Domingo, 19 de Abril de 2020

What is True for You


What is True for You

Inspiration for the Week.

Archangel Gabriel 

Through Shanta Gabriel.

April 19, 2020 


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For our Sunday inspiration, this message from Archangel Gabriel is teaching us how to focus on what is most important in our lives.






The Gabriel Message Card for this week

Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.



There is so much information coming at us right now that it is difficult to take it all in. Especially my email, even if it seems really fascinating, it is often distracting me from what is essential and important for me to focus on. Learning how to resonate with the Truth in my heart has been an ongoing process of discovery.

I have been receiving the message that I need to prioritize. I have so many things that I love and am interested in, I find that I spend way too much time exploring or reading than keeping my focus on what I am working on. 

So one of the ways Archangel Gabriel suggests I sort out this process is by recognizing the resonance within my heart. If I feel at all obligated to do something, that is a sign that it is not in alignment with the resonance of my heart. Working from obligation does not work. I only want to follow my heart's calling.

Not only do I feel like there is too much to do sometimes, I also notice when I'm not leaving as much time for rest and nourishing activities like hiking in the forest. It is a priority for me now to slow down, breathe more deeply, and do only that which resonates with my heart. I may do only 5 of the 7 (or 180) things on my To Do List, but I will do them more consciously and with more focus of attention. That way they carry much more Love and Presence into the world. I also feel like I accomplish more when I bring my full consciousness into the project, and it helps me to enjoy the process.

I am realizing that there will always be more to do. What is essential is that I feel balanced and happy so I am truly thriving. That is what makes life more fulfilling and my work a true Joy.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for assisting me in bringing more clarity and awareness into my heart and mind. I offer all my work to the Divine Source, the Infinite Intelligence, that guides my work to help me prioritize all that I do each day. I ask to know by resonance in my heart, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what is important for me to focus on. Thank you for showing me what will most nourish and enhance all that I am so I can bring into the world only that which serves in the greatest way.

With every action that I take, may I and all beings, become more attuned to Source energy and in alignment with our Soul's Purpose. For these and all my blessings, I say thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
April 19, 2020



The Gabriel Messages #5

Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.



Dear One,


Every day you receive wisdom and guidance from the Angels. Sometimes this guidance comes from those around you — friends, family, teachers, strangers or signs in obvious places. Sometimes this wisdom comes as an inner urging. Whenever you receive guidance, if you tune within, you will feel a resonance when it is coming from a place of truth for you. You can call this your "God check." Create your own little sign that you can recognize when something is right for you. Then you have a way to really know what it is in your highest good at all times.
It is important to do this "God check" before your mental activity is engaged, because the mind creates confusion at times. It is the heart that is in tune with Infinite Intelligence. This is where you receive your truth. Many times what is in your highest good may not be the most rational of acts. You must be willing to do that which resonates deep within your heart as the most appropriate action for you to take.
The God within you knows the answers. Before you can hear them, however, it may take a little prayer you make to yourself in moments of decision, especially when you are receiving conflicting advice from many well-meaning people around you. Take the time to center into your heart, so you can know what is true for you.

One little ritual that may be helpful for you is to stop, take a deep breath, and say to yourself: "The God within me knows the truth in this situation." Take several deep breaths and continue with your life process. You will feel a resonance within yourself that is your true knowing. The more you act on this resonance, the stronger it will become. Be willing more and more to do that which your heart tells you is right for you, rather than following your rational thoughts or the suggestions of those around you.
No one knows more than you do what is truly in your highest good, when you are in that infinite connection to the Source of all life. Ask for this connection to be strong and clear.
It is very helpful to give thanks in advance for clear direction from God. This creates a frequency of energy within and around you that allows the Angels to bring you assistance. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way to bring about that which you most want in your life. Be clear about the qualities you want, such as joy, wisdom, love, prosperity, and peace. All of these qualities represent the energy of the universe that is always available to you. You must ask for them directly in order to receive them. You also need to keep bringing your focus of attention back to what you want, rather than focusing on what you don’t want in your life.
So the steps we are suggesting in order to bring about a higher level of order in your life are:

Stop, breathe, ask, give thanks, and then be willing to receive on a level you have never believed possible. Allow the universal energy of the Archangels to work in your life.

When you come from this high level of intention, you will begin to sense within you the resonance of your highest truth. And from this place comes Divine Right Action.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:  


Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
April 19, 2020




About Shanta


Shanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977. It is the inspired ancient practices she received at the ashram and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.


Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.


For more information about her classes as well as private sessions and products, visit


Compiled by from: 
  • Shanta Gabriel <>



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 21:07
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