Quarta-feira, 13 de Maio de 2020

Cabal's program to destroy humanity fail.

Cabal's program to destroy humanity fail.

Galactic Federation Update


Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

May 12th, 2020 .




I am Ashtar Galactic Federation Commander,
I am happy to be here today and deliver you this message. It has been a while since I have been channeled through this channel. I have some new information to disclose to all of you.
First, I would like to bring your attention to the Coronavirus. I mentioned in my past message that this virus feeds on fear. Fear is a lower vibration and it feeds and mutates on fear, so remember don’t let fear take over you, as soon as you allow for that to happen the virus will thrive on you and will try to destroy your body.
There is more to it, I would like to tell you more information, you probably heard about it. When the Cabal and the rest of the Negative Ones created a program on how to destroy humanity, they were planning to release this virus, which was created a while ago, after releasing this biological weapon on humanity, they wanted for the economy to crash and then kill 95% of human population, it was called The New World Order. If you see for yourselves they failed to wipe out most of the humans on the planet and their agenda didn’t work. It had the opposite effect, a lot of you got awaken instead and you start questioning what’s really going on around you.
The Galactic Federation knew and expected this attack on the people of Earth, so we started working and trying to eliminate this threat. The virus what was released, it was not just one virus about 100 different viruses were released and they all were related to Coronavirus. This virus is actually a living entity that can live and thrive in negative energy, but as soon as it’s exposed to the light or higher vibrations it dies. I have a great suggestion for all of you, if you start meditating or being in higher vibrations by doing things that uplift your spirit then this virus will never affect you.
We are happy to announce that we were able to help humankind to prevent this catastrophic event. We eliminated more than 90% of the Coronavirus, so only a few are left that are still here around the planet, but they are going to die also, we working on that. Humanity was now able to see with their own eyes on how their governments really are. The governments showed their true colors, they really don’t care about the people at all, they only care about their own interests. 
Your leaders shut down whole countries, they shut down everything they possibly could, not thinking or caring on how this was going to effect everyone. They were supposedly saving you, but actually they were saving themselves. The governments were not thinking about you on how to help you, all they were interested in was how to gain more power and control over you by taking away most of your rights. Your leaders didn’t care if you had food on the table or how you were going to pay your basic bills, all they cared about was to do their own agenda.
Also, their famous and amazing doctors you keep seeing on TV and everywhere, they are not your friends. These doctors are not here to help you, they here to put you down or to poison you, so I want to ask all of you not to get vaccinated. Don’t let anything to be put in your body, like any foreign substances, because they are not going to tell you what they are going to put in your body. They will just try to destroy your body and kill you.
I have more happier news than this virus entity. Please remember, this virus is going to suddenly disappear the same way it came and life will be different, it’s going to go to the New Age. The Golden Age what we have been talking about now for a long time, your closer than ever to reach that destination. Prime Creator has been sending a lot of energies to Earth to speed up the process of Ascension. He is trying to help you to ascend by waking up your DNA, which has been dormant for a while, some strings of your DNA are already starting to wake up, we are all ready to bring you and this planet to 5D.
I would like to let everyone know that we have just recently reunited a group of Angels who have been separated for centuries. Now, they came together and they will be helping to cleanse this planet and humanity from the Dark Ones, the Draconians and Reptilians to finish them up. We are happy to announce that these Angels already started working together as group and they are doing amazing job by cleaning up energies around the whole planet. There will be more groups who will be coming together, they will starting doing the work what they came here to do. This Angels group that I am mentioning, you will hear more about them in the near future. As of right now, I am not going to disclose their name for their protection.
Our ships have been sitting in the orbit for a while now, more than a while and now they are starting to do some movements. We just recently were able to locate the main control center set up to control humans by Reptilians. One of our special forces who is right now incarnated as a human on your planet was able to with his team to find that main control center and dismantle it, this was the last link what the Dark Ones had to mind control humanity. This link has been destroyed and it’s our pleasure and our pride to tell you that we are getting closer and closer to the finish line. 
Our ships right now are moving around during certain times and doing some cleaning to the Earth grid and connecting all the grids points around the whole planet to bring energy and shell protection to your planet, so that it can’t be penetrated by the Negative Ones. As soon as we completely clean up all the entities from Mother Gaia, then that shield will be put around the planet and none of the Negative Ones or uninvited guests are going to able to land on Earth without our permission or permission from your new leaders.
I am really happy and joyful about it, because we are seeing tremendous progress happening on Earth. I am Ashtar and I am grateful for being in service to humanity. Mother Earth, we call her Gaia, Mother Crista, different names, she is already in 5D, what your seeing right now it’s just her reflection, so humanity is moving and following in her footsteps. You are now between 3rd and 5th dimension, you are right in the middle. Each day brings you closer and closer to your destination, your destination to the New Golden Age.
Regarding the funds, prosperity funds they are also on the way and I am not going to talk too much about it. Prime Creator in his next message will disclose more information on it. I am just mentioning for now, so you would be aware that everything what we said is coming your way, just trust yourself, support and love yourselves and help each other unite together and everything will be the way it was planned by Divine, Prime Creator and by everyone else who have been serving and helping you through this long Ascension Process, the first one ever in the history of the Galaxy.
I am so proud of all you, my crew and everyone who has been working on this process by sticking around and not giving up on yourselves. I want to let you know that my crew, counselors and Galactic Federation have always been on your side and always will be. We here to support and guide you through Ascension to 5D. I would like to express my gratitude to the light warriors who put their life on line everyday and didn’t give up. Every moment that they are here, they are helping humanity to continue their journey to the final phase.

I am Ashtar and I was happy to be channeled today. I am sending you all my support and love to all of you and I will be back soon with another message.
Thank you.
Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:57
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Sexta-feira, 8 de Maio de 2020

How to Strengthen your Mind

How to Strengthen your Mind

El Morya

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 8th, 2020



Yes, I am El Morya, and I am here to speak to you on this question.
How do you strengthen your minds?
You have powerful minds but at the moment, for many, they have not been exercised enough. As you work out your cardio, your legs and your abdominals, so should you work out your minds. Those who practise in the ancient arts of judo, tai-kwan doe and more, understand that the body responds to the mind and the real strength of the fighter is in the mind.
In your western societies, you strengthen your bodies without strengthening your minds. For neither is it likely that you must defend against accost as generally, your world has moved away from that, however to be fit is a goal for all. However, the holistic approach to fitness is to have a keen mind that is the driver of the body. And in the west, you have flabby minds.
Me: LOL. I know he’s going to use me as a subject!
ElM: If you wish.
Me: Why not? Ivo does too.
ElM: When I say that you have a flabby mind, my child, it is because you think as an overweight person would; you believe yourself to be overweight, and so your mind directs your body to comply. It has nothing to do with the food you eat as much as it has to do with the way you think. You understand that in your 20’s you used creative visualization, after having read Shakti Gawain’s book, to help you lose 30 pounds. You were visualizing this weight loss and in so doing, directed your body to comply.
Me: Yes, I remember that. I think I was a size 10 or 12 after that. I wish.
ElM: So, as well with your financial situation. You think as an impovershed victim of your circumstances at times and so you create the circumstances you fear. Your thinking is fear based. You paid this month for a large car appointment and then your feline became ill. So we worked on retrieving the health of your feline and he is back to his cantankerous self, attacking your hand as you go to pet him. He has only sneezed once today so I would say that our healing him was very effective indeed. You were right to call me. I am here to show you your power. I am the chohan of the blue ray and you are a blue ray that has forgotten her way.
Me: Well, please show us all, Father.
ElM: Your minds are very strong, when it comes to creating fear. You have been schooled your entire lives in learning and expressing fear, and now you must turn your minds around and learn to express power. You are on this path, my child, and I am here to help you.
Brother Ivo has gone into much detail about the expressions of fear in your lives: arrogance, manipulation, control, lack of belief in oneself, personalizing life, blaming all on yourself… so many things, however as you clear those from your mind and begin to step into your power, you will find you have flabby mental muscles.
At one point again, my child, you were reading, “Wisdom of the Mystic Masters,” by Joseph Reed, and this Rosicrucian master gave the practise that was necessary to improve your mind. He had you hold numbers in your head and multiply them, he had you focusing on colours in your mind and holding that focus, he had you memorizing paragraphs from books and reciting them. This is practising your lower mind to strengthen it.
To strengthen one’s lower mind is to prepare the proper ground for your soul to manifest itself through you in the physical. With a weak, flabby mind, your soul can not do much. You must prepare the body and the mind to house your higher being, and this is done through physical exercise and proper nutrition, and then through memorization and retention of one’s focus. You say that you cannot hold an image long in your mind’s eye before it changes. Were you able to do so you would be able to portray extraterrestrials you see as your friend Christine does. She is an amazing artist because she can naturally hold an image in her mind. When you paint, you work from a picture or photo. You must paint from your mind, dispense with the photo. Attempt to paint what you see in your mind. You did so yesterday as you were shown as scene of what is above your city. The image of the barracks and the spheric tower containing fluids was there, and you retained the blacktop. You saw the black and the white, however, the colours were not there for you.
Me: Yes.
ElM: So you must continue to use your mind to see what your higher mind sees. In more abundant colour, holding the images longer, keeping your focus. To do this, training by doing simple and then more complicated math exercises in your head, without writing down the numbers, is how you can begin. Hold a colour in your mind. Hold an image from your past. Hold an image of what you would like your world to look like. Hold a fantasy image in your mind, move around within it and describe it in words. This brings it into the mental mind.
Always describe the image in words as you are viewing or creating it. This works the left hemisphere in tandem with the right hemisphere. It makes it harder to hold, but this practise should be done.
Do you see what I am intending?
Me: Yes, I get it. Getting the two hemispheres to work together. Strengthening the left hemisphere.
I think a lot of people could just work to keep thoughts from wandering. I know at times that when I meditate that I’m getting a lot of thought interference.
ElM: That is because you are in the lower dimensions. When you take your meditation into the upper dimensions, you cease to experience “noise” and “head chatter” from your lower mind. This mind has to be silenced. It has to work for you, not against you. So it takes practise at these exercises.
Should you not do so, your lower mind will continue to work against your progress by distracting you, upsetting you and reducing your frequency. It must be put in alignment with your will for it, not its will for you.
ElM: You must learn that much of what your lower mind involves itself with is external to you. You share your lower mind with your controllers who beam waves of energy in to mesmerize the population and so you have many thoughts that do not suit a higher purpose. Why give them heed? Ignore them.
Me: I do.
ElM: They will not stop. You must ignore them. This is mind control, externalized thought control of your minds that is being introduced, and you must learn to control your mind such that you do not hear the thoughts, in the same way that you at one time ignored your higher mind in favour of listening to these internalized transmissions. Do you understand?
Me: Yes, both are possible.
ElM: Exactly. Listen to your god mind. Hold that intention. Train your lower mind to listen to higher thoughts and ignore the transmissions of mind control. It can be done and your people are ready to do this. Especially you.
Me: Yes.
ElM: Any practise where focus is brought to an object, memorization of passages, retention of images within the mind, is good practise for your mind. Be sure that this practise is one of higher awareness, and not a focus on anything degrading to another, pornographic, or of ill will, otherwise this will be released from your mind by your higher self. Focus on the image of a flower, perhaps, a bird, a baby’s face. In doing so, you also open the heart and have practise keeping it open as well.
This is another way you strengthen your mind – your heart mind. You focus on keeping the mind conditioned and the heart loving.
It is time.
I am your father, here for you at your behest.
I AM El Morya

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:04
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Overcoming Limitations

Overcoming Limitations

El Morya

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted May 7th, 2020



I am El Morya and I have a message for you of the Light.
You do not recognize your strength. Every day, you put so much effort into strengthening your body but you do not realize that you must strengthen your mind as well.
The strongest part of you is your mind, not your body. Your body was created by your mind. Your mind is the driving force of consciousness upon your planet. Your consciousness is filtered down through your mind and your mind decides what it will perceive and what it will not perceive.
You could realistically change your entire world right now. Many of you have crossed your countries, going ocean to ocean or ocean to land, and you have created an entirely new world for yourself in having made that move. Had you stayed where you were, circumstances would have remained the same unless of course, you change your mind. Your mind is what brings new circumstances to your life.
When you believe that you can alter the weather, you can alter the weather. When you believe you can resist the virus, then you can resist the virus. It is simply what you believe.
What you fear comes through to you for resolution because this is not part of Christ. You are christ and what is not part of you, when you create something that is not a part of your truth, you are resisting yourself. Truth is a part of who you are. Truth is the rule upon which you function in the same way that your world functions with natural laws – you have trees, you have birds, you have water, you have animals, dirt and land…. these are the rules of your world, and your world of your consciousness is truth. There is your world.
You are creatures of God, you are part of God and you must stand in your own Light. To do otherwise is to fail yourself and to fail the world in which you live. There is no choice. You must do so. Now is the time, particularly now, as this world needs you now. You must do whatever you can, but the first thing you must do is to stop believing that you are limited. You are unlimited. Because God is unlimited. Do you see limits in God? No, there are rules but these are not limits, but God is unlimited and so are you.
Anything you desire, you can create. When you desire a world free of viruses, of suffering, of struggling, then you can create that world by focusing on it. You must know with absolute surety that you can create it. You are all being tested to remove your doubts, to remove your fears because doubt comes from fears, and bring God into your life, because you are a god.
You are a powerful being. You must exercise this power now.
It is that simple.
I remain El Morya.
Do you believe that to create new circumstances for yourself that you must move your physical circumstances. But in fact you can spend your entire life where you are and just continue to attract to you that what you wish to have. Physical movement is not required.
But if I want a bigger house?
I ask him and my response is.
Your house is a limitation that you set upon yourself. Your life is about overcoming your limitations so when you set a life of limitation up for yourself, then you must overcome this limitation.
Okay so if I want a bigger house … that’s true, many just create a bigger house all the time. Build onto what you have, or maybe the landlord will sell the apartment building and you can take 2 units.
When you limit yourself, look to see if there is a way that you can change your circumstances using your mind, not your body
Thank you El Morya.
So I have another question for you, Father.
I am here.
I want to get a house but it has to be one where Ivo and other galactics can land their ships. I live in a city with people around me so landing a ship isn’t possible here. How would I deal with that? The galactics don’t want to be seen by the general public and need a place that’s remote, and they also specified near water.
ElM: So there are physical parameters which are specified which requires your moving.
Me: Yes. So there’s no way to create that where I am.
ElM: No. You are creating that right now in knowing that there is a house which is waiting for you to purchase which fits your requirements but now physical movement is necessary.
Me: Ah! So you’re saying that changing things with your mind doesn’t work in all cases.
ElM: You in fact have a time limit.
Me: Yes, like before I die.
ElM: Otherwise you could create that circumstance where you are. However you are limited by your physicality in the respect of time. You only live so long. So this does require physical movement.
My information to you was based on many aspects of your life. I see you have moved many times in your life and this was not all necessary.
Me: Howso?
ElM: Had you used your mind you could have quieted noisy neighbours, so this accounts for the majority of problems you encountered in your places of dwelling, does it not?
Me: It does. There were many noise problems.
ElM: So then, using your mind to still their need to create noise or their stress, anxiety and other such emotions that seek outlet can be done through the power of your mind.
Your people engage in much physical movement and wishful thinking. As it happens, you created a much quieter place of dwelling for yourself now in your last move.
Me: I needed it.
ElM: You could have attracted quieter tenants for the last apartment. Movement was not necessary.
Me: There were laundry soap issues too.
ElM: Ah yes. This could have been dealt with as well at a higher metaphysical level. Yes, perhaps purchasing soap and distributing it to all tenants who used the washing room beneath you would be one solution. As it is, your desire to have the tenants upstairs removed from the building was effective because they did move.
Me: Yes. Took a while.
ElM: To speed up these circumstances, have a more positive mindset. It directs more energy towards the magnetization of the goal.
Me: What are some other examples of this, taking some from my past for example.
ElM: You now desire a washing machine.
Me: Yes, I have a dryer and no washer. LOL
ElM: You can magnetize one for free.
Me: How so?
ElM: They are there. It is possible. Charity is given daily. But you understand your feelings when I said the word “charity” and you see that you would not wish to have a free washer because it is charity. You believe in giving, but not in receiving.
Me: Yes.
ElM: So you would prefer to pay a minimal sum. That is the solution you think best, so you are limiting your choices.
Me: Yes.
ElM: For the advanced student of alchemy, there is the changing of energy into other atomic structures. St Germaine speaks of turning ore into gold and this can be done by all of you. You believe a process of high pressure is the only way to turn coal into gold but that is nonsense. Your science is limited and it makes you believe in limitations. It has been done already by some upon earth – the changing of ore into gold. Water into wine. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat, so to speak. Magic is very possible.
You have shut off your computer with your mind as it has a crystal chip in it. Understand that as all your technology becomes more crystalline, you can effect it yourselves. It is a question of learning to work with it, and that has to do with frequency. When in a bad mood, you find your computer acting up. Even the software changes screens, shuts down, etc. This is due to your mood.
Me: I find my ethernet cable doesn’t work as well as the wifi.
ElM: Because you wake up in a bad mood, my child. You are affecting the chip and the limited connection is more affected than wifi which can work independently of your mood.
Me: LOL Waking up with low blood sugar.
ElM: Try re-inserting the ethernet cable when your mood has improved. It will function better. You have no idea of the impact your fields have on devices around you.
Me: Thanks. This is very interesting. If I can think of any other examples to ask you, may I?
ElM: Of course. I stop at nothing to show you your godly self.
Me: Thank you, Father.
ElM: I AM El Morya.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 15:25
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Domingo, 19 de Abril de 2020

Fake Covid-19 Virus as Inside War Rages On!

Fake Covid-19 Virus as Inside War Rages On!

Benjamin Fulford Interviewed 

By Prepare For Change.

Posted April 17, 2020 by Richard Small.




In today’s interview recorded on the 16th April 2020, we catch up with Benjamin again to discuss what’s going on in the on-going secret war. We discuss COVID-19, 5G and it’s relation to making the pandemic worse. We also discuss people being Coronerd, i.e. celebrities and leaders being picked up for questioning as part of ongoing military tribunals. We cut through the narrative BS surrounding the latest IMF loan forgiveness for 111 counties and discuss gold, especially off-ledger gold, how much is there and does it really exist or is it just rumours. As well as many other topics.
For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here: https://prepareforchange.net/category/interviews/benjamin-fulford-interviews
Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:21
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Quarta-feira, 15 de Abril de 2020

Cobra Update: Victory Report.

Cobra Update: 

Victory Report.


Posted April 15, 2020 by Richard Small.

Our mass meditation was a huge, enormous success. About 8 million people were informed, with over 1.1 million actually participating.
Collective display of unity was amazing:

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, has given a nod to our meditation at the exact moment when the meditation started:
— jack (@jack) April 5, 2020
We have literally saturated the planetary quantum field with our focused, unified intent, influencing the geomagnetic field:

Our meditation has proven that if enough focused intent is present and if a vision is strong enough, the awakened part of the surface population in able to act in unity. This means that when the Event happens, many of the surface Lightworks and Lightwarriors may be included in certain operations of the Light Forces which were before considered off limits. The Light Forces will give direct instructions for this when the time is right.
Our meditation has been able to curb the spread of the virus. The number of new infections worldwide has peaked on April 4th just before the meditation, and is in decline ever since:
We were also able to additionally stabilize the positive Ascension timeline which will stop New World Order plans for mass depopulation in its tracks.
Their plan has three phases: a) release the virus, b) crash the economy, c) depopulate.
Third phase will never happen so we do not need to go into details, second phase will have limited effects and we will now look more into the details of the first phase of their plan.
This plan was finalized by Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and others on a meeting in Manhattan in 2009:
Actual creation of the virus was an international cooperation of labs in USA, Canada and China, with final phases of the virus creation being done in Wuhan:

Wuhan biolab connection is something China wants to suppress:

And something Trump administration wants to investigate:

And some lawsuits are already being filed:

According to sources, the actual creation of the virus involved teams under supervision of Bill Gates. Frank Plummer, a former director of Canadian biolab which was involved in the creation of the virus, was directly involved in the creation of the virus himself, was a MK-Ultra controlled victim of the Cabal, was developing the virus against his will and was killed by the Cabal before he could talk too much:

According to sources, Anthony Fauci was involved in the creation of the virus as well:

While the Pleiadians were able to contain the Chinese strain of the virus , the Cabal agents have injected three different strains of the virus in South Korea, Iran and Italy. Korean and Iranian strains were contained, but the Italian one was not and is now responsble for vast majority of infections worldwide.
Here it is interesting to note that not even one of about 60 members of my Lightworkers team in Wuhan got infected. They were using Command RCV Stardust protocol daily.
The Cabal has ordered the EU countries to keep the borders with Italy open and the outbreak was able to spread throughout Europe, and later with direct flights from Milan to New York also to the United States. The Cabal has also engineered the coronavirus tests to be unavailable in the US for long enough so that the infection could spread, and opposed travel restrictions:

This has allowed Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom, George Soros, Jared Kushner, Jiang Zemin and others to further their plans for global vaccination and 18 month lockdowns:

Bill Gates is the mastermind behind this, trying to microchip the population:
Bill Gates had a strong connection with Jeffrey Epstein:

Tedros Adhanom, the head of WHO, has very shady past also:

All of the abovementioned people have a strong financial interest in propagating the virus and then developing a vaccine:
And manipulating the data about the virus:
There is strong opposition to their plans, and Robert Kennedy Jr., a member of the Kennedy White Nobility bloodline, was threatened indirectly by two of his relatives being killed to make him stop his anti-vaccine work:

Instead, RFK Jr. is fighting back, exposing Gates:
The following petition is also going viral, and you can sign if you feel so guided:

And now, Bill Gates Cabal faction is already losing:

With more reliable medical information and evidence about the coronavirus being released:

Together with some alternative perspectives on the virus:

It appears that we are far closer to herd immunity than we thought, and the pandemic may be soon over for good:
Sweden, which did not impose lockdowns, is going through the pandemic fairly well:

Regarding the second phase of the Cabal’s plans (crashing the economy), there are already talks in the mainstream about a debt jubilee:

And mass distribution of wealth by the Fed:
Which would not be so difficult to do, if we disregard the consequent hyperinflation, as the Fed could easily print the money:

Current coronavirus situation is turning more and more into a global initiation into the next level of evolution in the planetary Ascension process:

With Pleiadians being more and more involved.
This video of Pleiadian motherships was recorded on March 26th:

It shows a small fleet of Pleiadian motherships, each about 7 miles long, that came from the far side of the Moon and then across Endymion crater in a Low Lunar Orbit (LLO) about 30 miles above lunar surface, casting shadows on lunar terrain.
Those motherships look like this:
Main Pleiadian fleet was able to use the Pleiades-Venus conjunction portal on April 4th and now they are positioned in inner Solar System, fully ready and operational, ready to assist in the planetary liberation:
They are also developing a more advanced version of stardust technology which will make the virus less lethal and dangerous. There are already reports from credible medical sources that the virus has mutated in a less dangerous strain.
I am not at liberty to release any intel about current planetary liberation operations, the only thing I can say is when the mass arrests really do happen, news about them will be released through the mainstream media.
The war is not over yet, and we need to keep holding the Light.
Victory of the Light!

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:29
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Sexta-feira, 3 de Abril de 2020

The Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule.

By BlairIn5D.com.

April 1, 2020.




“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”
The above you may recognize as the “golden rule”. A hipper way to say it is simply “We over Me”. Every religious teaching I have found has this same teaching, although true to us “me” humans, everyone claims that their religion was first, or said it best, or really really means it….. And so it goes. Perhaps another war will settle it once and for all.

All of my articles flow from Spirit as I am incapable of this level of inspiration on my own. While I don’t sit in a trance and write, I do listen to what I am told to write down with only minor edits which becomes the substance of each article. This article is no exception.

In this time of exceptional fear based energy, it is worth while to not only revisit the golden rule, but to fully understand what it means. Taken as written and applied literally, the rule suggest that a large boisterous man that hits his buddies hard on the shoulder, sees hoarding as a game to be won or lost and kills those that dishonor him should indeed treat others that same way because that is his view of life. He will, of course, never be threatened with his own life because he would never dishonor another based upon his rules of honor. The rest is simply a game and he is big enough to take what he desires. This is obviously an extreme example, but you get the point.

Our extreme human example is applying his rules and view of the world to everyone else and treating others in a manner consistent with his reality. He is treating people as he expects to be treated under his rules. But is he really applying the “golden rule”? This “eye for an eye” mentality misses the mark. It is the My way or the highway rule, not We over Me.

The rule, when properly understood and applied, requires empathy, respect and understanding for others that do not view the world as you do. How would you have others treat you? You would want them to understand your fears, your customs, your values and treat you in a way that honors and respects all of who you are, right? That means you have to work to understand the fears, customs and values of others and treat them in a way that honors and respects all of who they are. Get it? You need to stand in the shoes of others and then apply the rule to your actions toward those you interact with as if you are them. That changes things drastically! It’s the “We” rule, not the “Me” rule.

Lets apply this to a practical situation. You are a person that is healthy and careful not to spread germs. You follow all the guidelines and would be personally hurt if you knowingly infected anyone with a virus or disease. You walk into a store and are confronted with an individual that is over the top scared of catching whatever you might be carrying to the point of being quite offensive and rude. That person actually suggest that you are selfishly infecting others by your presense.

If you apply the extreme rule, you would politely school this person on the appropriate behavior to not spread germs and let that person know you follow those guidelines. You would explain your view of the world and your rules without acknowledging the other person’s point of view. In effect, you are ignoring this person’s “over the top” fear of infection and this person’s right to hold a view contrary to yours.

Now apply the rule that requires empathy, respect and understanding. Put yourself in this person’s shoes and try to understand her fear. Rational or not, the fear is real and drives this person’s words and actions. Perhaps you apologize for making her uncomfortable and offer to remove yourself from the situation. Let that person know you respect and understand their position. You don’t have to agree with them, but you can empathize with their fear given their perspective and take steps to relieve their anxiety by changing your behavior or withdrawing from the situation. In effect, you are sending that person Love and recognizing that we are all part of the One.

To properly apply the “rule” requires that we not judge. Don’t judge others or ourselves. Judgement will throw us off the mark every time. Empathy, respect and understanding through unconditional Love is the only way to recognize who we truly are as Holy Children of the Universe. It will guide us through these fear based energies and unite humanity as a whole.

Perhaps by creating a common enemy in the form of a virus, we have given ourselves the tool to come together as one and stop the wars that divide us.

Now we are doing yoga….

Blair is the co-owner of Yoga Daily in Mt. Pleasant, SC. He is a certified yoga instructor, recovering lawyer and a spiritual student. The content of this blog is what Blair considers to be universal truths that span all dogma and religion and it is offered to you in Love and Light. Check out The Daily Yogi for additional blog entries. You can contact Blair at blair@yogadailymountpleasant.com. Yoga is but one path to the knowing that we are all one. Please take what resonates with you and leave the rest without judgement or offense.
Image: Pixabay
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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:54
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Quinta-feira, 2 de Abril de 2020

Why is this crisis happening? A higher perspective.

Why is this crisis happening? 

A higher perspective. 

Our first insights from the living library, the ancient energies of Palenque, Mexico.  With the Maya Ancestors and The Star Elders 

through Aluna Joy

Palenque, Mexico. 2020/03/18,19.


A message you might have missed, as it was only posted on FB
(More frequent energy reports and insights and comments are posted on Facebook here:
Humanity as a whole has been living backwards moving away from spirit and are becoming more lost into the material world. This was always part of the greater plan. You have been exploring increasing levels of separation from source for over 26,000 years. You felt that you could have not been more divided from each other this last month. But you were wrong. Humanity is no longer divided into one extreme side or another. You are now all separated from each other. Separation from source, its insights and the perspectives it offers us, has reached its furthest point possible, while still being able to maintain your physical body. Many thousands of light rebels have been holding threads of light to keep the Earth from slipping past a tipping point of no return in this grand exploration process. (and this means you reading this). So here you are. 
Humanity wanted to see how far we could remove ourselves from the ONE and not be lost. Humanity has become separated from each and every living being in more ways than you could have ever imagined. Now, you are afraid of each other because of a virus. The only way humanity can obtain true, godly unity and divine oneness is to feel the total impact of the extreme opposite of oneness. You needed to feel total isolation laced with extreme, collective fear. You need to feel the impact of not being able to trust any source but yourself, while feeling the end is unknown and the future is unseeable. This time has been a big surprise and a huge shock to your system. Shock opens you up to hidden, unprocessed vaults within you. Humanity will learn many things, in very real and human ways, in the coming weeks and months. 
Your world has been put on pause to face the atrocities of living out of balance with the natural world. This is a great opportunity to allow yourself to feel and clear things you did not have time for in the past. While you are isolated and asked to slow down your busy days, many issues and deep wounds that you have avoided, up to now, will come up to be healed. Take this incredibly concentrated time to accomplish years of spiritual clearing that would have otherwise taken many years.
You will begin to see the illusion in that you are separate. You could not ever be separate even if you lock yourself away and hide from the world. You are all connected to everyone. You cannot break this bond. This illusion of separation is the most deep and absolute illusion of your reality. You will see through this illusion.
Soon, humanity will have the opportunity to begin to return to a more natural, mindful balance. A huge wave in humanity will profoundly and deeply awaken in the coming months. In their quiet retreats, they will see the illusions that were programmed into their DNA. They will begin see the mass, global madness that we have become use to. They will discover the truth. 
The great opposition, the creators of this unprecedented situation, will not reach their goal of disempowering or controlling humanity. Their plans are already beginning to backfire. They will only make you stronger in the light, and unshakable in your knowing your inner truth. In the most highest perspectives, this was the divine plan all along, and it is going according to plan. 
Because humanity has become accustomed to living in a way that takes you further from natural balance and oneness, what will come next might feel that it is going in the wrong direction. It might feel like reversing time, because you are used to life the way it was flowing. But the truth is you are actually beginning to flow with a natural flow of time that is ever living, changing, moving and evolving with life. It will be unfamiliar and sometimes scary times for you ahead. But simplifying and refocusing your lives on what is important and NEEDED, not what is simply WANTED, will be key to you evolving in the right direction.
Your Earth’s ecology is already recovering at rapid rates. The atmosphere is clearing, and the waters are clearing. Earth knows how to balance herself. She is strong. You cannot kill her, but you can destroy yourself. Your needs and your spiritual path callings are always in balance with Earth. Your wants are from ego and come from access and greed... and most of all, it comes from fear and lack that you can heal in the days ahead. Humanity must be aware of this and learn to be in harmony with the Earth so as not self-annihilate, but to live on into a new future on a healthy, balanced Earth. Be aware. Listen and watch with new ears, new eyes and open hearts to pure, unpredictable possibility. This time is your opportunity. 
Great blessing to you all. Be safe. Be well .... BE LOVE
Aluna Joy
www.AlunaJoy.com  -  Copyrighted 2020
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... and we simply can not answer all your emails, but we sure do want to.
Copyright Aluna Joy Yaxkin © 2020 www.alunajoy.com 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:14
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