Segunda-feira, 4 de Maio de 2020

You are repressing your godliness.

You are repressing your godliness.

Archangel Michael

Via Sharon Stewart

May 3rd, 2020


I am Archangel Michael and I have a message for all upon Planet Earth.

You are repressing your godliness.

For those who live in your day to day lives, never looking beyond the end of the day, never looking outside of your normal life, what you call normal, your entire demeanor and the flurry of activity is indeed a tool to repress. You don’t realize this, of course, because this is all you’ve been taught. But it’s true. You never stop to question if this is what you really want to do, who you really want to be, or if this in fact is what you have decided to be in this incarnation.

Do you ever ask yourself this?
Questioning life is more important than thinking you have all the answers. It’s not your job to provide your answers, that is the task of those ordained as your guides, your healers and your celestial truth bringers. The team of Light who work with you are there to tell you what you need to know, what it is in fact that you’ve come here to do. That is not your job, or the job of your authorities to tell you.

Your life has been hijacked.
It has, and it remains as a sad, worn out train on a sad, worn out set of tracks, going around in circles. The new high speed trains with their silvery bodies and gold trim, flash by you as you get through your life with so little power and so little speed.

Your world is a holy place.
Yes, see it as such. See it as holy. This could be a challenge when you persist in looking at it through the same glasses you have used all your life. Shed these glasses and find new ones that show you the reality of what is occurring in the lives of all. You are all beings of holiness, divine beings who came to this planet to lift her up again to the heavens. But to be able to do this, you must see yourself as capable of it. And you are.

I say that your lives are repressive. They are. When you repress your true reality, you do not ask questions, in fact you have been enabled to believe you have all the answers. Do you? Do you know what lies beyond your sun? Have you ever looked? Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever asked the question, “Who really am I?” “Why am I here?” “What am I here to do?” These questions will lead you to your truth.

Do you see the divinity in all of life around you? Do you see the happiness of a dog when she greets you, the smell of the ocean as its waves break upon the shore, do you see the bounty of colour in a fall mountain scene, do you see the beauty of the star lit sky at night time when you look? This is God. This is Creation. And yet you persist in not seeing the bounty of creation within yourselves and within the others around you. You see them as different. That humans are different from creation; they are not. They are the creators. You created this beautiful reality which you call Mother Earth. She is of you and you are of her.

See yourself as one with the heavens, the earth and the skies. Let your heart open to realize your divineness. Understand that you are in an unnatural system right now, and this system is closing. As it closes, you will feel liberated but only when you release yourself from it.

And this means that you must end your repression of emotions. Emotions are the guide, the key to your future. When they sing to you, follow their song. When they shriek at you, stop there and do not take another step. For they are telling you where to go, what to do and how to create.

When you repress your emotions, you repress your divinity. You repress your power, your beauty, your bounty. You repress your lives and stay small.

This smallness must change and it must change now. So it is decreed and it will be done.

Work with the Creator to change this world to one worthy of his love for you. Open your heart. Open your mind. Be grateful for change.

And so it is.

Archangel Michael

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:39
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