Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We speak to you each week from the perspective of your being on an Earth that changes by the hour in terms of vibration and the resulting new reality you are molding.
This you create with your words, your intentions, your visions and feelings about life, and how things are going for your beautiful Lady Gaia, and your expectations of how life shall continue on this planet.
We speak often of your increasing empowerment as you realize your presence as co-Creators, for it has long been your training to look at outer circumstances and feel that that is what determines the quality of your life—the content and experience of it.
Yet we assure you, friends, nothing could be further from the truth
You are far more than observers of and reactors to What Is, and yet—yes, it is also a gift, to move into Observer mode when you wish to create some distance, particularly emotional distance between you and what you see happening outwardly.
We are asking you to understand that the amount of higher assistance flowing to you now is astounding and unprecedented.
And that that is not a matter of “rescue,” but a matter of your and Gaia’s increasingly ability to hold a higher vibration.
This in turn opens many more energetic portals for Ascension, for freedom from old constraints, and for an end to the current machinations of those who would discourage or end that progression.
You are no one’s minion, as we have said many times.
You are lord and lady masters of that which is, and is yet to be.
As you step out of Time and into the higher realms in your meditation time, you know it to be so.
You begin to remember more and more Who you are and why you have come in at this time which appears to have fallen into chaos and loss.
Take this moment, this blank canvas you face now, and create as you will, guided by your own soul and higher self, and the very high, refined, beautiful notes of clarity, new life, and rebirth being sung in the higher realms by every Light being “holding space” now for Earth’s renewal and Ascension.
The reason you are seeing or hearing of increasing numbers of ships in the sky, is due to an increase in movement by those benevolent galactic friends assisting Earth’s beings, and moving to protect those held under various forms of density by the old regime.
As you look up at the sky, hopeful to see the ship of an old friend or family member, know that you are already visiting with them in your nightly travels, during your sleep state.
And that you already know deep down how they are assisting and why, and that they have no intention of letting Earth (or you) fall through any cracks in the façade, as the old forms crumble so that new ones may be birthed.
You are already becoming those beautiful beings you have dreamt of, have prayed for, have believed in and envisioned.
Move to the next step, and co-Create your own Joy, your own refusal to be discouraged now, as you move into greater heights of awareness and manifestation ability.
Yes, this is a demanding time to be on the planet, and yes—it is the time you have been waiting for.
Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.