Sábado, 23 de Maio de 2020



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 22, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

Today we will talk about the energy of the Terrans who live their personal legend as active and lethargic co-creators, asleep.

Many of you, in your moments of intimate seclusion and conscientious reflection, raise your thoughts about the quality of some of your relationships. And, you know, none of this fails to be fully assisted by your friendly mentors! [smile]

If it is part of your inner maturation, you can be absolutely convinced that there is a powerful spiritual / magnetic support nearby, trying to open your eyes to understandings that until the same time were no longer possible in the same way.

In these moments, we seek to raise your private magnetic fields a little more so that you can benefit from energies more consistent with each issue, and then be able to access an extra dose of your I Am. From then on, their decisions usually become lighter, more fluid and harmonious. If until another day you resisted taking a certain route, “suddenly” the whole thing changes its shape. Work of chance? You can call it that, if you want, but we reaffirm a lot of work and love involved in each process!

It is still delicate to deal with so many fluctuating energies around you, so it is a great opportunity and satisfaction to offer you this quality of support. It is not that you are not in a position to resolve your issues alone ... it is that the concepts of this understanding change a lot between your readings of this and ours, ascended. But the decisions, all of them, have always been, are and will be yours - we, your Galactic Family, are just your private advisers, so to speak. [smile]

In any case, as soon as certain interpersonal dilemmas move towards their most expanded resolution, other new service fronts are opened, always with the greatest intention of dissolving knots, dismantling vibrational densities that, when together, make the dear Seekers so heavy, moody, sad and less productive in their routine about Gaia. In some cases, they may even throw them into beds, for health reasons, either physical or emotional (somatized).

For each of you, it is absolutely imperative that you can continue unlocking these points of conflict. That is if there is really an engagement in your moral / spiritual purification. When not, everything continues to unfold in the form of challenges, and one more complicated to manage than the other, ceaselessly, until tiredness settles, resistance screams for a break and other interests for alternative routes begin to be considered with greater interest than the old formulas used up to that critical point.

When talking about the “other”, it is important to say that, quantum speaking, this “other” does not exist, because we are all One (1) with the Whole, and that means that that “other” is also a fraction of each yours. What is done in their name is done automatically in you, because everything is one and the same, just experiencing different ways of the same reality.

We know how challenging information of that order can be for so many of you. After all, it takes an extra dose of understanding and minimal interior lighting to absorb it all in a more… comfortable way, according to their realities and behaviors within them. But, roughly speaking, you feel that what we tell you touches you in a particular and strong way, and this is the beginning, the beginning of a new relationship with yourself that will become more and more constant and dominant - dominant , but without ever being invasive, don't worry about it! [smile]

The existence within the very particular aspects of the optical perception of the Gaian Man is unique. We learned from all of you, be convinced of it, loved more, but what the Pozinhos de Estrelas (little fragments of stars) capture is transcendental. For this reason, some people already go to other planes, in their moments of physical rest, to other realities and share their experiences all over Gaia and beyond the little blue planet. Yes, legitimate teachers who speak with the assistance of countless mentors so that Knowledge can be expanded, according to what each one has and had to offer. And how your classes are played by the Multiverse!

When their mentors call them "masters", it is also for this reason. Because that's what you are, and you just haven't accessed full awareness of all these adventures yet. To be honest with you, we would spend hours here describing all the fronts that your essences take on in front of the Cosmos, and you wouldn't even imagine! But soon everything will become very clear to your conscious human understanding, be patient. [smile]

Family, everyone teaches and everyone learns, that's all. Its apparent opponents today are nothing more than beings boiling with themselves. They externalize all this, all this gall in criticism and bad mood because it is part of their intimate processes of personal recognition and maturation. They are seldom consciences that have learned about a series of understandings that to many of you feel natural and consistent. Resilience! Do you know what they are and what they will never be, from a certain point of conscience, so why give so much importance to the words of those who still fall asleep over their own nature? Do you understand what we tell you here?

Allow it to pass. Being reactive at this point in time and with so many other more relevant events taking place at the same time right in front of your physical senses is, at the very least, one of those wears out of which it is not worth the price to get involved, to feed, to propagate. Will they continue to be impolite, inopportune, provocative? For you to find in yourself the most placid of non-judgmental and Unconditional Love energies. It is not meant to be “easy”, dear ones, it is a mission, we have already told you this a few times, so it is the opportunity that presents you with new paradigms, in greater synchronicity with the values ​​of the New Earth, because it is so!

Heia Sun! (Let there be light!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: When we remember that our role here * is self-transcendence and service, it becomes more and more important that we keep the focus on this guideline, and in this way what comes from third parties will lose strength, importance to the point of disharmony. Since it is not possible for us to control what goes on in the minds of others, let us work on our own internal shielding as to the sarcasms and dense vibrations of those who know nothing about themselves to try something against us. So it is done!


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 04:41
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Sexta-feira, 22 de Maio de 2020

The Great Solar Flash of Light, New Earth and Ascension

The Great Solar Flash of Light, New Earth and Ascension

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

May 22nd, 2020



Your experiences since 2012 that was the end of the last Age have clearly shown that you are going through change, so that you can release the old that serves no further purpose. You are in the process of a change that will lead you on to the next phase of your evolution. Clearly when one cycle ends another commences so it is necessary to do some cleaning up so as to prepare yourselves for the next stage in your evolution. More so it will separate the “wheat from the chaff” so that each one can continue to follow a path designated to allow for further development, at a level that gives you opportunities to experience the next stage necessary to expand your consciousness even further.

The future is set to ensure you continue your evolution having experienced many lives in the depths of the lower vibrations that were your Hell on Earth. Some souls were caught up in them so much so that they were unable to extract themselves from it, whilst others repeatedly took on the challenges presented to them and were able to survive. In a freewill Universe you were allowed to choose your experiences, although with guidance you took due note of the advice given by those who have already reached a high level of consciousness.

Understand that you volunteered to experience the lower vibrations being fully aware that you were essentially on your own, although help was always within your reach. The attraction for you was that through success you would be able to advance much more quickly and be all the more stronger for it. So it is with full admiration that we applaud your achievement and will stand aside to welcome you to the higher dimensions. These may seem premature in view of the fact that there is still some way to go, but you have completed the difficult part and are now rising up to a new level where you will experience the Great Solar Flash of Light from the Sun, that will immediately lift you onto the new Earth – your Ascension.

You may not realise how privileged you are to be on Earth at the actual moment of Ascension and it can be looked upon as an exciting moment in your life. Can you imagine the relief you will feel that at long last you have been successful, and ahead of you are many opportunities to choose your next experiences that will be most exhilarating within the realms of Light. You will no longer have to live as before but instead have absolute freedom by being able to provide for yourself through your power of thought. Friends and family will be but a thought away making contact very easy.

We like to lift you up by giving you a glimpse into your future as ascended beings, and we can fully appreciate how much you have gone through to prove your strength and dedication to the Light. It will be quite natural that having ascended you will at some stage like to also help others upon their path. You will have many friends and even family that will follow in your footsteps, and it is understandable that you would like to help them and you will have that opportunity.

Mankind with time on their hands is at present going through a period of introspection, as it has become apparent that the old way of living has not proved adequate or helpful to those wishing to prepare for Ascension. The higher vibrations are already bringing out the best in many people and there is more sympathy for those souls that are barely able to exist in their particular environment. The inequalities amongst the different groups is patently obvious yet they should be one, as in fact All are One. Whilst it would be true to say that many have chosen their own destiny there is no reason why they should not be given that right and live happy and fulfilling lives.

Life on Earth could have been a delightful and happy experience but the dark Ones who believe that in some way they are superior have deliberately kept for themselves inventions and advancements exclusively for themselves. The surface dwellers have been under the control of the Illuminati for eons of time, but fortunately the Alliance has now grown in power to the point that they are the dominant force. They have undertaken to break up the dominance of the dark Ones and have already put many behind bars. Ultimately it is certain that Humanity will become aware of how they have been confined to an “open prison” for so long and accepted it as normal. It is far from the truth, and along with friendly Space Beings who await an opportunity to introduce themselves and bring about changes that will help propel you into a New Age.

Dear Ones you stand out on Earth like beacons of Light and hardly realise how much you lift others up through your presence. You exude an energy that is calming and reassuring to those who are embroiled in the lower energies due to their low quality of life. Be assured that they are not being punished but they have needed experiences at such a level to awaken them to the truth. They in turn give others an opportunity to show their sympathy to their plight, and help in a way that shows their love and light for those considered to be lesser beings.

You live in an illusion that has become your reality which is why it is far removed from your true selves. You live a make-believe life although it is set up in such a way that you can learn from it and evolve. Your true Self is your God Self that remains on the other side of the veil that over sees your life on Earth. It is the source of your being and your ever present God Self of eternal life, and has much to do with helping you to fulfil your life plan. Many have chosen their own destiny, and there is no reason why they should not be given the right to do so and live happy and fulfilling lives.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 21:35
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Quinta-feira, 21 de Maio de 2020




By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 21, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

There is no “punishment”, “retaliation” or anything like that; what exists is what each one needs to live in favor of its best version (without judgments!).

To the Terran understanding, it may seem an external way of selecting who ascends and who remains in the purge of their demands, indefinitely. When not. Whoever engages better understands that Law of Cause & Effect is Nature's tool for the systems involved in the process of each social segment, so that you always have the best of what all of you have to offer in favor of the New Earth.

And it is always Men who place themselves above, below or beside these directives of conscientious / spiritual / magnetic expansion. No one else. [smile]

The idea that some external factor is the one who determines the pace of their evolutionary marches belongs to the matrix of those who always understand that they suffer the direct effects of the actions of others, of this or of parallel dimensions. One more of these structural mistakes that the invigilating Servers of Light use with some regularity.

The great truth is that you will always be in the quality of what you rise to access. Those who engage in little will achieve the same proportion of their own blessings, while those who turn to good practices the most will achieve similar returns. Everything very consistent and transparent.

Those who think they can circumvent this elevation formula of all things are deluded, because they cannot. There is no “way” for that. It is not possible to “turn around” in this condition that supports the Good News and the New Man. Whoever gives of himself with discipline, fraternity and love in his heart, will always follow a more enlightened path and, consequently, will be helped with his demands in an identical way. [smile]

We have already had the opportunity to tell you this, but we will repeat: There are no privileged in the path of good; there are consequences.

Envying what the other is experiencing, in itself, is no longer one of those good energies that they can associate with yours. Imagine plotting against your brothers just because they live what you would like to experience and don’t? What sir does this energy serve, beautiful ones? Think!

Your path is one, the path of the next is another, and everything is perfectly harmonious within this evolutionary itinerary. It does not matter what each one lives and in what way. Everything is given to those who are entitled, understand.

Whoever wants to follow for the sake of experiencing new relationships, new conquests, needs to try to engage in this focus, needs discipline and awareness of the value of every small opportunity. Everything is climbing, needs to be worked on in order to optimize one day at a time, with faith and humility, with enthusiasm and hope. And what has to be yours will be.

If things stop going as you originally planned, that's okay, part of it. Learning how to deal with the frustrations of the way mature is also an empowering experience. And certainly other fruits will avenge all of this - perhaps even better than you imagined back there. [smile]

Family, Man is very blessed and rarely identifies this in his brief existence on the little blue planet. Many of you will be able to realize this only when you are no longer in that Now, living the life you co-create through your engagements and neglect.

So, consider valuing the little things of your time in Gaia Now. Because chance is just one of those badly told stories that the atmosphere of dense planets has reserved for undeveloped understandings, in the face of the immeasurable All Cosmic, of which they have always been part.

SYRIUS FRATERNITY greets you and smiles in complicity with your most modest achievements, everyone knows. JATA (Source) speaks to you all this way too! [smile]

Selamat Gajun! (Be One!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Typical Sirian “note” that resonates with my values and understanding. What is to be mine *, will be in one way or another, and in the same way, what does not have ... we deliver to the Universe. I think that detachment should always be exercised in the face of these cases, you know ?! We become lighter when we aim for life.


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 23:46
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Quarta-feira, 20 de Maio de 2020



By AarayA from Sirius

The Sirian Messenger.

Through Dinnho Beduzupo.

Translation from Portuguese: May 20, 2020.




Beloved Souls, Greetings!

It is not relevant what you call the movement caused by the system that coordinates and feeds your pillars in terms of centralizing power and spreading fear. Nothing changes the fact that it is real and acts powerfully on the nations of his planet, and it will always reorganize itself in an attempt to keep things as they are - standardized, stagnant, average.

At least, it was that way until another time; maybe some of you still have some difficulty in identifying, but a lot has changed in recent times, and this is not just a matter of chance! [smile]

So much is said about the New Earth, and so little objective idea is made of it - if only because of the freedom of minds from the lack of imagination and fear strategically implanted among the dear Terrans! In any case, the fact is that new actions provoked reactions to the height, and the energy of Gaia is already differentiated, and for the better, despite those without Faith, without confidence in their own power as well as in the Supreme Intelligence of JATA (The Creative Source, God).

Servants of Light had to face their own demands as part of their own purification process. There was suffering. There was pain. There was doubt. There was loneliness. However, there was also solidarity, fraternity, expressions of affection, respect and love. There was an effective engagement in practical actions in favor of the collective, as rarely seen in so little of humanity. And all of this was and is part of what will bring about in Man the changes that they need for the New Man to co-create the New Earth.

Obviously, the matrix, the system, does not want, more beloved Terrans, that things change even more in order to confront their interests so intrinsically rooted in the ego of the invigilating Servants of Light, through their vices and dark interests. Therefore, it is natural for it - the system - to move in defense of its interests, even if it means dropping pieces of its big game in favor of itself.

It is important to say objectively: the system does not care about human lives.

It feeds on everything that its mentors and guides of light have always tried to teach them to deal with discipline and engagement; and we speak here of fear, of segregation, of separatism, of violence, of everything that evokes the darker side of the ignorance of being. And all this is easily identified in the actions of Man, whose energy is associated with Matrix interests, as he will always be on the side of financial interests above legitimately humanitarian causes.

The vibrational scale of the New Earth that is established in this Now, will exalt the most striking characteristics of all of you. For this reason, the last strongest movements in favor of duality are yet to come, although around your 5 (five) earth years things have become especially denser among you, with glaring ideological postures, falling into physical aggression in some cases. This is all from the purge phase, that is, it must be so due to the high demand involved in the process.

Humanity has seen movements in favor of and against the coordinates of the bodies responsible for monitoring global health regarding this pandemic. People are already starting to confront each other about all of this, in a very similar way to what happened in their most recent elections, that is, with more passion than with common sense. And due to this direct effect, wear and tear of relationships have kept them away from each other, even in family social cells including. Because the system is strengthened when you divide, objectively so.

You fall, like pieces of a huge domino, knocking each other down, mechanically, whenever common sense is relegated to the background. But, when their own leaders fail to lead them through the paths of open and respectful, empathic and aggregating dialogue, what do the sleeping morals, the conscientious lethargics do if they don't follow the herd? This is the legitimate end of days, beautiful!

The adherents of these denser and more violent stances will no longer remain in Gaia - and they know it. They know and do not care, because for their interests what the reverberating energy of the rising planet means, they do not arouse any interest either, if they will no longer be able to maintain the privileged patterns on which they depend to coexist as they are used to. Some groups will resist the Good News here and there, but they already see that from that last experience of the Gaian Man positively activated due to the effects of the pandemic, with less and less resources they will be able to count on to maintain themselves according to their intimate and petty interests.

The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!

Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither he - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.

What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]

The New Man is a growing reality among you. They are identified coordinating themselves in favor of the other, without particular interests, and so often anonymously - such that their conventional media show contempt and choose to show the lack of respect for the collective, the focus on the violence of their routines, pain and in the suffering of his people. And all of this has already started its countdown to reach the end, because the beautiful ones yearn to live other and higher qualities of experiences. And it will be!

Beautiful, the matrix cannot counter the more direct effects of the New Earth. Neither it - the system - nor his immoral supporters. For this reason large groups will be removed from the planet, you know, because they have run out of time among you. They had all the opportunities pertinent to their intimate improvement to transcend or at least signal interest in that direction, but they made choices and, of course, will respond for every act of love not lived. Do not regret any of this; it is the strongest dose of what will still be treated according to where they will go for their evolutionary development, still assisted by their mentors and guides of light.

What should remain in you, who are really interested in moving forward on the path of Unconditional Love in favor of the New Earth, is the feeling that each one can only offer what he rises to share. Because outside the fraternity, there is no real evolution, and this rescue is intimate, it goes from conscience to conscience, from spark to spark. [smile]

Selamat Matah! (May the peace be with you!)


AarayA of Sirius

Dinnho Beduzupo


CHANNEL NOTE: Despite all the problems caused by everything that is involved in our purification process, I still stick to the best examples and stories of those who roll up their sleeves and surrender in favor of social well-being. Everything that is heavy, dense exists, already existed before, so I see no logic to exalt any of this. New Earth asks for the New Man that we can all always be, if we stop resisting and really allow ourselves to. Expanded free will.


Translated by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 21:57
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Sexta-feira, 15 de Maio de 2020

Galactic Energies Coming in to Create the New Earth

Galactic Energies Coming in to Create the New Earth

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

May 14th, 2020.


Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are greatly appreciating the amount of energy that we see all of you expending on the creation of the new Earth, the Earth you have been wanting to experience. We could not be happier with the amount of focus that we have noticed you all placing on that Earth experience that you have been co-creating for quite some time. The issues that you have there on your world are not new. They are just being magnified by the current situation you are all in, and their magnification has amplified the desire within each of you to be living in a much different way.
Now, the energies that you have been expending while focusing on the co-creation of the new Earth have been matched by beings like us who are looking for any and every opportunity to support you. And whenever you demonstrate an ability to put energy out into the universe, you do create an opening for more to flow to you and through you. That has been the mission of beings like ourselves for quite some time, and we are happy to say that the energies coming in from throughout this galaxy will be inspiring those who have the ability to take proper action.
The energies will also be assisting each and every one of you who are operating as the architects, the big picture people. And so, if you think that this transmission is a call to action for you, then you can relax. You are doing enough with the holding of space that you do, the offering of healing energies, and the showing of kindness and compassion towards your fellow humans. It will only take a few people who are in positions of authority to take actions that will bring about enormous positive changes on your world, and the inspiration to those individuals is coming. They will know what to do, and they will not hesitate to do the right thing.
Now, as we have said many times before, creating the new Earth is not about defeating those who have been abusing their power, wealth, and influence. We advise you to take your attention off of those conspiracy theories and put your focus where it is needed. You are the architects. You are the creators, and beings like us are simply the support staff. You know best what is the ideal version of Mother Earth because you are living there, seeing and feeling all that you are. Do not underestimate yourselves, and do not underestimate the energies coming in from all across the galaxy at this time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 03:29
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Quarta-feira, 29 de Abril de 2020

Lay down and rest.

Lay down and rest.

Starlight of the Unicorn Race.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

April 27, 2020.

Greetings humans of Gaia’s heart, who have the attention of many. 
I am Starlight of the unicorn race. 
We approach the starseeds now for activation, for encouragement, in great joy. For we have long awaited our reunion with ascended humankind. 
I am Starlight. Our race is mighty, we are many. We are very much alive but have been kept outside of your current reality matrix because of vibrational discordant energies. 
We are of a crystalline high vibration, we are 5D and above, as is this one’s requirement for channeling. We wish to offer you codes of rainbow light from our horns, an extension of our third eye, to your foreheads, to activate your third eye portal. 
We wish for this energy to flow further into your hearts, feeling this vibrational encodement of love, of renewal and of home of the higher dimensional realities. We are all around you, just outside of your vision. 
When you serve, create, envision New Earth, there we are in that energy frequency. We are simple creatures, yet strong in our light. We enjoy working with many masters who wish to hone their creative flow, as our beams of light energy focus and sharpen intentions that are pure, to create with greater speed. 
We already populate your Nova Gaia, our new home. We have transferred residency to her rich green lands, her fields ripe for running and our young foals enjoy the freedom of her wide open spaces and delicate grasses and flowers. We are sending imagery, this feeling of home to you, for refreshment, for encouragement.
I am Starlight of the unicorn race, a leader of my kind. 
I do not take my role lightly for I speak as the voices of many, a great honor and burden. One must be thoughtful and careful with power and responsibility. In the higher realms all voices are heard and considered with great thought and intention such that all needs are reviewed, considered, and the greatest good of the all is always at the forefront of the decision making process. So it will be in Nova Gaia. 
You, future leaders of Nova Gaia, you current lightest bearers for sleepy humanity, your roles are going to be many. But take heart, take joy, in the knowledge that you will thoroughly enjoy these roles of leadership, for they were each designed uniquely for you and your strengths and needs. And so serving will truly be a joy for you, in whatever capacity you serve. 
Rest in these lush green meadows with dappled shade from our tree friends and soft sunlight from our sun. The flowers surround you in a fairy ring. Lay down and rest. We unicorns of all colors surround you just outside of this ring, horns pointed inward toward your energy signature, igniting it, sending love and imbuing you with peace. 
The coming days appear uncertain on your plane and yet, the outcome is assured. Nova Gaia calls loudly with great beauty to those who have the ears to hear and the hearts of the adventurers of light that you are. Come. 
The shift has already taken place within many of you, for your destiny has been recorded in the halls of records as one who has done the impossible with great strength and joy. We watch. We are watching Gaia heal currently. It is a beautiful sight. This moment of space of quarantine has been very healing to may. We send healing rays of rainbow hues to you and to your world and we watch the transformation with bated breath.
I am Starlight of the unicorn race. 
We are grateful to you for your act of service to Mother Gaia. Your bravery is legendary, as is our purity. We send our purity of healing to the weary warriors who are a bit muddied and bloodied from their forays into the lower realms. Peace. Feel the gentle breezes of Nova Gaia. 
You have many new friends waiting to meet you on the other side of the curtain. We see peace and rest for you and then great joy in serving and creating further. For such is the recipe for the adventure. Source delights in adventure and as such, so do you. Be assured there will be many joys to experience, many happy adventures to be had. Be aware you will have many opportunities for further expansion, as is always the way.
I am Starlight. I send some of my light to you. I touch my horn to your third eye. Feel the warmth, feel the spin. 
The light of the unicorn has been sought for its power over the ages and so we have found shelter in the higher realms. We are very similar to you. We too were persecuted for our light and our kind hid to serve from a distance, lending our light, our love our purity from a safe place. But you were the brave ones, in service to the all, to the others, you chose to shine your light again and again and again, melting the darkness, transforming it into the light that we see as being made manifest into Nova Gaia. We bow our heads to you, warriors of the way. 
We are of service to you. Accept these vibrations of healing and be comforted. The light has won. Remain here in this inner sanctuary as long as you like. Our foals are eager to meet a warrior of the way. 
Careful, they have a lot of energy! Soon again, shall you. Soon again, shall you. Peace.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 15:57
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Your Pregnant Pause.

Your Pregnant Pause.

The Elohim

Through Tarashtan.

April 28, 2020.




We are the Elohim, creators of worlds. We are close to you now as you recreate your own.
Feel the power and joy of collective re-creation: it is yours! Feel the pulsating heart of your planetary being, exultant in its rise to a higher plane. Feel the heavenly spaces opening above you as your feet press more deeply into the soil.
How we love the ongoing mass meditation of your covid-19 pandemic. Even as you appraise your stocks of hand sanitizer and toilet paper do you go deeper into the soul of things. We love the paradox of social distancing, which has brought you closer together. We adore your outrageous ingenuity: joining hands across the oceans in planetary communion while resting safely at home.
We see you delve into the essence of life. The suspension of worldly demands and diversions encourages you to follow your instincts: about the rest you need to take, the conversations that matter most, and the home baking that so gratifies.
Many fear illness and death, but still seize this opportunity to renew their lives. As you read and text and talk for hours over your smart devices, the very nature of reality is up for shared re-consideration; and all of you grow smarter by the day.
We love that your Economic Pause gives the air and water, the plants and animals, time to be cleansed and renewed. After all, they must also be groomed for New Earth.
We see nightmares flash across the screen of your collective consciousness: plague, poverty, imprisonment, war and ecocide. Yet as unity begins to coalesce, all forms of ignorance and suffering sputter to their natural end. The separation that breeds them now dissolves.
Your predatory ruling class – which has lived by your sweat and blood, your adulation and fear – is horrified to discover that its mandate has expired. As the light grows stronger, everyone must change. The docile and distracted must own up to their power and responsibility. Clever minds that take pride and satisfaction in mastering facts and theories must get to grips with the greater reality of spirit. And those who identify with spirit must face their shadows and self-deceptions.
How we love the mighty mass meditation of your covid-19 pandemic! How thrilled we are to cheer you on as you race toward the bottomless chasm and prepare to jump across. Your destiny is not death in the darkness below, but transmutation in a higher light.
We are the Elohim, creators of worlds. We feel so close to you as you recreate your own.
Nothing can stop you now.



Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 15:25
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Terça-feira, 7 de Abril de 2020

The Planetary Expansions and Ascension are Imminent.

The Planetary Expansions and Ascension are Imminent.

Message from Rainbow Light Beings.

Through Galaxygirl.

5 de abril de 2020.


We are the Rainbow Light Beings. 

We are encircling your globe with our light. 

The recent global mass meditation of the 4/4 gateway further allowed our encodements to take root deep into the heart of your mother Gaia’s crystalline matrix that is developing with rapidly ascending speed. 

We are beyond dimensional realities for we are present in all dimensions with varying degrees of potency. The rainbow codex energy signature is a high one, for it allows for the visual demonstration of unity, of oneness as all colors of your known spectrum unite and flow in harmony. 

As the dimensional realities increase so do the light rays of the visible spectrum expand. You are all expanding. New Earth is becoming a very real reality that you are more willingly and able to tap into as you are becoming further the rainbow beings yourselves that you have always been but are in the process of rediscovery. And with this rediscovery, we see further expansions of energetics, of reality, of blissful codes and of joy. 

We see joy finally coming to the peoples of Gaia as she rises up, ascending in her majesty. We see it as appropriate that your Easter is ‘right around the corner’ as you say, for we feel this is an apt time to feel on a soul level the ascension and expansion of humanity on her form. 

We see the Nova Gaians ascending on these higher dimensional rays that we are sending, as are many other light beings are sending. We are a part of the angelic order on the galactic level. We are present in many systems, all systems feel our light. We are working with the crystalline ascending matrixes within the humans who have chosen. 

We wish to provide an activation meditation – imagery – as an act of service to the All in this now. Should you wish to participate we invite you to do so.
We are the Rainbow Light Beings of the galactic order and angelic frequency. We surround you with our energetic frequency. 

We ask that you sit awhile and breathe these energy codes deep within. See these energy gifts as seeds that you are breathing in, crystal rainbow seeds, that as you willingly allow, to become planted in your chakra spaces. 

See the green glowing seeds begin to hum and spin with rainbow light. Invite the breath of Mother Father, of the Christed consciousness to encourage the seeds to sprout. You must add your own intention of water light, of joy to these seeds, for they are your garden that you are cultivating. Hone your intention. 

Invite alignment with your galactic great central sun. See this beam of high dimensional light flowing through your pillar further activating all of your chakra systems. See the seeds begin to sprout, to grow. See them blossom into the most exquisitely beautiful flowers, each color corresponding to their chakra. 

And now the fun part begins, we will expand your color spectrum! For the chakras used to be more expanded and full and flow like the rainbow. (I am seeing a child’s drawing of a rainbow as being compared with our chakra systems; bold, blocky, well-defined). 

Yes dear one. When in reality your chakra systems should be a full rainbow flow of the entire color spectrum. (I am seeing a full array of rainbow colors full aligned with the color spectrum, including all of the myriad of in-between colors. It is so beautiful). 

We see you as beautiful rainbow beings of light. We are now fully expanding your chakra systems to encompass this expansion of light – gamma ray energies – that are pummeling your planetary sphere. (I am feeling dizzy as I breathe this in. I see and feel the colors all around me, swirling in a rainbow vortex of light). 

Please state “I am ready for this expansion of my chakra energy fields and it is my intention to hold this high frequency of light at all times, in all moments. I am willing to share this energetic upgrade with Gaia’s crystalline heart, my planetary mother, and in so doing, bless and upgrade further the hearts of humanity with this activation. And so it is.”
We are the Rainbow Light Beings. 

We have expanded ourselves in this process for as the All expands, the all is effected. We say this with tremendous joy! You shall be seeing more rainbows, literally and figuratively, in your near future as these rainbow codexes of light of integration and of expansions are experienced felt and witnessed on your surface world. 

We see rainbows as going up from within the heart of Mother Gaia as her heart chakra systems are being upgraded as well in this now. We see planetary expansions and ascension as imminent. We request that you send your rainbow light of these higher dimensional codexes all around her form as an energetic hug blessing all upon her.
We are the Rainbow Light Beings. 

You are the Rainbow Warrior Beings of Light. We salute you and honor you for your service to humanity. These rainbow frequencies will assist you in furthering rediscovery of your own inner home of your own inner galactic circle and family, that are calling you home to their embrace. 

You need not feel so isolated or alone for we are all here around you. As we are in all dimensions forms and realities, so too we can be the energetic bridge for your own inner earth and further galactic realities that you have experienced in other lifetimes or parallel worlds, such that there will be a flavor, a hint, a memory of home within these words. And it brings us great joy to be able to offer this comfort to you. For we see that the hearts of the Lightworkers are in need of comfort and joy. Be in joy. Be comforted!
We are the Rainbow Light Beings and we surround you in joy. Be in hope, be in harmony with these rainbow energies and feel the balance, the sublime balance and attunement to the All within the rainbow field of healing, of grace, of rebirth. Rainbows come after the rain, after the storm. 

You are in the midst of the storm and yet, we see many rainbows of light, of hope, of great purpose, piercing the darkness and allowing great lighter to shine through. We are the Rainbow light beings of love, of joy, of truth, of happiness. Feel this energy surround you and be blessed. 

Be blessed, as we are blessed by you. We love you. 


Rainbow Light Beings




Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:38
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