Terça-feira, 19 de Maio de 2020

5 Ugly Truths about Life That Will Make You a Better Person


5 Ugly Truths about Life That Will Make You a Better Person

Sherrie Hurd, A.A.


Posted May 19th, 2020.

It isn’t always easy to become a higher version of yourself. There are ugly truths that must be faced in order to change for the better.
I’m not here to say you are a bad person. I cannot make that judgment. But the truth remains, there is always room for improvement, and you can see it in what you’re not doing.For instance, take a moment and write down a few positive actions you’re taking. Don’t write down your qualities, no, think about what you’ve actually done that’s brought about a positive outcome or helped someone. Ugly truths say that list may be short. It may be hard to think of any positive actions you’ve taken lately, even though you do mean well.
I can attest to this myself. I talk about all the things I want to do to help someone, but I only accomplish around a fraction of those things. To be a better person in life, I have to glance into the ugly face of truth for myself. There are many things I can do in order to become the person I want to be. It is hard sometimes to face up to this.
There are a few examples of ugly truths, in case you’re wondering what’s holding you back. Take a look.

Ugly truths that bring good outcomes

1. The world only wants what you can provide

No matter how good of a person you think you are, the world only cares how much you can provide with the skills you possess. Do you think the world thinks about your charming personality or your empathetic nature?
I’m sorry, but to the world, these things are just pretty icing on a cake that may or may not taste good to them. What the world wants is someone who can make money, build things, produce things, and provide any demand it throws out.
So, to be a better person, you must accept this truth. It may be a mean spirited attitude that the world has, but it’s the ugly truth, that the worlds wants. When you accept this raw honesty, what happens is you learn to love yourself despite what the world wants. You can choose to provide however you wish, and understand that this is what the world likes, but you can also appreciate who you are, and this makes you better for it.

2. People will let you down

Do you remember telling your best friend that secret and how they promised to never tell anyone? Yeah, they told someone, maybe even a few people. A good friend once told me that when you tell one person a secret, at least one other person will know, and so on. The ugly truth is, it is almost impossible to have a friend who doesn’t spill the beans occasionally, and at least to one individual.
And that’s not all, people will disappoint you in other ways too. If you think you will get into a relationship and it will be perfect, you are delusional. It will be bad at times, maybe many times. Your employer will not be perfect, your family will not be perfect. People are imperfect and they cannot do the right thing 100% of the time. So, get used to it.

3. What’s worthwhile requires hard work

You will never be able to have something truly special or productive if you don’t work really hard. I know this is not what you want to hear, but it’s the hard truth. You know those laid-back people who believe in “taking it easy”, yeah, they usually don’t fulfill great goals in their lives. I promise, just watch them for a while and see for yourself.
If you want to stand out and get a promotion, for instance, you must work your butt off and do so in such a way that you get noticed as a highly productive employee. If you work a little, you will reap only a small reward. If you stay busy and productive, you can fulfill great dreams.

4. Perfect happiness doesn’t exist

If you think some particular thing is all you need to be perfectly happy, you are wrong. There is nothing in the world that can make you happy to the point where you will have no other troubles.
True happiness is within, and I am sure you’ve heard this before. Now, this is true, but, this true happiness from within will also never be perfect. Life is not perfect, we are not either, and the ugly truth is… happiness is fleeting. However, there is nothing wrong with pursuing it anyway. Just always be aware that it doesn’t last forever.

5. You will die

Did you know that for the most part, we ignore the fact that we’re going to die? It might not be tomorrow, next month, or even next year. In fact, we may live a hundred years. But, the fact remains, we will die.
This is an ugly truth that should have you organizing your priorities and getting the most out of each and every day. But since we ignore, deny, or just turn our face away from death, we get lazy and we procrastinate. Yes, I guess I’m preaching doom and gloom here, but to be honest, you will, someday, somehow… die. So, face it and be better for it too.

The ugliness of truth will help you

Thinking that life is a fairy tale may be fun in the short term, but it will make you waste away in the long run. If we face things in truth, we can find ways to better use our time, hopefully, wisely.
I cannot brag about this at all. I think sometimes I am terrible at facing the truth and its ugliness, and I watch hours of television or scroll mindlessly on the computer. Is this a pattern you recognize in yourself.
I urge you, as a fellow procrastinator, to join me in facing the ugly truths of life. It will hurt, but just think of how worthwhile your life will be when you stop denying what’s really happening. We can do this.
I have faith in you. 

Sherrie Hurd



Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us. 




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:07
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Quarta-feira, 22 de Abril de 2020

7 Signs of People Who Lack Empathy and Examples of Their Behavior

7 Signs of People Who Lack Empathy and Examples of Their Behavior

Lauren Edwards-Fowle,

M.Sc. & B.Sc.


Posted March 21st, 2020.



A lack of empathy makes it hard to engage in a meaningful relationship with a person. Being empathetic is an innate human quality, whereby we can appreciate the feelings of other people, regardless of whether those feelings also affect us. What about those who lack empathy?

Why do some people lack empathy?

Being unable to show empathy is often linked to low emotional intelligence. This means that if someone in your life seems unable to relate to how you are feeling, it might not be deliberate.
Having low emotional intelligence means that a person does not have the resources to be able to grasp feelings outside of the spectrum of their own experience. This is similar to a very young child, who has not yet reached emotional maturity. They are the center of their universe and do not feel a response when somebody else is emotional.
In other cases, having little or no empathy can be a trait of a narcissistic person or somebody suffering from an anti-social behavior condition.

Signs of people who lack empathy and examples of their behavior in everyday life:

1. Lack of close relationships

Someone unable to relate to others will find it very difficult to establish long-term relationships. They may have no or very few friends and struggle to maintain a bond even with their immediate family members. This is because a lack of empathy extends to everybody. Thus, they might not feel the emotional bond or familial connection that most of us experience.
Have you ever had a colleague who doesn’t ever contribute to a birthday collection, or won’t bother to sign a card for a sick colleague? They probably don’t see why they should inconvenience themselves with the concerns of other people.

2. Unusual responses to grief

Having no empathy can show through in times of distress. If you have suffered a bereavement, and somebody in your life does not seem interested or offer any kind of condolences, they probably cannot relate to your grief.
As an example, if you have lost a pet that you loved very much, most people will feel sorry for you and understand the sadness and sense of loss you will be feeling. A person without any empathy will not understand why you are upset, and might even make unkind comments.

3. An inability to share in others’ happiness

Here is another example of a behavior that is typical for a person who lacks empathy. If you have had a baby, celebrated graduating, or become engaged, your friends, colleagues, and family will be delighted for you! If there is somebody who doesn’t seem particularly interested or has not offered any congratulations, they may lack the empathy to appreciate your happiness.
It is a sad by-product that someone experiencing this is unable to share in others’ joy. It works in a similar way to being unable to relate to grief.

4. A strong set of irrefutable personal beliefs

An individual who cannot relate to emotions often has a very firm stance on their own beliefs. Thus, they will find it extremely difficult to accept in any situation that they might be wrong. If you have ever had a conversation with a person who will argue black is white – seemingly for the sake of it – they might simply lack the capacity to relate to your argument.
Lacking any kind of emotional maturity renders a person incapable of reconsidering their ideas, or understanding that they might not be right.

5. Egotistical

With an absence of empathy comes a strong sense of self. A person who cannot empathize will likely be very egotistical, as they prioritize themselves in every situation. People may have an inflated ego for many reasons. However, in case of those with low emotional intelligence, this stems from emotional immaturity.
So an emotionally immature adult will often behave in a childish manner. These kinds of people crave attention all the time, act irresponsibly and are unable to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. This could apply to anything, and some examples of this behavior include pushing in the line at the coffee shop to driving inconsiderately.

6. A sense of entitlement

This trait is particularly noticeable in a group dynamic. A person who lacks empathy will often talk endlessly about him/herself. They will brush off any turn in the conversation that does not center on them. This behavior is known as conversational narcissism, and many people can have it without actually being narcissists.
You may know a few examples of such people in your life. You might notice a friend who will ask continually for favours, without any expectation of returning them. It might be that they simply do not understand why they should invest comparable effort into the relationship, and nor consider how their actions might be making you feel.

7. Reacting awkwardly to emotion

Whilst there are many reasons why people find it hard to know how to respond to emotion, people who can’t make an emotional connection will struggle to react in an appropriate way.
Sometimes, emotional outbursts might be a little over the top, and potentially embarrassing. However, hiding your feelings is never healthy, and a few tears to cope with a stressful situation is an ordinary reaction. People who cannot empathize will not know what to do in this circumstance, and will often try to distance themselves completely.

Life without empathy

It can be just as hard to try and get along with someone who doesn’t seem to care about anything but themselves, as it can be being a person who doesn’t grasp the basic human reaction of empathy.
Not being able to relate to your partner, not understanding why people feel a certain way, and being unable to consider any thought process other than your own is a very isolating way to live.
Try not to take it personally; not everyone has reached emotional maturity, and sadly, some people never will. A lack of empathy is not a reflection on you, or the authenticity of your feelings, but is an unfortunate inability to appreciate them.
  1. Very Well Mind
  2. Psychology Today


Lauren Edwards-Fowle
Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.


About the Author: Lauren Edwards-Fowle

Lauren Edwards-Fowle is a professional copywriter based in South East England. Lauren worked within Children's Services for five years before moving into the business sector. She holds an MSc in Applied Accountancy and BSc in Corporate Law. She now volunteers within the community sport sector, helping young people to live healthier, more productive lifestyles and overcome the barriers to inclusion that they face. With a keen interest in physical wellbeing, nutrition and sports, Lauren enjoys participating in a variety of team sports in her spare time, as well as spending time with her young family and their dog Scout.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:25
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Terça-feira, 7 de Abril de 2020

5 Lessons Coronavirus Lockdown Teaches Us about Life

5 Lessons Coronavirus Lockdown Teaches Us about Life

By Anna LeMind, M.A.

April 6th, 2020

coronavirus lockdown life lessons.



With current coronavirus lockdown in many countries of the world, the regular flow of life has stopped. Basically, our lives have been put on hold.
We are asked to stay at home and to reduce our social and outdoor activities to the very minimum. Sounds like an introvert’s definition of paradise, doesn’t it? Yes, in these uneasy times, the quiet ones finally have an advantage in society.
However, for everyone else, it’s an incredibly challenging situation. An outgoing person who craves social contact and whose normal life is full of gatherings and activities can’t just turn into an introverted loner out of the blue.
Still, the coronavirus quarantine and lockdown can give us many valuable lessons about life. Everyone can learn from this difficult situation, both introverts and extroverts.

5 Life Lessons to Learn from the Coronavirus Lockdown

1. Don’t put your life on hold

This one may sound controversial at first. After all, everyone’s life is on hold right now. But here, I’m talking about our lives before the coronavirus pandemic (and hopefully, after it).
We all have something we dream about but don’t have the courage to fulfill it. We all have plans in life but are waiting for better times to turn them into a reality.
Maybe you wanted to change your career path or have a baby. Maybe you dreamed about traveling the world or enrolling in art classes. Right now, you can’t do any of these things because of the quarantine. You have to wait. And who knows for how long.
When we constantly postpone our plans and dreams, there comes a time when we no longer can (or want) to bring them to fruition. So don’t neglect your dreams and don’t put your life plans and goals on hold, waiting for the right moment. This moment may never come.

2. Live in the moment and find happiness in simple things

Here you are, stuck in your home, bored and lonely. But even in isolation, it’s possible to find ways to have fun and things to be grateful for. Use this situation as an opportunity to spend quality time with your family and kids. Plan a stay-at-home date with your special someone. Call your parents. Read books or find an online course you long wanted to take.
This list can be endless. The point is that even in times of quarantine and social distancing, you can enjoy yourself and live in the present moment. The joys of everyday life like a video call with your best friend or a walk with your dog have the power to make you happy.
With the coronavirus lockdown, we all have the opportunity to see that happiness is in simple, everyday things. And most importantly, it is in immaterial things. Expensive jewelry and brand clothes are out of use right now. But simple pleasures like a good read or a warm conversation are worth their weight in gold.

3. Taking breaks is necessary

hectic, anxiety-fueling lifestyle has become normal in our world. Before the pandemic, we couldn’t even imagine our days without busy schedules and tons of unnecessary stress. And yet, here they are. The whole world is taking a break from this rat race.
No matter how difficult the overall pandemic situation can feel, we could actually benefit from this break. Take a few moments to appreciate that. Enjoy the abundant sleep you lacked before. Relax at home, take a hot bath, just let yourself be lazy.
We all know that anxiety and stress are bad for our physical and mental health. But being busy all the time can also distract us from fulfilling our life purpose. When our minds are constantly occupied with job worries and mundane problems, we lose touch with our inner selves.
For this reason, taking a break can help us hear the voice of our souls. Use the lockdown time to get to know yourself better and discover what makes you truly happy and brings meaning to your life.

4. Appreciate nature

Here, I’m talking about appreciating nature on both personal and societal levels. Those of us living in the cities rarely have the opportunity to escape the world of concrete and asphalt and get closer to nature.
I bet that right now, many people think about those walks in the park they didn’t take and those trips to the countryside they didn’t go on. Even introverts who don’t go out that often are likely to have this kind of regrets. I do. Even when you are not a fan of going outside, it’s great to have an option to.
Then, the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown show us what we’ve been doing to our planet all this time. Now that most people stay at home and tourism is dead, nature is taking back. Scientists report reduced levels of pollution in Italy. Even the waters in Venice canals have cleared up as there are no tourists in the city and the locals are staying at home!
The sad truth is that we have become parasites to our home planet. Maybe it’s time we start to treat it with more respect and appreciation.

5. Always be ready for the tough times

We have talked about living in the moment and following your dreams. But we should never forget that tough times are a part of life and we need to be ready. Right now, many people have found themselves unprepared in a both financial and practical sense. And they have nowhere to get help from.
Situations like the coronavirus lockdown teach us that we need to stay optimistic but be ready for the worst. Always have a financial safety cushion and health insurance. You never know what can happen tomorrow.
You may say that this is quite a pessimistic approach. It is not. It’s just a realistic one. I’ve got an acquaintance who, no matter how severe your problem is, always tells you one single thing: think positive. Lost your job? Think positive. Have an acute conflict with your in-laws? Think positive. Coronavirus threat? Think positive.
While positivity has plenty of benefits, this kind of advice is valid only to a certain extent. If you get seriously ill or run out of food, no amount of positive thought can help you. Oftentimes, you need to take real actions in order to solve a problem.
Positive thinking is good, but blind positivity is not. Cultivate an optimistic attitude, but be prepared for possible adversities that may show up at your door.Turn the coronavirus lockdown into an opportunity for personal growth
The coronavirus pandemic is a tough situation for everyone. But this too shall pass. Meanwhile, use this period of self-isolation as an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. After all, it’s during difficult times that we discover our inner strength and perseverance.
Stay strong and be well.

Anna LeMind







About the Author: Anna LeMind

Anna is the founder and lead editor of the website Learning-mind.com. She is passionate about learning new things and reflecting on thought-provoking ideas. She writes about science, psychology and other related topics. She is particularly interested in topics regarding introversion, consciousness and subconscious, perception, human mind's potential, as well as the nature of reality and the universe.

Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:17
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