Sábado, 23 de Maio de 2020



A "Equipe".

Através de Peggy Black.

Tradução de Ivete Brito 

a 22 de março de 2020. 



Estamos aqui entrando em contato com vocês, enquanto atravessam esses momentos interessantes. O que vocês estão enfrentando como um coletivo é a oportunidade de se honrar e honrar uns aos outros. A ideia de cessar a maioria das atividades da vida tensionou cada pessoa.

É nesse tensionamento que sua nova consciência está sendo produzida. As rotinas familiares que cada um chamava de normal foram totalmente interrompidas. Isso revelou seus pontos fortes e fracos enquanto indivíduos e coletivo. Há um desmantelamento de tudo o que vocês consideravam normal.

Há uma pressão na consciência coletiva que está desobstruindo todos aqueles que estão receptivos para despertar para uma nova realidade. Esta é uma noite escura da alma da humanidade. Visto que nada é a mesma coisa, nada é solido, confiável ou estável. Uma enorme limpeza está acontecendo e esse processo está fazendo com que muitos se sintam desequilibrados, temerosos, perdidos, deprimidos, confusos e irritados.

Há os que estão surfando essa onda energética, surfando essa energia, por assim dizer, conscientes de que há mais para ser revelado. Há pessoas, como vocês mesmos, que vêm pedindo por mudanças para chegar a essa realidade, há outros que estão cônscios de outras dimensões e de realidades mais elevadas. Muitos percebem que esta é uma metamorfose extrema para o coletivo.

Percebam que as crenças distorcidas e as limitações dos antigos paradigmas estão se dissipando. Essa ação está provocando muita confusão, desalento e raiva. Os líderes estão compartilhando muitas inverdades, assustando a todos porque eles não sabem como lidar com o que está ocorrendo neste momento.

Ter todas as suas atividades sociais interrompidas removeu quaisquer distrações que vocês podiam ter-se utilizado para evitar considerar questões pessoais e emocionais. Que maravilhosa situação lhes foi oferecida: estar com vocês mesmos e seus entes queridos para acessar o espaço da conscientização.

Muitos estão passando conscientemente para a próxima dimensão. Vocês estão se conscientizando do que é importante e valioso.  Experimentar mais tempo sozinhos ou isolados desencadeou muitas questões e padrões antigos, que agora vocês podem liberar de modo consciente.

Estamos observando o aumento da luz oferecida pela humanidade neste momento. Vocês estão fazendo o trabalho. As pessoas estão buscando confortar-se mutuamente por meios simples e surpreendentes. Os corações estão se abrindo e o nível de amor está fluindo. Permanecer em uma posição centrada no coração é o lugar mais seguro e poderoso em que vocês podem estar.

É essa vibração coerente que está dando boas-vindas à energia de dimensão mais elevada. As pessoas estão sentindo essa mudança. É sutil, todavia, quando reconhecida e sentida, é profunda. Muitas pessoas resolveram trazer novas respostas para os antigos problemas do mundo. Muitas pessoas estão despertando para o seu verdadeiro eu multidimensional.

Eles estão observando essa matriz começando a desmoronar. Muitos querem saber quando a loucura e a confusão vão terminar. Estão se conscientizando de como suas vidas e o coletivo se tornaram desequilibrados. Estão começando a compreender que eles são verdadeiramente criadores e estão acessando o seu poder para criar uma realidade de vida sustentável.

Há uma conscientização da unicidade de todos. A internet oferece essa conexão há algum tempo, contudo, agora está mais evidente como serve de link. Vocês, como seres divinos, estão destinados a se comunicar telepaticamente. Essa é uma capacidade que está surgindo para muitos nesse isolamento social. Existem outros dons e habilidades de elevada qualidade que muitos de vocês estão experimentando.

Vocês estão vendo o movimento pelos cantos dos olhos; estão percebendo que não estão sozinhos, que existe uma presença próxima a vocês. Muitos estão vendo realmente ondas de energia e de vibrações de outra forma. Muitos estão tendo sonhos vívidos ao caminhar ou estar ativos em outras dimensões.

O coletivo vem gritando silenciosamente acerca do abuso de outros seres humanos e da natureza. O coletivo vem orando silenciosamente para que um novo modelo se manifeste, um modelo ou matriz que esteja honrando toda a vida, um modelo ou padrão em que haja um vínculo entre os seres humanos, os elementos e os elementais.

Essa evolução da consciência foi solicitada por todos os seres sencientes. A pausa global, essa interrupção das atividades deu à humanidade a oportunidade de permitir uma cura das distorções, das mentiras que foram contadas desde o princípio dos tempos, principalmente que vocês são impotentes. Vocês não são desprovidos de poder, vocês são imensuravelmente poderosos. Vocês vêm vivendo em um campo energético de limitação inconsciente. No entanto, celebramos o fato de que vocês estão despertando e saindo dessa inconsciência e indo para um campo de todas as possibilidades.

Mantenham essa verdade próxima ao coração e comecem a agir a partir do seu lugar de poder pessoal. Passem algum tempo imaginando uma nova realidade. Utilizem a sua imaginação e imprimam o campo energético com uma realidade que anime outras pessoas a prosperar. Estimulem outros a compreender o poder pessoal que eles têm para criar uma nova realidade. Orientem-nos a honrar-se e aos demais. Permaneçam nas vibrações de um coração receptivo e amoroso, isso concederá poder a suas visões.

Estejam atentos àqueles que oferecem medo, escassez, desgraça e melancolia. Lembrem-se de que, quando o coletivo se sente impotente, é fácil de ser manipulado. Vocês são imensuravelmente poderosos. Apropriem-se dessa verdade e permaneçam com o seu coração receptivo com alegria e gratidão. Essas são as emoções e as vibrações que lhes permitem passar por essas mudanças difíceis e desafiadoras.

Este é um despertar cósmico. Vocês têm o apoio das famílias galácticas, dos seres celestiais e de todos os seres divinos e mestres. O que está acontecendo em seu planeta tem a atenção e apoio de todo o universo. A Terra está ascendendo para uma dimensão superior e levando-os com ela. Celebrem.

Estamos aqui para apoiá-los e ajudá-los enquanto vocês surfam as ondas da grande mudança e da transformação.

A Equipe.

Peggy Black


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publicado por achama às 18:48
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Terça-feira, 19 de Maio de 2020

Light Offered by Humanity

Light Offered by Humanity

The "Team".

Through Peggy Black.

May 18th, 2020. 




We are here, reaching out to you as you navigate these interesting times. What you are experiencing as a collective is the opportunity to honor yourself and one another. The idea of most of life’s activities coming to a halt has stretched each person.
It is in that stretching that your new awareness is being brought forth. The familiar routines that each one has called normal have been totally disrupted. This has revealed your strengths and your weaknesses, both as individuals and as the collective. There is a dismantling of all that you hold as normal.
There is a pressure building in the collective consciousness that is cracking everyone open to awaken to a new reality. This is a dark night for the soul of humanity. Since nothing is the same, nothing is solid, dependable or stable. A huge cleansing is taking place and this process is causing many to feel unbalanced, fearful, lost, depressed, confused and angry.
There are those who are riding this wave of energy, surfing this energy so to speak, aware that there is more to be revealed. There are those like yourself who have been asking for changes to come to this reality, those who are aware of the other higher dimensions and realities. Many realize that this is an extreme metamorphosis for the collective.
Realize that distorted beliefs and the limitations of the old paradigms are dissolving. This action is causing much confusion, dismay, and anger. Leaders are sharing many untruths, frightening everyone because they do not know how to deal with what is occurring at this time.
Having all your social activities stopped has removed any distraction you might have used to avoid looking at any personal and emotional issues. What a wonderful situation you have been offered – to be with yourself and your loved ones coming into the space of awareness.
Many are consciously moving into the next dimension. You are becoming aware of what is important and valued. Experiencing more time alone or isolated has triggered many old issues and patterns, which you can now consciously release.
We are observing the increase of light offered by humanity at this time. You are doing the work. People are reaching out to comfort one another in simple and amazing ways. Hearts are being opened and the level of love is flowing. Staying in a heart centered place is the safest and most powerful place you can be.
It is this coherent vibration that is welcoming the energy of the higher dimension. Individuals are sensing this shift. It is subtle and yet when recognized and felt it is profound. Many people are resolving to bring new answers to the old world problems. Many people are waking up to their true multidimensional self.
They are watching this matrix begin to crumble. Many will wonder when the madness and confusion will end. They are becoming aware of how out of balance their lives and the collective have become. They are beginning to understand that they are truly creators and are stepping into their power to create a reality that is life sustaining.
There is an awareness of the oneness of all. The internet has offered this connection for some time, however now it is more obvious just how it serves as a link. You as divine beings are meant to communicate telepathically. This is an ability that is coming forth to many out of this personal isolation. There are other high quality abilities and gifts that many of you are experiencing.
You are seeing movement out of the corners of your eyes; you are sensing that you are not alone, that there is a presence near you. Many are actually seeing energy waves and vibrations in a new way. Many are having vivid dreams of walking or being active in other dimensions.
The collective has silently been screaming about the abuse of other humans and of nature. The collective has been silently praying for a new template to manifest for humanity, a template or matrix that is honoring of all life, a template or pattern in which there is a bond between humans, the elements and the elementals.
This evolution of consciousness has been requested by all sentient beings. The global pause, this stop of activities, has given humanity the opportunity to allow a healing of the distortions, the lies that have been told since the beginning of time, especially that you are powerless. You are not powerless, you are powerful behind measure. You have been living in an energy field of unconscious limitation. However we celebrate that you are waking up and stepping out of that unconsciousness into a field of all possibilities.
Hold that truth close to your heart and begin to act from your place of personal power. Spend time envisioning a new reality. Use your imagination and imprint the energy field with a reality that enlivens others to thrive. Encourage others to understand their personal power to create a new reality. Guide others to honor themselves and others. Stay in the vibrations of an open loving heart, this will empower your visions.
Be aware of those who offer fear, scarcity, doom and gloom. Remember when the collective feels powerless they are easy to manipulate. You are powerful beyond measure. Own this truth and stay in your open heart with joy and gratitude. These are the emotions and the vibrations that allow you to move through these difficult and challenging changes.
This is a cosmic awakening. You have the support of the galactic families, the celestials and all divine beings and masters. What is happening on your planet has the attention and support of the entire universe. Earth is ascending into a higher dimension and taking you with her. Celebrate.
We are here to support and assist you as you ride these waves of great change and transformation. We acknowledge your courage and willingness to be here at this time to anchor this new reality that is coming forth. the ‘team’
Peggy Black

_______ Thought for the Month ______
“We are observing the increase of light offered by humanity at this time. You are doing the work. People are reaching out to comfort one another in simple and amazing ways. Hearts are being opened and the level of love is flowing. Staying in a heart centered place is the safest and most powerful place you can be.” the ‘team’

The "Team"
©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. 

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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 17:17
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Domingo, 19 de Janeiro de 2020

Everything is in your DNA

The "Team".

Through Peggy Black.

December 18th, 2019. 




We are here, supporting and encouraging you to step fully into this new energy. A new cycle has begun. This is the opportunity to design, imprint and co-create a new reality. Please reread those words, they are your truth and your power. Every message we have offered has reminded you of your personal power to create your reality.
This new decade can be and will be different. You are selecting and calling forth this reality by your vibrations. It seems there is a possibility that timelines will be converging. There are those who will remain stuck in the old paradigm, unable to shift from their negative, misqualified thoughts and energy and there are those eager to step into the new possibilities. There is no better time than now to make the decision about which reality you want to be a part of.
You can choose your reality by the awareness of what energy and vibration you are offering. Your positive, joyful, loving vibrations are the golden ticket to enter into the higher dimensions. This profound shift has been longed for and awaited by all those who are awake and aware. The waiting is over. Now is the time to call forth this reality. Now is the time to step into the 5th dimension. Watch the vibrations that you are offering.
Welcome the coming shifts and be aware of the people with whom you want to co-create this new world. Allow all else to fade away. Keep your force and focus on the new paradigm.
This happens to be a crucial year of change. The celestial beings, the planets, are assisting and supporting this possible change. This is an alignment that has not occurred in 15 years. There is also a conjunction of two powerful planets, Saturn and Pluto, that has not occurred for 38 years. The seed of a new age and transformation are at hand. Remember you have the power to create a sustainable future that will embrace multiple generations. So take advantage of what is being energetically offered.
This is a year that will benefit you to embrace and practice quantum thinking, stretch and go beyond your ordinary expectations. Do not allow yourself to be boxed in. You can reach beyond space and time and allow new mental and energetic breakthroughs. The energies of the world are moving, reacting and responding at quantum speed. The current digital age has helped expand consciousness beyond ancient knowledge. Step into this accelerated flow.
You find yourself in new territory with this acceleration of energy assisting humanity to enter a new age.
Individually and collectively humanity must embrace wholeness. This is the time to truly face your fears and consciously release them. Let go of all acquired limitations. We have invited you to take this action before and encourage you again to step out of your sense of victimhood, to release and heal your acquired wounds.
Now is the time for you to use your tools to transform any and all negative energies you might be holding on to.
Look at the shadow emotions that you project. Take the time to lovingly shine your light on those negative emotions of bitterness, anger, hatred, guilt or shame. Be gentle with yourself, you are your own healer. You are here to heal these misqualified energies that you have experienced. Each time you do your work and heal and release some painful wound, you are healing some painful wound in the collective.
Realize and recognize the possibility that the entire cosmos could be conscious and self-aware. You might ask yourself, is the universe conscious?
During this time of increased frequencies that are amplifying and supporting the shifts and changes, it is most important that you strengthen your light body. It is crucial that you have a strong light body in order to easily travel between the dimensions. With this great wave of light and higher frequencies that are being offered, do find ways to strengthen your energy or light body.
Imagine that your physical body is filled with divine light several times a day. Imagine or pretend that you can feel the difference as your physical body fills with divine light. Imagine yourself as a light body that can move between the dimensions. Play with this idea, become comfortable with this reality.
Each time you release some old limited pattern, remember to fill that space with light. Each time you forgive and heal some old wound, remember to allow divine light to fill that space. Practice being in nature and welcome the divine light that is available.
Remember each morning to start your day with this simple statement and intention: I am fully embodied, anchored to this planet; I am my divine self in physical form.
Laugh, be joyful, express your gratitude and appreciation. These energies add to your light body. Dance, celebrate, love, chant, sing, meditate, give freely, acknowledge. All of these actions will continue to add to your light body. Invite divine energies to flow into your physical form. Go into your imagined alchemist chamber and envision your light body strong.
Realize that your very DNA is a multidimensional divine pattern and structure. Your DNA connects you to the universe. Your DNA carries all your records and experiences from the timeline. Your DNA carries your purpose and intent for this time and place. Everything is in your DNA.
Begin to imagine that you can connect to those records and that information. Imagine that you have the ability to read our own DNA.
You are a magnificent multidimensional being! Own it. You are a physical being having a physical experience in this third dimension and you are a divine being, an energy being, a light being observing as well as partnering with your physical self.
As this divine being, the being of light, you have the ability to transform, uplift, shift and create. Remember it is your intent and your focus. So now is the time for you to truly step into this power and be a part of the awesome shift taking place on your planet.
Shine your light on the collective shadow and negative energies that appear in your reality. Little by little that light will become brighter and stronger. Call on all divine beings to support and assist all that you do.
We rejoice and celebrate with you as you have invited this energy shift and energy portal to manifest in your dimension. Use this cosmic energy, this universal consciousness, to transform all that is limited.
We are available and embrace you with our love and deep gratitude for the work and service you offer. the ‘team’
Peggy Black
©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 02:24
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. Light Offered by Humanity

. Everything is in your DNA


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