows a sudden massive explosion, not a natural earthquake.

Pentagon sources say “the hospital ship USNS Mercy left Los Angeles on May 15th as Nevada and Croatia were hit with quakes.”  They say the ship was filled with arrested Satanists and hinted that they destroyed underground bases at both locations after children were rescued from underground adrenochrome manufacturing facilities.
The quakes were followed by a very unusual UFO sighting in Brazil followed by a crash of a UFO that was filmed by many people.  A two-minute video showing the UFOs and the crash site can be seen here:

The U.S. Naval Intelligence linked site Sorcha Faal, for its part, claims the U.S. retaliated for the murder of Colonel Falzano by killing the Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei.  So why would the Navy think the Chinese orchestrated the murder of a space force commander?
It’s not clear, but several years ago a member of the Rothschild family introduced me to a representative of the Dragon family saying, “If you want to talk to China, this is as high as it goes.”   The Dragon family representative told me the Chinese had off-world sponsors who threatened to put humanity under “very strict control” if they did not “get their act together.”
There are a lot of question marks surrounding these events but clearly something highly unusual is going on.
Now let us look at the Biblical part.  Pentagon sources, in their version, say the Chinese Ambassador to Israel was killed because a Chinese Zionist faction was financially supporting Israeli efforts to annex more Palestinian land and build the third temple, thus triggering an end-times event.  “The death of the ambassador may also cause China to stop investments in Israel while galvanizing even more international punitive actions against annexation,” the sources say.
“Jordan is so upset with the annexation that the King himself warned of a ‘massive conflict’ and may not just cancel the 1994 peace agreement but also the $10B gas deal with Israel,” they continue.  In a warning to Israel they said:
“Egypt has powerful Russian radars that cover all of Israel from the South to complement Syrian radars from the North.”
The sources further noted that “The International Criminal Court has a stronger case against Israel with the Arab League declaring the annexation as a ‘new war crime’.”
Without U.S. backing and with Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran poised against it, Israel is facing an existential crisis.  That’s why they formed a unified government now under the control of Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu.  Upon taking power yet again Netanyahu said:
“We must never forget that we must rely on ourselves, for our security, the cornerstone of which is the IDF and security forces.” In other words “we are on our own now.”
It looks like the Israelis are also trying to invoke Moses by making a river there run red.

The Israeli’s Satanic pseudo-Muslim allies in Saudi Arabia are also under extreme threat.  Not only have they lost allies like the UAE and Qatar, but they are also now under attack from Yemen.
The cities of Riyadh, Mecca, and Medina have been under 24-hour curfew and shut off from the rest of the world since April 2nd.  There are also reports that 70% of the population has been infected with the “coronavirus.”

This could be a sign that the entire population is being culled. Some of the P3 Freemasons have an extremely deep hatred of Islam. That’s because they have waged a Holy War for over a thousand years against them. They also blame Islam for most of the world’s problems. Therefore, it’s entirely possible some sort reckoning is now taking place there.
Remember the “coronavirus” has been used as a cover for mass murder in Wuhan, China, and for the culling of Satanists inside the U.S.
Recall how last we noted the President of Tanzania sent various samples of food, animals, and materials disguised with human identities to the W.H.O. for coronavirus testing and most came back positive?
Well, now the president of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, is claiming that the World Health Organization a bribe of $20 million to poison her drug Covid-19.

There are now numerous indications that this so-called pandemic was planned well in advance.
The EU, for example, came out in 2012 with a pandemic comic that was only intended for senior executives. The plot reads almost identical to what is happening now.
Towards the end it reads: “The fear created in this way can be used, which triggers a global reaction … under the direction of international technical organizations.
You can download the entire comic strip from the EU website:

The elite has made many practice runs for this current planemia.
Here is what the World Bank had to say in 2017:
The World Bank Group is working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct the first series of pandemic simulation exercises designed to simulate a disease outbreak scenario in order to trigger an informed debate among policy makers on pandemic preparedness. President Jim Yong Kim, Bill Gates and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be present during the At the next World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2017 and the G20 Leaders’ meeting in July 2017, the EU and G20 leaders will jointly conduct pandemic preparedness simulation exercises for the heads of state and government and private sector executives.

The Chinese seem to be on board, according to the official Xinhua news site:
Given the colossal impact on the real economies and the strong interdependent global financial system requires the rescue of a globalised economy this time an even stronger global cooperation.

The EU comic ends with an Asian and a European who fall in love and kiss, which implies that East and West are united. The Chinese certainly support a such a scenario.
The problem is that there is a faction that has taken this misguided, albeit well-intentioned exercise for much scarier purposes.
MI6 sources are saying now: The obstacles [to the start of the new financial system] are acts of war and High treason when the WHO tried to suppress this hybrid system of total population control by an induced global disease.
Ordo-ab-Chao stuff.
We seem to have at least three groups trying to control this pandemic to promote their own agenda.
1) The moderates, who want a friendly planet where all countries work together to solve problems we all face, i.e. a loose world government.
2) The control freaks who want to microchip us all and keep us under strict, centralized control. They are the ones who demand social distancing because their microchip control systems don’t work when people are too close to each other.
3) Finally, we have the radical messianic Zionists who still think we need to kill 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest. These are the ones who are trying to kill us with 5G electromagnetic weapons, poisonous drugs, etc.
There is also a fourth group of isolationists under US President Donald Trump, who apparently want none of the above, but let America act on its own. This group is doing much in its own way to free the Republic of the United States from the satanic owners of the US corporate government.
It looks, for example, as if they are in the process of freeing slave laborers from the prisons.
Last week Trump passed an executive order against forced labor.

The core of this order is section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1307).
This prohibits the import of goods that have been mined, produced or manufactured in whole or in part in a foreign country by forced labour or child labour – including forced child labour.
Of course, this can also just be an excuse not to buy things from China. However, prison slave laborers are now being released throughout the United States.

The nationalization of the Federal Reserve Board within the USA also begins to to benefit average Americans.
For example, two thirds of Americans who have become unemployed as a result of this pandemic now receive more money than when they worked. Moreover, the USA is finally in the process of rebuilding its long neglected infrastructure.

If the Americans did not nationalise FRB, any company operating in the United States born baby start into life with 6.4 million dollars in debt, compared to 80,000 dollars in 1970 and $1.2 million in 2007.
The USA, controlled by the Gnostic Illuminati, are also winning their battle against the bloodline rule there. The bloodline families are now forced to fight Trump with a virtual Obama.

A lot of corruption is also being eradicated, as you can see from this trump card: Joe Biden’s deadbeat son Hunter made a $1.5 billion deal with China while Joe was vice president.
What did the Biden China offer in return?
Obama was the most corrupt president in the history of the USA.
Also the former intelligence officer of the CIA and the Navy, Robert David Steele, noted that the certainty that the NSA every e-mail, every text message, every cell phone call, every game chat ever created by naked short sellers and money laundering criminals was made on Wall Street – a $100 trillion bonanza for President Donald J. Trump, who up to this point had been led to believe became that $15 trillion was the best he could get.
Find out more at

It’s worth noting that foreigners in March raised a record $300 billion of U.S. debt.

Therefore, in the face of the sharpest fall in US industrial production in 100 years, which is now only 65% due to a shortage of imported parts, the Trump regime will have no choice but to conclude an agreement with the moderate faction of globalists.

We would like to end this week with some good news.
It seems that the tide has turned against man-made mass extinction. The positive signs in nature are numerous.
For example, clearer skies can be observed worldwide, and the Himalayas are once again clearly visible in India, the humpback whale populations are once again at a level that has not been seen since the beginning of whaling more has been seen, the Hainan gibbons are back from the brink of extinction, and the first wild stork for hundreds of years was born in Great Britain.

Benjamin Fulford


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:21
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Segunda-feira, 18 de Maio de 2020

Area 51 destroyed as Secret War intensifies

Area 51 destroyed as Secret War intensifies

Benjamin Fulford 

Report Sample





The battle for Planet Earth is entering a dangerous phase as at least three factions desperately fight for domination.  This onslaught is now showing not only biblical but even otherworldly dimensions.  The biblical aspect includes the occupation of the main holy sites of Islam by unknown forces.  The otherworldly aspect includes an attack on area 51 and a downed UFO in Brazil.  All this is happening while the Covid-19 scamdemic is being fought over by factions who just want to control humanity versus factions that want to kill most of us off.
Let us start with the otherworldly part of this battle.  Here the U.S. government started openly recruiting staff for off-world work.  The ad can be seen here: 

The release of this recruitment advert was followed by the murder of Air Force Col. Thomas Falzarano, who commanded the service’s 21st Space Wing. 

Then immediately afterward, there was a huge attack on the infamous Area 51 “UFO base.”  The seismograph of the 6.5 magnitude quake that hit the base shows a sudden massive explosion, not a natural earthquake.

Pentagon sources say “the hospital ship USNS Mercy left Los Angeles on May 15th as Nevada and Croatia were hit with quakes.”  They say the ship was filled with arrested Satanists and hinted that they destroyed underground bases at both locations after children were rescued from underground adrenochrome manufacturing facilities.
The quakes were followed by a very unusual UFO sighting in Brazil followed by a crash of a UFO that was filmed by many people.  A two-minute video showing the UFOs and the crash site can be seen here: 

The U.S. Naval Intelligence linked site Sorcha Faal, for its part, claims the U.S. retaliated for the murder of Colonel Falzano by killing the Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei.  So why would the Navy think the Chinese orchestrated the murder of a space force commander?
It’s not clear, but several years ago a member of the Rothschild family introduced me to a representative of the Dragon family saying, “If you want to talk to China, this is as high as it goes.”   The Dragon family representative told me the Chinese had off-world sponsors who threatened to put humanity under “very strict control” if they did not “get their act together.”
There are a lot of question marks surrounding these events but clearly something highly unusual is going on.
Now let us look at the Biblical part.  Pentagon sources, in their version, say the Chinese Ambassador to Israel was killed because a Chinese Zionist faction was…
The full report (free) will be post here:

this coming Thursday.




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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 15:19
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Sexta-feira, 15 de Maio de 2020



Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

May 15th, 2020



You are beginning to recover from the Coronavirus and most countries are experiencing an upward turn that will allow an easing up of the restrictions you have been experiencing. It has been a costly experience in many ways, not least of all the knock on effect of so many businesses suffering near closure. You have come face to face with the flaws that the business model reveals, and how it has been controlling the lives of so many people. Already they have realised how the world economy has largely been run and manipulated by the banks, revealing that your monetary system has been deliberately subjected to ups and downs to their benefit.
Without a doubt you will have a lot of soul searching to do, if you are to start anew with the assurance that paper money will disappear. The gold standard will return and be the measure of a new economy that is run with real money that has real value. You will have ample time to make the necessary changes that will ensure that there is no return to the old defunct way of running your countries. Already there are moves taking place to ensure that there cannot be a return to the old ways that cannot take you forward any longer.
With the continuing uplifting of the vibrations and a gradual increase in your level of consciousness, you will have less and less to do with the negativity associated with the old Age. You are on the upward curve and moving into a new level that is gradually becoming free from negativity. Ignore those who refuse to uplift themselves as they are creating their own pathway to the future. Bless them and move on as they have nothing useful to offer you, as their pathway is not yours. You are treading one that is of the Light and in the not too distant future will lead you to Ascension.
Do not concern yourself about the fate of those who persist in carrying out negative actions, as they too are following a carefully arranged life plan that will give them the experiences they need to overcome their weaknesses.  At such an important time in your evolution you should stay focused on your own goal. Be assured that every soul has an equal opportunity to ascend, but clearly many of them are still caught up in the fight for individual supremacy. They have little or no concept of the Oneness of Humanity or Eternal Life. However, there will come a time when they awaken to the Light and become aware of their God selves.
You have a multitude of beings from all over the Universe who have come to Earth not just to witness Ascension, but be ready to welcome you into the Galactic Society. Some are from the Pleiades and other areas in space to “claim their own” and help them to adjust to the new life ahead of them. The dimensional shift leaves your old world behind, so that you can take your place on a beautiful new Earth, free from any form of interference from the dark Ones.
However, there is still a long way to go before the higher vibrations are achieved but you are heading in the right direction, and help is on hand to ensure your success. Never falter as you are assured of Ascension providing you maintain your present vibrations and raise them up as the opportunities arise. You have come such a long way to arrive at this point in your evolution, so make sure you do not drop back. With so many of you having cleared your karma the rest of your journey should be plain sailing. Yet there are distractions all around you, so care must be taken to firmly keep your goal in sight at all times.
The end times are opportunities for you to help others also travelling the path who may not be as advanced as yourselves. A kindly word or a helping hand can be most acceptable as your experience enables you to speak with authority. It is perfectly normal for those who have advanced in evolution to help others, and in the bigger scheme those who have set the path are responsible for ensuring that those who follow in their footsteps are guided to achieve success.
Understand that you are all One and the sooner you can accept it, the sooner you will advance and able to treat others with the respect that you seek for yourself.  This also applies where other life forms are concerned, because all have souls that continually change as they experience the different life forms. Life is all about gaining experience and you go where you can best learn from it and expand your consciousness. Your Universe is full of different levels of vibration and it is only in the lower ones that you can experience matter and solid physical forms. Whatever you can imagine already exists somewhere in your Universe
In the not too distant future many of you will rise up into the higher vibrations and look back and realise that you spent many lives in the lower ones.  Through it you gained a greater level of consciousness and learned to control your emotions. It was necessary to overcome what can only be described as the lower emotions. These no longer exist in an evolved soul who has complete control over their feelings, and can remain at one where they are constantly able to remain unaffected by what goes on around them. It takes time to achieve that level of control, and eventually it will become second nature.
Words can hardly express what a wonderful future awaits you, one so different to your present existence that there is no comparison. It will be well deserved as you have plumbed the depths and experienced many horrors, wars and depravity, yet you have come through it and kept your dignity and composure to set a shining example of Light and Love. You are to be acknowledged as a shining example of one who has found their God Self .
I leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self  and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 21:19
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Quarta-feira, 13 de Maio de 2020

Cabal's program to destroy humanity fail.

Cabal's program to destroy humanity fail.

Galactic Federation Update


Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

May 12th, 2020 .




I am Ashtar Galactic Federation Commander,
I am happy to be here today and deliver you this message. It has been a while since I have been channeled through this channel. I have some new information to disclose to all of you.
First, I would like to bring your attention to the Coronavirus. I mentioned in my past message that this virus feeds on fear. Fear is a lower vibration and it feeds and mutates on fear, so remember don’t let fear take over you, as soon as you allow for that to happen the virus will thrive on you and will try to destroy your body.
There is more to it, I would like to tell you more information, you probably heard about it. When the Cabal and the rest of the Negative Ones created a program on how to destroy humanity, they were planning to release this virus, which was created a while ago, after releasing this biological weapon on humanity, they wanted for the economy to crash and then kill 95% of human population, it was called The New World Order. If you see for yourselves they failed to wipe out most of the humans on the planet and their agenda didn’t work. It had the opposite effect, a lot of you got awaken instead and you start questioning what’s really going on around you.
The Galactic Federation knew and expected this attack on the people of Earth, so we started working and trying to eliminate this threat. The virus what was released, it was not just one virus about 100 different viruses were released and they all were related to Coronavirus. This virus is actually a living entity that can live and thrive in negative energy, but as soon as it’s exposed to the light or higher vibrations it dies. I have a great suggestion for all of you, if you start meditating or being in higher vibrations by doing things that uplift your spirit then this virus will never affect you.
We are happy to announce that we were able to help humankind to prevent this catastrophic event. We eliminated more than 90% of the Coronavirus, so only a few are left that are still here around the planet, but they are going to die also, we working on that. Humanity was now able to see with their own eyes on how their governments really are. The governments showed their true colors, they really don’t care about the people at all, they only care about their own interests. 
Your leaders shut down whole countries, they shut down everything they possibly could, not thinking or caring on how this was going to effect everyone. They were supposedly saving you, but actually they were saving themselves. The governments were not thinking about you on how to help you, all they were interested in was how to gain more power and control over you by taking away most of your rights. Your leaders didn’t care if you had food on the table or how you were going to pay your basic bills, all they cared about was to do their own agenda.
Also, their famous and amazing doctors you keep seeing on TV and everywhere, they are not your friends. These doctors are not here to help you, they here to put you down or to poison you, so I want to ask all of you not to get vaccinated. Don’t let anything to be put in your body, like any foreign substances, because they are not going to tell you what they are going to put in your body. They will just try to destroy your body and kill you.
I have more happier news than this virus entity. Please remember, this virus is going to suddenly disappear the same way it came and life will be different, it’s going to go to the New Age. The Golden Age what we have been talking about now for a long time, your closer than ever to reach that destination. Prime Creator has been sending a lot of energies to Earth to speed up the process of Ascension. He is trying to help you to ascend by waking up your DNA, which has been dormant for a while, some strings of your DNA are already starting to wake up, we are all ready to bring you and this planet to 5D.
I would like to let everyone know that we have just recently reunited a group of Angels who have been separated for centuries. Now, they came together and they will be helping to cleanse this planet and humanity from the Dark Ones, the Draconians and Reptilians to finish them up. We are happy to announce that these Angels already started working together as group and they are doing amazing job by cleaning up energies around the whole planet. There will be more groups who will be coming together, they will starting doing the work what they came here to do. This Angels group that I am mentioning, you will hear more about them in the near future. As of right now, I am not going to disclose their name for their protection.
Our ships have been sitting in the orbit for a while now, more than a while and now they are starting to do some movements. We just recently were able to locate the main control center set up to control humans by Reptilians. One of our special forces who is right now incarnated as a human on your planet was able to with his team to find that main control center and dismantle it, this was the last link what the Dark Ones had to mind control humanity. This link has been destroyed and it’s our pleasure and our pride to tell you that we are getting closer and closer to the finish line. 
Our ships right now are moving around during certain times and doing some cleaning to the Earth grid and connecting all the grids points around the whole planet to bring energy and shell protection to your planet, so that it can’t be penetrated by the Negative Ones. As soon as we completely clean up all the entities from Mother Gaia, then that shield will be put around the planet and none of the Negative Ones or uninvited guests are going to able to land on Earth without our permission or permission from your new leaders.
I am really happy and joyful about it, because we are seeing tremendous progress happening on Earth. I am Ashtar and I am grateful for being in service to humanity. Mother Earth, we call her Gaia, Mother Crista, different names, she is already in 5D, what your seeing right now it’s just her reflection, so humanity is moving and following in her footsteps. You are now between 3rd and 5th dimension, you are right in the middle. Each day brings you closer and closer to your destination, your destination to the New Golden Age.
Regarding the funds, prosperity funds they are also on the way and I am not going to talk too much about it. Prime Creator in his next message will disclose more information on it. I am just mentioning for now, so you would be aware that everything what we said is coming your way, just trust yourself, support and love yourselves and help each other unite together and everything will be the way it was planned by Divine, Prime Creator and by everyone else who have been serving and helping you through this long Ascension Process, the first one ever in the history of the Galaxy.
I am so proud of all you, my crew and everyone who has been working on this process by sticking around and not giving up on yourselves. I want to let you know that my crew, counselors and Galactic Federation have always been on your side and always will be. We here to support and guide you through Ascension to 5D. I would like to express my gratitude to the light warriors who put their life on line everyday and didn’t give up. Every moment that they are here, they are helping humanity to continue their journey to the final phase.

I am Ashtar and I was happy to be channeled today. I am sending you all my support and love to all of you and I will be back soon with another message.
Thank you.
Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:57
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Terça-feira, 12 de Maio de 2020

Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts.

Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts.

"If the information with the kids' location is uploaded to the internet, a pedophile with some cyber knowledge may invade the system and stalk them," cyber expert Einat Meron said.



May 8th 2020.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  (photo credit: REUTERS).
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
(photo credit: REUTERS)



Cyber experts slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his proposal to "microchip" children who return to schools and kindergartens as the coronavirus lockdown is lifted, Ynet reported on Friday.
While speaking at a press conference on Monday, Netanyahu suggested the Health Ministry use new technology to help Israel adjust to its new routine as the state is lifting the coronavirus lockdown. "That is, technology that has not been used before and is allowed under the legislation we shall enact," he clarified.
"I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at, such as sensors. For instance, every person, every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close, like the ones on cars," the prime minister said.
"It will be hard to do it to more than a million schoolchildren who return to their educational institutions in order to ensure one student sits at the distance of two meters from another. It is fictional and dangerous," cyber resilience expert Einat Meron told Ynet.
"Theoretically, I get the idea behind it," she said. "But although such distance-sensitive microchips exist in vehicles, it is different in humans." According to Meron, "a beeping sound telling me I got close to someone is not enough. Who says it will change anything? I would have gotten closer either way."
The expert added that "the actual issue is the enforcement, and here everything changes." Meron told Ynet that "microchipping children will not pass any test – both practically and legally." Similar to Meron's notion that notifying citizens on their distance will not affect their actions, many fear the state would make use of the information available from the sensors.
"If the information with the kids' location is uploaded to the internet, a pedophile with some cyber knowledge may invade the system and stalk them outside their schools, follow them and distribute the information on other platforms," Meron said. "Can the state take responsibility for that?"
The Prime Minister's Office responded to the report, telling Ynet Netanyahu's suggestion "is not to be implemented through databases, but through simple technology notifying [the citizens] about their distance. It is a voluntary option that is designed to help children keep their distance, like Mobileye with vehicles."
The office added that the prime minister's suggestion is "an idea that may help maintain social distancing, and there will not be any violation of privacy."
On Wednesday, Walla reported the movements of all vehicles in Israel were tracked by police and stored in an unregulated database named Eagle Eye. A source cited by the media site said the information "may be kept for years on end."
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) reportedly submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act that police disclose the extent of the operations of Eagle Eye, as well as the time the information on citizens' movements is stored in the system. 
Israel Police responded to ACRI, saying the system's activity was not standardized internally despite several years of operations. "Either way, once finalized, the procedure will not be disclosed to the public," police added.
In late March, Yediot Aharonot reported a classified Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) database stored information on all Israeli citizens and most Palestinians from the West Bank. The data tracked by the security agency included movements, phone calls and text messages.
Leon Sverdlow


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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 17:18
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Segunda-feira, 11 de Maio de 2020

Ruling elite running around like headless chickens as coronavirus scam falls apart

Ruling elite running around like headless chickens as coronavirus scam falls apart

Benjamin Fulford 

Report Sample





By now, even the most brainwashed of the sheeple realize something is very wrong with their government (govern=control, ment=mind).  It is also clear that the attempt to use a fake pandemic to impose martial law is backfiring as it has provided a perfect cover for military and agency White Hats to hunt down the Satanists who hijacked Western governments.
“See lists of coronavirus-infected politicians and celebrities in the United States, England, France, and more! Over 70% of them are Jews !!” an FSB source noted.  He is almost right, but they are not Jews, they are Satanists.  Also, they are not being infected by the provably fake virus.  Instead, they are being arrested and/or executed.
If you do still think this pandemic is real, go visit a hospital and see for yourself that it is not.  Or take note of the fact the president of Tanzania sent samples from fruit, goats, and other random things and they all tested positive for this so-called coronavirus. 

People who still have a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that Satan worshippers took control of the West, need to look at a few recent news items that prove it is true.  For example, the people of Israel, for some unfathomable reason, have yet again made Satanist Benyamin Netanyahu their Prime Minister.  One of the first things he did was call for children to be micro-chipped with “mark of the beast” identifiers.  Last week Netanyahu said:
“I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at, such as sensors.  For instance, every person, every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close, like the ones on cars.”  
Then you have the U.S. Congress passing a bill with the Satanic number 6666 calling for government goons to forcibly enter peoples’ houses, test people for the fake coronavirus, and take their kids away if they test “positive.”   You can’t make this stuff up. 

We are also getting mind-blowing intelligence sent to us about the Satanic ruling Western bloodlines who have been staging world wars and other horrific events as part of their plan for total world conquest.  For example, we have now confirmed that Adolph Hitler was the grandson of…
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this coming Thursday.




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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 15:26
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Quarta-feira, 6 de Maio de 2020

Gestapo Tactics Make Appearances Worldwide Signaling NWO “Order From Chaos” Desire.

Gestapo Tactics Make Appearances Worldwide Signaling NWO “Order From Chaos” Desire.


Posted May 5, 2020 by Edward Morgan.




Around the world, overbearing governments are removing basic citizen rights in lieu of “third reich” tactics to control citizens. The police state tactics have appeared due to the fear and chaos created by the Coronavirus plandemic. If left unchallenged, it is assumed that compliance is consent. This is a slippery slope for humanity and human rights.
Today humanity is faced with the single greatest threat to their lives and liberties: not a flu virus, but a domestic police state. Under the guise of an exaggerated health emergency, an illegal regime of Rule by Decree has replaced the Rule of Law and democracy. In the US, the Constitution is being replaced by decree.
In response to seeing absurd governmental decrees from around the world working in tandem with a highly questionable, hypocritical, medically biased, and an all-too-compliant mass media narrative, this article presents some insight into the side “effects” of the viral pandemic.
Not taking into account the veracity of claims regarding the virus or non-virus, or weaponized virus, or quarantines, or virility, or vaccinations – all of which are voluminous topics on their own – the focus here is on the effect of non-legal decrees that have long been planned to move the “useless eaters” into a police state. Therein lies the rub: who benefits from this “order out of chaos” and why? Let’s start with the objective: the New World Order.

The NWO Long Game

“Never let a good crisis go to waste,” is what Rahm Emmanuel once famously said as President Obama’s Chief of Staff. At the outset of this Coronavirus pandemic, he reprised that statement, and essentially double-downed.

Though Emmanuel would try to cover his comments, suggesting that he’s thinking about our future, the signaling is clear: roll out plan A, B, C, or D. What those plans are exactly, is subject to scrutiny, but the general plan is expressed, being executed, and has been in the works for years.
Seemingly, many New World Order goals are playing out right now, at the same time, in real-time. These goals – which have been covered many times here at Prepare for Change – include many tactics that force control:

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 12:19
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Segunda-feira, 4 de Maio de 2020

Tree-Hugging Encouraged in Iceland as a Way to Cope with Isolation

Tree-Hugging Encouraged in Iceland as a Way to Cope with Isolation

Lottie Miles, M.A.


Posted May 4th, 2020.

.Tree Hugging


The citizens of Iceland have been encouraged by the forestry service to hug trees every day for five at least minutes. This is being encouraged to help people cope with social isolation, but does it really work? In this post, we will look at research showing the surprising benefits of hugging trees and explore why tree-hugging really can make you feel better.

Why is tree-hugging recommended in Iceland?

In response to the challenges of social isolation and social distancing due to COVID-19, Iceland’s Forestry Service has encouraged tree-hugging. Physical contact with others has been discouraged whether we are socially distancing or socially isolating. However, this prolonged physical separation can be psychologically challenging. The lack of hugs and physical touch can intensify feelings of separation, isolation, and loneliness. Iceland’s response? Hug trees!
Icelanders are being recommended to hug a tree for at least 5 minutes. The experience of hugging a tree has been described as a visceral feeling. As you hug the tree, a sensation travels through your toes and up through your body all the way up to your head. Rangers from the Hallormsstaður National Forest have cleared snow and marked out 2-meter spaces to help.

The psychological benefits of connection to nature

Humans are intimately connected to nature. This is an idea that has persisted across cultures and throughout the history of time. This is reflected by the idea that we all tend to prefer countryside views to urban ones. Similarly, 100s of studies have found that experiencing nature has a positive effect on our physical and mental wellbeing. Other studies also show that people with pets tend to be happier.
Nature and images of nature often inspire feelings of awe. Piff et. al.’s study found that this sense of awe changes our sense of self and reduces barriers we feel between ourselves and others. The positive emotions we get from nature have also been shown to foster altruistic behavior even when briefly experienced. On the other side, Louv’s “Last Child in the Woods” study hypothesizes that depression and anxiety are fuelled by a disconnect with nature they term a “nature-deficit disorder”.
Other studies have shown the numerous and wide-ranging benefits of a connection to nature. For example:

What are the benefits of tree-hugging?

As we have outlined, getting out into nature, being surrounded by it, or simply viewing it can have psychological and physical benefits. Getting up close and personal only serves to accentuate these effects. This has long been known in Japan, where the national health program has offered forest bathing since 1982.
Known as shinrin-yokuforest bathing has been found to reduce blood pressure, improve memory and concentration, and lower cortisol levels. Rather than simply strolling through a forest, it involves shedding all devices and mindfully spending time under the tree’s canopies. Typically, this would last at least 3 hours. However, the close contact of hugging a tree for 5 minutes makes mindful practice somewhat easier.
Breathe in the smells, feel the way the tree presses against you, feel its energy, and listen to the sounds. Some studies have suggested that forest bathing and tree-hugging might even work because of chemicals the tree emits. Known as phytoncides, these chemicals may have physiological effects that explain why hugging trees and immersing yourself in nature can be beneficial for your health.

How can you benefit from hugging trees and immersing in nature?

walking in nature
There are numerous ways you can seek to benefit from increased engagement with nature, whether that involves hugging trees or not. Here, we outline some of the different ways you can increase your connectedness to nature from the small to the big:
  1. Watch nature programs (truly, this works!).
  2. Surround yourself with plants (at work and at home).
  3. Choose routes with more trees and green spaces, not just the quickest.
  4. Get up early for the birds’ dawn chorus (be sure to be in place before the start of sunrise).
  5. Grow your own flowers and/or food to feel that connectedness with nature.
  6. Plant a tree (or more than one).
  7. Sit under a tree and practice mindfulness.
  8. Go the whole hog and give that tree a big old cuddle! Do this daily, once or more. Close your eyes and really feel at one with nature.
During the time of social distancing, we should be careful to avoid emotional distancing. Fortunately, Iceland’s forestry service might just have cracked how we can all feel more connected.
More and more studies reveal the benefits of feeling connected with nature, and tree-hugging is just one example. Simply seeing it more can improve our wellbeing, both physically and psychologically. However, when we get up close and hug a tree, the benefits can be even greater. Give it a go and see what it can do!



Lottie Miles


About the Author: Lottie Miles

Lottie Miles is a professional researcher and writer with a passion for human rights. She has 4 years of experience working within the NGO sector and has a Masters Degree in Social Policy. She has a keen interest in exploring ways in which happiness habits can help to improve mental health and wellbeing. In her spare time, she likes doing crossword puzzles, painting and traveling.
Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 22:46
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USA's State Governors Gone Wild!

Governors Gone Wild!


Posted May 3, 2020 by Edward Morgan.




What would have been shocking stuff two months ago is now downright mundane

*YES, the Governor of Michigan use to work for George Soros
* YES, Hillary’s daughter Chelsea IS married to George Soros’ nephew.
* YES, ABC News executive producer IAN CAMERON is married to SUSAN RICE, Obama’s former National Security Adviser.
* YES, CBS President DAVID RHODES is the brother of BEN RHODES, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
* YES, ABC News correspondent CLAIRE SHIPMAN is married to JAY CARNEY, former Obama White House Press Secretary
* YES, ABC News and Univision reporter MATTHEW JAFFE is married to KATIE HOGAN, Obama’s former Deputy Press Secretary
* YES, ABC President BEN SHERWOOD is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama’s former Special Adviser.
* YES, CNN President VIRGINIA MOSELEY is married to TOM NIDES, former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary.
IF YOU HAD A HUNCH THE NEWS SYSTEM WAS SOMEWHAT RIGGED AND YOU COULDN’T PUT YOUR FINGER ON IT, THIS MIGHT HELP YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE. This is “Huge” and is a ‘partial’ list since the same incestuous relationship holds true for NBC/MSNBC/CNN and most MAIN STREAM MEDIA outlets.

Michigan Legislators Vote to End Draconian Shutdown so Governor Proclaims Executive Dictatorship

 Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to prolong a state of emergency over the coronavirus pandemic, ignoring a vote in the legislature to let the draconian measure expire.
The move came after both the state house and the state senate voted against extending the governor’s previous state of emergency order, 
The new executive orders give Whitmer broad and far-reaching powers, including the ability to impose curfews,    
“So it appears we have a straight up unilateral dictator on our hands in Michigan,” read 
The controversial lockdown measures, as well as the executive orders, have polarized Michigan.  

California Prisons Release Thousands Of Felons To Make Room For Skaters, Surfers, People Who Go Outside

SACRAMENTO, CA—Governor Gavin Newsom has instructed detention facilities across California to begin releasing violent felons to make room for skateboarders, surfers, and other people who have committed the heinous crime of going outside.
Thousands of cells have now been freed up for “the dregs of society,” as Newsom referred to people who go to the beach or skate at a skate park. As the felons left the prisons, they laughed at the skaters and surfers entering their previous cells. The skater bros just said, “Dude, not cool” and the surfers said, “Totes not stoked bra, major kook move dude.”
“We need to free up those prison cells for the really dangerous people, like beachgoers,” said Governor Gavin Newsom at a press conference. “We can’t have those dangerous people who sit on the beach for a few hours or do doozy flipkicks and 630 spinaroos out on our streets.”
The felons went out and immediately committed crimes, but many were undocumented immigrants and so were given a stimulus check instead of getting arrested. As Business Owners Face Jail for Staying Open During Lockdown, ‘High-Risk’ Child Rapists Set Free

Dem. Gov Of New Mexico Invokes Riot Act, Closes Roads In And Out Of City To Contain Coronavirus

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday invoked a rarely used state law to put the western city of Gallup under lockdown in a bid to curb the spread of the virus within the city.
Lujan Grisham’s order will require all roads to Gallup, which lies on the historic Route 66, and businesses to be temporarily closed starting from Friday at 5 p.m. through 8 a.m, according to Fox News.
To help slow the recent spread of the virus in the city, Lujan Grisham invoked the state’s Riot Control Act, which allows the governor to implement certain restrictions under a state of emergency, including barring residents from being on public streets and temporarily prohibiting the use of some streets and highways.
The move comes after Gallup Mayor asked Lujan Grisham to declare a state of emergency in the city.
“I recognize this request is unusual and constitutes a drastic measure, and the emergency powers set out under the Riot Control Act should be invoked sparingly,” Gallup Mayor Louis Bonaguidi wrote a letter to Lujan Grisham. “However, the COVID-19 outbreak in the city of Gallup is a crisis of the highest order. Immediate action is necessary.”
Gallup is located in McKinley County, which has reported 207 new cases of the virus in the last two days, and a total of 1,027 coronavirus cases and 20 deaths, thus being one of the hardest-hit counties in the state.
“The spread of #COVID19 in McKinley County is frightful. Physical distancing has not occurred & is not occurring,” Lujan Grisham wrote on Twitter. “Stricter measures are necessary to stop the virus.”
Lujan Grisham said residents should isolate themselves “unless absolutely necessary for health or safety or a medical emergency.”
“The imperative for all of us to remain home and physically distant has not changed. It is even more crucial for New Mexicans in the northwestern region. But what is happening in the northwest could happen in any part of our state. We must remain vigilant,” Lujan Grisham said.
New Mexico has one of the highest per capita coronavirus death rates among lesser populated U.S. states, with 53 deaths per one million people, according to Reuters.
In total, New Mexico has confirmed more than 3,500 cases of the virus including 131 deaths.

Oregon Governor Extends State Of Emergency Beyond July 4

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown on Friday signed an executive order extending Oregon’s state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Brown’s initial order, signed March, was set to expire on May 7 but has been extended until July 6.
The prolonged state of emergency will allow the Oregon Health Authority and the Office of Emergency Management more authority to respond to the outbreak and will allow state agencies to implement temporary new rules to deal with the crisis, according to KVAL-TV.
But the governor on Friday also outlined a plan to reopen the state, which she suggested could happen as soon as May 15.
For counties in the state to start reopening they will have to meet certain criteria including having proper contact tracing and access to tests for every Oregon resident. She said this can be accomplised with a new testing system that will assist major hospitals in the state.
“As we look to reopen Oregon, it’s critical we use science and data to ensure that we can safely take steps forward,” Brown said at a press conference. “Public health experts agree that there are key steps for reopening. At the top of the list is a thorough strategy to test, trace and isolate the virus.”
“The plan also expands Oregon’s testing criteria, so that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 can be tested within 48 to 72 hours. The plan sets the goal of being able to perform 30 tests per week for every 10,000 Oregonians,” said a statement from the governor’s office.
Businesses in Oregon have been closed or required to entirely change the way they operate as a result of the crisis for nearly a month.
Some counties in the state have reported as little as five cases of the virus while others have hundreds. Overall, Oregon has reported a little under 2,600 cases and 104 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins University.
“This is truly uncharted waters for all of us,” said Lincoln County Commissioner Claire Hall. “It still may be a difficult path to get back to something akin to normal but at least we know what we have to do to get there.”

Maine Restaurant Owner to Defy Liberal Governor and Re-Open Tomorrow — Then Drops Governor’s Phone Number on Live TV (VIDEO)

Maine Governor Janet Mills this week announced her stay-at-home orders will continue until mid-May. The initial stay-at-home order was set to expire April 30, but she has since extended it to May 15th.
One in every seven people in Maine is now unemployed.

On Thursday Maine Restaurant owner Rick Savage went on with Tucker Carlson. Rick is opening his restaurant on Friday. He says you can’t even get ahold of the liberal governor. Rick says, “She’s doing this all rogue on her own.”
Then at the end of the interview he dropped her phone number live on national TV.
The governor may get a few calls…

RAW INTERVIEW: Rick Savage, owner of Sunday River Brewing Co, talks having Maine license revoked



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 15:22
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Domingo, 3 de Maio de 2020

Criminal Big-Pharma Put in Charge of Covid-19 “Vaccine” .

Criminal Big-Pharma Put in Charge of Covid-19 “Vaccine” .

Tony Cartalucci – NEO.

Posted May 2, 2020 by Edward Morgan.

Big-Pharma – guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, bribery, and a history of exposing the public to dangerous and even deadly drugs – is being given billions to develop a Covid-19 “vaccine.” Would you trust your health to these criminals?
(Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – Coronavirus Disease 2019 or “Covid-19” hysteria is sweeping the globe – with mass media-induced public panic paralyzing entire nations, gutting economies of billions as workplaces are shutdown and the public shuttered indoors all while exposed to 24 hour news cycles deliberately fanning the flames of fear.
Illustrative vial of coronavirus vaccine
The West’s healthcare industry is already profiting both monetarily and in terms of artificial credibility as a panicked public turn to it for answers and safety.
Waiting to cash in on offering “cures” and “vaccines” for a virus that is essentially a bad cold – is the immensely corrupt Western pharmaceutical industry in particular – notorious corporations like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Bayer, Merck, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Lilly, and Gilead.
All corporations – without exception – pursuing government-funded vaccines and therapies for Covid-19 are corporations guilty and repeatedly convicted in courts of law around the globe of crimes including falsifying research, safety, and efficacy studies, bribing researchers, doctors, regulators, and even law enforcement officials, and marketing drugs that were either entirely ineffective or even dangerous.
Government funding from taxpayers across the Western World are being funneled into supposedly non-profit organizations like the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) which are in actuality fronts created and chaired by big-pharma to avoid investing their own money into costly research and development and simply profit from whatever emerges from state-funded research.CEPI – for example – is receiving billions in government funds from various nations that will be used for R&D that results in products sold by and profited from big-pharma.
Novartis – Plumbing the Depths of the Despicable
A particularly shocking and appalling example comes from Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis – who is currently attempting to ram through approval of its drug Jakafi as a therapy for severe Covid-19 patients.
A University of Pennsylvania team headed by Dr. Carl June and funded entirely by charity had developed a gene therapy that fully and permanently cured leukemia patients who had otherwise failed to respond to more traditional treatments like bone marrow transplants. During early trials in 2010-2012, one patient – a 6 year old named Emily Whitehead – was literally on her death bed before receiving the revolutionary gene therapy.Today she is alive and well, in permanent remission.
What is more astounding about the therapy is that it is administered only one time. That is because after administration the patient’s cells are rewired permanently to fight off cancer. Old cells pass the cancer-fighting information off to new cells as they divide and multiply.
The therapy developed by Dr. June’s team is not only a one-time therapy, it is also incredibly cost effective. Under experimental conditions the procedure cost under 20,000 USD. Dr. June at a 2013 talk at The Society for Translational Oncology would state:
So the cost of goods, it’s interesting. The major cost here is gamma globulin. So the t-cells themselves, with us, for our in-house costs of an apheresis and so on is 15,000 dollars to manufacture the t-cells. 
The charity that funded Dr. June’s team – Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) – would see its work sold off to Novartis, approved by the FDA in 2017 and marketed as Kymriah. What was noted by Dr. June himself as costing 15,000 USD to produce under experimental conditions was marked up by Novartis to an astronomical half-million dollars. The New York Times article that reported the drug’s cost never mentions the actual cost of the drug and instead defers to Novartis’ own explanation as to why the drug was so expensive.
The NYT had previously reported on the therapy’s progress before its acquisition by Novartis, yet NYT writers failed to hold Novartis accountable or inform readers of the actual cost of the therapy and expose price gouging by Novartis. This helps illustrate the mass media’s role in enabling and covering up for big-pharma’s corruption.
Upon closer examination – and no thanks to publications like NYT – it turns out LLS was and still is in partnership with Novartis and while it denied Novartis had anything to do with the gene therapy funded by LLS and ultimately sold to Novartis – the glaring conflict of interest remains and fits in perfectly with the wider pharmaceutical industry’s track record of corruption, abuse, and placing profits before human life.
The Novartis example is a microcosm of how the entire industry operates and indeed – precisely how it already is exploiting and profiting from Covid-19 hysteria where hard-working researchers have their work funded by shady “charities” only to be bought up by big-pharma and dangled over the heads of the desperate for movie-villain ransoms – all in cooperation with a complicit government and mass media
GSK: A Bribery Racket that Rings the Globe
Another pharmaceutical corporation seeking to profit from Covid-19 is GlaxoSmithKline. What those who may be exposed to whatever products GSK markets in response to the virus should know is that GSK has been convicted on every inhabited continent of the planet for operating a global bribery racket aimed at doctors, researchers, regulators, politicians, and even law enforcement officials.
GSK has been convicted in Asia. The New York Times in its article, “Drug Giant Faced a Reckoning as China Took Aim at Bribery,” would claim:
The Glaxo case, which resulted in record penalties of nearly $500 million and a string of guilty pleas by executives, upended the power dynamic in China, unveiling an increasingly assertive government determined to tighten its grip over multinationals. In the three years since the arrests, the Chinese government, under President Xi Jinping, has unleashed the full force of the country’s authoritarian system, as part of a broader agenda of economic nationalism.
GSK has also been convicted in North America. The London Guardian would report in its article GlaxoSmithKline fined $3bn after bribing doctors to increase drugs sales that:
The pharmaceutical group GlaxoSmithKline has been fined $3bn (£1.9bn) after admitting bribing doctors and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to children. Glaxo is also expected to admit failing to report safety problems with the diabetes drug Avandia in a district court in Boston on Thursday. 
The company encouraged sales reps in the US to mis-sell three drugs to doctors and lavished hospitality and kickbacks on those who agreed to write extra prescriptions, including trips to resorts in Bermuda, Jamaica and California.
GSK corruption also takes place in Europe. In early 2014, the London Telegraph would report in its article, “GlaxoSmithKline ‘bribed’ doctors to promote drugs in Europe, former worker claims,” that:
GlaxoSmithKline, Britain’s largest drug company, has been accused of bribing doctors to prescribe their medicines in Europe. 
Doctors in Poland were allegedly paid to promote its asthma drug, Seretide, under the guise of funding for education programme, a former sales rep has claimed. 
Medics were also said to have been paid for lectures in the country which did not take place.
And this is only scratching the surface of GSK’s bribery racket and associated impropriety – saying nothing of the wider industry’s abuse and corruption.
GSK is currently poised to develop and deploy a Covid-19 vaccine with Innovax. Will GSK’s history of bribery and corruption influence the development of a Covid-19 vaccine and its approval for public use?
There is already a convincing answer to that question.
Big-Pharma Already Caught Faking Pandemics to Fill Their Coffers
The last wave of hysteria regarding a pandemic came in the form of the 2009 H1N1 outbreak or the “swine flu.”
If one vaguely remembers H1N1 and needs to look it up to refresh their memory – it’s probably because it was not the pandemic it was promoted as at the time by corrupt public health officials and a complicit mass media.

Among these corrupt public health officials were World Health Organization (WHO) “experts” who were in the pay of big-pharma and used their positions to declare the appearance of H1N1 as a “pandemic” justifying likewise paid-off governments to stockpile big-pharma medication for patients that never ended up needing them.
The BBC in their article, “WHO swine flu experts ‘linked’ with drug companies,” would admit:
Key scientists behind World Health Organization advice on stockpiling of pandemic flu drugs had financial ties with companies which stood to profit, an investigation has found.
The British Medical Journal says the scientists had openly declared these interests in other publications yet WHO made no mention of the links.
The BBC mentions GSK by name, noting (emphasis added):
…three scientists involved in putting together the 2004 guidance had previously been paid by Roche or GSK for lecturing and consultancy work as well as being involved in research for the companies. 
>Roche – also mentioned – currently produces Covid-19 test kits and is obviously making massive profits by selling them amid sustained hysteria over the “pandemic.” It also profited when WHO officials it was paying off declared H1N1 a “pandemic” in 2009. It sold testing kits and anti-viral medication that made their way into entirely unnecessary government stockpiles.
Reuters in a 2014 article titled, “Stockpiles of Roche Tamiflu drug are waste of money, review finds,” would note:
Researchers who have fought for years to get full data on Roche’s flu medicine Tamiflu said on Thursday that governments who stockpile it are wasting billions of dollars on a drug whose effectiveness is in doubt. 
The article also noted:
Tamiflu sales hit almost $3 billion in 2009 – mostly due to its use in the H1N1 flu pandemic – but they have since declined. 
Are we really going to allow these same corporations and the corrupt officials they are in league with among national and international bodies take the reins again amid Covid-19?
Serial Offenders Drive Covid-19 Hysteria
The same WHO – in partnership with the same serial offenders among the pharmaceutical industry – are now leading the response to Covid-19 – and the same complicit mass media that enabled the corruption and abuse of both in the past is helping fuel Covid-19 hysteria today to hand over unprecedented profits and power to these same interests that have repeatedly proven themselves in the past to not only be untrustworthy but also obstacles to – rather than the underwriters of – human health.
Soon, syringes will be filled with “vaccines” produced by this conglomerate of corruption and abuse, and the public told to roll up their sleeves and have themselves injected by substances created by literal criminals or else.
Under the illusion of legitimacy, science, and medicine, people will be pressured to submit to big-pharma and their co-conspirators within regulatory bodies, advisory organizations, the government, and the media, and whatever it is they actually fill these syringes with – whether it protects the public from Covid-19 or not – and whether such a vaccine is truly necessary or not.
While Covid-19 might be an actual pathogen, evidence suggests it does not warrant the overreaction we have seen worldwide. “Covid-19 hysteria” is – by far – having a much more devastating impact on humanity than the actual virus itself.  Amid this hysteria, the biggest genuine threat to human health – a corrupt pharmaceutical industry and their partners in the government – are poised to expand both their profits at the expense of the public, and their power over the public.
Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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publicado por achama às 14:39
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Segunda-feira, 27 de Abril de 2020

Fewer than half of working Americans will have a paycheck in May as devastating coronavirus layoffs persist, economist says.

Fewer than half of working Americans will have a paycheck in May as devastating coronavirus layoffs persist, economist says.

By Carmen Reinicke.

Posted April 26, 2020 by Edward Morgan.




  • Recent job losses due to the coronavirus pandemic could mean that fewer than half of working-age Americans will be earning a wage in May, James Knightley, chief international economist at ING, wrote in a Thursday note.
  • Job losses have already contributed to slumps in consumer spending, seen in retail and housing sales reports. Given that consumption makes up roughly 70% of US gross domestic product, the effects on the economy will be severe.
  • In an election year, the widespread unemployment will likely mean that the call for politicians to reopen the economy will grow, irrespective of health advice, according to Knightley.
  • But reopening too soon lessens the chance that the US will see a swift recovery, he added.
The millions of Americans who have lost their jobs in recent weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic will have a devastating effects on the economy going forward as workers are left without pay.
Losses in April alone could push the unemployment rate to 16%, according to James Knightley, chief international economist at ING. If another 10 million Americans file jobless claims in May, that would push the unemployment rate to 22%, he said.
“Thankfully this is below the 24.9% peak experienced in 1933, but we have to remember that one third of Americans aged 18-65 are not classified as employed or unemployed – they are students, early retirement, homemakers, carers or sick,” Knightly wrote in a Thursday note.
“This leads us to yet another sobering statistic – that less than half of working age Americans will be earning a wage next month,” he said.
The estimate comes amid a huge spike in unemployment claims driven by the coronavirus pandemic. In the past five weeks, 26 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance, a staggering record-breaking number that’s quickly dwarfed job losses seen in the Great Recession.
The effects of job losses to the broader economy could be devastating, as consumer spending makes up 70% of US gross domestic product, which is set to fall as much as 40% in the second quarter. There are already signs that consumers are spending less as the coronavirus pandemic continues and job losses increase — retail sales have slumpedconsumer sentiment has plummeted, and home sales have also fallen in the past month.
Other economists agree that the fallout is severe. Including Thursday’s losses, one in seven American workers has applied for unemployment insurance in the past five weeks, according to Heidi Shierholz, senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute.
Even though economists expect that unemployment-insurance applications will continue to fall from the March peak, they still expect ongoing job losses will add up to millions of claims in the coming weeks.
Given estimates for how much US GDP could slump in the second quarter, EPI projects that the net decline in employment — which includes how many workers were hired and how many quit jobs — could reach 30 million by the end of June.
In an election year, widespread unemployment likely means that calls for politicians to reopen the economy will grow, irrespective of health advice, according to Knightley.
But reopening the economy too soon could lower the chances that a V-shaped recovery, or a swift rebound back to pre-coronavirus levels, is possible. Knightley will be watching what happens in states that are reopening parts of their economy as soon as this weekend.
“We would assume jobless claims will fall back sharply here, but if consumers remain reluctant to go shopping or visit a restaurant due to lingering Covid-19 fears, then employment is not going to rebound quickly,” Knightley said. “It would be another signal that a V-shaped recovery for the US economy is highly unlikely.”

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With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 15:29
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