Terça-feira, 19 de Maio de 2020

Another Reason Why This ‘Pandemic’ Is Looking More Like A Social Engineering Experiment

Another Reason Why This ‘Pandemic’ Is Looking More Like A Social Engineering Experiment

Authored by Richard Enos.

Collective Evolution.

Posted May 18th, 2020 by Joe Martino.






The Facts:
The 'thanks' proffered by our authority to our health-care workers during this pandemic is so ubiquitous, it should have us all wondering about the true motive behind it.
Reflect On:
What would our world be like if we were no longer affected by our authority's tried-and-true social programming methods?
When something is repeated over and over, it often has the capacity to put us to sleep. But occasionally, it has the opposite effect. Sometimes in the wake of redundant messaging our senses are aroused to a bitter taste or a stale odor that tells us something is just not right.
I had such an experience in tuning in to Ontario’s daily COVID-19 briefing today which I had done, optimistically, to see if there was any advance on when schools would be opening for my 6-year old. (no such luck). It came at the beginning of health minister Christine Elliot’s segment:
Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge and celebrate our amazing nurses, on this first day of National Nurses Week. Day and night our heroic nurses work tirelessly to care for the people of Ontario. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Over the past few months, Ontario’s health care system has demonstrated remarkable responsiveness to the COVID-19 outbreak. That is in large part to our partners on the front lines, including our nurses, doctors, homecare, hospital and long-term care staff, personal support workers, and first-responders among many others. As we’ve confronted COVID-19, we’ve made historic investments to dramatically expand hospital capacity, and support the brave heroes working on the front lines of our healthcare system.
Elliot was literally gushing as she extolled the virtues of our health care workers. It was almost as though she had convinced herself that her plaudits were sincere.
Special note to our followers: Is 5G safe? Learn the unbiased truth and the steps to implement better solutions in your community at the 5G Health Summit. It’s a free worldwide call to action from the leading independent experts, scientists and doctors in the field. You can sign up here
What’s The Motive?
The surface political motive for many of our leaders to heap praise on health care workers, and encourage the public to do the same, is fairly straightforward. In thanking others, one gets to bask in the reflected glory of their accomplishments.
But upon deeper reflection, one can see that this strategy is so widely employed in the case of this pandemic because it simultaneously touches on all the bases that our authority want conveyed during their public proclamations. In fact, there are few social programming techniques that I can think of that are more powerful or effective. Let’s touch on a few of the bases ourselves:
Amplifying the Severity of the Pandemic. Through the clever sleight-of-hand of the praise of others, which the listening audience tends to take in readily with their guard down and their discernment filters on pause, the speaker is able to fully convince us of the danger we are facing, by commending health care workers for being willing to confront this danger. The more heroic we are made to think they are, the more danger that is implied. While the praise towards our fellow human beings (who are not part of the authority) makes us feel good to a certain extent, what is really being heightened in us is that low-level fear that this virus is lurking, ready to pounce on us at any misstep. A public that is in this state of fear is much easier to control and manipulate.
Legitimizing Western medicine. Listen to her terminology. ‘our partners on the front lines…the brave heroes working on the front lines.’ Why ‘Front lines’? Why is health care a ‘fight,’ always some kind of ‘war’? Because this has been the pre-eminent strategy of Western medicine all along–to make us feel that there has been an enemy invasion (a virus). To make us feel that our body does not have the necessary defense mechanisms (Western medicine virtually ignores our immune system). To make us feel that we are under attack, need protection, and the army of doctors and researchers spawned from Western medical school is our only hope (of course this is why traditional medicine, which works in concert with the immune system, has for so long been labelled quackery and pseudoscience).
Reinforcing government authority. In praising the health care workers and the system they operate within, our authority is actually reinforcing its own praiseworthiness without saying it directly. Instead, the government is seen as the benevolent manager of the whole process, ‘partnering’ with those laudable heroes in the health care system. So when the government brags that they’ve ‘made historic investments to dramatically expand hospital capacity,’ should we be standing up and applauding? Or should we be asking, if this whole government-medical system partnership is working so well, shouldn’t we be seeing a reduction in hospital beds instead of a constant increase? Shouldn’t the citizens as a whole be getting healthier, rather than getting sicker and more in need of drugs and treatments, as all the evidence and statistics tell us?
Nobody’s Knocking Our Health Care Workers
Now before anybody starts saying I’m knocking our health care workers, stop. Actually, if you’ve gotten this far in the article, I probably don’t have to worry about you. It is those who just read the headlines and then feel justified in making their outrage known on Facebook about seeing ‘another ridiculous conspiracy theory.’ The fact is, a bit of honest reflection will force us to admit that at some level we all know that our authority is trying to pull something on us every time they speak.
Just for the record, I believe health care is a very noble profession, with a majority of those working within the system being truly dedicated to the health and well-being of the patients they come into contact with.
However, this pandemic has not turned everybody working in health care into Florence Nightengales, as our leaders and mainstream media would have us believe. Those who were competent and caring in 2018 and 2019 are competent and caring in 2020 during this pandemic. Those who were incompetent and apathetic to their patients in the past have for the most part probably remained that way under the circumstances we currently face. Like in any occupation, there are good workers and bad workers. When a patient says ‘thank-you’ to a nurse or doctor for their service and care, it is spontaneous and authentic. It is meaningful. On the other hand, calling on the entire public to say ‘thank you’ to all health care workers, in speeches and promotional ads everywhere, 24/7, is likely staged and grounded in a very different agenda.
The Takeaway
The sooner we see through the motives behind these attempts to tell us what to think and how to feel, the sooner we will have a society founded on truth and authenticity.
Richard Enos


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 03:29
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Sábado, 16 de Maio de 2020

Pandemic: The Invention of a Disease Called Fear

Pandemic: The Invention of a Disease Called Fear

By Julian Rose

May 15, 2020 by Edward Morgan

The word ‘pandemic’ bears a similarity to the word ‘panic’ and indeed ‘pandemonium’. In fact ‘pandemic’ evokes an almost instant flush of fear in those easily manipulated by mass media, before any details have even touched the surface or context in which the word is being used.
Those who plan the major moves on the chessboard of covert human control know that by leading with the word ‘pandemic’ they have an instantly effective weapon at their disposal to psychologically weaken the resistance of individuals vulnerable to irrational and impressionistic mindsets.
So, in a world heavily conditioned by the proclamations of the mass media, the fear weapon has a huge psychological power.
As we have all witnessed over the past months, the coronavirus story has been unleashed with barely contained lascivious delight by news media under orders from the purveyors of malevolent missions against mankind. Pumped-up to maximum volume and dispersed globally, the deliberately designed fear message has the instant effect of making the majority of people feel powerless. The Big problem is at large – and we the people feel small. This is the beginning of an entrapment which colours every aspect of daily life.
Most of humanity has undergone a process of education which depends for its effectiveness on the perceived power of some ‘authority’ to exert an unquestioned controlling influence over the general direction of the life. A source of influence that depends for its continuing effectiveness on never being subjected to rational scrutiny, or genuine examination of any kind.  Such is the beguiling power of full-on indoctrination.
In the battle now raging for ‘who controls the world’, some of the largely hidden or disguised controlling agents of planetary life – are now appearing on the surface. And that’s why chaos and fear are very much ‘flavour of the month’. The Corona Contagion is chock full of idiosyncrasies; in fact there are so many nonsensical factors associated with media attempts to report on what’s going on, that one can only feel dazed and confused should one try and follow the script in real-time.
However, what has become all too clear is the fact that large numbers of people are being herded – and are not resisting. The scare tactics being employed are more dangerous than the virus that is the excuse for deploying them. Under this induced state of psychosis all manner of tricks can be perpetrated on mankind – and that is precisely what we are witnessing at this time.
Many reading this will already be familiar with the ambitions of the controlling deep state ‘elite’ and will know that a pre-planned phase of social and economic chaos is a key factor in their attempted roll-out of totalitarian New World Order. We are now in this phase. Its success depends upon a large body of people following the instructions passed down by the political puppets of the deep state and by the cowardly repetition of these instructions by the mainstream media.
Once again, the fear card plays a key role. This time, in keeping a constant level of anxiety and hysteria on the boil, while working to ensure that those able to recognise the true nature of the scam are coerced into not stepping out of line, thereby risking their job, security or status within the rigidly enforced master/slave relationship of the status quo.
The whole sick edifice maintains its momentum based upon pure top-down deception and exploitation. Yet those at the receiving end largely choose to remain oblivious of the fact that they are being used and abused for the benefit of a fascist ideal. By not rebelling in the face of such treatment – but instead  by complying with it – a mute populace establishes the basis of its own debasement and slavery.
These methods have been practised over and over again in the history of the world, and each time hindsight reveals the motivation to have been an obsession with power and control, and the perpetrators to be a small number of psychopathic despots. Whether taking the form of military might, religious dogma or modern-day corporate and banking control freaks, provided the drama has been well stage-managed and the ‘might has produced fright’, the hegemons get their way.
How well is the roll-out being stage-managed on this occasion – and what is the plan?
Owing to the trans-planetary link-ups that take place today, the ‘master plan’ is no longer a regional or national affair, but a global one. The main players have hatched the plot long before any of us get to know about it, and gatherings like the Davos Economic Summit and Bilderberger meetings are used to gain consensus on the timing and methods to be deployed.
In the case of Covid-19, its appearance on the scene – or at least the spreading of the story about something nasty going under this name – is timed to divert attention from the speeding-up of the installation of what are deemed to be important spokes in the creation of a totalitarian New World Order. For example, the roll-out of 5G microwave modulated WiFi; a digitalised smart grid and ‘internet of things’; a robotic transport system; facial recognition population surveillance programmes; new strains of genetically modified organisms and vaccines, and so forth. However,  the predominant game plan is to ‘re-set’ global finance so as to appear to be supporting the euphemistically named Green New Deal with its holy grail ‘Zero Carbon’.
The fact that China has likely been the initial bio-weapon target, does not detract from a more widespread aim to disrupt the world economy as a whole.
The effectiveness of this disruption depends upon the greater part of the populace being swept along in a bubble of blind belief in the authenticity of the ‘virtual’ story line. A line which disguises the very actual imposition of a fascist state.
I would say that the stage-management is pretty poor this time around. The plethora of contradictory and irrational clamp-down actions being imposed in the name of containing the bogey bug stretches the credibility of the operation to the breaking point. In point of fact, it’s a farce; but a farce which involves actual deaths and the support of a police state, cannot simply be laughed-off.
Instead, it can be put under the spotlight and be seen for what it is: a planned manipulation of the people and resources of this planet, whose main goading-tool consists of the well-rehearsed art of spreading fear and panic.  And this, in turn, to undermine the rational and commonsense-based gift  which we have all been blessed with from birth, and which – when in good order – can clearly see through the facade and hold the line of reason and truth.
Many have seen this ‘order out of chaos’ drama coming for years. The chaos bit is with us right now and very visible. The ‘order’ is to follow and consists in the emergence of a peace maker – or peace plan – that involves the lead croupiers raking the chips off the roulette board and cashing them in to their temporary satisfaction. Thus allowing for a little holiday period in which the weak kneed can rejoice at their survival and bless the emergence of the ‘new order’, under the authority of no matter who or what, so long as they can believe that the world has been saved from anarchy and ruin.
Every one of us whose knees have not turned to jelly and whose brains have not turned to mind-controlled pulp, must take this moment to declare ourselves, boldly and resolutely with these four words: “We do not consent”.
There’s a surprise in store for the cowardly imposers of chaos – it is our time that’s coming and not theirs. For ours is the True World Order which aligns with Universal Law, not the false laws of a manipulated status quo.
It is our re-emergent marriage with Universal Truth that is going to oust this scare-loaded pandemic and all similar manifestations of dark-side deception that have gripped this planet for far too long. Our true-world-order is going to take on this obsessed and demonic dynasty, so that it stumbles, falls and fails to rise again.
Seize this auspicious moment – and let us be joined as one in an unwavering commitment to get off our knees and stand firm in the cause of defeating the ghosts of chaos and fear.


Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, actor and international activist.
He is President of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside. Julian is the author of two acclaimed titles: Changing Course for Life and In Defense of Life, which can be purchased by visiting www.julianrose.info. He has just completed his third book ‘Overcoming the Mechanistic Mind’ for which he is currently seeking a publisher.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 17:19
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Quarta-feira, 6 de Maio de 2020

Gestapo Tactics Make Appearances Worldwide Signaling NWO “Order From Chaos” Desire.

Gestapo Tactics Make Appearances Worldwide Signaling NWO “Order From Chaos” Desire.


Posted May 5, 2020 by Edward Morgan.




Around the world, overbearing governments are removing basic citizen rights in lieu of “third reich” tactics to control citizens. The police state tactics have appeared due to the fear and chaos created by the Coronavirus plandemic. If left unchallenged, it is assumed that compliance is consent. This is a slippery slope for humanity and human rights.
Today humanity is faced with the single greatest threat to their lives and liberties: not a flu virus, but a domestic police state. Under the guise of an exaggerated health emergency, an illegal regime of Rule by Decree has replaced the Rule of Law and democracy. In the US, the Constitution is being replaced by decree.
In response to seeing absurd governmental decrees from around the world working in tandem with a highly questionable, hypocritical, medically biased, and an all-too-compliant mass media narrative, this article presents some insight into the side “effects” of the viral pandemic.
Not taking into account the veracity of claims regarding the virus or non-virus, or weaponized virus, or quarantines, or virility, or vaccinations – all of which are voluminous topics on their own – the focus here is on the effect of non-legal decrees that have long been planned to move the “useless eaters” into a police state. Therein lies the rub: who benefits from this “order out of chaos” and why? Let’s start with the objective: the New World Order.

The NWO Long Game

“Never let a good crisis go to waste,” is what Rahm Emmanuel once famously said as President Obama’s Chief of Staff. At the outset of this Coronavirus pandemic, he reprised that statement, and essentially double-downed.

Though Emmanuel would try to cover his comments, suggesting that he’s thinking about our future, the signaling is clear: roll out plan A, B, C, or D. What those plans are exactly, is subject to scrutiny, but the general plan is expressed, being executed, and has been in the works for years.
Seemingly, many New World Order goals are playing out right now, at the same time, in real-time. These goals – which have been covered many times here at Prepare for Change – include many tactics that force control:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 12:19
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Quarta-feira, 29 de Abril de 2020

Your Pregnant Pause.

Your Pregnant Pause.

The Elohim

Through Tarashtan.

April 28, 2020.




We are the Elohim, creators of worlds. We are close to you now as you recreate your own.
Feel the power and joy of collective re-creation: it is yours! Feel the pulsating heart of your planetary being, exultant in its rise to a higher plane. Feel the heavenly spaces opening above you as your feet press more deeply into the soil.
How we love the ongoing mass meditation of your covid-19 pandemic. Even as you appraise your stocks of hand sanitizer and toilet paper do you go deeper into the soul of things. We love the paradox of social distancing, which has brought you closer together. We adore your outrageous ingenuity: joining hands across the oceans in planetary communion while resting safely at home.
We see you delve into the essence of life. The suspension of worldly demands and diversions encourages you to follow your instincts: about the rest you need to take, the conversations that matter most, and the home baking that so gratifies.
Many fear illness and death, but still seize this opportunity to renew their lives. As you read and text and talk for hours over your smart devices, the very nature of reality is up for shared re-consideration; and all of you grow smarter by the day.
We love that your Economic Pause gives the air and water, the plants and animals, time to be cleansed and renewed. After all, they must also be groomed for New Earth.
We see nightmares flash across the screen of your collective consciousness: plague, poverty, imprisonment, war and ecocide. Yet as unity begins to coalesce, all forms of ignorance and suffering sputter to their natural end. The separation that breeds them now dissolves.
Your predatory ruling class – which has lived by your sweat and blood, your adulation and fear – is horrified to discover that its mandate has expired. As the light grows stronger, everyone must change. The docile and distracted must own up to their power and responsibility. Clever minds that take pride and satisfaction in mastering facts and theories must get to grips with the greater reality of spirit. And those who identify with spirit must face their shadows and self-deceptions.
How we love the mighty mass meditation of your covid-19 pandemic! How thrilled we are to cheer you on as you race toward the bottomless chasm and prepare to jump across. Your destiny is not death in the darkness below, but transmutation in a higher light.
We are the Elohim, creators of worlds. We feel so close to you as you recreate your own.
Nothing can stop you now.



Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 15:25
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Quinta-feira, 23 de Abril de 2020

Chinese and Western Intelligence Services Hunting Down 5G Telecom Executives.

Chinese and Western Intelligence Services Hunting Down 5G Telecom Executives.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report.





The so-called coronavirus pandemic has now been definitively traced to 5G electromagnetic attacks, multiple sources agree.  In order to stop the hardliners and prevent all-out war, an active hunt has begun for all industry executives and oligarchs involved in the 5G rollout, Western and Asian secret intelligence sources agree.  The targets include the now extinct Bush family and the Chinese Soong family, the sources say.
The hunt is necessary to stop full-scale thermonuclear war because “our analysis of the forensics does show a provocation of war…that is to say we see a full all-out war as highly probable,” MI6 sources say.  Chinese hardliners, for their part, are pushing for the destruction of New York in retaliation for the attack on Wuhan, something that could also precipitate a world-destroying war, Asian Secret Society sources say.
There is also new evidence the current pandemic attack on humanity has been planned long in advance.  Remember the U.S. dollar bills commemorating 911? 

Well now take a look at the money issued in the U.S. and the UK to commemorate this pandemic attack.  The first is a fruit-bat (the alleged source of the coronavirus) quarter issued in 2020 by the U.S. mint.

The second is the new UK 20-pound note featuring a picture of a 5G cellphone tower and above it a coronavirus.

This shows how arrogant these people are and how they plan long term, while the rest of us must react to what is immediately happening.
However, that is no longer the case with both the British Secret Service and the Pentagon White Hats now actively targeting the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, the BIS, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.
MI6 sources say:
“We can sum up the current hybrid World War 3 as two camps of belligerents –those who would protect the sovereignty of the traditional nation-state (l’etat c’est moi) and those who would supersede this and impose their will…by way of hybrid advanced technological totalitarianism.”
Pentagon sources for their part say “the death of [George] Bush Jr’s first Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill may signal the purge of…
Wall Street, as the Fed was taken over and the exchange stabilization fund (ESF) diverted from CIA and the Deep State.”  Also, “banks may be nationalized and forced to pay a tax on all financial transactions to replace the unconstitutional income tax,” the sources say.
“The Bushes were terminated on collateral intelligence from MI6 following the deep dive on Adnan Sakli and BIS Basel,” European Royal Family sources say.
For those of you who do not know, Adnan Sakli was “the holder of the sovereign titles of all nations, corporations, central banks and currencies.”  Sakli did not want this title but was given it and, given the responsibility, he promised to free humanity “from religious, political, economic and corporate enslavement.” 

Unfortunately, the Bushes and their Nazi friends killed him and fraudulently took over the accounts.  “The Bushes senior and junior were also involved in the theft of Tesla patents.  They kill and steal just like all Mafia,” the MI6 sources say.
The aim of the current pandemic engineered by the Bush/Rothschild faction is to centralize control and carry out a eugenic purge of the human population, CIA sources confirm.
In the U.S., 5G is being strongly pushed by Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.  Barr has also prevented 911 truth from being disclosed.  So those of you who think Barr with his “FISA Gate,” is a white hat, think again.  These men need to be removed from the U.S. body politic ASAP. 

Before we go further though, let’s explain why this “pandemic” attack on the human race is centered on 5G by quoting a reader comment based on the work of three Nobel Prize-winning doctors:
“5G electromagnetic radiation injures human cellular DNA.  The exposed cells (of all kinds within the human target) respond by producing a cascade of immunological protective substances. These substances are packaged in an intracellular structure called an endosome.  The endosome is expelled from the cell, becoming an exosome.
The exosome circulates and binds to the ACE 2 receptors of the lung, gut, and heart.  The exposed cell response is the same if the exposure is 5G or COVID-19 (the flu).  The immunological chemicals in the exosome package attack the ACE 2 possessing cells producing the effect of 5G radiation exposure or the flu, which is being covered up as COVID-19.
The COVID-19 case rate is 96% in 5G areas and only 4% in 4G or lower areas.  5G is being deployed in well-populated areas, so we would expect more cases there.  BUT the mortality rate for known outcomes (deaths/(death + recoveries)) is over 2 times higher in the 5G areas.  This cannot be just due to COVID-19 and we have statistical evidence of this for over 1.9 million cases!”
The electron-microscopic appearances of the endosome/exosome structure are being incorrectly referred to as the virus particle in the cell/circulation.  The Nobel prize for Medicine was won for work on this in 2013 – check this out: 

Still not convinced? Well, how about this:
“Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain.  The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way.  In the exact, same, way.” 

In other words, the current pandemic could not have been caused by a virus or else the quarantines should have made a statistical difference.
The Japanese government confirmed the dangers of 5G when they tested it on the cruise ship Diamond Princess before stopping, at the last minute, a panned nation-wide rollout of the technology.  This rollout was being pushed by Bush ally and Soong family representative Son Masayoshi of Softbank, Asian secret society sources say.
Here is what the P3 Freemasons had to say about this:
“Ten percent of the Chinese Communist Party is in the hands of the sister of Madame Soong, a very cruel woman…she is in contact with the daughter of Xi Jinping…they are under the control of the Zionists and the bad side of Israel via the Red Star Foundation using Quanto 49 (Quanto is a derivative used in this case to convert FRB money into Chinese Renminbi).”
If the Soong family has anything they wish to say, on their behalf, they know how to contact this writer.
Remember the attack on Wuhan was traced to a company owned by the Soros Foundation, which is a Rothschild front.  The Rothschilds are allied with a Chinese faction that supports the idea of a man-made Armageddon.
OK now let us take a look at some of the other huge changes taking place around the world as this hybrid war rages on.
In the U.S., NSA officials have noted that U.S. President Donald Trump has been replaced by a new Trump.  The new Trump has white around the eyes and does not have the jowls of the previous Trump, they say.  However, a source in the White House close to Trump says:
“No, same Trump, but he does have an almost perfect double.  He has skin cancer and they are doing patches.  They cannot do normal treatment because he would be away from business too long and he doesn’t want the public to know.”
In other words, the double is being used for public appearances because of the patches but, the real Trump is still in charge.
However, there is clearly a civil war raging inside an increasingly chaotic U.S.  In the latest developments the Pentagon has deployed 10,000 troops each to Washington DC and New York to clean up cabalists, Pentagon sources say.  Trump has also called for the “liberation” of Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia.  “The U.S. military is now must mopping up,” is how Pentagon sources describe the situation.
Maybe but the fighting is clearly raging on in this chaotic hybrid war, as prisoners are being released en masse, central bank money is being distributed directly to the people while trade has frozen, and the economy is in a tailspin.  There are also attempts to create food shortages in the U.S. by shutting down meat and other food processing plants using this electronically engineered pandemic as an excuse. 
  1. https://www.bakersfield.com/ap/national/jails-and-prisons-spring-thousands-to-prevent-coronavirus-outbreaks/article_cbbea71c-3542-5a28-a459-bb2b54377dae.html
  2. https://www.zerohedge.com/s3/files/inline-images/port%20of%20LA%20containers.jpg?itok=mkbbkcCc
  3. https://www.zerohedge.com/s3/files/inline-images/bfmC734.jpg?itok=tZbykXL1
  4. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/price-meat-climbing-quickly-more-food-processing-plants-close

To deal with the situation, U.S. troops are being returned from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world.  In Asia, the U.S. has withdrawn all of its B52 bombers from Guam.
Of course one must ask why the U.S. still has B52s, which were created in 1952 when they have anti-gravity technology making these planes totally obsolete.  The fact the U.S. air force academy graduates are now joining the U.S. Space Force shows the disclosure of hidden technology is imminent and that may be why the B52 dinosaurs are retiring. 

Pentagon sources note “Trump signed an executive order to open space to international cooperation on resource extraction, effectively calling for a multipolar world order and an end to wars.”
In Europe meanwhile, CIA sources report German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson have all been replaced.  In the UK we were able to confirm via a friend of the family that Johnson’s father has been unable to get in contact with his son.
There is chaos in much of the rest of the world as well.  IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva says that 100 countries have asked for emergency financial assistance.  However, it seems the IMF itself does not have money because it is “urgently seeking $18 billion in new loan resources.”  Sorry isn’t this the same IMF that says it has distributed $8 trillion recently via the G20?  If they are handing out trillions why are they begging for billions? 

The overall insanity being observed in the West is the result of a broken paradigm collapsing.  The IMF, World Bank, the UN and other pillars of this broken system are going to be either radically restructured or replaced with new organizations, according to European Royal Family sources involved in rebooting the system.
It is likely there will be more hardship and chaos because the old system needs to be demolished before it can be replaced with a new paradigm.  However, the people involved in this ongoing pandemic should all be rounded up by early May, CIA, MI6 and Pentagon sources say.  So hopefully, April showers will bring May flowers.
Benjamin Fulford


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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 16:04
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Quinta-feira, 16 de Abril de 2020

Health Ranger answers all your questions about covid-19, lockdowns, masks, death rates, more.


Health Ranger answers all your questions about covid-19, lockdowns, masks, death rates, more.

By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

Thanks to all the deliberate disinformation being published by politically-charged pundits, there's a cloud of confusion about covid-19 today.

My mission has been to bring clarity to the issues, helping you navigate the disinfo so that we can beat this pandemic and put America back on track.

Today, I've released a very important podcast that answers all your most common questions about covid-19, death rates, lockdowns, masks and how we beat this.


Image: The Health Ranger answers all your questions about covid-19 WITHOUT the politically-charged denialism: Lockdowns, death rates, masks and more.

The Health Ranger answers all your questions about covid-19 WITHOUT the politically-charged denialism: 

Lockdowns, death rates, masks and more.

(Natural News

There’s so much disinformation and bad math being thrown around today about the coronavirus, it’s almost like we’re living in Idiocracy. Here’s a sample of some of the horrifically bad information being put out right now:
  • The communist-run W.H.O. initially denied the coronavirus could be transmitted among humans and denounced nations for threatening to block commercial air flights from China.
  • Some government officials claim that wearing masks increases the risk of infection and that masks don’t work (while they’re hoarding and confiscating all those masks for themselves).
  • Some conservative “journalists” (like David Knight) claim the regular flu kills 10% of those it infects, meaning they believe the regular flu kills 9,731 Americans each day. (The real number is just 94, so he’s off by a factor of around 100.)
  • A few prominent indy media people (claim the lockdowns weren’t necessary because not enough people died. Since the lockdowns worked to avert over two million deaths, they now claim lockdowns weren’t needed at all.
Yes, there’s a lot of horribly bad information swirling around, and sadly, most publishers are playing politics with the coronavirus. The pro-Trump publishers almost universally claim the pandemic isn’t real, or that the deaths are faked, or that the lockdowns weren’t necessary. Anti-Trump publishers, on the other hand, are now falsely claiming Trump is the only person who was late to react to the pandemic (in truth, Nancy Pelosi and a long list of other Democrats were also late to react).
Through all this, Natural News has emerged as one of the very few truly independent, non-biased publishers that’s covering the pandemic with mathematical accuracy and scientific literacy, bringing you critical analysis without political bias and rampant denialism found among some other publishers.
In this podcast, I answer all the most common questions about flu fatalities, lockdowns, masks, covid-19 and much more. It’s 40+ minutes of clarity and honesty about where we are and how we beat this pandemic without waiting around for a (toxic) vaccine:
Catch all my daily podcasts at the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:59
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Terça-feira, 14 de Abril de 2020

NIH funded Wuhan lab that engineered the virus... Bill Gates exposed


NIH funded Wuhan lab that engineered the virus... Bill Gates exposed.

By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

We have two bombshell stories for you today. First, a bombshell story that proves the NIH under Obama funneled millions into the Wuhan BSL-4 lab that engineered the coronavirus.

This shows how the NIH was using taxpayer funds to allow the communist Chinese military to build and acquire deadly biological weapons that are now devastating the world.


Image: BOMBSHELL: Taxpayer-funded NIH funneled $3.7 million to Wuhan virus research lab believed to have engineered the coronavirus bioweapon.


Taxpayer-funded NIH funneled $3.7 million to Wuhan virus research lab believed to have engineered the coronavirus bioweapon.

(Natural News

In a bombshell finding, the taxpayer-funded NIH (National Institutes of Health, where Dr. Fauci is a top official) is now known to have funded bat coronavirus research (SARS-CoV) at the very same BSL-4 Wuhan laboratory that is widely believed to have engineered and release the Wuhan coronavirus that’s now devastating the planet.
This stunning link, now confirmed by Natural News via the PLoS Pathogens medical journal (link below), means that the U.S. government under former president Barack Obama was directly involved in funding the very same lab that engineered the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19).
“Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday show the Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan – funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government,” reports the UK Daily Mail:
Now The Mail on Sunday has learned that scientists there experimented on bats as part of a project funded by the US National Institutes of Health, which continues to licence the Wuhan laboratory to receive American money for experiments.
Results of the research were published in November 2017 under the heading: ‘Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.’
That particular study, found at this link on the PLoS.org website, describes the funding of the research as follows:
Funding: This work was jointly funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81290341, 31621061) to ZLS, China Mega-Project for Infectious Disease (2014ZX10004001-003) to ZLS, Scientific and technological basis special project (2013FY113500) to YZZ and ZLS from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDPB0301) to ZLS, the National Institutes of Health (NIAID R01AI110964), the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) PREDICT program to PD and ZLS, CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program to JC, NRF-CRP grant (NRF-CRP10-2012-05) to LFW and WIV “One-Three-Five” Strategic Program (WIV-135-TP1) to JC and ZLS.
In other words, this was a joint project between China’s bioweapons military operations and the U.S. government’s bioweapons development teams operating under the Obama administration.
The study was published in November 30, 2017, during the Trump administration, but was received by the PLoS journal on February 10 of 2017, meaning the paper was written based on research that took place in 2016 or earlier.
This bombshell story has been covered by Zero Hedge, InfoWars and other indy media outlets.
Recent findings regarding the origin of COVID-19 continue to support our January reporting that the disease may have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology – which was experimenting with bat coronavirus found to be 96% genetically identical to COVID-19… Also disturbing is that the lab had been operating in part on a $3.7 million grant from the US government.
For months China had been claiming the coronavirus now known as COVID-19 originated from a wet market in Wuhan, but evidence shows that the Institute of Virology in Wuhan undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals, including bats, backed by grants from the National Institute of Health.
Additionally, Indian researchers scanned the novel coronavirus genome and found unique cell identification and membrane binding proteins located in the HIV genome, suggesting the 2019-nCov is a laboratory-made chimera, but withdrew their findings after receiving pressure from China.

Has there been a Big Pharma coup at the White House?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, notably, is a high-level official at the NIH who helped funnel research money into projects exactly like this. With links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Fauci is part of the “Big Pharma coup” that has seized control of the White House and now appears to be directing the extended lockdown that’s devastating the U.S. economy.
Dr. Fauci is part of the “death science” industry as described by Professor Francis Boyle, who has spent decades warning the world about the global pandemic that might result from the accidental or deliberate release of an engineered bioweapon.
It now appears that under former president Obama, Dr. Fauci and other NIH officials were funneling money into communist China-run bioweapons research that ultimately produced this global pandemic.
This should not be much of a surprise, since Barack Obama also funneled billions of dollars into the Iranian regime to fund their development of nuclear weapons (that would be used to threaten U.S. allies). Obama’s “Iran nuclear deal” with nothing more than a cover story while Obama actively laundered money through international banks and literally landed a cargo plane in Iran with pallets of cash to fund nuclear weapons development there.
This also means there is now a plausible scenario that Obama-linked deep state actors involved in the funding of Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory research may have possessed and deliberately released this bioweapon in China as a way to destabilize the world and hurt Trump in time for the 2020 election. That idea, previously a “conspiracy theory,” is suddenly plausible now that we know about the NIH funding of the lab and the ties between top NIH officials and Obama.
After all, there’s nothing the deep state won’t do to destroy America, remove Trump and win the election. Even if it means releasing a bioweapon.
Watch the full analysis here in this Counterthink episode:
Stay informed by reading Pandemic.news.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:43
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Terça-feira, 7 de Abril de 2020

Dr. Fauci hopes to turn the USA into a vaccine police state.


Dr. Fauci hopes to turn the USA into a vaccine police state.

By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

Dr. Fauci is a Bill Gates puppet and a propagandist for the toxic vaccine industry, and he's trying to use his current position to censor coronavirus treatments that are available right now so that Americans suffer and die, creating huge demand for the coronavirus vaccine.

It's all about turning America into a vaccine police state. And so far, the plan is working. If Dr. Fauci succeeds, you will soon find yourself living in a Big Pharma-controlled vaccine slave camp where you have no right to a job, public transportation, banking services or anything else until you have your "vaccine papers.".


Image: Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing Obama’s mission to cripple America and turn it into a vaccine police state.


Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing Obama’s mission to cripple America and turn it into a vaccine police state.

(Natural News

Former President Barack Obama had a mission for America: Destroy it!
And he pursued that “sleeper cell” mission for eight years, whipping up racial tensions, turning America against law enforcement, socializing the medical system and even allowing people like Joe Biden to transfer classified military secrets to China in exchange for financial kickbacks that were laundered through Ukraine.
As we’ve previously warned, Obama also allowed China to steal the Pentagon’s US military personnel records. He even allowed Iran to “capture” a US military drone and a Navy boat, all as part of a grand scheme to make sure Iran acquired US communications encryption hardware. If that weren’t enough, Obama then laundered billions of dollars through international banks to fund Iran’s nuclear weapons program, all while lying to America and claiming the “Iran nuclear deal” would block Iran’s nuclear ambitions (it did precisely the opposite, enabling the program and funding it).
See the full details of Obama’s treason in this broadcast video:
Barack Obama is a treasonous traitor who used his eight years in the White House to try to destroy America and enrich its enemies. Now, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who worked as one of the top-level operatives inside the NIH during the Obama years, is attempting to complete the work that Obama started.

The Dr. Fauci suicide pact for America

In the last few days, Dr. Fauci has demanded that the entire nation remain locked down until every last infection is snuffed out. He wants the entire population to remain in quarantine lockdowns, in other words, until no more new infections are detected across the entire country. This is an impossible standard to achieve and would likely result in the whole country being locked down for a year or more, utterly destroying what’s left of the US economy.
It should be no surprise this was always part of the plan to destroy personal health freedom and roll out a medical police state run by vaccine zealots. Dr. Fauci is a puppetmaster for the vaccine industry and claims nothing can stop the virus except a non-existent vaccine. As part of the NIH, Dr. Fauci helped funnel hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money into the biological weapons / vaccine industry (it’s the same industry, just two different faces). He’s currently downplaying hydroxychloroquine + zinc, a combination that has so far achieved an astonishing cure rate among coronavirus patients, because he’s trying to position his buddies in the vaccine industry to reap windfall profits from whatever vaccine they come up with, which will of course be heralded as the savior of humankind.
Until the vaccine is ready, Dr. Fauci wants to keep everybody locked in their homes, perhaps for an entire year to come. As Tucker Carlson correctly observers, this is tantamount to “national suicide.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci is a dishonest vaccine propagandist who has previously claimed that MMR vaccines don’t cause encephalitis. This is, of course, a flat-out lie that Dr. Fauci continues to push in order to bury the truth about the dangers of vaccines. See this video clip:
Now, Dr. Fauci is spearheading the push for nationwide vaccines, infection tracking and surveillance, and seemingly endless house arrest, a form of nationwide imprisonment that will only be lifted when you are vaccinated (at gunpoint) by an authoritarian government run by the medical police state. This is the end game for the vaccine industry: Turn you into a prisoner until you submit to be jabbed with their dangerous toxins that could contain anything from heavy metals to aborted human fetal tissue.
Imprisoning Americans in their own homes is just another way to destroy America from within. While the nation might be able to recover from a 1-2 month lockdown that halts the exponential replication of the virus, it cannot survive the seemingly never-ending lockdowns that Dr. Fauci is recklessly demanding.
Dr. Fauci’s “vaccine greed” will be the destruction of America, if we are foolish enough to follow his catastrophic demands.

Dr. Fauci won’t dare mention zinc, vitamin D or anything that works, for fear the coronavirus might be stopped before the vaccine is available

Ultimately, Dr. Fauci is actively working to suppress information about lifesaving treatments and cures such as hydroxychloroquine and zinc, along with other immune-boosting nutritional solutions like vitamins C and D. Dr. Fauci doesn’t want the coronavirus to be defeated until the vaccine comes along, so low-cost treatments are being ignored or trashed. It’s all part of his narrative to shape the story line so that vaccines will be the hero and vaccine mandates will be forever enshrined in US law.
That’s the goal: Turn the United States into a Big Pharma-run medical police state, where anyone who opposes vaccines is criminalized, arrested and silenced, communist China style.
Dr. Fauci has a communist mindset. He’s a liar and a tyrant, and his ultimate goal here is to see the coronavirus inflict maximum pain, suffering and death across America so that he can engineer a “vaccine coup” and portray himself as the savior of the nation. Sadly, President Trump played right into Fauci’s hands by denying the severity of the virus for far too long, allowing it to replicate to the point where over a hundred thousand Americans might die this year alone. That plays into the contrived narrative of the vaccine zealots who see mass death as their greatest opportunity to push vaccine mandates and steamroll “anti-vaxxers” who question vaccine safety.
If we let the vaccine tyrants win, America will be lost and the people will be left to suffer and die in order to protect an industry of death and destruction (the vaccine industry).

What’s the solution? End the lockdowns with these four powerful tools:

I believe we could end the lockdowns by putting four simple things in place:
1) Everybody needs to wear a mask.
2) Everybody takes zinc + vitamin D.
3) Hydroxychloroquine must be made widely available to treat serious patients. (And possibly Ivermectin.)
4) The government must start testing asymptomatic people to identify stealth carriers.
With those four things, we could simultaneously defeat the coronavirus while ending the lockdowns, all without waiting around for a vaccine that might prove more dangerous than the epidemic itself.
Yet because of Trump’s lack of understanding, we now have pro-Trump people claiming they refuse to wear masks, because they won’t be “enslaved” like China. That’s foolish. Wearing a mask is the quickest way to help defeat the globalists by halting the coronavirus. Wearing a mask is an act of rebellion against the slavers who hope to keep the coronavirus spreading.
The globalists want America to be destroyed. They want the pandemic to spread, and they want maximum infections and deaths in the USA. To stop their agenda, we need everyone to take zinc and vitamin D while wearing masks (in public) and practicing safe social distancing. That’s how we end this as soon as possible and get America back to work and back on track.
Watch and share this important mini-documentary so that we can defeat the Obama-Fauci “death agenda” to destroy America and get this nation back on track.
Want to live? Read Pandemic.news.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:37
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Quarta-feira, 5 de Fevereiro de 2020

Bioweapons expert confirms coronavirus is an engineered, offensive biological weapon


Bioweapons expert confirms coronavirus is an engineered, offensive biological weapon.

By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

Legendary scientist Dr. Francis Boyle has now come out and declared the coronavirus is an "offensive biological warfare weapon" that was engineered to kill humans.

While Google, the WHO and the entire media are covering up the truth about this pandemic, the reality is that this pandemic was caused by the accidental release of a human-created weapon that's designed to destroy human life.

That's why it's spreading so rapidly and displays "stealth" characteristics that defy screening efforts.


Image: In explosive interview, author of Bioweapons Act Dr. Francis Boyle confirms coronavirus is an “offensive biological warfare weapon”.


In explosive interview, author of Bioweapons Act Dr. Francis Boyle confirms coronavirus is an “offensive biological warfare weapon”

(Natural News

Dr. Francis Boyle is perhaps best known for authoring the Biological Weapons Act. In an explosive interview with Geopolitics and Empire, shown below, Dr. Boyle reveals that the coronavirus now circulating in the wild, exploding as a pandemic, is indeed an “offensive biological warfare weapon.”
In this eye-opening interview, probably soon to be banned by YouTube, Dr. Boyle plainly confirms exactly what Natural News has been reporting for over a week now: that the coronavirus is a biological weapon system which escaped the Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory and broke containment in the local population, spreading uncontrollably.
In his own words, he says, “the coronavirus that we’re dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaked out of that Wuhan BSL-4 [lab].”
This further confirms the proof that the coronavirus was genetically engineered using the pShuttle vector tool that’s commonly known and used by virology researchers. It also ties into the fact that independent genomics researchers have also confirmed the coronavirus has been subjected to SARS gene insertions as part of the weaponization program.
The mounting evidence of a laboratory origin is now irrefutable, yet the WHO is covering for China’s bioweapons program and trying to lie to the world about the origins of the virus, falsely claiming it came about from random permutations in the wild.
Here’s more of the transcript from the interview with Dr. Boyle, which was originally posted on the Geopolitics & Empire channel on YouTube.
Dr. Francis Boyle:
  • It does seem to me that the Wuhan BSL-4 is the source of the coronavirus, yes. My guess is that they were researching SARS, and they weaponized it further by giving it gain-of-function properties, which means it could be more lethal, and indeed the latest report now is it’s 15% fatality rate which is more than SARS, and 83% infection rate. So a typical gain-of-function is it travels in the air, so it could reach out maybe six feet or more from someone emitting a sneeze or a cough. Likewise, this is a specially designated WHO research lab, so the WHO is in on it, and they knew full well what was going on there.
  • Yes, it’s also reported the Chinese stole coronavirus materials from the Canadian lab at Winnipeg; Winnipeg is Canada’s foremost center for research developing and testing biological warfare weapons. It’s along the lines of Ft. Detrick in the USA, and yeah, I have three degrees from Harvard, it would not surprise me if something was being stolen out of Harvard to turn over to China… the bottom line is, …and I drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the biological weapons convention, that was approved unanimously by both houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Bush, Senior, that it appears the coronavirus that we’re dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaked out of that Wuhan BSL-4 [lab]. I’m not saying it was done deliberately, but there have been previous reports of problems with that lab and things leaking out of it, and I’m afraid that is what we are dealing with today. (emphasis added)

The full video is posted at YouTube at the moment, but is likely to be banned:
The “newsclips” channel has cross-posted the video on Brighteon in case YouTube bans it. This is too important to allow to be censored. We hope the journalists at Geopolitics & Empire — who produce an amazing assortment of podcasts and other materials — understand why it’s important to post this interview everywhere before the tech giants can extinguish it. All credit goes to Geopolitics & Empire, and we hope you will visit their podcast site to listen to their own fascinating interviews.
Geopolitics & Empire also has a channel on Brighteon.com, but so far they have not posted this interview. If they post it, we will update the following link to their channel.

Massive cyber attacks leveled against Natural News, Zero Hedge, Great Game India and other sites reporting on the coronavirus

“Dr. Boyle’s position is in stark contrast to the mainstream media’s narrative of the virus being originated from the seafood market, which is increasingly being questioned by many experts,” reports GreatGameIndia.com, an independent news website that has also been subjected to aggressive cyber attacks after it began publishing information about the coronavirus pandemic (Natural News was also subjected to an extremely well-funded cyber takedown attack that disrupted our publishing operations for 2-3 days.)
As Great Game India now reports:
the mainstream media’s narrative still maintains that the origin of the 2019 Coronavirus is the Wuhan Seafood Market. After GreatGameIndia published the story on Coronavirus Bioweapon – not only were our databse tinkered with and our reports blocked by Facebook on the flimsy reason that they could not find GreatGameIndia Facebook page, but the report itself was viciously attacked by Foreign Policy magazine, PolitiFact (known widely as Facebook’s propaganda arm) and BuzzFeedNews.

China’s plan to weaponize viruses and wipe out the United States of America

The coronavirus biological weapon development program was part of China’s long-admitted effort to weaponize viruses and wipe out the USA by deploying them on U.S. soil.
“In a secret speech given to high-level Communist Party cadres nearly two decades ago, Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian explained a long-range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance,” reports Great Game India:
“We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons,” said the general. “Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.” The answer is found in biological weapons. “Of course,” he added, “we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind.”
“In the long run,” said Gen. Chi, “the relationship of China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle.” This tragic situation must be accepted. According to Gen. Chi, “We must not forget that the history of our civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.”
According to Gen. Chi, China’s overpopulation problem and environmental degradation will eventually result in social collapse and civil war. General Chi estimated that “more than 800 million” Chinese would die in such a collapse. Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party has no policy alternative.
Either the United States is “cleaned up” by biological attacks, or China suffers national catastrophe.
In other words, China has been building a biological weapon to destroy the United States, and that weapon got loose in their own back yard. Now, it looks like China may have just nuked itself with that very same bioweapon, and the fate of China’s population, industrial output and political leadership looks very much in doubt.
Perhaps it’s fitting that the coronavirus may be the vector by which China destroys itselfbefore its treacherous philosophy of communism, tyranny and mass death infects the entire world.
Read more news about biological weapons at BiologicalWeapons.news.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:48
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