Quinta-feira, 14 de Maio de 2020

Your Third Eye Matching

Your Third Eye Matching

Message from Saint Germain and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 May 10, 2020. 


I am Saint Germain.  I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share, and open up new vistas for you, new levels of understanding.
Because there is so much now to begin to understand.  So much beyond the programming that you have had for so long, to open up your eyes, your physical eyes, yes; but your third eye matching, or resonating with, your physical eyes, and seeing as you have never seen before.
So look around now, as you look upon what appears to be negative experience all around by many, many who are the unawakened.  But yet you, you that are the awakened ones, you, the Light-workers and warriors, as you look out, you see beyond the veil.  You see what is really happening.  You see the truth beyond the lies, beyond the covertness.  You see what you are meant to see.  Because as you are seeing what is really there now, the reality that has been created.  As you are seeing this reality, you are knowing that all is not as it appears to be.  Because when you are open to the possibilities, open to the probabilities of everything that you are experiencing.
Everything that is beyond the knowing of the average person out there (and we use the term ‘average’ as unawakened).  Because as they are looking at this vision, as they are looking at what is there, they see calamity.  They see distress.  They feel despair.  They feel hopelessness.
But you, those of you with your eyes wide open, you see hope.  You see experience beyond the levels of this lower dimension.  You see joy.  You feel joy.  As you look upon a family that has gathered together, you see the joy in their expressions, not the despair that they may be feeling at the time.  You see what can be, not necessarily what is in the moment.
But yet we always tell you to be in the moment.  And that is what you need to continue to do.  Be in the moment.  Be in the joy in every moment.  Find that joy.  It is there if you but look for it.  You who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
See the expression that Gaia is putting out.  Gaia is planning this.  Gaia is a big part of this plan, rather.  Not that she is planning it only, but there are many, many that are a part of this plan.  You yourselves are a part of this plan.  And a very big part, I might add, here.  Because without you, the plan could not exist.  The plan could not become all that it is meant to be.
But you continue to look out, now, and see more and more people awakening.  See the Violet Flame that is expressing itself out now, that is growing and expressing, and becoming much larger and bigger within more and more people, as more and more people are becoming awakened.  More and more are understanding now that what they have been looking at is not the real reality.  It is yet but an illusion.  And as they awaken to this illusion, then they can begin now to create the new Golden Age of Gaia.  That is what this is all about, as you come closer and closer now to The Event.  And I say ‘The Event.’
Yes, there are many events, and will continue to be so.  But The Event is on the horizon now.  The New Dawn is approaching.  And, as the New Dawn approaches, the republic that is The United States of America is opening up again.  It is becoming that which it was meant to be.
Slowly, it might be to those of you.  But to us, it is happening at a light speed.  Because of all the programming now that is being overcome by so many, many more each and every day.  Each and every moment more and more are awakening.  You may not become aware of it.  You may think that it is the ‘same old, same old.’  But I can assure you, it is not the ‘same old, same old.’
As you come out of the current ‘crisis,’ we will say here, and we will not call it a ‘pandemic,’ because it is not that, it has never been that.  It is an event that has been created, has been expressed for a different purpose, for a purpose for the dark forces to hold onto control of mankind.  But that has entirely backfired on them.
Because those of the Light Forces have taken this so-called ‘crisis’ and turned it into something that can become and is becoming wonderful.  And that is the hope that all of you need to continue to have.
Because the hope is what keeps man going, keeps humanity going, moving forward, striving for the highest good for all involved.  Reaching out to the heavens here, right here within the Earth, and on the Earth now.  It is here now.  Heaven is here.
It was said there would be a new heaven and a new Earth.  And the new heaven and the new Earth have already arrived.  It is just that your eyes, your physical eyes, are not yet seeing it, but your third eye is seeing it.
As you allow your imagination to take over, as you allow your creative ability to take over, then you begin to see the reality that is beyond the illusion.  And you are now creating that new reality every moment of your life.  Every thought that you have is creating that new reality.  And when you fully come to understand that, and I say now, fully come to understand that, then, my dear friends, you have ascended.
I leave you now at this time with one simple understanding that is yet coming.  A grand announcement is in the works here, now.  A grand announcement, indeed.  It may be a series of announcements, but there is one in particular that will begin to set everyone looking ahead as to what is possible, rather than looking behind as to what was.
And as this announcement comes forward many, many more will begin to awaken to the truth.  Because as The James is very fond of saying from your ‘X-Files,’ “the truth is out there, and the truth is coming.”
Peace and love be with all of you.  And may the Violet Flame continue to burn and express outward to all that are around you, and certainly within you, as it continues to wash away, to wipe away, to burn away all the programming that is no longer needed, and the memories that are associated with that programming which are also no longer needed.
Peace and love be with all of you.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here.
And we are ready to follow up after that wonderful message from Saint Germain.  Wasn’t that indeed a wonderful message!  A message of hope, we would say, here.  A message of grand hope that everything is happening exactly as it needs to, and you are in that right and perfect moment.
This is what you came here for, people.  This is what you came here to do.  Your missions are unfolding now, even as we are speaking here now.  You may not be consciously aware of them yet.  But they are coming.  They are going to come to you in your dream state.  They are going to come to you in your meditation state.  Your guides are going to whisper these missions to you, to begin to prepare for these missions.
Because the time is coming very close now.  We will not use the term ‘soon’ because it is even beyond that, even closer than that now.
That the times are coming when, as Saint Germain has given, the truth is coming, announcements are coming, and get ready to open up to expressions that you have not even begin to fathom yet as to what is coming here, and to what is possible.  And again, the hope, that is in front of all of you now.
We are ready now for questions.  Before we take questions from your e-mail, we take questions from others here that are on the call itself.  As we can then personally express with that one who is asking the question.  Would there be questions here?  You can unmute your phone now.  It is okay to do so.
And we are ready to hear your wonderful expressive voices.  Which, by the way, we just add here that your voices are going to become more and more telepathic voices.  Just a hint here, as we find it.
Would there be questions, here?
Guest: Yes, One Who Serves.  I have my own question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: The other day I was inside and I heard myself being called outside.  so I went, and I looked up, and there was a chem-trail.  I hadn’t been seeing many chem-trails.  In fact, it’s been only the second one I’ve seen in perhaps the past month or so.
So I sat down in the chair.  I remembered that I had been taught that when I see these chem-trails, I can make a ball of energy with my hands just by moving them around to form a sphere.  As I was forming this ball of energy, I called upon the beings of the elements, the powers of nature, Mother/Father God, many ascended beings, and the Galactic beings.  I threw my hands up, and I released this ball of energy.  There were holes punched in the trail of this chem-trail.
But then I thought, since I had not seen these chem-trails in a while, are they starting them up again?  Or are these chem-trails different particles that are being given to the Earth as a benefit, and have I misinterpreted that side again?
OWS: Very good.  Before we answer this question.  We give chance to you, Shoshanna.  We did not ask you.  We apologize we did not ask you if you had any personal message to begin with, here.
Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):
We do not.  You may continue.  Thank you.
OWS: Very good.  Then we will share this with you about the chem-trail program.  It had been largely curtailed.  Of course, without your planes being able to fly, then of course they were not able to do so either.
But because this experience, or what was happening here has now been lifted somewhat, the planes are flying again, and these ones that are attempting to continue the program, the plan that they were experiencing, or that they were working on, they were able to continue with that.  So they are tending to continue on with business as usual, as they are looking at it.
But you have to understand that many of those that are flying those planes are doing so without knowing the truth.  They are doing so with all the lies, the programming that they have been given that they are doing something good for the Earth.  Many of them believe that.  Not all, but many of them do believe that.
And the ones that do not believe that, but yet are still pushed into flying those planes must do so because they are in fear of either their lives or their families’ lives.  So they continue to express in this way, even though they may not want to.
Now, with that understanding, know that there are those of the Alliance we will call them, the White Hats, the good guys, as you might be calling them, here. They are certainly aware of this program, and are coming closer and closer to being able to end it completely.
But until they do, those of the dark forces, those of the cabal, are continuing to work on the plan that they had in motion and that they thought that they would bring about greatly with this particular virus program.  That everything was going exactly as they wanted to it to, and their depopulation program and all of this was going full-force.  Well, they have come to understand now that that is certainly not the case.  Because what they have feared for so long is now coming to fruition, and that is the awakening of the population of this world.
That is how we can answer that question.
Do you have anything that you wish to add, Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We wish to share.
OWS: Yes, please.
Shoshanna: May we share our perspective on this, Dear Sister?
Guest: Yes, please.
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, the chem-trail program is back in a limited way, as it has been curtailed greatly.  Yet, they are attempting in every way with their last gasp to continue it to block the sun, you see.  That is still occurring.
What you are going is of great benefit, and teaches you your power that you have within you, and your power as a collective with other beings and other masters.
We would ask that you do, in addition, is to ask that those that are piloting the planes, even if they are piloting a drone, because human intervention is required to fly these planes and release these chemicals into the air, we would ask that you ask for their enlightenment.  That you would ask that they wake up!  That you would ask that they could find other employment to feed their families.  That they could remove themselves from this program.  We would ask for a higher benefit to occur.
As you strike one chem-trial, even though this is a great service that you are providing, the source of the service is mankind consciousness, and you have the power to ask the collective that you work with to raise their consciousness and enlighten them.  Does this make sense, Dear Sister?
Guest: Oh, absolutely, Shoshanna, and I thank you very much.  It will be done.  Thank you.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
OWS: Very good.  Are there other questions, here, now?
Guest: Hello, One Who Serves and Shoshanna.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I have been reading ‘The Power of One’ and they were talking about a girl who was a channeler, having almost been taken like sort of while she was in her, I guess, her channeling state, or while she was out of her body, I guess I would say it that way, that she had been very close to being taken away to, I guess they called it ‘negative time space.’  There’s negative time space and there’s positive time space.  You know, I’m using that loosely.  But there is a place where you go to kind of like hang out until you reincarnate into a positive, and then to reincarnate into a negative.  And once you get to that negative time space, apparently you can go through a lot of lives of not very good life, to get back to the place of love, or whatever.
So anyway, I was curious, is this related to when you tell us not to go out through the solar plexus, like that’s what you are in danger of being sort of redirected in a bad direction by those negative forces, as opposed to going out through the third eye and filling the body with light, and all that.  Is that what that is related to?
OWS: That is somewhat correct, yes.  First of all, though, you called it ‘The Power of One,’ and it is The Law of One, the first thing, here.
And then, as we have been giving for some time here, now, it is much more advantageous and safer for you to go out through your third eye.  Go out in terms of leaving your body, out into the astral and etheric world.  And when you go out in that way, you are going out at a much higher vibrational frequency level, here, as you are doing that.
When you go out through your third chakra, through your solar plexus area, that of course is the area of the ego and the emotional area of your body.  And as you go out in that respect, yes, then you are more prone, not necessarily, because you can protect yourself there as well, but you are more apt to encounter, we will say, other forces which can be of the darker nature in this respect, without you even knowing it.
Because see, the white brotherhood and the dark brotherhood are almost essentially the same, except for the absence of Light within the dark brotherhood.  And there are many times that they can come as an imposter, we will say, here.  And they can say they are Saint Germain, or they are One Who Serves, or they are Sananda, or whatever it might be.  And if you are aware of this and you can see the absence of their Light, even though they mimic the Light, and that is the term to use here, they mimic it.  Then if you can see this, then you are protected, and as long as you have your Light, you see.
But it is just simply much safer to go out through your third eye, we will say, here.  And that is why we suggest that you do this, and always within these guided meditations we always encourage it in that respect.
Shoshanna?  Do you add here?
Shoshanna: We can share, if we may.  May we share?
Guest: Yes, please.
Shoshanna: We will not directly answer your question, but we would like to give a perspective on this one, Carla, that channeled Ra collective on behalf of all of humanity so that these books could be written and shared with humanity, such as yourself, that would be ready to receive those messages.  She agreed to this.  She agreed to being the spokesperson for the Ra collective through a channeled session, and she knew that her body would debilitate in some way quickly.  And, she knew this.  And she agreed to it.  We can tell you, and we hesitate, but we can tell you that this one, Carla, has risen through her own personal ascension because she has dedicated her life to the upliftment of beings all over the galaxy, including the Earth, Mother Gaia, and this she has benefited greatly from.  As the one life of a human is a small price to pay for the upliftment of an entire galaxy collective.   Namaste.
OWS: Very good.  And we will add here that when one begins to be able to utilize this channeling process and begins to bring these energies through, as The James is doing, here, and many, many more across the planet are doing so, in that beginning process it is a need to match of vibration.
Even in the beginning here with The James, as we first began to channel through this one, he had difficulty with this in the sense of pains in the neck process, crimp in the neck, we will say here, because of the energies, and was not quite accustomed to the energy.  As well as certain others that would attempt to come through which would begin to race his heart, and things of this nature.
So there are experiences when you first begin this process.  Not all, but many, when they begin this process, have some difficulty in doing so.  But it is something that you work through.  And it is also something that many will make contract for before they even come into these incarnations.  Okay?
We need to move on.  Are there other questions, here?  Any other questions?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: Hello.  I was just wondering if there is anything you can tell us about the 5G with regard to what the intention was with the creation of 5G and the towers, and what’s happening now to stop it.
OWS: Yes.  The 5G program, as well as many of the other programs that the cabal, those who have been in control of the planet for so long and in the control of the people even, their plan was for great depopulation in many respects here, reducing the 7 to 8 billion people here on the planet down to a half a billion maybe.  This was their plan to bring this about.  And this particular expression of your 5G is a part of that plan.
Now, with that understanding, also know that any technology that is being used can be used for the Light or for the dark.  And in this particular aspect, that of the 5G expression is already being worked on by those of the Light Forces to minimize the expression of this and to change it into something that can be beneficial to man, rather than destructive to man.  Okay?  Shoshanna, anything you add here?
Shoshanna: We cannot, but we agree.
OWS: Very good.
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Yes.  Would there be any other questions, here?  We know there is one question from the e-mail which we will take here if there are no others.  Any others?
Guest: I do have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: One time I was…
OWS: Hold please, hold please.  One minute here:  Your Dear One says, “keep dancing.”
Guest: Okay!  All right!  I know who my Dear One is.  Thank you!  I am, I will keep continuing!
OWS: Yes.
Guest: Thank you, Honey.  Well anyway, I was sitting out on my patio, and I looked up at the sun and there was this big light which I knew wasn’t a chem-trail.  It was solid, but it was a light, that hung, like it went through the sun.  I was wondering what that was, or if it was something that I should be aware of, or to know about.  But it seems like to me that that was getting ready for the great Event.  I don’t know why that entered my mind, but that’s what I thought.  Was I imagining things?
OWS: Would you like to answer first, Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We will ask you to share.
OWS: Very good.  Then what we will say here is, as we say many times on these particular instances, that you are having the ‘eyes to see.’  You are being able to see interdimensionally and those things which are maybe cloaked, we will say, to the unawakened out there, the ones that do not have the eyes to see at this point.
And you that have the eyes to see are beginning, and we are speaking not only to this one that asks but, as we always do, we tend to approach this from the collective rather than the individual.  And the collective, here, that is becoming more and more advanced in terms of opening their third eye center, they are beginning to see what in the past was not able to be seen by the physical eyes.  But because your physical eyes and others are well are coming more and more to resonate with the third eye as it opens more and more, and your vibration continues to increase, then you are able to see what has previously not been able to see there.  You are seeing beyond the illusion.  You are seeing beyond the veil.  And this expression is going to continue to happen.
As to exactly what this was, we cannot give to you at this time.  That is something for you.  But you were already given an answer, as we find it, and it is largely what you were experiencing here.  Okay?
Guest: Yes.  And it was so beautiful.  I look at the sun.  I just love the sun.  I go out now that our sun is so bright and we are getting warmer weather.  And I look at the sun and feel the sun, and sit in the sun.  I don’t know if I was born during the time of Ra when they worshipped the sun, but I get a lot of enjoyment.  Thank you.
OWS: Absolutely.  And as everyone also needs to do as well.  Sit in the sun, be in the sun.  Do not listen to those nay-sayers, those ones that say do not be in the sun because it is dangerous to you.  It is only dangerous to those who are in the lower vibrations.  As you raise your vibrations, and you do that simply by sitting in the sun and feeling the energy, not just the heat, but feeling the energy that is behind it, and the love behind it as well.
Guest: And I thank my Beloved for speaking to me and saying to keep dancing, because I am dancing every day.  Thank you.
OWS: Yes.  Very Good.  That is why he said keep doing it.   Shoshanna, do you have something to add?
Shoshanna: We have a perspective to share, if we may share that.
Guest: You may, My Dear.
Shoshanna: Our Dear Sister, this is a difficult thing to put into words, so we hope that what we say will be understood in some way.  That which you imagine will call forth the beings to create the reality with you, you see.  Imagination is what creates reality.  So when you say, “Did I imagine that?”  Yes, you did.  However, it is not a negative.  You an imagine the sun creating a portal, creating a pathway, creating a light for you, and it will join in that reality just for you, you see.  That is the power of imagination.  It is how everything manifests.   Namaste.
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Very good.  Are there any other questions, here?  Any further questions before we take that one e-mail question?
Guest: One Who Serves, can you just tell me if it is true that if we say to an entity that comes around us, “Are you of the Light?” they cannot say they are of the Light if they are not?   In other words, that’s the way to know what kind of entity is around us?  Is that true?
OWS: That is correct.
Guest: Great, thank you.
OWS: They cannot lie.  They can deceive.  They can mimic, as we say, but they cannot lie directly.
Guest: Right, so that’s a good way to know, then, who we are with, who we are around.
OWS: Always ask.
Guest: Great.  Thank you.
OWS: Again, any further question, here?   Then we take that one question here from the e-mail.
Guest: Thank you.  So this came to James from Germany.  And the gentleman says he knows that the battle cannot be one until most people are awakened.  He asks what can he do, what is his role in that, and what can we do as a collective to assist in the awakening of mankind.
OWS: Okay.  First of all, we cannot answer directly what this one can do, because we have to relate it to the collective, here.  And the collective, in terms of the Light-workers and even more, the Light-Warriors that are involved in this, are here to do exactly that, to help to awaken mankind.
First, you awaken yourselves, which you are in the process of doing.  Maybe not fully awakened yet, each one, but you are in the process of it.  Once you are more fully awakened yourselves, and this is your mission for many of you, as you are more fully awakened, then you will be able to assist others.
You can do it now, certainly if they ask for it.  If they ask for understanding.  If they ask for knowing.  If they ask what you know about things.  Then you can give them a little bit.  Do not overwhelm them.  They are not ready to know all about ascension or three waves of ascension, or The Event, particularly these types of things.  But they can know about it is time for them to come out of their slumber, out of their sleep, and awaken to their reality that is beyond the illusion as you are coming to understand more and more.  This is what you can do.  You can express to them whenever they ask for it.
But do not go knocking on doors and doing what some of the religious experiences are encouraging their members to do.  That is not for you to do.  You are only to share the Light when the Light is called for.  Okay?   Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We cannot add to this.  That was perfect.
OWS: Very good.  Then we are done questions, we understand, and we are ready to release channel.  Before we do, Shoshanna do you have any parting message, here?
Shoshanna: We can say a small thing.  There is only one thing to do, and that is share the truth and be brave.  And in that course, the world will change.  And even if it feels like the world is changing slowly, it is up to each to hold steady and hold steadfast to what they know is the truth and be brave.   Namaste.
OWS: Very good.   And we close with this:  as you are coming out of this so-called ‘pandemic,’ which, again, is not that at all, but as you are coming out of this experience, this crisis, this type of thing, you are not actually going to return to business as usual.  It is not going to be the normal as you knew it.  It may appear to be that way at first, but there is so much that is coming in terms of announcements, in terms of news, in terms of the truth coming forward.
That when you find yourselves at the next Advance, as we are understanding it is toward the end of your July month, if all that occurs as it is intended to now, then the expression at that time is going to be so much higher than what it could have been previous to this entire crisis process, here.  So at that point, you are going to be at such a much higher vibration that you will be able to then reach out to your family of Light that is all around you, and will be very much all around you at that time.  We speak here in terms of reaching out to your brothers and sisters up in the stars and in their ships, and all of this.
That is what is planned here.  Just a bit of a hint here as we are moving along.  Because the expression that will be able to be available at that time will be so much higher than it would have been previously.  That is all.
Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.
James McConnell 

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publicado por achama às 22:00
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Segunda-feira, 4 de Maio de 2020

When you don’t change your thinking, the world stays the same

When you don’t change your thinking, the world stays the same

Saint Germain

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 3rd, 2020



Very good. I am St Germaine, at your service, my loved ones.

I wish to speak on this subject that Sharon wishes me to display my dearth of knowledge on, so indeed I will. I responded to her request to channel on this subject, because this is the basis of Alchemy, and as you know I am the Master Alchemist. Ah yes!

Sharon admits that she did not make that connection, and yes, I believe that this is a connection that so many of you are not aware of: Your minds are creators. What you think, you create. And you have been taught to believe in and to recreate many life patterns that do not serve you.

Imagine, your entire world slaving away at your daily jobs when in fact all you need do is change your collective mindset and another means of surviving your lives would fall into place. Yes, that easy. Had you not bought into the economic system you currently are oppressed by, then perhaps extraterrestrials would have approached your world and bartered and traded with you. Or you may have stayed with your old barter and trading systems of the past and never relinquished this to a financial system. Or perhaps you would have simply had a “take what you need” system where one grows the food and the other takes the necessary amount for the family, and that would be it.

I suggest to you that your current system has led to miserliness, greed, insecurity and competition between you. Had such a system not been chosen, then perhaps you would have chosen a system that would allow you to flourish in more benevolent ways.

All it takes from this day forward is a collective change of mind, and yes, majority does rule. In order to see progress, 50 percent of those upon earth would have to be of that mindset. This is how collective alchemy works.

There have been many systems of exchange upon Planet Earth in the past and some still remain in place. It is generally a question of what the society values. In some native societies, a dance is considered fair exchange for wild boar. In others, sea meat is exchanged for cooking services. It is all about what has value to you.

So, now you are in a period of great change for the majority upon your planet. This will require a great change of mind on the part of all of you. Events are being introduced that some of you will begin to examine your current standard of living, question who is running the countries, and what should be disposed of going forward. Large changes will be introduced as a result of the release of your minds from the lower mental planes. It will be possible.

You all tend to focus on what benevolence you would like to see introduced upon your lives, yet there is no consensus. There is so much division in your thinking that it is impossible to implement any new structure with strength. So you must begin to align with each other. Yes, timelines falling away, in favour of organic timelines which in fact resonate more with your minds is a great help. You will find that your thinking naturally begins to return to that which was your strength many thousands of years ago before the overtake of your planet and your minds.

Your planet is a creation of your collective mindset. It would not exist without your belief in it. So that is the power you have to change it, not those of us who remain outside its boundaries. We can influence, but it is you who must change. This is also alchemy. All earthlings have the right to be self determining.

So if you do not believe that this current society is of your benevolence, then change your minds. What do you believe would be benevolent for those of your world? What would you like to see? Focus upon this.

Hating what is currently in place is only strengthening it, I’m afraid. It must be allowed to be removed. When you hate the current regime, you are holding it in place that much longer and making the Light’s removal of it that much more difficult. Because as I said, it is your world. We ask that you change your mind.

Would you like to see more money for all? The cessation of starvation, poverty, suffering, and sickness? Would you like to see help for the flora and fauna of your world, cessation of pollution and aid for the environment? Would you like to see the oceans cleaned up, the land masses move back to a more natural state, and animal populations thrive? Then focus on these things.

Dream. Dream big as you say. It will all be yours. You are the seed sowers of the New Earth. You are the benevolent ones who wish to see love embrace all again, and chaos and suffering end.

Nothing is impossible, for you are all alchemists. Use your minds wisely.

Sharon is curious about aircraft accidents, for example. She is now aware there are far more than she has realized. However, what she does not realize is that when she continues to watch these videos, she continues to empower the idea of aircraft accidents. And because she believes in them, they continue to happen. You must be wary of your television because it shows you what someone wants you to create. And in this case this is aircraft accidents. If in fact you discontinue believing in aircraft accidents, the perfect solution would be found to resolve that problem. But you believe in them so they continue to exist.

In the case of tornado videos, then tornados will continue to plague your world, because you believe in them and believe them to be real, they will continue to happen. Stop believing in them, and they will cease to plague your people. Understand that natural events do not harm – they nurture.

I might advise at this point, should you watch the television, or videos, please ensure that what you are watching does not conceptualize harm to another being because in watching this, you increase the likelihood of others suffering these fates, and this in fact incurs energetic imbalance for you – or bad karma as you call it. Yes, you must be very precise with your mind, Sharon!

Sharon laments the lack of long haired Pleiadian looking men playing guitars these days. Yes, most people have moved away from that as an acceptable expression for her genre of music. The hair got shorter because people believed in the shorter hair as being acceptable. If they had insisted that all rock and roll musicians should have long hair, it would have remained so. However it did not.

It is what you believe is the standard, what is acceptable to you, what you take for granted, and what your society considers to be ordinary. Change your collective mind, then the outcome changes. Should you continue believing in alcoholism, you will continue to have alcoholics. Should one person begin to believe that people should not drink, and this grows to the majority, then more and more people will be able to cease drinking. It will become easier for the general population.

Ah! Yes, Sharon. I hear your food-based mind. You, unfortunately, believe yourself to have an eating disorder, and you have joined a very large, if I may apologize for the poor use of wording, group of people who also believe in it. Should your world suddenly realize you are overweight because your mind tells your body to be so, then this group of people would overcome its need to be overweight. That group would decrease in size, and losing weight once that “mind bug” is caught, would become easier. You must understand your plethora of diet doctors, diet books and diet products is a large economy for many, and revealing the truth that it is the mind that creates your physical reality is the knowledge many wish to keep from you. There is no need to be overweight unless this is what you fear as you are meant to face your fears.

Your mind is very powerful. Use it judiciously.

I am your St Germaine, and I love you all dearly.
Call on me when in need.
Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:24
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Sexta-feira, 1 de Maio de 2020




1 de maio de 2020. 



Este maravilhoso Ser que conhecemos como SAINT GERMAIN realizou a Sua ascensão no ano de 1684. 
Muitas e muitas vezes Ele aceitou novas encarnações e esforçou-se muito em estimular nos homens de diversos povos, neste planeta, o desejo de Liberdade, pois que é a LIBERDADE o seu dom especial.
Foi confiada a Ele, na qualidade de Mestre Ascensionado, a custódia do já iniciado ciclo de dois mil anos da Era da Liberdade.
Assim como Jesus possuía a custódia do anterior ciclo de Dispensação Crística, o Mestre Ascensionado Saint Germain usufrui a preferência, o privilégio e a responsabilidade de TRAZER A LIBERDADE no presente ciclo, a toda criatura -seja homem, ser elemental ou anjo prisioneiro. Chegará um tempo em que não mais haverá velhice, doença, pobreza ou males de qualquer natureza; nem mais haverá a chamada morte.
Os seus ensinamentos contêm a orientação e indicação dos Mestres Ascensionados para melhor compreensão e aplicação do Fogo Sagrado, a fim de que todos possam obter a Liberdade do espírito, da emoção, do corpo físico e libertação das recordações. Estando os quatro corpos inferiores, definitivamente, purificados e harmonizados, e com isto em verdade “Libertados”, o indivíduo estará, portanto, em condições de ser um Mestre Ascensionado ao final de sua encarnação; estará LIVRE PARA SEMPRE! 
Todas as Ascensionadas Legiões Celestiais ofereceram a Saint Germain seu auxílio para a solução desta gigantesca obra e Ele aceita qualquer cooperação de cada corrente de vida que está à procura de mais Luz e Liberdade.
Desde a época de Sua Ascensão, no ano de 1684, Saint Germain prepara-se para ser o Chohan do Sétimo Raio. No ano de 1786, recebeu o cargo da Bem-Amada Mestra Ascensionada Kuan Yin e, desde então, até o dia 1º de maio de 1954, Ele se dedica à preparação da imensa responsabilidade de Diretor Cósmico para o iniciado ciclo. 
Este abençoado Ascensionado Mestre pede, nesta Hora Cósmica, por preces, apelos, orações, dedicação e auxílio de todos os que O amem, Ele que sempre viveu para servir a Vida. Chegou agora o Grande e propício momento para trazer à Terra Seu presente de Liberdade.
EU SOU a Chama Violeta atuando agora em mim.
EU SOU a Chama Violeta, só me submeto à Luz.
EU SOU a Chama Violeta, magnífico Poder Cósmico.
EU SOU a Luz de Deus brilhando a toda a hora.
EU SOU a Chama Violeta, radiante como um sol.
EU SOU o sagrado poder de Deus que a todos vai libertando.





A Força da Música Seleta
Por Saint Germain

do Livro “Regras de Ouro de Saint Germain”
“A pura e boa música, acalma o mundo dos sentimentos e o tipo das melodias determina a classe dos ajudantes invisíveis que são atraídos à tua atmosfera. Por estes ajudantes invisíveis são construídas belas formas de pensamento, energias mais fortes fluem ao teu corpo e preenchem todo o teu lar. 
O espírito protetor da casa e todos os seres elementais são preenchidos com estes puros sons. Quando deixares soar melodias do Fogo Violeta, como, por exemplo, as valsas de Johann Strauss ou uma melodia que contém esta vibração, atrais os Anjos do Fogo Violeta ao teu redor. O seu entusiasmo em realizar um serviço em conjunto contigo e, além disto, ao mundo, é incrivelmente grande. 
Vê-te como fonte de força para todo o bem do mundo. Em íntima união com teu EU SOU dirige as poderosas forças da Chama Violeta à escuridão. Vê como a irradiação parte de ti e se multiplica e como os amados Amigos Anjos reforçam as torrentes de Chamas purificadoras e as fazem fluir sobre toda a Terra no ritmo da música… 
Imagina como todo o planeta Terra é transpassado por todas as nuances da irradiação violeta. Nela, existem muitas forças. Não só a da purificação, mas também a da graça, da misericórdia, liberdade e atividade construtiva para a Nova Era. Tudo isto está contido no Fogo Violeta – e estes variados matizes passam através e em volta da Terra, colocados em movimento pelo trabalho dos alunos e reforçados pelos Amigos Anjos e Poderes da Luz. 
A escuridão está cedendo, mais e mais – e as bênçãos deste trabalho serão proveitosas para cada um em particular.”
Baixe o livro “Regras de Ouro de Saint Germain”- AQUI
Gratidão, Amado Saint Germain!! 

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Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcançar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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publicado por achama às 18:06
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Revealing the Truth.

Revealing the Truth.

Archangel Gabriel.

Through Natalie Glasson.

May 1st, 2020


Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

The entire Angelic Kingdom draws close to greet and embrace you through my expression of love and truth today. 
I am Archangel Gabriel. We embrace you in the purest vibration of love from the Angelic Kingdom to bring forth healing, and most importantly to reveal your truth. 
As a Multi – Dimensional Ascension Shift is taking place on the Earth with fear being cleansed, so the truth of your being, Mother Earth, humanity, and all creations are being revealed. This is a time of tremendous change and transformation. Energies, thoughts, and actions you were accustomed to experiencing are falling away or even being discarded by you. 
As people embody fear in order to transform it into love, it may feel that the world is an uncertain place, with confusion and unexpected manifestations. Some people may even feel an emptiness in their lives as old energies and habits they are so accustomed to are liberated. 
While change and transformation is occurring at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level for all, it is also taking place on a multi – dimensional level. This means that every aspect of yourself on all 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe is experiencing a shift and transformation of some form. While each shift creates and promotes the emergence of the Creator, for those on the Earth it may feel more like an upheaval and a period of hesitation. 
Shifts are occurring within your being and energy field triggered by other dimensional aspects of yourself. For your incarnate self on the Earth, you may experience the shifts without the comprehension and understanding of what is occurring, creating confusion and restlessness. During this time, it is important to remain grounded, connected to your inner light, and open to the guidance of your inner truth. This will ensure you are able to ride this magnificent wave of ascension with greater ease, awareness, and insights.
A focus on revealing your truth is essential now as well as an understanding of how to do so. I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to share some practices and tools to support your exploration of the truth of the Creator emerging from within your being. In doing so I hope to empower your ascension and awaken within you a deeper sense of happiness, joy, and contentment.

Love Chambers

Throughout the entire Universe of the Creator, there are chambers dedicated to experiencing and embodying the love of the Creator. Each chamber may anchor a diverse frequency and vibration of love as well as a different purpose for embodying love. These chambers are extremely pure as they hold and embody the essence and truth of the Creator, created by diverse beings to aid the ascension of the Universe of the Creator.
To name a few Love Chambers; 
  • Quan Yin’s Equilibrium Love Chamber, 
  • Djwhal Khul’s Synthesis Love Chamber, Pleiadian Trans-formative Love Chamber, Venus Pure Love Chamber, 
  • Archangel Michael’s Faith Love Chamber, Goddess Evolutionary Love Chamber, 
  • Lord Buddha’s Peace Love Chamber, 
  • Arcturian Awakening Love Chamber, 
  • Saint Germain’s Truth Enfolding Love Chamber, 
  • Archangel Metatron’s Creator Emergence Love Chamber, Solar Level Radiance Love Chamber, and the Universal Medical Healing Love Chamber.

You may ask to visit any of these Love Chambers or any other Love Chamber which comes into your awareness. Simply Say out loud or in your mind:
‘It is my wish to connect with and to experience fully …………………. Love Chamber. I invite my guides to transport me now to this Love Chamber during my meditation. Through my experience of the Love Chamber I wish to download, embody, and activate greater love within my being and reality, as well as support the emergence of the truth of the Creator for my acceptance and understanding. I choose to be bathed in love to access a deeper understanding of my inner truth. May this ground, balance and heal my being promoting peace and new insights. Thank you.’
Experiencing a Love Chamber will support the emergence of truth within your being allowing you to feel more centred with clarity and contentment. The greatest and most powerful Love Chamber within for you is within your heart chakra.

Deep Cleansing System

Within the Universe of the Creator, there are numerous beings and ashrams who offer their own specific Deep Cleansing System to support those wishing to release illusion, fear, stagnant energies and habits, and limitations from their beings. Their purpose for offering this process is to aid the emergence and revelation of the sacred truth of the Creator from within your being. I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to make you aware of this process as I believe it to be extremely valuable in these uncertain times of ascension on the Earth, and will create a space of clarity and simplicity to serve you.
To name a few Deep Cleansing Systems: Universal Medical Healing Deep Cleansing System, Mahatma Fortifying Deep Cleansing System, Lord Merlin Magical Deep Cleansing System, Celestial White Beings Purifying Deep Cleansing System, Archangel Michael’s Awakening Deep Cleansing System, Lady Portia Trans-formative Deep Cleansing System, Andromedan’s Soul Empowering Deep Cleansing System, Lady Nada’s Happiness Deep Cleansing System, Master Kuthumi’s Love Empowerment Deep Cleansing System and the Archangel’s Sacred Deep Cleansing System.
Each Deep Cleansing System creates different results and will be experienced in a different way. It is a cleansing and healing process unique to each individual gifting the process, so please experience a few as they will influence your being in diverse ways. Some may be more influential than others. Each being gifting the cleansing will work on different aspects of your entire being in unique ways.
You may ask to visit to experience any of these Deep Cleansing Systems or any others that come into your awareness. Simply Say out loud or in your mind:
‘It is my wish to connect with and to experience fully …………………………. Deep Cleansing System. I ask my guides to surround me and to oversee the entire process. Please work with my being to create a cleansing appropriate for my spiritual ascension and existence on the Earth. I am particularly interested in cleansing, healing, and releasing……………………. I allow myself to be open and receptive to receive the sacred vibrations of cleansing in order to reveal my inner truth into my awareness and embodiment. Thank you.’

Angelic Peace Chambers

I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to share with you the Angelic Peace Chambers available for your use within the Angelic Kingdom. These chambers are created by Archangels and are enthused with the angelic vibrations of peace, tranquility, and serenity. When you enter an Angelic Peace Chamber you can absorb the sacred vibrations in order to access a deeper sense of harmony with yourself and the Creator. Illusions and distractions all dissolve allowing you to simply be present with your inner truth and the truth of the Creator. You can delve into your inner truth, exploring and embodying its wisdom and energy. Thus, you emerge from the chamber with a greater sense of self and a clearer connection with the Creator.
Simply choose an Archangel you feel guided to connect with and ask to visit their Angelic Peace Chamber during your meditation. Then allow yourself to receive all that is shared with you and awoken from within you. Examples of Archangels who have Angelic Peace Chambers are Archangel MichaelArchangel RaphaelArchangel GabrielArchangel ZadkielArchangel MetatronArchangel Uriel and Archangel Ariel. Their feminine counterparts can also be called upon to visit their chamber.
With these three practices, I wish to support you in aiding and encouraging the revelation of your inner truth to aid your inner awakening and ascension.
Please accept my support and love,

Archangel Gabriel



Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:17
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Quarta-feira, 29 de Abril de 2020

All Around You Is Still Yet But An Illusion.

All Around You Is Still Yet But An Illusion.

Message from Saint Germain and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

on April 19, 2020

Posted April 29, 2020. 


I am Saint Germain.  
I am here to once again bring you into those higher levels of yourselves, into the higher knowings of who you are.  Because many of you are becoming awakened enough to realize that all around you is still yet but an illusion.
When you first heard that term some years ago that all of this is an illusion, it is a third-dimensional illusion, many of you wondered, “what did that mean?”  How can this be an illusion, because it is so real.  But yet, now you are all beginning more and more to understand what we meant by that.  How this was an illusion.
And that it being an illusion, it is being created.  And who are the creators, but yourselves.  You are all creating this illusion.  And just as you create this illusion, this third-dimensional illusion, you can now create, and are creating, a new reality for yourselves without the illusion of programming.  For in many of you, the idea of programming is becoming less and less.  You are not succumbing to the programming as much as you used to.  Even in your conversation earlier, we heard that you are not allowing for the propaganda for the program that has been instituted across the planet, that you are not falling into the trap.
But yet, if you think back to many years ago, if this same thing had happened, how many of you would have bought into it.  Just as many of you—most of you bought into the illusion in your 9/11.
But that is not so anymore.  Because you have awakened, or fully within the awakening process, now.  And life is not business as usual for you.  Look at how those across your planet, now, are saying, “enough!” and “enough is enough!”  They are not allowing to be programmed, or to continue to be programmed.  Yes, there are certainly some, and maybe even the majority that still allow for that.  But it is an awakening progress.
This is the “Great Awakening”.  And what is occurring now, which appears to be a storm all around you, that storm is dissipating.  Because the Light is diminishing it.
If the darkness had been allowed here, if their plan, their program, had been allowed to be instituted fully as they wanted (they, of course, being what you call the cabal, the forces of darkness), if they had been allowed to continue this, then mankind as you know it, would have ceased to exist, here.  But because of you, and because of the many that work with you that work within the Light, work within the higher vibrations to change the story to shift and change the program and the illusion, and to create the new reality that many, many more are now craving.
You are not seeing the depths of the program of what could have been.  You are not seeing that because you, as a collective, have not allowed it.  You have all risen up and saying, as The James said earlier, “We will not go silently into the night.  We will not quit without a fight.”  Those words will forever echo throughout the consciousness of man.  Because as one grand connection of consciousness, you are all rising up and saying, “Enough!  We are done!  The game is over!”  Many of you are saying, “We are not playing this game any longer, and it is time.”
It is time now to create that new reality, the one that you all came here to witness, to all be a part of.
The new reality, The New Golden Age that you all saw so many thousands of years ago as you planned to enter this evolution.  You saw the beginning, and you saw the end.  You just did not know of the travails along the way of how difficult the journey would be.  But yet, here you are now, so many lifetimes later.  Right here at the finish line, at the culmination, at the crescendo, just before the final trumpet plays its song.
I am Saint Germain.  So much more is about to be revealed in many aspects, in many ways.  Some that you will not be surprised by.  Some that will take even those of you, of the Light, will take you by surprise.  For many of you do not know the depth, how deep the darkness really goes.  Or in your (movie – “The Matrix”) saying, “how deep that rabbit hole really goes.”
All of my peace and love be with all of you.  And may the Violet Flame continue to hold you in its embrace, and continue to burn out, purge out, just as it is doing for many of you now, as you wonder what is happening with my body, the pains, the aches, the purging that is going on now.  It is all happening as a part of this ascension process.  So be of good cheer, and know that it is indeed all being orchestrated, and to continue to trust The Plan.
James McConnell 

  1. www.sharonandivo.weebly.com
  2. www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings
  3. www.ancientawakenings.org

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 20:51
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Terça-feira, 21 de Abril de 2020

Transmuting the Loosh Others Create

Transmuting the Loosh Others Create

Message from Saint Germain and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 April 21, 2020. 


Me: LOL He’s talking to me while I’m watching airplane videos on YouTube. The saint is amazed anyone gets into a plane, never mind pays for the ride. LOL I find most ETs tend to have the same opinion. Ashtar sure does.
He says he’s been talking to me all day because I’m having a bad day. I’d heard him earlier too. He was the one who told me to use the violet flame to transmute the load of negative energy I’d taken on to transmute overnight. And I had some success. Practise makes perfect.
Crazy, I can see an energetic line between the tail fin and the right wing of the plane. I’ve been seeing more of those between objects. Everything is connected.
Me: So, energies are increased and typically, when they go up, my mood tanks. Can you explain this please, St Germaine, for all the other people who are so horribly affected by increases in the Schumann Resonance?
StG: I can! Indeed! You do not understand this process yet. There are many as you are, who have come here to transmute what you call “loosh,” the negative energy that the false “gods” of your planet work so hard to create, the fear energy, the hate, the loneliness, the energy of abandonment, unhappiness, and more. They feed from it. As you may know, many have personal attachments, who steer you into life situations that allow you to create more of this loosh for them. If you are in unhappy circumstances now, you must suspect that you too, have attachments and that they must be removed if you are to move on and further engage ascension. These are energy suckers, the vampires of life energy, the Draculas of your films brought to life.
As the particular favourite flavour of Sharon’s ice cream that she just consumed is chocolate, these energy vampires enjoy the flavour of fear. Love energy elicits indigestion. They enjoy fear, they bathe in it, they revere it, they seek it out and create it wherever possible. And any unwitting human is prey to their manipulations. You must become resistant to this. It is the only way. Resistance is love, nothing else.
So, you woke up in a vile mood and realized that the energies of the earth resonance were increased today. When this in fact happens, what occurs is the negative energy of the collective plus Gaia are then flushed out into receptors and these receptors are the lightworkers who have come to do this job. Rather than feed the dark ones the loosh of their favourite flavour, these receptors – the Indigos particularly – hold the energy within themselves in order to transmute.
I am the chohan of the violet flame, and the Indigos are my concern. Sharon is configured as an Indigo personality, and a blu ray soul. This means that she in fact has the responsibility at a personal, third and fourth dimensional level, to take on negative energy and to transmute it. The soul who resonates at the indigo level takes on the responsibility of transmuting at higher frequencies (dimensions), thusly ensuring that negative thought forms do not reach the surface to be created.
Me: Ahhhh! Awesome!
St Germaine: The Indigo soul is the first line of defense, shall we say, and the Indigo personality is the second line of defense. All negativity is created at the physical/mental/emotional levels, thus third and fourth dimension, and then seeks higher expression in order to be created, whereupon it finds it way back to earth if not halted beforehand.
What does get through, perhaps if the Indigo souls are full to capacity, or have not transmuted for any reason, the Indigo personalities will pick up and work on. So in fact, Ms Sharon, when you are overwhelmed with negativity, then the entire force of transmuters is working to capacity.
Me: Wouldn’t surprise me.
St Germaine: I understand, indeed, that this is not your favourite part of the job. But as you said earlier today, put a positive spin on it and consider it your part in starving out the dark forces whose diabolical deeds you find so heinous. You are disempowering them.
Me: I do. And good for that.
St Germaine: Pain is not pleasant. But tolerance of pain is something that one must acclimate to in your world in order to do the work of transmutation.
Me: I’m still not there, but chocolate ice cream helps.
St Germaine: Ah yes, just like a child.
Me: LOL Call it what you will. Give me some balloons and candy floss too. Have a laugh, I don’t care.
St G: I do not make jest. In fact I point out that your ability to withstand pain has not progressed over your lifetime. It remains childlike as you were taught when you lived with your parents.
Me: Yup. Food is love!
St G: Very well, then. You are happy with your need to repress pain. Perhaps I might offer a better solution.
You understand that words hold more power than chocolate ice cream.
Me: I’m not sure about that!
St G: Now you jest. May I offer an incantation for those transmuters, the Indigos and the others who also carry the task of holding negative energies, because you are all a bit violet at times. Yes? May I proceed?
Me: Of course! You’re the master.
St G: As are you all. Otherwise you would not be here, may I remind you.
Me: True. Okay.
St G: It will go as follows:
We of the violet flame,
In the Love of the Creator’s name,
Hold our Light to this darkness,
To cleanse this pain.

Creator, please remove this ill,
From our minds and from our souls,
With the power of the violet flame,
If it is your will.

I am the Violet Flame.
I am the Violet Flame
I am the Violet Flame

So may it be.
May I suggest you repeat this three times immediately and then as often as necessary afterwards? Yes. This incantation is very powerful, as of course the violet flame is a ray of Godliness, and to use God’s power in the cleansing of your planet’s darkness is very powerful indeed. This is Alchemy.
Me: I get goosebumps and energy chills running through my body when I say the incantation.
St G: And so you experience the effectiveness of it immediately.
Me: Yes.
StG: As I indicated to you today, there is also the question of attachment. Do not attach yourself to this pain. Do not say, “It is my pain,” because it is not your pain alone. Do not ask, “Oh, now, what is wrong?” because nothing is wrong with you. You are not being punished, you are not in the wrong, you did nothing wrong, there is no fault on your part. It is your task to transmute the pain of all others upon this planet as you are all One. This is what your contract is with God. You came to help transmute the pain of others. Should you not do this, your world would be in a sorry state right now. You are literally buoying the expression of others upon this planet, relieving the masses of their pain.
Me: Yes. That makes a lot of sense.
St G: May I say that the indigo is a pain absorber, and this pain, once absorbed, must be transmuted. The incantation I provided, or whatever one you have a predeliction for, can be used.
Me: Thank you.
St G: And so, you request more information on these rays and why the representatives of the rays are coming to you now.
As you know, Ashtarr Sheran is one of the Indigo group as well, and he too, has come to earth to help it to transform. This is the specialty of the violet flame, purification and transformation. The Blue Ray is about Divine Will, and you work with Archangel Michael on that. Also El Morya has appeared in your life who also reflects this ray. He is the Chohan.
These rays work together and what you then stand for, Ms Sharon is the Divine Power of Transformation. You were made for this. And I see you are helping to transform a legion of followers here upon Youtube.
Me: Yes.
St Germaine: You have also used your divine powers to transform yourself in this lifetime to achieve the mastery that you had upon your birth.
Me: Well, except for chocolate ice cream.
St G. Ah yes. But this will eventually become a perk, and not a necessity. You must focus, as so many of you must, on learning to deal with pain differently. And to do this you must understand that all is divine. When you see your lives from a standpoint of divinity, you see that the pain you have come to bear is not your own, but that of the others who are jailed here in this prison. You have come to take their pain away, literally.
Pain is the great transformer. Without it, nothing would change. When pain halts, then change is no longer necessary.
For those who do not know which rays predominate within you, you are created from them all, yes, but two have predominance. There is one ray for your soul, and one for your personality. Sharon for example is a blue ray soul and an Indigo personality.
You must look to see which you are most drawn to. For example, look to see what your favourite colours are. Yes, that simple. Which of the rays do you find most appealing? Then research to see what they are indicative of and ask if this reflects your character, and at which level, a lower level or a higher soul level? It is that simple.
When you are attracted to a colour, then you are either reflecting that colour, or you are in need of that colour.
For example, Sharon’s favourite colour as a child was green. Now, green is the colour of the heart. She was reflecting that colour but was also in need of it. It was going out but not coming back to her.
In her adulthood, as she began to connect further to her soul, her favourite colour was blue and she is in fact a blue ray.
Me: What about the times I kept saying my favourite colour was black?
StG: Yes, these were not happy times for you. Not at all. Fortunately they did not last long.
See what colours you prefer to dress in, see which colours catch your eye the most. Understand that nature is predominantly green and this is because nature reflects love, the love of God, back to you.
Me: Interesting.
St G: Oh! Of course. But all colours reflect the rays of God and they have meaning.
Me: So why did you come in today to help me, and not Ivo?
St G: He in fact allowed me to. Ivo is a blu ray as well, and he is versed in the way of the violet flame. However, he graciously stepped aside in order to allow this communication with you.
Me: He was probably frustrated. LOL Thanks Saint.
StG: I say, you are most welcome indeed. I bid you adieu.
James McConnell 

  1. www.sharonandivo.weebly.com
  2. www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings
  3. www.ancientawakenings.org

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 16:53
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Terça-feira, 28 de Janeiro de 2020

Absence of Devastation

Saint Germain, OWS and Shoshanna.

Channeled by James McConnell.

January 12th, 2020. 

I am Saint Germain.   I come to be with you in auspicious time, in these auspicious moments that you have arrived at.
For all is happening exactly as it has been foretold for eons of time.  Not to the point of catastrophes and devastation which would lead to the ascension of man.  But the absence of this devastation.
To the calling of all to come forth, all of you, the already awakened ones that are the forerunners, all of you now, to come forth and to share your heritage with each other and with all of those around you that are open to it, that will listen to you, that will welcome your thoughts, your ideas, your ideal.  Certainly not all will.  They are not meant to.
But you are here to anchor the light and to share the light.  To share your love.  To open up within yourselves everything that makes you who you are as a creative force, and a creative source within each and every one of you.
And that creative source within you is now creating the New Golden Age, this Age of Aquarius.  We are not creating it, the Galactics are not creating it–you are.  You are the creator and the created.
You speak of the Solar Flash and The Event, how it is coming, and how it is to become a part of the expression here on this planet, and to raise the consciousness everywhere.  But I tell you now, as Saint Germain, in many respects it is already here.  It has already arrived.  Not the full blast, you might say, but many of the precursors, those waves, those events that you have been told about before have been coming, building to the grand event, building to the grand Solar Flash.  The Solar Flash that you can now be able to withstand.
The Solar Flash that will help all of mankind reach deep down into themselves and realize, just as you have, who you are.  Yes, certainly there will be those who will shy away from the Light, who are blinded by the Light.  But even many of them will recognize that they are a part of the Light, just as much as all of you are.  It is the Light that is your salvation.  It is the Light that continues to pull you on.
It is the Light within each and every one of you that brings the creative force within you forward.  To begin to use more and more your imagination, your imaging process, your visualization skills, to create this new Age of Aquarius.  And create it in any way that you want.  It is your universe, both within you and outside of you.  It is your creation.
Up until recently, the collective consciousness of man has believed that the creation process was outside of themselves, not within.  Even though Yeshua told those that were gathered with him the kingdom of heaven is within.  Many did not believe it nor understand it.  But those of you now are beginning to more and more fully understand just what that meant, what he meant by that, the kingdom of heaven is within.
The creation source of your being is within.  You have the power within you to create outside of yourself, create whatever it is you want.  For you have the power of thousands of suns within you, if you would only come to believe and fully acknowledge that power within you.
Many things are changing, and more are about to change.  Your financial system is coming very close, coming to the threshold, you might say, of a major shift, where all across the planet will come more and more to be equal.  Balance, that is so sought after by so many of you, will be realized.
Many of those who have sought to hold the evolution of man back will now realize their folly and their futility of being able to do so.  As if they could hold the power of those thousands of suns back.  And, of course, they cannot.  They will realize, and will be taken into custody as the times are right for it.
Those of you that have been waiting for the many ships to begin to show themselves, that is also coming closer and closer.
Allow the truth to come forward.  Know that it cannot be held back much longer.  For the truth is everything.  The truth is the creative process.  And the creative process brings the truth forward.
Be patient just a little while longer within your sense of time.  But know that your sense of time is also changing and shifting, and will continue to do so until you come to the point when your sense of time becomes no time.  Continue to allow for the process to continue to move both through you and outside of you.  For as it moves through you, it continues to create the world around you.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame to burn and purge within each and every one of you all of the old programming that still may be present within you, still may be held within your lower chakra centers.
But each and every day see those centers purged out by the Violet Flame, so that eventually there is no more programming left, and the past is forgotten, and the present moment becomes your all.
ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.
Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here, and we are ready to go.
You can unmute our phones now, and we are ready for your questions if you have any.
Guest:   Thank you, One Who Serves.  I have a question that was mailed to James.  It is a three-part question.  The first part is:   As far as the physical body, what, if anything, do we need to prepare so we can withstand the Solar Flash?  And he is requesting information about food, or water preparation, and things of this nature.
OWS:   We will take that first part first, here.  Even though this has been given many times, here, about the need for preparation, this is one of the reasons why this group and the one that took over started the ‘Prepare for Change’ is exactly that:  preparing for these changes.
Now how do you prepare for them?  Well, you prepare first of all, within yourself, of course.  That is the first step.  Preparing everything within yourself to allow for the evolutionary process to continue through you, to be able to withstand, handle the energies, the many energies that are coming in.  This is the first part of the preparation.
The second in terms of your physical body, there is need for preparation there as well.  Eat well.  Drink lots of water, lots of fluids.  Exercise as you can.  Find yourself in nature as you can.  All of these things that have been given.
Does it help to have a supply of water, a supply of food, and all of these things?  Well certainly.  If anything were to happen and you were to be without power for two, three weeks, something of this nature, would it not be wise to have these supplies at hand?  So that is what you would call your common sense, here, to be able to have these things prepared and ready for you.  Not to the point of preparing for survival as some have done, surviving for the Stone Age to occur again.  That is not going to happen.  Will it be for two or three weeks or so?  Possibly.  Not even that is determined at this point yet.  But it would not hurt to do this.
Shoshanna, do you have anything to add to this first part?
Shoshanna   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):   We can share just briefly, here.  We can share a perspective, and here is what we have to say:
The mind and the body are one.  That which the mind contemplates, the body assimilates.  So at a deeper level, that which you think about, you bring about.  So you must be very, very careful of what you are thinking about, as it will manifest in this age of great vibration.  So that is what we have to say about that.
OWS:   Yes.  And you must realize, as Shoshanna is saying here, you must realize that as your vibrations continue to increase, your ability to manifest increases also greatly.  So manifest the creation that you want, not the creation that you do not want.  That will become more and more important.  Your attraction process, here, becomes even more important as your vibrations increase.
Shoshanna:   And we will add to that.  The creation that you wish to manifest will be what you are thinking about.  So, when you say, “do not manifest the creation you do not want,” if you use the negative idea in your mind. That will show up.
OWS:   Yes.   The second part of your question?
Guest:   Yes.  He is asking what types of events will occur during and immediately after the Solar Flash?
OWS:   Certainly we cannot say exactly as things are going to be, because no one knows yet at this point.  We have access to past times where these solar flashes have happened, or the ascension process has happened on other planets and other systems, so this is a blueprint, you might say, to follow.
But, it is based on the collective consciousness of man here on the Earth at this time, and throughout the entire Solar System even, as to how exactly everything will occur as a result of this grand Solar Flash, here.  So to say exactly what will happen cannot be given.
But we can say that there will be many processes that will occur as a result of this, and even prior to this.
You can look at your financial system as a major shift that will occur as a result of this.
You can look at disclosure, of all of those of the Galactics coming forward and the Earth becoming a part of the Galactic Federation of Planets:  this is coming.  Now is that going to be overnight?  Certainly not.  It will be a process.  But it is as a result of this Grand Event that is here now also, and coming as well.   Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?
Shoshanna:   We can add an aspect to this.  We must inform all that wish to know these things, that there are no assurances, there are no predictions.  There must only be trust and faith, and an understanding of who you are in this process.  That is germane, and the most important thing to focus on who you are, and your trust level, and your faith level.
We will tell you that do not look for a prediction, do not look for an assurance, as these things are programmed.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.   And the third part of the question?
Guest:   Yes, thank you.  The last part is at the ascension, what he terms ‘graduation,’ will there be a lot of celestial music or things that we will be hearing?  Thank you.
OWS:   The Event, or the Solar Flash, is not considered the graduation, as you are saying.  In fact, there is no graduation, here.  You are looking at it in terms of your three-dimensional understanding from your school times, and things of this nature.  There is no graduation.
There are initiations, or movements of consciousness.  That is what it will be.  And these movements of consciousness are based on the individual.  So everyone is different.  How they will be affected by these energies, and by this Grand Solar Flash, and by The Event.
So you cannot say directly how everyone will be affected by this.  Whether or not there will be music in the skies, or a grand flash of light, or colors, or what of this nature, that also cannot be given yet at this point, because it is not yet fully known.
But we can tell you that everyone across the planet at the same moment—not in the moment necessarily, but in those moments, will feel something.  There will be something there for everyone.
And to the extent that those of you that considered yourselves to be the awakened ones, you will certainly feel a grand, blissful feeling come over you as you have never felt before.  We can almost certainly promise you that.  Okay?   Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We do not have anything to add.
OWS:   Very good.   And that is our answer for this question.   Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest:   I will jump in and give everyone else a chance to think (laughs).  I am here with my elderly mother.  It gets to be a little frustrating because I’m being the one here with her, and it sort of falls on my shoulders to try to assist her with her needs.  And she is not really interested to change her clothes, or take a shower or bath, and sometimes she doesn’t even want to take her vitamins or what-not.  How can I be fifth-dimensional about this?  Sometimes we get into back-and-forth over this, because it’s like, “you need to take a bath, you need to put on new clothes, you need to this or that.”  And she is very stubborn and she does not want to be told what to do ever.  So I am kind of stuck.  On the other hand, in the 3-D world if you just let that lie, that’s really not a good thing either.  So any thoughts or ideas for me on this?
OWS:   You have an old saying, here:  “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”  So when you are in the third dimension, or when you are operating within that realm with the one you are speaking of here, then you need to work at that level with her and assist her and guide her in what her needs are at that point.  When you are in a space where you are not at that level, you can then be practicing as you are saying in the higher dimensional frequencies and find yourself there more and more.  You may find yourself having to go back and forth, just as many are doing at this point, and that is certainly okay.
Again, remember, everything is being orchestrated, so there is purpose for what you are doing now, and part of your mission at this point, you might say.  Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We would ask this one if this elderly one is mentally sound.
Guest:   She has been tested.  I can’t say with assurity.  She may be moving on a track not to be, but she certainly has her will intact and her stubbornness intact to not want to be told to do, or anything like that.  We do have some concerns in that direction as far as Alzheimer’s setting in, or something like that.
Shoshanna:   Well, you feel that she completely understands her response to you.
Guest:   Yeah.  She says crazy things.  She was very, very highly intelligent person, but now she will say things like, “there is really no need to take a bath or a shower, or change my clothes, what difference does it make, if you’re in them for the day, and then the night too, and then the day, and the next night?  Oh well, might as well wait another day, because it’s not going to make any more difference.”
Shoshanna:   That is her perspective, you see, and it is not yours.  We will tell you that a human being can live in the same clothes weeks on end if they choose.  It is your perspective that this is a bad thing for her.  e will tell you what our perspective is, is to allow her her choices, to a certain extent.  If it is injuring her in some way or compromising her health in some way, then you must coax her.  But at this point, she wishes to be allowed autonomy and independence, because she feels like she is losing it.  This highly intelligent individual, that has had her autonomy has had her independence for her entire life, does not wish to acquiesce to yours.  You must find a compromise.   Namaste.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   Very good.   Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest:   I have a question.  I apologize if this has been asked before.  I just probably didn’t hear the answer, I don’t know.  I was wondering how it was going on dismantling the AI out in that planet in Andromeda?
OWS:   As was given previously at another time, here, following that event, there was much that occurred as a result of your activities in working with this process in your last Advance.  So there has been great movement, here, we will say, to bring this to a quicker close or, what is the word we are looking for, here?
Shoshanna:   Conclusion.
OWS:   Conclusion, yes!   Quicker conclusion.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   Yes.  Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest:   I have a question.  I am finding that my mind is very silent, like no more thinking of things, like that “human” mind that loops and goes, and thinks, and talks to myself.  I sit down, and it’s just silent.  I wanted to know what is going on with me?
OWS:   We have one word for you here:  halleluiah!  Halleluiah!  That is wonderful.  That is wonderful that you can shut down the cluttered mind and allow for the Higher Self to begin to communicate more directly with you.  That is what is required.  You must shut down the chatter.  And when you do, these types of things can open up to you.  Your guides can begin to speak to you.  You can receive energies.  It does not have to be in a channeling-type of situation as has been happening through this one, James, and through the JoAnna, here, but it can be to bring energies through, to have more sense of connectedness to others around you.  All of these types of things can open up as a result of shutting down the chatter, the constant ‘chatter box’ within your mind.  Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   You wish to ask another question?
Guest:   I was just going to say the energies that you were saying, is that like what feels like heat or different feelings?  I can almost feel like it is moving around me and through me.  Is that what you are talking about?
OWS:   Yes.  We can say this is part of it.  It can be.  It is different for everyone, of course.  What you are experiencing are various symptoms of this that are opening up, we will say, levels within you, or avenues of expression within you that were not open to you before.
Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   We can share a perspective, if we may?
Guest:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   You must understand that a quiet mind is a powerful mind.  A quiet mind is a creative mind.  You are blessed with a quiet mind as you are coming into your power.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.  Wonderful.  Very good.
Guest:   Namaste.
OWS:   Would there be any other questions here now before we release channel?
Guest:   I have a question.
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   I have asked this before, and if you can’t give any more information, I understand.  But I am still struggling with smoking addiction.  I had the flu a couple of weeks ago and am having a really hard time recovering with some respiratory issues because of the cigarettes.  I am just wondering if there is anything else you can tell me about this addiction, and what else might help me to stop.
Shoshanna:   We can share on this.   May we share?
Guest:   Please.
OWS:   One Who Serves, may we share?
OWS:   Oh please, yes.
Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, all that you speak, the terms that you speak in, are extremely negative.  We apologize for our directness.
You must begin say things differently if you wish to have a breakthrough in this issue.  When we say we are addicted, whether you believe this or not, you reinforce addiction.  You must see it differently.  If you wish to gain your power over this health issue, you must begin to see yourself in a different way.  This is very difficult, as many are programmed to believe in this third-dimensional idea of addiction, and this third-dimensional idea of pain and suffering through the body.  You believe these things, and you reinforce them.  We are simply trying very hard to help you see that you are creating this for yourself through your own words and your own thoughts.  When you change them (and it is a slow process for many), you will see difference happening right before you if you begin to change your story and change the way you see yourself.   Namaste.
OWS:   And we would add here technique-wise what may be helpful, as we are looking at this situation more closely, we see a programming that is happening within your Fifth Chakra Center, your Will Center.  That Will Center is blocking the energies from coming up, in terms of your Kundalini energy.  And the programming, or the memories, are deep within this Fifth Chakra Center.
What would be helpful is to go into that Fifth Chakra Center.  You can do this yourself, or you can do it with someone else helping you, guiding you.  But move into that, and you will find a doorway that is there.  A doorway that is closed to you.  As you attempt to open that door, there will be a great deal of darkness at first.  You must penetrate through that darkness.  And once you are able to do that, you will come to the light beyond, and that will help to relieve, at a spiritual level here, not your physical level, but at a spiritual mental level within you, to assist you in opening up your will power.  Your will power is very low here in this area.  You see?
Guest:   Yes.  That was very helpful.  It gives me something to work on and to use, so thank you.
OWS:   Hypnosis would be very helpful to you if you are able to find the right one to do this, and to be able to be open to the hypnosis suggestion, here, to be able to be hypnotized.
Guest:   I have tried hypnosis many, many, many times over the years, and finally was told that I am just…maybe I don’t have the right person, but they just could not hypnotize me.
OWS:  You don’t have the right one.  What we are saying here is to go into that Fifth Chakra Center.  It has to be someone that knows about this type of thing.
Guest:  Is this something I can do on my own if I can’t find somebody to help me?
OWS:   You can do it on your own.  You can also, if you wish, and we are throwing this out here, The James is not aware of this but he will be now, and that is he would be able to assist in this process if you wish, here.  Can do it even over the phone, here, as we find it.  This is a possibility.
Guest:   Okay.  That is very, very helpful.  Thank you so much.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   I would like to offer a suggestion, please.  May I?
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   The Emotion Code.  I would like to offer that to the one who just asked about these what were called ‘addictions.’  This is very powerful, and there is a lot of free information on how to use it on YouTube.  That’s all.  Thank you.
OWS:   We would say, then, for the two of you to connect in your e-mail process and see if there is a way to make this so.
Guest:   Okay.
OWS:   Always keep in mind, though, there are so many tools that are out there, and all of the tools are not meant for everyone.
Shoshanna:   We are all here to help each other, and when there is one that wishes to share a method that has helped her, it is always appropriate to explore.  And as One Who Serves is saying, it may not work for you, but it is always worth exploring.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   Indeed.
OWS:   We need to release channel here now.  Before we do, Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to end with here?
Shoshanna:   We are going to clarify something that all that are listening to this call may have already come to this conclusion:   it is extremely important that we begin to see ourselves in each moment as the creator of our reality.
That the illusion that we find ourselves in, which includes our environment, our relationships, our condition of our health, our physical, mental and emotional conditions that we find ourselves in, is all a creation of ourselves, that we have created these things.
The good news is you can create something else if you find yourself in a situation that is unpleasant, you must recognize that it is a program that you have set up for yourself to learn something, and if you learn what it is that you need to learn for the reason you have set up the program, you will go past it.  This is extremely important to understand the power that you have.   Namaste.
OWS:  Very good.   And we close with this that The James and JoAnna spoke earlier of a course, a six-week course that they would want to start, here.  They think it was their idea.  It was not their idea.  We sent it to them to put out in front of you to ascertain whether or not this would be something that would be helpful to you.  We put it out there to you.
It is up to you if you wish to follow through.  If you do, we will assist in setting up this process as a course of leaning.  A course of rather even not so much learning, more remembering.  Remembering the tools that are needed to prepare for the Grand Event that is coming and, of course, your ascension process.  Okay?  It is up to you.
Shoshanna:   And, we might add, that the focus will be on using those tools, rather than knowing them, but using them.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes, certainly.
Shanti.  Pease be with you.  Be the one.
James McConnell 

  1. www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings
  2. www.ancientawakenings.org

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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 20:57
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Quinta-feira, 15 de Janeiro de 2015

Da Mãe Maria a Sai Baba - 15/01/2015


2015 NASCEU EM UMA EXPLOSÃO ESTELAR DE LUZ Mensagem de Patrícia Cota-Robles 14 de Janeiro de 2015.Tradução: Regina Drumond A Amada Mãe Maria é um expoente do aspecto feminino do nosso Deus Pai/Mãe Onisciente, Onipotente, e Onipresente, o EU SOU Cósmico, Tudo O Que É. Ela representa o Princípio da Mãe Divina na Terra, e ela aceitou a responsabilidade de manter o Conceito Imaculado, que é o Projeto Divino para a Ascensão na Luz de cada pessoa na Terra. A fim de nos ajudar no processo extremamente importante e sem precedentes de transformar nossos Corpos Terrestres e o corpo da Mãe Te... more »

Atividade solar põe em risco campo magnético da Terra

Atividade solar põe em risco campo magnético da Terra Posted by Thoth3126 on 06/02/2014 [image: sunspot-ar1967] *Na medida em que o Sol rotaciona: * Levada pela rotação de 27 dias do sol, a grande mancha (Sunspot) solar AR1967 está se afastando da Terra. Ironicamente isso está fazendo a região ativa ainda mais perigosa. A Sunspot AR1967 tem um campo magnético ‘beta-gama-delta “, que abriga energia para erupções fortes. As últimas 24 horas foram relativamente calmas, mas no que poderia ser uma calmaria antes da tempestade. Tradução, edição e imagens: Thoth3126@gmail.com Fonte: ht... more »

ACEITEM SER O EU -- Sananda via Elsa

ACEITEM SER O EU Mensagem do Mestre Sananda Canalizada por *Elsa Farrus* Em 15 de janeiro de 2015 Vocês sentem a energia entrante muito intensa no corpo físico por ser energia pessoal em que mais do que nunca vocês têm que aceitar ser o eu. *Agora é o tempo de olharem dentro de vocês e aceitarem-se livremente como seres vivos físicos com suas memórias de alma e consciências de muitas vidas que agora se incorporam.* *É o momento de reconhecer que há ferramentas e aplicá-las.* É o momento da coerência física em seus atos e em suas ações. Não tem que olhar para trás para recordar, tem... more »


MENSAGEM DIÁRIA DO ARCANJO GABRIEL Canalizado por *Shelley Young* Se vocês começassem a viver com o foco em sua totalidade ao invés de seus ferimentos, vocês se encontrariam prosperando como nunca prosperaram antes. Arcanjo Gabriel *Arcanjo Gabriel através de Shelley Young * http://trinityesoterics.com Facebook: Trinity Esoterics Twitter: @trinityesoteric YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/trinityesoterics Tradução: Blog SINTESE http://blogsintese.blogspot.com *Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos* Arquivos em português: http://rayviolet2.blogspot.com/search?q= Shelley ... more »


CRIADOR COMEMORE SEU CRESCIMENTO Por *Jennifer Farley* 14 de janeiro de 2015 Apesar de todas as suas dificuldades, você conseguiu chegar longe. Somente uma criação perfeita do Universo poderia fazer o que você faz em uma base diária. Crescer e ultrapassar qualquer coisa negativa que você possa experimentar em sua existência no plano terreno é razão suficiente para comemorar um pouco a cada dia. Aceite como longe você chegou e chegará e lembre-se: eu estou ao seu lado em todos os passos do caminho. Criador Fonte: http://thecreatorwritings.wordpress.com/ Tradução: Blog SINTES... more »

ARCANJO RAFAEL, 12 DE JANEIRO DE 2015 -- Gulcin Onel

MENSAGEM DO ARCANJO RAFAEL PARA 12 A 18 DE JANEIRO DE 2015 Através de *Gulcin Onel* * (Mavinin Sesi)* Usem a magia da água. Honrem, percebam as características de limpeza da água enquanto bebem, banham-se, durante seu trabalho de cura. Vocês passarão por fases e mudanças muito rápidas, alguns de vocês estão mudando de lugar, emprego, alguns estão transformando suas emoções e esta fase está caindo sobre vocês como estrelas e vocês têm que se deixar ir com o fluxo sob essas energias. Entretanto, mantenham sua calma no fluxo. O poder da serenidade é importante enquanto vocês experime... more »

O Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, o falso profeta anti-Cristo do Islã, final

O Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, o falso profeta anti-Cristo do Islão, final Posted by Thoth3126 on 15/01/2015 O ”Al-Masih ad-Dajjal”, o falso Profeta-Anti-Cristo do Islã. Parte II, final “Porquanto se levantará nação contra nação, e reino contra reino, e haverá fomes, e pestes, e terremotos, em vários lugares. Nesse tempo muitos serão escandalizados, e trair-se-ão uns aos outros, e uns aos outros se odiarão. E surgirão muitos falsos profetas, e enganarão a muitos” Mateus, 24 Tradução, edição e imagens: Thoth3126@gmail.com PRIMEIRA PARTE em: http://thoth3126.com.br/o-al-masih-ad-dajjal-o-f... more »

Sheldan Nidle, 13/01/2015

Atualização feita por Sheldan Nidle da Herarquia Espiritual e da Federação Galática 13 Ben, 11 Chen, 11 Ik (13/01/2015) Selamat Jalwa! (Estejam em eterna alegria!) Viemos com mais novidades! O último vestígio de resistência das trevas persiste em seu sistema bancário. Estes seres estão atrasando a distribuição de suas bênçãos por supostamente estarem mal preparados para processarem seus fundos. Instruímos nossos aliados terrestres para definirem prazos e pessoalmente supervisionarem os últimos passos deste processo. Além disso, nossos aliados informaram que uma enorme quantidade de... more »

Mais uma vez Eu vos convoco -- Germain via Luciana

Mais uma vez Eu vos convocoSaint Germain - 13.01.2015Atraés de Luciana Attorresi Vim trazer uma atualização das nossas ações para trazer o equilíbrio financeiro a vida de vocês. Nas últimas semanas, as mensagens que tivemos passando para vocês foi de mudança de consciência, pois como vocês bem sabem é ela quem vai para quinta dimensão, e ela é própria quinta dimensão. O Universo sempre age do mesmo modo, de dentro pra fora. Como é possível que que o vosso sistema financeiro mude, se vocês continuam a colocar energia nele com o vosso ódio, com vosso rancor? Vocês estão alimentando... more »

Mateus -- 11.01.2015

Matthew Ward Através de Suzanne Ward Com saudações amorosas de todas as almas desta estação, sou Mateus. Antes de falar sobre os recentes acontecimentos, podemos dizer que ao longo deste ano, verão o ritmo e número de ocorrências significativas aumentar, proporcionalmente ao aumento das vibrações. O Campo de energia do potencial da Terra, que se parece com fogos de artifícios perpétuos, reflete o impulso acelerado da Luz, devido aos esforços dos Trabalhadores da Luz e do reforço da nossa família universal em seu nome. Dois "acidentes" foram a causa de muito sofrimento e gratidão. Nã... more »

A Família Bush (EUA) e o Nazismo

*A família BUSH **(que “deu” dois presidentes aos EUA) **E SUA relação incontestável com o NAZISMO.* Posted by Thoth3126 on 15/01/2015 Um artigo bem documentado, revelando o DNA da família Bush. Leia e os seus cabelos ficarão arrepiados! Uma parte importante da estrutura financeira da família Bush foi constituída por meio de sua ajuda a Adolf Hitler desde muito cedo. Voces podem imaginar os desdobramentos desta afirmação? Edição e imagens: Thoth3126@gmail.com A Família Bush, dos dois presidentes norte americanos e o Preço do Sangue Derramado pelos Nazistas. Voces já se pergun... more »


Por Jeshua(1) Através de Pamela KribbeTradução: Vera Corrêa Queridos amigos, Este é Jeshua falando. É com muito carinho em meu coração que os saúdo. Conheço todos vocês. Posso ver e sentir suas almas, e até conheço alguns do tempo em que vivi na Terra há mais de 2000 anos atrás. Eu era um ser humano como vocês. Eu tinha acesso à minha alma, à energia da minha alma, mas também lutava contra as dúvidas, o medo e a raiva, característicos do ser humano. Portanto, sinto-me muito próximo a vocês agora. Sei o que estão passando. Vocês são anjos – isto é verdade – mas também têm que lidar... more »

Nazismo: Fatos desconhecidos do 3º Reich

*O III Reich da Alemanha Nazista, ** (Império=Reich)**fatos desconhecidos sobre a transição do terceiro reich nazista alemão de Hitler* Posted by Thoth3126 on 15/01/2015 O que você irá ler aconteceu há mais de 60 anos atrás e ainda é história não-documentada. Soube desses fatos a 54 anos, mas somente partilhei essas preciosas lembranças, ocasionalmente, em sessões fechadas de alguns workshops que dei sobre Ufologia. Há aproximadamente dois anos atrás, em Zurique, na Suíça, tomava café da manhã com meu velho amigo, o professor James Hurtak, autor do excelente livro, “The Keys of E... more »

Você é um transmissor e receptor vibraciona -- Abraham Hicks

Abraham Hicks Através de Esther Hicks Agora você está pronto a entender a parte mais essencial do controle, da criatividade, do prazer de sua experiência na vida física. Mais que o ser material que você conhece como você – você é um Ser Vibracional. Quando alguém olha para você, ele vê com os olhos dele e escuta você com os ouvidos dele, mas você está apresentando-se para ele e para o Universo numa forma muito mais enfática do que pode ser visto ou ouvido: Você é um transmissor vibracional e um sinal em amplitude em cada momento de sua existência. Quando você está focado nesse corpo... more »

Glifo menciona o FIM DO TEMPO -- Círculos nas plantações

Crop Circle (Círculos nas plantações)Glifo menciona o FIM DO TEMPO…*NOVO Crop Circle encontrado em 25/06/13 em Silbury Hill, em ** Avebury, Wiltshire UK,* Posted by Thoth3126 on 15/01/2015 Em 25 de junho de 2013, surgiu um novo e interessante Crop Circle em Avebury Hill, um local tradicional para o surgimento destes símbolos. A simbologia utilizada nesse desenho parece fazer alusão ao final do tempo para que possamos nos “ERGUER” DESSE FINAL DE CICLO histórico. A figura utilizada é de uma ampulheta mostrando que o pó (homem de barro) da areia (o tempo) esta no fim e com uma me... more »

Pensamento do Dia, 15 de Janeiro de 2015

Sathya Sai Baba Hoje, o Deus-Sol começa sua jornada rumo ao norte, o auspicioso Uttarayana. Deixe este festival de Sankranthi trazer uma mudança em sua atitude, para santificar sua vida. Capacidade de mudar (Kraanthi) e Paz (Shanthi), ambas residem dentro de seu coração. Não procure-as no mundo exterior. Descubra-as internamente. Hoje é mais um indicador para o caminho para realizar Deus. O Sol é o exemplo supremo de serviço abnegado e incansável. A vida na Terra só é possível por causa do Sol. Ele ensina a todos a lição de humilde devoção ao dever, sem qu... more »
publicado por achama às 23:25
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Quarta-feira, 4 de Abril de 2012

SaLuSa, 04 Abr 2012

SaLuSa, 04 Abr 2012



Queríeis ações, queríeis resultados, e agora os tendes se seguirdes certas pessoas que adquiriram uma reputação de descobrir a verdade com sucesso. Um grupo enorme de centenas de pessoas está posicionado, pronto para apreender os bandidos que estiveram por trás dos crimes mais cínicos e lucrativos contra vós em tempos recentes. O tamanho desse projeto garantirá que a imprensa se erga e tome nota, pois será impossível ignorá-lo. Esse será o início de reportagens mais abertas, que serão escritas de acordo com a verdade, e não enfeitadas puramente para efeitos de choque. Finalmente, conseguiremos avanças, pois esse avanço...


Tags: federacao galactica, federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

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Blossom Goodchild, 03 Abr 2012


Olá. Sou eu aqui. Tenho uma pergunta em mente, que posso já ter perguntado antes. Tem a ver com todas as discrepâncias entre as várias mensagens canalizadas e as informações diferentes que nos são oferecidas. Eu Sei que vocês já disseram que ‘seguíssemos a Verdade dos nossos corações’, mas poderiam explicar o porquê de haver diferenças tão grandes? Todas as pessoas que nos trazem essas mensagens parecem ter boas intenções, e as mensagens vêm de seus corações, então por que isso acontece? Isso é motivo de muito alarme para várias pessoas. Será que poderiam nos explicar esse assunto?



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Montague Keen, 01 Abr 2012


Atrvés de Veronica Keen
Tudo o que foi escondido está sendo revelado. Encorajamos que compartilhem as suas descobertas uns com os outros. Não haverá menção disso na sua televisão ainda. A imprensa ainda não tem permissão para lhes mostrar o quadro geral do que está acontecendo realmente. Os que têm olhos para vê-lo conseguem ver por conta própria que a Cabala está em conflito. Eles estão em choque; não conseguem acreditar que os seus planos para 2012 não serão realizados agora. Forças maiores que as deles estão evitando que iniciem a Terceira Guerra Mundial. Eles estão tendo...

Tags: montague keen, veronica keen

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Federacao Galatica, 02 Apr 2012


Mensagem da Federação Galática

Através de Greg Giles

1. Gostaríamos de rever a vossa História, pois é o propósito da nossa missão. Houve acontecimentos do vosso passado que testemunharam a destruição da totalidade de um continente e milhões de vidas foram perdidas nessa catástrofe. A nossa intenção é reproduzir esse acontecimento, mas desta vez desejamos obter um resultado diferente. É o fundamento da nossa presença aqui no mundo, e à medida que avançamos, informar-vos-emos mais sobre o que pretendemos fazer. Como está a ser partilhada mais informação convosco, também ireis compreender as razões para estarmos aqui.

2. Perderam-se muitas...

Tags: federacao galatica, greg giles

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Comando Ashtar, 28 Mar 2012


Mensagem do Comando Ashtar em 28-03-2012
Através de Greg Giles

Nós gostaríamos de rever a história aqui e este é o propósito de nossa missão. Houve eventos em seu passado que apresentaram a destruição de um continente inteiro e milhões de vidas foram perdidas nesta catástrofe.  É nossa intenção repetir este evento, pois desta vez queremos alcançar um resultado diferente. Esta é a base para a nossa presença aqui no seu mundo e à medida em que avançarmos, mais do que pretendemos fazer lhes será revelado. Conforme mais informações forem sendo compartilhadas consigo, entenderão melhor as suas razões para...

Tags: comando ashtar, federacao galatica, greg giles

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Galactic Federation, 31 Mar 2012


Mensagem da Federação Galática
Através de Greg Giles – 31/03/2012

Olá, meus amigos! Nos próximos tempos haverá desafios que serão obrigados a enfrentar corajosamente como puderem, pois haverá aqueles que serão convidados a tornarem-se líderes dos seus companheiros e a guiá-los através das adversidades. Esta é a razão pela qual alguns de vós estão aqui, e este é o vosso propósito neste momento. Se sentirem que estão a ser chamados para ficarem à frente do vosso povo, então dizemos-vos que esta é a vossa vocação e que a estão a ouvir alto e claro. Nós dizemos-vos que sigam este...

Tags: federacao galatica, greg giles

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SaLuSa, 02 Abr 2012


 Através de Mike Quinsey


Se disséssemos que a bola está rolando onde as mudanças estão em causa, seria uma subestimação do que está a trovejar, porque todo o trabalho para dar os resultados está prestes a dar frutos. As trevas estão oprimidas com a velocidade que nossos aliados se movem, o que as tomou de surpresa. Em sua arrogância elas pensavam que eram invencíveis e agora estão em estado de pânico. Temos cortado as suas rotas de fuga, e elas enfrentam ter que responder pelos seus crimes contra vós. A rede foi fechada aos membros superiores dos...


Tags: federacao galactica, federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

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Mensagem dos Seres de Orion


Mensagem dos Seres de Órion, da Federação Galáctica

Enviado por Jessica Melo em 31 março 2012


Amados Irmãos da Luz!

Vocês estão sentindo que estão mais desconectados com os propósitos terrenos, e os deveres mundanos?

As suas rotinas não estão interessando mais, mas, ao mesmo tempo sentem que estão fora das elevações espirituais que sempre buscaram?

Seus projetos estão mudando de direção?

Não estão cumprindo o que ficou estabelecido em seus corações antes do portal 11:11:11?

Não estão mais em conexão com os Seres de Luz e com as praticas espirituais em que estavam tão dedicados?  



Tags: federacao galatica, mensagem dos seres de orion, nanda da paz, otion

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Os exilados de Capela


 Enviado por Adriana Gomes a 31 março 2012




Nos mapas zodiacais, que os astrônomos terrestres usam em seus estudos, observa-se uma grande estrela na constelação do cocheiro, que recebeu, na Terra, o nome de cabra ou Capela.

Há vários milênios um dos planetas da Capela, que guarda muitas afinidades com o globo terrestre, atingiu o ponto máximo de um dos seus extraordinários ciclos evolutivos.

Alguns milhões de espíritos rebeldes lá existiam, dificultando o progresso daqueles povos cheios de piedade e virtudes.

As grandes comunidades espirituais, diretoras do cosmos, resolveram, então, trazer aqueles espíritos aqui para a...

Tags: adriana gomes, os exilados de capela

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Blossom Goodchild, 26 Mar 2012


Blossom – Bom dia. Podemos conversar se a altura for apropriada para vós?

Federação da Luz – Temos muito prazer, como sempre. Podes ter a gentileza de nos questionar sobre a nossa posição?

Blossom – Qual é a vossa posição?

FL – SENTIMOS que muitos de vós beneficiariam se percebessem que temos de uma posição de aceitação sobre quem somos. Nesta altura, o papel de prestarmos total atenção sobre o vosso planeta deve ter uma grande participação, de uma perspectiva global. Por isso consideramos digno da vossa parte observarem bem o papel que cada indivíduo está a representar…da perspectiva...


Tags: blossom goodchild

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Mais artigos recentes:
publicado por achama às 21:09
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Quinta-feira, 1 de Dezembro de 2011

Mensagens do Arcanho Miguel, Arcanjo Metatron, Saul e Saint Germain

Arcanho Miguel, 01 Dez 2011


Mensagem do Arcanjo Miguel

através de Ronna Herman
01 de dezembro de 2011



Amados mestres, é de vital importância que vocês compreendam que esses são tempos sem precedentes, através dos quais dispensações muito especiais estão em vigor. É uma grandiosa oportunidade para vocês, os buscadores da Luz, se conectarem com a sua divina herança e com os seus dons e talentos especiais. Em raros intervalos, e durante o período de transição de uma grande Era para outra, a Lei Cósmica permite que os Seres do reino angélico e da hierarquia espiritual atravessem...


arcanjo miguel, ronna herman

Arcanjo Metatron, 29 Nov 2011


Uma mensagem de Metatron

através de Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
29 de novembro de 2011



Muitas pessoas ainda estão se agarrando ao que foi, ao que deveria ter sido, ao que poderia ter sido em suas preciosas vidas. Encaremos os fatos, queridos; a maré mudou e vocês não podem mais tomar sol nas praias do passado. Vocês são os magos e as servidoras da luz. Só vocês possuem a magia das possibilidades eternamente mutáveis. Os resultados de cada ação são incontáveis. Nestes tempos de mudanças, muitos perderam de vista a praia e se debatem...


arcanjo metatron, gillian macbeth-louthan, metatron

Saul, 30 Nov 2011


Mensagem de Saul por John Smallman
em 30 de novembro de 2011


O movimento em massa da humanidade para despertar é um processo que foi planejado éons atrás para trazer vocês para casa, para a Realidade, o eterno domínio de seu Pai.

Ele sente sua falta enquanto vocês estão se escondendo d'Ele no seu ambiente irreal que vocês construíram para si mesmos, no qual vocês fazem jogos de separação e de desamparo, e Ele se aflige pelo sofrimento que vocês têm enquanto estão nele.

Ele anseia pela...


john smallman, saul

Saint Germain, 29 Nov 2011


Mensagem de St. Germain

Recebida por UTE
em 29 de novembro de 2011



Olá, Queridos. St. Germain falando!

Se vocês conhecessem totalment o local de onde eu estou falando...!

Mas como poderiam conhecer, se vocês vivem e existem num local de baixa vibração, tão baixa que seus sentidos percebem manifestações que vocês chamam de "matéria" e "objetos", todas seres viventes, aparentemente sólidas e pesadas, e assim, a maioria de vocês percebe seu mundo de uma

forma geral?

A maioria da humanidade verdadeiramente ainda acredita que a vida é uma realidade...


saint germain, st. germain, ute, ute posegga-rudel

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